Trump: I’m being indicted for you

Trump is the typical dishonest conservative – using lies and demagoguery to stoke fear and violence.
Not a fan either but grift?....You have the unmitigated gall to talk about grift what with Joe "Uncle RICO" Biden in the WH.

Surely Sir, you jest. :laughing0301:

But your Honor it isn’t fair I got a speeding ticket. Everyone else was going the same speed. I demand they all get tickets. And if they don’t you have to release me. It’s only fair.

Heard in every traffic court of the nation every day. How many times has it ever worked?
It's not enough that he paints himself a victim, despite all his troubles being of his own making. He has to claim he's doing it all for you. He's the martyr and your savior. Classic cult leader propaganda. The grift goes on and Trump is a regular Warren Jeffs

In essence he is. He is being indicted by politicalization of the governments law enforcement agencies in attempts to make him ineligible to run for presidency and is basically attempted politicial assassination.

The problem is they succeed then that emboldens them more to go after other political opponents and if they can manage all of that with no one standing in their way next the sights are set on average everyday people because a terrible standard has been built.

This is how bad things happen, they start out small. But in this case they are going after the biggest target first, they have been trying for 6 years now and if they can bring him down everything else is easy.

And so far he has been the victim. Anyone that can rationally reason can look and see after 2 impeachments, countless lawsuits, Jan 6th trial and so on spanning many years, all ran by a political group of his most hated enemies with government offices at their disposal and millions of dollars have yet to be able to nail him. At some point any reasonable person would stop and say "maybe he was innocent".
It's not enough that he paints himself a victim, despite all his troubles being of his own making. He has to claim he's doing it all for you. He's the martyr and your savior. Classic cult leader propaganda. The grift goes on and Trump is a regular Warren Jeffs

I agree that trump is merely a stand in

Trump represents conservative voters who are libs real enemy
In essence he is.

a victim? LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

He is being indicted by politicalization of the governments law enforcement agencies in attempts to make him ineligible to run for presidency and is basically attempted politicial assassination.

nooooooooooooo...... he is being indicted because he broke the fucking law.

The problem is they succeed then that emboldens them more to go after other political opponents and if they can manage all of that with no one standing in their way next the sights are set on average everyday people because a terrible standard has been built.

no man is above the law. even the self proclaimed stable genius.

This is how bad things happen, they start out small.

bad things happen to people who do bad things.

But in this case they are going after the biggest target first, they have been trying for 6 years now and if they can bring him down everything else is easy.

donny has been breaking the law since the 70s, when his daddy & him tried to discriminate against (c)olored people wanting to rent from them - all the way thru to his post presidency.

And so far he has been the victim.

'teflon don '?

Anyone that can rationally reason can look and see after 2 impeachments,


countless lawsuits,

that he lost.........

Jan 6th trial

there has been no trial by turtleboy's senate.

and so on spanning many years, all ran by a political group of his most hated enemies with government offices at their disposal and millions of dollars have yet to be able to nail him.

karma's on her way.

At some point any reasonable person would stop and say "maybe he was innocent".

only those in his cult would even fathom such a notion.

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