Trump Immigration Plan Shocker


Diamond Member
Jan 13, 2016
What's the oldest principle in negotiation? You split the difference. If somebody is selling for $6k and you want to pay $5k you offer $4k... Right?

So I'm hearing all these people freaking out about Trumps proposal to grant amnesty to 1.8 million dreamers and nobody knows where that number came from... I hate to spoil the surprise but here it is.

Trump offered citizenship for 1.8 million dreamers for $25 Billion in wall funding and elimination of Chain and Lottery.

In negotiation terms my estimation is that Trumps proposal translates to legal status for 800K dreamers in exchange for 10 Billion in wall funding elimination of lottery and reduction of chain visas for merit based.

For every reduction in wall funding or chain/lottery reduction there will be a reduction in the dreamers number and citizenship/legal status. Thats Trumps leverage so he is starting high and now the whittling begins.

Thats my prediction. Are we in agreement?
What's the oldest principle in negotiation? You split the difference. If somebody is selling for $6k and you want to pay $5k you offer $4k... Right?

So I'm hearing all these people freaking out about Trumps proposal to grant amnesty to 1.8 million dreamers and nobody knows where that number came from... I hate to spoil the surprise but here it is.

Trump offered citizenship for 1.8 million dreamers for $25 Billion in wall funding and elimination of Chain and Lottery.

In negotiation terms my estimation is that Trumps proposal translates to legal status for 800K dreamers in exchange for 10 Billion in wall funding elimination of lottery and reduction of chain visas for merit based.

For every reduction in wall funding or chain/lottery reduction there will be a reduction in the dreamers number and citizenship/legal status. Thats Trumps leverage so he is starting high and now the whittling begins.

Thats my prediction. Are we in agreement?

Assuming the great negotiator can negotiate.
What's the oldest principle in negotiation? You split the difference. If somebody is selling for $6k and you want to pay $5k you offer $4k... Right?

So I'm hearing all these people freaking out about Trumps proposal to grant amnesty to 1.8 million dreamers and nobody knows where that number came from... I hate to spoil the surprise but here it is.

Trump offered citizenship for 1.8 million dreamers for $25 Billion in wall funding and elimination of Chain and Lottery.

In negotiation terms my estimation is that Trumps proposal translates to legal status for 800K dreamers in exchange for 10 Billion in wall funding elimination of lottery and reduction of chain visas for merit based.

For every reduction in wall funding or chain/lottery reduction there will be a reduction in the dreamers number and citizenship/legal status. Thats Trumps leverage so he is starting high and now the whittling begins.

Thats my prediction. Are we in agreement?
If they sign the deal, the deals done.

the government, mostly dems, chose criminals over me and you.
trump did the deal so he could leave his mark on the country for centuries.

he did, however, help the dems win the WH from now on.
GOP Border Patrol Spending Proposal

House Republicans spending more on comprehensive immigration reform to include more spending for border control in the next five years than Customs and Border Protection has spent since its creation in 2003.

It is important to note that these figures only authorize appropriations to occur. For the spending to actually occur, Congress will also need to appropriate the funds. However, White House Budget Director Mick Mulvaney told Fox News on Sunday that President Trump rejected an offer from Senator Chuck Schumer (D-NY) specifically because he only offered authorization, so certainly the expectation by the White House and House Republicans is that the Appropriations Committee will also fund the request.

More @ GOP Bill Spends More on Border Patrol in 5 Years Than It Has Spent in 5 Decades
Pay attention.

Trump has frequently conceded the concept of legalizing about 800 thousand "dreamers." That is, protecting them TEMPORARILY from deportation...because they are ILLEGAL ALIENS.

It is clear that Trump himself wants some money allocated to add to our existing "wall." This is definitely going to happen.

I think chain migration will die, and the "lottery" will die.

The questions are: Will the protection for the "Dreamers" extend to everyone in that situation, and not just the 7## thousand who have signed up to date? [Estimates of the total number run as high as 3 million]. And will it be in the form of a "path to citizenship," or just protection from deportation?

Trump has made contradictory statements on these two issues, and it is known that people who influence him greatly are fighting both expanding the number and the "path to citizenship."

As I have advised The Donald on several occasions, the INS needs to come up with an alternative to the Green Card. Call it a Blue Card or whatever. It would be a card that allows permanent residency, but never, ever, ever leads to voting citizenship.

And birthright citizenship must go. No other country does it, and it's not in the Constitution or in any Amendment. It comes out of an intentional perversion of a couple words in the 14th Amendment, and it is bullshit.
What's the oldest principle in negotiation? You split the difference. If somebody is selling for $6k and you want to pay $5k you offer $4k... Right?

So I'm hearing all these people freaking out about Trumps proposal to grant amnesty to 1.8 million dreamers and nobody knows where that number came from... I hate to spoil the surprise but here it is.

Trump offered citizenship for 1.8 million dreamers for $25 Billion in wall funding and elimination of Chain and Lottery.

In negotiation terms my estimation is that Trumps proposal translates to legal status for 800K dreamers in exchange for 10 Billion in wall funding elimination of lottery and reduction of chain visas for merit based.

For every reduction in wall funding or chain/lottery reduction there will be a reduction in the dreamers number and citizenship/legal status. Thats Trumps leverage so he is starting high and now the whittling begins.

Thats my prediction. Are we in agreement?

You either meet the definition of a Dreamer or you don't....the number is irrelevant
Pay attention.

Trump has frequently conceded the concept of legalizing about 800 thousand "dreamers." That is, protecting them TEMPORARILY from deportation...because they are ILLEGAL ALIENS.

It is clear that Trump himself wants some money allocated to add to our existing "wall." This is definitely going to happen.

I think chain migration will die, and the "lottery" will die.

The questions are: Will the protection for the "Dreamers" extend to everyone in that situation, and not just the 7## thousand who have signed up to date? [Estimates of the total number run as high as 3 million]. And will it be in the form of a "path to citizenship," or just protection from deportation?

Trump has made contradictory statements on these two issues, and it is known that people who influence him greatly are fighting both expanding the number and the "path to citizenship."

As I have advised The Donald on several occasions, the INS needs to come up with an alternative to the Green Card. Call it a Blue Card or whatever. It would be a card that allows permanent residency, but never, ever, ever leads to voting citizenship.

And birthright citizenship must go. No other country does it, and it's not in the Constitution or in any Amendment. It comes out of an intentional perversion of a couple words in the 14th Amendment, and it is bullshit.

Why do you oppose chain migration?
Trump offered citizenship for 1.8 million dreamers for $25 Billion in wall funding and elimination of Chain and Lottery.

Small point of order, Trumps initial proposal doesn't eliminate chain, it restricts it to spouses and minor children.

.... as far as negotiations on this, I suspect that Trump will have three shots at funding appropriations for "The Wall" this year

First one; on this immigration deal negotiation
Second one; Feb 8th on appropriations negotiations (when the current CR expires)
Third one; When his Infrastructure spending proposal comes up on the docket sometime this year, since it's not that far of a stretch to argue that "The Wall" is infrastructure.

On the surface though it would appear that the proposal he's put on the table gives him a significant leverage advantage over the Democrats since all they have at this point is a threat of another shut down. :dunno:
What's the oldest principle in negotiation? You split the difference. If somebody is selling for $6k and you want to pay $5k you offer $4k... Right?

So I'm hearing all these people freaking out about Trumps proposal to grant amnesty to 1.8 million dreamers and nobody knows where that number came from... I hate to spoil the surprise but here it is.

Trump offered citizenship for 1.8 million dreamers for $25 Billion in wall funding and elimination of Chain and Lottery.

In negotiation terms my estimation is that Trumps proposal translates to legal status for 800K dreamers in exchange for 10 Billion in wall funding elimination of lottery and reduction of chain visas for merit based.

For every reduction in wall funding or chain/lottery reduction there will be a reduction in the dreamers number and citizenship/legal status. Thats Trumps leverage so he is starting high and now the whittling begins.

Thats my prediction. Are we in agreement?

Assuming the great negotiator can negotiate.
He negotiated Hillary out of the Whitehouse
What's the oldest principle in negotiation? You split the difference. If somebody is selling for $6k and you want to pay $5k you offer $4k... Right?

So I'm hearing all these people freaking out about Trumps proposal to grant amnesty to 1.8 million dreamers and nobody knows where that number came from... I hate to spoil the surprise but here it is.

Trump offered citizenship for 1.8 million dreamers for $25 Billion in wall funding and elimination of Chain and Lottery.

In negotiation terms my estimation is that Trumps proposal translates to legal status for 800K dreamers in exchange for 10 Billion in wall funding elimination of lottery and reduction of chain visas for merit based.

For every reduction in wall funding or chain/lottery reduction there will be a reduction in the dreamers number and citizenship/legal status. Thats Trumps leverage so he is starting high and now the whittling begins.

Thats my prediction. Are we in agreement?

The real issue is that he doesn't just have an "opposition". He has a "we will never agree with Trump, ever Democrat Opposition, a might agree with him if we get all we want democrat opposition, a we are sort of agreeing with the middle democrats Republican Opposition, and a deport them all Republican Opposition.

It's going to be a legislative Mexican Standoff (pun intended)
To begin with - Republicans need to stop allowing Dems tp define the narrative. We're not talking about a special class of people in that most folks under 30 have 'dreams' of a better life. They are not children - many are in their 20's and 30's. Neither they nor their families have ever been at high risk of being rounded up and deported - hence their lengthy stay here. They have been afforded by American taxpayers access to medical care and public schooling - schooling at a cost of 5 figures per student per year.

Clearly Schumer and Co are playing political games by pretending to make this a 'humanitarian' issue of great importance - and Trump is calling their bluff.

Republicans also need to stress the difference between degrees of legal status and citizenship. The two are not synonymous.

'But the plan comes with significant strings attached to appeal to Republicans, including requirements to slash family sponsorship of immigrants, tighten border security and provide billions of dollars in funding for a border wall with Mexico that Trump made one of his major campaign promises.'...

'The DACA protections apply to about 700,000 people, but White House officials said there were at least that many illegal immigrants who qualified for the program but did not sign up for it.

Officials said the 1.8 million people could apply to become citizens in 10 to 12 years providing they had jobs and did not commit crimes.'

Trump offers 'Dreamers' a path to citizenship, wants other immigration
What's the oldest principle in negotiation? You split the difference. If somebody is selling for $6k and you want to pay $5k you offer $4k... Right?

So I'm hearing all these people freaking out about Trumps proposal to grant amnesty to 1.8 million dreamers and nobody knows where that number came from... I hate to spoil the surprise but here it is.

Trump offered citizenship for 1.8 million dreamers for $25 Billion in wall funding and elimination of Chain and Lottery.

In negotiation terms my estimation is that Trumps proposal translates to legal status for 800K dreamers in exchange for 10 Billion in wall funding elimination of lottery and reduction of chain visas for merit based.

For every reduction in wall funding or chain/lottery reduction there will be a reduction in the dreamers number and citizenship/legal status. Thats Trumps leverage so he is starting high and now the whittling begins.

Thats my prediction. Are we in agreement?

You either meet the definition of a Dreamer or you don't....the number is irrelevant
That’s a great point. So do you think the 1.8 number is putting a cap on something that shouldn’t have a cap? I didn’t consider that angle
"Deport the ‘Dreamers' first. Their main job in this country, for 90% of them, is protesting. Is angrily denouncing America and Americans. There is a reason even MSNBC dare not have 'Dreamers' on their airwaves every night." - Wacky Ann Coulter

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