Trump ignores DOJ warning wants FISA memo released

February 25, 2015: "I would release tax returns....I would certainly show tax returns if it was necessary....I have no objection to certainly showing tax returns."

January 24, 2016: "We're working on that now. I have very big returns, as you know, and I have everything all approved and very beautiful, and we'll be working that over in the next period of time....We're working on it right now, and at the appropriate time you'll be very satisfied."

February 25, 2016: "I will absolutely give my return, but I'm being audited now for two or three years, so I can't do it until the audit is finished, obviously."

May 10, 2016: "I'll release. Hopefully before the election I'll release."

September 26, 2016: "I don't mind releasing—I'm under a routine audit. And it'll be released....As soon as the audit's finished, it will be released."

October 9, 2016: "As soon as my routine audit is finished, I'll release my returns. I'll be very proud to. They're actually quite great."

As Peter Suderman noted last summer, the audit excuse was always bogus: Trump was free to release his tax returns whenever he wanted. But after Trump accepted his party's nomination in July, Suderman wrote, his campaign manager "confirmed what Trump's year-plus-long dodge on the matter has always implied: Donald Trump won't release his tax returns before the presidential election this November." Or afterward, it turns out.

Although Conway claimed "people didn't care" about Trump's tax returns, the fact that he won the election despite refusing to release them does not mean they contain no information of public interest. A CNN poll conducted in late September and early October found that 73 percent of voters thought he should release his tax returns. Last week an ABC News/Washington Post poll found that 74 percent of American adults still thought the public should be able to see the president's returns.

It's not clear what exactly Trump is hiding.

Trump Definitively Forsakes His Promise to Release His Tax Returns


President Donald Trump is incensed at reports that Robert Mueller, a former FBI director leading the independent investigation into possible collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia, is investigating Trump's business dealings and finances, including his tax returns.

Report: Trump is particularly disturbed that Mueller can dig through his tax returns
Mind wars, I suspect you wouldn't know a 'crooked criminal' if he shot somebody walking down 5th Avenue. And you sure can't tell whose ass is getting blown out of the water. And you are a tad off target about who is screaming 'fake' all the time too. You need a mind-truce. But for argument's sake, concerning the graph of Clinton Foundation what? The money doesn't go to the Clintons, not even for 6' portraits or Florida AG bribes. I am aware of your determination to resent anything I say, but I post this anyway just to let you know your rabid raving looks like, um..rabid raving. Charity Navigator - Rating for The Clinton Foundation

:rofl: he needs "a mind truce"

yeah, parsing fake news is haaard, but peddling it sure is simple!
You have got nothing.......and when the truth comes out that the attempt to weaponize the FISA courts? You aren gonna be even more pissed than you are now about the revelations of Wikileaks that pulled back the curtain of the utter corruption of the DNC.....

i've said this before and i'll say it again and again... that is one of the stooopidest fake news talking points often parroted by dumbos.

vlad's pals infiltrated and whispered in young bernie bros ear, *gasp* the democrat party has a preference for one candidate over another. OMFG the guy who never identified as a democrat never had a chance! the horror! the corruption! squawk squawk!

you frauds can keep pretending the FBI investigation is all about hillary "butt hurt" but the illegal infiltration of US elections by foreign spies is a big no no.

the FISA warrants were fully justified as the evidence will show. :thup:


the revelations of Wikileaks that pulled back the curtain >> "this just out, i love wiki leaks" :eusa_clap:
It's not a FISA memo. It's a partisan republican memo.

No, what it is going to show is that the Russian dossier paid for by the Clinton campaign was the excuse to weaponize the FISA courts to spy on anyone associated with President Trump's campaign. FISA judges balked at it so the Barrypuppet authorized the spying. Comey, Mueller, Lynch and even the Podesta brothers are involved in it. Admiral Mike Rogers (NSA head) had a meeting with President Trump to let him know and the Barrypuppet was livid.

Like I said, it's not a FISA memo. FISA courts had nothing to do with writing it. Partisan republicans wrote it, and there is no telling how much crazy made up shit is in it.
President Trump broke with the Department of Justice last week by calling for the release of a four-page “FISA memo” purportedly summarizing widespread surveillance absues by the FBI, DOJ and Obama Administration, reports the Washington Post.
Trump Ignores DOJ Warning, Wants FISA Memo Released

Well leftist hate when they don't have a leader who isn't kissing the ass of the leftist courts, democrats, DOJ, etc, etc. This is why they slam him and you all can't get it through your heads you were being lead into the death chambers by Obama, Clintons, Bush, etc...... He is undoing it all and you binkies are being pulled from your mouths now in the name of Freedom, Rights, and LIberty

LOOK who controls what you stupid fks believe half the time

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Hmmmm...I'm guessing that Fox and Friends were talking about it just before he called for its release.
It's not a FISA memo. It's a partisan republican memo.

No, what it is going to show is that the Russian dossier paid for by the Clinton campaign was the excuse to weaponize the FISA courts to spy on anyone associated with President Trump's campaign. FISA judges balked at it so the Barrypuppet authorized the spying. Comey, Mueller, Lynch and even the Podesta brothers are involved in it. Admiral Mike Rogers (NSA head) had a meeting with President Trump to let him know and the Barrypuppet was livid.


try fact-based reality

During the Republican primaries, a research firm called Fusion GPS was hired by The Washington Free Beacon, a conservative website, to unearth potentially damaging information about Mr. Trump. The Free Beacon — which was funded by a major donor supporting Mr. Trump’s rival for the party’s nomination, Senator Marco Rubio of Florida — told Fusion GPS to stop doing research on Mr. Trump in May 2016, as Mr. Trump was clinching the Republican nomination.


LMAO!!!!! From your own article!!!!!!

After Mr. Trump secured the nomination, Fusion GPS was hired on behalf of Mrs. Clinton’s campaign and the D.N.C. by their law firm, Perkins Coie, to compile research about Mr. Trump, his businesses and associates — including possible connections with Russia. It was at that point that Fusion GPS hired Mr. Steele, who has deep sourcing in Russia, to gather information.

yes, spew whatever you want, no matter how it flies in the face of reality.

Full transcript: FBI Director James Comey testifies on Russian interference in 2016 election

"The Russian active measures campaign may have begun as early as 2015
, when Russian intelligence services launched a series of spear fishing attacks designed to penetrate the computers of a broad array of Washington based Democratic and Republican party organizations, think tanks and other entities. This continued at least through the winter of 2016.

While at first the hacking may have been intended solely for the collection of foreign intelligence. In mid-2016 the Russians weapon eyes the stolen data and used platforms established by the Intel services, such as D.C. leaks in existing third-party channels like WikiLeaks to dump the documents. The stolen documents were almost uniformly damaging to the candidate Putin despised, Hillary Clinton. And by forcing her campaign to constantly respond to the daily drip of disclosures, the releases greatly benefited Donald Trump's campaign.

None of these facts is seriously in question. And they're reflected in the consensus conclusion of our intelligence agencies.

We will never know whether the Russian intervention was determinative in such a close election. Indeed, it is unknowable in a campaign to which so many small changes could have dictated a different result. More importantly, and for the purposes of our investigation, it simply does not matter.

What does matter is this, the Russians successfully meddled in our democracy and our intelligence agencies have concluded they will do so again. Ours is not the first democracy to be attacked by the Russians in this way. Russian intelligence has been simile interfering in the internal and political affairs of our European and other allies for decades.

SCHIFF: What is striking here is the degree to which the Russians were willing to undertake such an audacious and risky action against the most powerful nation on Earth. That ought to be a warning to us that if we thought that the Russians would not dare to so blatantly interfere in our affairs, we were wrong.

And if we do not do our very best to understand how the Russians accomplished this unprecedented attack on our democracy and what we need to do to protect ourselves in the future, we will only have ourselves to blame.

We know a lot about the Russian operation, about the way they amplified the damage their hacking and dumping of stolen documents was causing through the use of slick propaganda like R.T., the Kremlin's media arm. But there is a lot we don't know.

Most important, we do not yet know whether the Russians have the help of U.S. citizens including people associated with the Trump campaign. Many of the Trump's campaign personnel, including the president himself, have ties to Russia and Russian interests. This is of course no crime. On the other hand, if the Trump campaign or anyone associated with it aided or abetted the Russians, it would not only be a serious crime, it would also represent one of the most shocking betrayals of democracy in history."
What we are learning is that Hillary is the one who colluded with the Russians. For her participation in the Grammys last night in mocking him, Trump should let the DOJ throw the book at her.

President Trump broke with the Department of Justice last week by calling for the release of a four-page “FISA memo” purportedly summarizing widespread surveillance absues by the FBI, DOJ and Obama Administration, reports the Washington Post.
Trump Ignores DOJ Warning, Wants FISA Memo Released

Well leftist hate when they don't have a leader who isn't kissing the ass of the leftist courts, democrats, DOJ, etc, etc. This is why they slam him and you all can't get it through your heads you were being lead into the death chambers by Obama, Clintons, Bush, etc...... He is undoing it all and you binkies are being pulled from your mouths now in the name of Freedom, Rights, and LIberty

LOOK who controls what you stupid fks believe half the time

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So what if it is released?

The Federal government is a deep state. As to whether the citizens like it is inconsequential cuz they are now in control. There is no one left to protect us.

In a way, ignorance is bliss.
Like I said, it's not a FISA memo. FISA courts had nothing to do with writing it. Partisan republicans wrote it, and there is no telling how much crazy made up shit is in it
Good grief get your head out of your ass. The 4 pages consists of the redacted parts of the report. It's not a book report.
Your crooked criminals Obama and Clinton are getting their asses blown out of the water and the two are losing their battle . Obama and Clinton supporters can't stand their two whores are getting their lies blown out of the water we aren't done exposing the bs either. There's more coming as much as leftards sit back and laugh at it all . ALl they can do is scream fake put the truth pours and pours out like water being poured out of a pitcher.

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Mind wars, I suspect you wouldn't know a 'crooked criminal' if he shot somebody walking down 5th Avenue. And you sure can't tell whose ass is getting blown out of the water. And you are a tad off target about who is screaming 'fake' all the time too. You need a mind-truce. But for argument's sake, concerning the graph of Clinton Foundation what? The money doesn't go to the Clintons, not even for 6' portraits or Florida AG bribes. I am aware of your determination to resent anything I say, but I post this anyway just to let you know your rabid raving looks like, um..rabid raving. Charity Navigator - Rating for The Clinton Foundation

Clueless, if you only knew what you don't even know.......... and trust me you don't know a dam thing if you did your spewed bs wouldn't have been spewed

Trust you? Aren't you the same guillible soul that last week insisted that Alex Jones was releasing the 'secret memo' live?

And even after it was proven that the 'secret 4 page memo' Jones was 'releasing' was in fact a 99 page public court ruling from last clung to your batshit Infowars inspired idiocy for 2 days.

Why would I trust you?
You have got nothing.......and when the truth comes out that the attempt to weaponize the FISA courts? You aren gonna be even more pissed than you are now about the revelations of Wikileaks that pulled back the curtain of the utter corruption of the DNC.....

i've said this before and i'll say it again and again... that is one of the stooopidest fake news talking points often parroted by dumbos.

vlad's pals infiltrated and whispered in young bernie bros ear, *gasp* the democrat party has a preference for one candidate over another. OMFG the guy who never identified as a democrat never had a chance! the horror! the corruption! squawk squawk!

you frauds can keep pretending the FBI investigation is all about hillary "butt hurt" but the illegal infiltration of US elections by foreign spies is a big no no.

the FISA warrants were fully justified as the evidence will show. :thup:


the revelations of Wikileaks that pulled back the curtain >> "this just out, i love wiki leaks" :eusa_clap:

You can say it again daily for the next ten years for all I care but it doesn't change what is. I have written quite a bit about the death of Seth Rich as I know quite a bit about the circumstances. I also find it hilarious that you avoid discussing what was in those leaked and your leftard pals just scream "IT WAS THE ROOSKIES!!! DON'T READ THE E-MAILS!!!"

Well,'s all gonna come out and now the second perp (McCabe) was escorted out and there will be others and I suspect that there will be charges filed. This is bad, bad, bad news for the leftard/anti-President Trump commies. I hope you will stick around.

It's not a FISA memo. It's a partisan republican memo.

No, what it is going to show is that the Russian dossier paid for by the Clinton campaign was the excuse to weaponize the FISA courts to spy on anyone associated with President Trump's campaign. FISA judges balked at it so the Barrypuppet authorized the spying. Comey, Mueller, Lynch and even the Podesta brothers are involved in it. Admiral Mike Rogers (NSA head) had a meeting with President Trump to let him know and the Barrypuppet was livid.

Like I said, it's not a FISA memo. FISA courts had nothing to do with writing it. Partisan republicans wrote it, and there is no telling how much crazy made up shit is in it.

It's a breakdown of what the prior admin did along with the FBI and the Hildebeast campaign and the names that were protected in the 99 page memo that WAS a FISA document is going to be summed up in the 4 page memo. You know, the one that the DNC has been trying to keep from the eyes of the public. I am sure that the lesson about how corrupt the DNC actually is was totally lost on you because you couldn't bear to read the leaked e-mails proving just that.

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