Trump: I’m being indicted for you

It's not enough that he paints himself a victim, despite all his troubles being of his own making. He has to claim he's doing it all for you. He's the martyr and your savior. Classic cult leader propaganda. The grift goes on and Trump is a regular Warren Jeffs

Great! Now get convicted and sentenced for me too. Post haste, pls.
I pulled a number of quotes outta the above responses with the expectation I'd respond.
But...poster Playtime beat me to most of 'em.
Still, I'll just follow along hoping I can merely emphasize what has already been stated by others.

Here goes:
"He has to claim he's doing it all for you. He's the martyr and your savior. Classic cult leader propaganda."
"This is a cult."

A cult of Cucks -----The Cuck Cult.
It's a sad thing.
In my opinion.


"I agree that trump is merely a stand in"
I will be satisfied, grateful if......if he will also "do-the-conviction" for me too.
And the sentence, too!
He's being investigated and prosecuted for me. Why not make it a trifecta and be convicted for me also?
I be cool with that.


"....I'm far more American that you are...... How many guns do you own? I'll match them two to one."
And there's the bazinga!!
If there ever was one.
To be an American one need only possess....legally or illegally, the poster Galt does not need only have some guns.
Who knew?
Who knew that Gripper-ism is the same as American-ism?
Gun Nuts Rule. Pass the Ammunition and Make America Great Again. And go inhale some more Rem-Oil.

I love this bar.
I don’t like that orange guy. I want to lose thousands of dollars every year on inflation and energy costs because I don’t like that orange guy. He’s rude and conceited and doesn’t have a nice personality.
Smart people don't place blame on one thing for completely unrelated things. Stupid people Magaturds behave like this. :dunno: I do not encourage this behavior.
In essence he is. He is being indicted by politicalization of the governments law enforcement agencies in attempts to make him ineligible to run for presidency and is basically attempted politicial assassination.

The problem is they succeed then that emboldens them more to go after other political opponents and if they can manage all of that with no one standing in their way next the sights are set on average everyday people because a terrible standard has been built.

This is how bad things happen, they start out small. But in this case they are going after the biggest target first, they have been trying for 6 years now and if they can bring him down everything else is easy.

And so far he has been the victim. Anyone that can rationally reason can look and see after 2 impeachments, countless lawsuits, Jan 6th trial and so on spanning many years, all ran by a political group of his most hated enemies with government offices at their disposal and millions of dollars have yet to be able to nail him. At some point any reasonable person would stop and say "maybe he was innocent".

Interesting. If memory serves he was found liable in the Carrol lawsuit.

Impeachment is political. So not really a determination of criminality.

The charges in Florida seem rather severe. I think Trump will be found guilty of at least some of those.
It's not enough that he paints himself a victim, despite all his troubles being of his own making. He has to claim he's doing it all for you. He's the martyr and your savior. Classic cult leader propaganda. The grift goes on and Trump is a regular Warren Jeffs

Its literally all his fault. He just had to give back the documents.
It's not enough that he paints himself a victim, despite all his troubles being of his own making. He has to claim he's doing it all for you. He's the martyr and your savior. Classic cult leader propaganda. The grift goes on and Trump is a regular Warren Jeffs

Imagine Jesus had three wives and he had cheated on ALL OF THEM....

"Now, I'm going to teach you morality....."
Without Trump, usurpers cannot maintain the illusion that America is under seige by its electorate when the electorate disagrees with them.

That's the game they're playing. It's clear.

And without the illusion that America is under seige by its electorate, the usurpers cannot invoke it as justification for their usurp.

Make no mistake, folks. The next forever war is on you.

The man is telling you outright.

It would be kind of humorously ironic if he stood in the middle of Fifth Avenue and said it, though. lol...
Without Trump, usurpers cannot maintain the illusion that America is under seige by its electorate when the electorate disagrees with them.

That's the game they're playing. It's clear.

And without the illusion that America is under seige by its electorate, the usurpers cannot invoke it as justification for their usurp.

Make no mistake, folks. The next forever war is on you.

The man is telling you outright.

It would be kind of humorously ironic if he stood in the middle of Fifth Avenue and said it, though. lol...
Nailed it. Well done.

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