Trump: I Won't Attend White House Correspondents Dinner

Trump can't handle a venue in which he doesn't have complete control over everybody and everything in it. He also never laughs. He smiles, smirks, mocks and mimics. But notice he never laughs. The WHCD requires everyone in the room to be able to take a joke and have at least a modicum of self-deprecating humor. Trump has neither. He would rather walk into a burning house with a can of gasoline than attend that dinner.
He is Bubble Boy....pampered for 70 years...
Keep an eye on the DNC everyone, because they may be going deeper and deeper into electing racist and anti-jewish leaders into their top positions now, and if so you will see a huge push back soon by the nation if it has any sense left at all. Anyone tired of the bull crap yet ??
I I will have to insist that you hie your hysterical ass out of here....
. You must have a really short term memory, because Obama got on the campaign trail for Hillary, and he started campaigning for her, and attacking Trump along with his wife the same. Trump only gives back what he gets, other than that he is our president now, and the nation as a whole should be proud.
Trump is only being treated the same way red state conservatives and the GOP congress treated Obama over the last 8 years!!!!
. Obama deserved it, but this is just vengence for Obama, and not so much that he (Trump) deserves it, because he hasn't even been given the same chances that Obama got yet. Why not wait till a policy fails on it's own merits, and then carry on about it ?
Trump won't be given the chance red state tribal conservatives believes he deserves!! Trump will be tested early and often and protested for the next 4 years!!!!! Let the divide grow ever this country.
Spoken like a treasonous subversive.
Trump will be impeached in two years! Trump has always played it loose with the laws of this country
Always, eh? He's only been president for a month.
Trump is only being treated the same way red state conservatives and the GOP congress treated Obama over the last 8 years!!!!
. Obama deserved it, but this is just vengence for Obama, and not so much that he (Trump) deserves it, because he hasn't even been given the same chances that Obama got yet. Why not wait till a policy fails on it's own merits, and then carry on about it ?
Trump won't be given the chance red state tribal conservatives believes he deserves!! Trump will be tested early and often and protested for the next 4 years!!!!! Let the divide grow ever this country.
Spoken like a treasonous subversive.
Trump will be impeached in two years! Trump has always played it loose with the laws of this country
Always, eh? He's only been president for a month.

You don't think Trump existed before the election? He has a long public history of being a cheating ass hole .
Trump can't handle a venue in which he doesn't have complete control over everybody and everything in it. He also never laughs. He smiles, smirks, mocks and mimics. But notice he never laughs. The WHCD requires everyone in the room to be able to take a joke and have at least a modicum of self-deprecating humor. Trump has neither. He would rather walk into a burning house with a can of gasoline than attend that dinner.

What you vile lefties do is not self deprecating humor, it is vile vicious shit.

He would have a better chance walking into a burning house with a can of gasoline, than putting himself at a disadvantage with scum like lefties.

Wow, instant meltdown. Your skin isn't much thicker than Donald's.
Trump can't handle a venue in which he doesn't have complete control over everybody and everything in it. He also never laughs. He smiles, smirks, mocks and mimics. But notice he never laughs. The WHCD requires everyone in the room to be able to take a joke and have at least a modicum of self-deprecating humor. Trump has neither. He would rather walk into a burning house with a can of gasoline than attend that dinner.
. No he's just not the dam fool you wish he were, and he just keeps on escaping the traps you people keep setting up for him... You people would starve to death in the wild. LOL

"Traps you people keep setting up for him"?
The WH Correspondents Dinner is a fucking Washington tradition, you stupid goober.
. Obama deserved it, but this is just vengence for Obama, and not so much that he (Trump) deserves it, because he hasn't even been given the same chances that Obama got yet. Why not wait till a policy fails on it's own merits, and then carry on about it ?
Trump won't be given the chance red state tribal conservatives believes he deserves!! Trump will be tested early and often and protested for the next 4 years!!!!! Let the divide grow ever this country.
Spoken like a treasonous subversive.
Trump will be impeached in two years! Trump has always played it loose with the laws of this country
Always, eh? He's only been president for a month.

You don't think Trump existed before the election? He has a long public history of being a cheating ass hole .
. Yet you give Hillary (the weak pandering corrupt pantsuit queen), a pass eh ?? You hypocrites are killing me. So far Hillary's bull crap is proven, but you dream of Trump being corrupt in a fake news kind of way 24/7 eh ? LOL.
Trump can't handle a venue in which he doesn't have complete control over everybody and everything in it. He also never laughs. He smiles, smirks, mocks and mimics. But notice he never laughs. The WHCD requires everyone in the room to be able to take a joke and have at least a modicum of self-deprecating humor. Trump has neither. He would rather walk into a burning house with a can of gasoline than attend that dinner.
. No he's just not the dam fool you wish he were, and he just keeps on escaping the traps you people keep setting up for him... You people would starve to death in the wild. LOL

"Traps you people keep setting up for him"?
The WH Correspondents Dinner is a fucking Washington tradition, you stupid goober.
. It was until you goobers set it as a trap for Trump.
Yet you give Hillary (the weak pandering corrupt pantsuit queen), a pass eh ?? You hypocrites are killing me. So far Hillary's bull crap is proven, but you dream of Trump being corrupt in a fake news kind of way 24/7 eh ? LOL.

not one single thing has been proven about Hillary. Just more fake news. She could be corrupt. We'll never know because you clowns blurred the lines so much. Mind you, most politicians are corrupt in one form or another.

As for Trump not going to the correspondence dinner? What a wuss...girlie man.....
Trump is big talk then turns into a pussy when he has to be out of his safe space. He represents the Republican party to a tee
Trump won't be given the chance red state tribal conservatives believes he deserves!! Trump will be tested early and often and protested for the next 4 years!!!!! Let the divide grow ever this country.
Spoken like a treasonous subversive.
Trump will be impeached in two years! Trump has always played it loose with the laws of this country
Always, eh? He's only been president for a month.

You don't think Trump existed before the election? He has a long public history of being a cheating ass hole .
. Yet you give Hillary (the weak pandering corrupt pantsuit queen), a pass eh ?? You hypocrites are killing me. So far Hillary's bull crap is proven, but you dream of Trump being corrupt in a fake news kind of way 24/7 eh ? LOL.

You believe a lot of lies about Hillary, but we are talking about that orange clown. He has a well known history of being a spoiled bitch. That is not a baseless accusation. It's proven fact.
Yet you give Hillary (the weak pandering corrupt pantsuit queen), a pass eh ?? You hypocrites are killing me. So far Hillary's bull crap is proven, but you dream of Trump being corrupt in a fake news kind of way 24/7 eh ? LOL.

not one single thing has been proven about Hillary. Just more fake news. She could be corrupt. We'll never know because you clowns blurred the lines so much. Mind you, most politicians are corrupt in one form or another.

As for Trump not going to the correspondence dinner? What a wuss...girlie man.....
. Not a single thing has been proven about Trump, but that doesn't stop you all does it ??
Spoken like a treasonous subversive.
Trump will be impeached in two years! Trump has always played it loose with the laws of this country
Always, eh? He's only been president for a month.

You don't think Trump existed before the election? He has a long public history of being a cheating ass hole .
. Yet you give Hillary (the weak pandering corrupt pantsuit queen), a pass eh ?? You hypocrites are killing me. So far Hillary's bull crap is proven, but you dream of Trump being corrupt in a fake news kind of way 24/7 eh ? LOL.

You believe a lot of lies about Hillary, but we are talking about that orange clown. He has a well known history of being a spoiled bitch. That is not a baseless accusation. It's proven fact.
. Not criminal to be spoiled last I checked, but that doesn't stop you does it ?
Yet you give Hillary (the weak pandering corrupt pantsuit queen), a pass eh ?? You hypocrites are killing me. So far Hillary's bull crap is proven, but you dream of Trump being corrupt in a fake news kind of way 24/7 eh ? LOL.

not one single thing has been proven about Hillary. Just more fake news. She could be corrupt. We'll never know because you clowns blurred the lines so much. Mind you, most politicians are corrupt in one form or another.

As for Trump not going to the correspondence dinner? What a wuss...girlie man.....
. Not a single thing has been proven about Trump, but that doesn't stop you all does it ??

So why did he have to spend all that money to clear up all that scam college stuff?
I don't blame him. They are assholes! Who wants to hang with assholes?

Actually Willow it's the other way around. This pussy dude knew that most of the attendees will boycott the dinner. So to avoid embarrassment he canceled a very long time White House tradition.

This also tells you how Trump is doing running this country.
Trump will be impeached in two years! Trump has always played it loose with the laws of this country
Always, eh? He's only been president for a month.

You don't think Trump existed before the election? He has a long public history of being a cheating ass hole .
. Yet you give Hillary (the weak pandering corrupt pantsuit queen), a pass eh ?? You hypocrites are killing me. So far Hillary's bull crap is proven, but you dream of Trump being corrupt in a fake news kind of way 24/7 eh ? LOL.

You believe a lot of lies about Hillary, but we are talking about that orange clown. He has a well known history of being a spoiled bitch. That is not a baseless accusation. It's proven fact.
. Not criminal to be spoiled last I checked, but that doesn't stop you does it ?

Nope, but it is to cheat people with a fake college.
Yet you give Hillary (the weak pandering corrupt pantsuit queen), a pass eh ?? You hypocrites are killing me. So far Hillary's bull crap is proven, but you dream of Trump being corrupt in a fake news kind of way 24/7 eh ? LOL.

not one single thing has been proven about Hillary. Just more fake news. She could be corrupt. We'll never know because you clowns blurred the lines so much. Mind you, most politicians are corrupt in one form or another.

As for Trump not going to the correspondence dinner? What a wuss...girlie man.....
. Not a single thing has been proven about Trump, but that doesn't stop you all does it ??

So why did he have to spend all that money to clear up all that scam college stuff?
. Why did Hillary use bleachbit, and delete 33,000 emails of her daughter's wedding and the pet dog and stuff ?? Cough, spit, hack and cringe...... Why did she have an illegal server in a person's closet ?
I don't blame him. They are assholes! Who wants to hang with assholes?

Actually Willow it's the other way around. This pussy dude knew that most of the attendees will boycott the dinner. So to avoid embarrassment he canceled a very long time White House tradition.

This also tells you how Trump is doing running this country.
. He's doing quite well, and that's why you people are on suicide watch.
Yeah I don't really belong to a side. But clearly the butt hurt side is trump. Waaaa The media is unfair waaa The FBI is unfair waaa Saturday night live is unfair waaa i'll show them I'm not going to the media correspondence dinner

So, you missed the rioting and the calls for coups? Kind of trumps verbal complaints...
Well he wanted to be king president. Over half of voters chose Hillary. Does he think they'll just sit by quietly as he lies to their face everyday and tries to dismantle progress that has been made?

What "progress" is that?

Trump is president. If the snowflakes don't like his agenda, they should have worked harder to put that criminal Hillary in office.
But Ttrump is a criminal.

What crime did he commit?

Posted by jefhenningeresq in News.
Crime, Fraud, Law, News

When I speak with people about white collar crime, I emphasize the blur between what is a white collar crime case versus a civil case. In fact, I often say to a jury, this is just a civil case. Quite often, the only difference is where the money went.

Let’s look at Trump’s most recent failure. Just a quick note, I like Trump so I don’t have a natural bias against him. In 2006, Trump’s company was selling condo’s at Trump Ocean Resort Baja before construction on the property even began. These pre-construction sales are not uncommon. In fact, 188 units were sold for $122 million in one day at a December 2006 event in San Diego. Units for the Mexico property were selling for $300,000 to $3,000,000 and buyers had to put down 30%.

Fast forward to this year. Trump removed his name from the property in January and now the project has folded. The buyers are left with nothing. No property, no refund. Due to Mexican laws, there seems to be little recourse for the buyers due to the collapse of the project. Regardless, there is nothing criminal about a bad condo project in and of itself.

One issue I have is that these people probably didn’t know what they were doing. One woman described the purchase as occurring in less than a minute. There was also a herd mentality here as a large screen showed all the condo’s that were being purchased. Everyone clapped after each sale. They psychology at work there is fascinating.

So, in the middle of all this chaos, I have to imagine that there were many important details that were left out. Of course, this may be the buyer’s problem, or at worst, a civil issue. However, if false information was given, that is fraud, and it seems like there was at least some.

In an October 2007 newsletter to buyers, Ivanka Trump assured them that all Trump projects were immune to a slowdown. Of course, that sounds a lot like someone telling you that you can earn 10%+ every single year regardless of the economy. If the state of the company was much worse but buyers were led to believe otherwise, they may have been able to demand their money back and/or prepare for the possibility of losing all of their money.

The other problem here is that this really wasn’t a “Trump” property. Instead, it seems that Trump simply licensed his brand to another company. In fact, he wasn’t even an investor. I doubt any of the buyers knew about this. Of course, how can you blame them when Ivanka told the AP in 2007 that her father was the boss when she was asked about her father’s role in the project. She also said that he was involved in every capacity. Of course, if he is just lending his name to make a profit, he may not be rather involved.

I’m not saying that Donald Trump, his kids or his company should be arrested. I simply do not have that information and that is not my point. The point is, how is what his company did different from some other people that had businesses fail but are later arrested? Sometimes the company is more tightly controlled and you can show that the person running the company bought a new house, car, etc. Thus, the inference is that this was a scam to enjoy the luxury lifestyle. However, with a large company where no one person enjoyed an immense, direct profit, it is hard to pin down who profited and who is responsible. Especially when the business is vast and the failing project was just a small part of the overall business.

Of course, I have many clients where the business failed, there is no luxary and yet, there is still an arrest. In those cases, I think it comes down to who you are, who you know and whether the people who lost money have the means or ability to sue you. When it is too late to file a lawsuit or too expensive, criminal courts are used as a collection agency or just to satisfy a need for revenge.

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