Trump Impeachment hurt Biden and helped Trump

Yes, I do actually. Sanders is the only Dem candidate that brings any excitement and energy to his supporters. I think Sanders can bring out the 18-30 vote like nobody has for decades. I really do not think he can beat Trump, but I do think he gives the Dems the best chance to take back the Senate.
Well I disagree Gator because I believe Bernie is a Russian plant that the GOP are praying win the nomination.

Remember Trump is not really running against anyone, so ask yourself how many of Bernie voters are Trump voters rigging the system by crossing over?
Bernie, the Russian plant.:icon_rolleyes::lmao:


I actually doubt you ever listened to Bernie speak because if you had you would not want him as President.

Tell me something and what does Bernie offer that Elizabeth Warren has not offered?

Bernie is a Communist and has in the past praised the former Soviet Union and Cuba which should make you pause quickly if you are old enough to remember the cold war.

Also free this and that will be paid by every taxpayer including you while resulting in our economy crashing ( which it is now already thank you Coronavirus ).

Let touch on Medicare for All and how it is actually Universal Healthcare and what will you get and the reality of how it will be ran:

As you sit there thinking Bernie Sanders is a great idea have you asked yourself the cost of Universal Healthcare and the reality if passed it would put many people out of work?

You will not have choice of doctor and will have to rely on who the Government picks for you.

Also you do realize many doctors, nurses and specialists will leave the field which will cause a medical crisis.

In the end you will get another VA system on steroids and how well has that worked out?

Remember Democrats lose power over time so Republicans will defund the program causing Americans to request something different.

So Bernie Sanders idea is beyond stupid when you know what will happen and yet those like you believe it is a great idea...

Now let be realistic once people in Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and Michigan along with States like Illinois realize Sanders plan is a economy killer from Healthcare to Green Deal he ( Sanders ) will be rejected and Trump win again.

Americans care more about how much they take home and will worry later about health insurance.

If any candidate had an ounce of brains they would say let pass the Nixon/Kennedy plan but alas people of today are stupid and yes Putin is hoping Sanders win the nomination because Trump win big in November!
If any candidate had an ounce of brains they would say let pass the Nixon/Kennedy plan but alas people of today are stupid
And you're living proof.

Why thank you Angelo, so when Sanders loses in November just remember to burn your house down while wearing your pussy hat while crying you want free shit!

Poor baby want free stuff without realizing he will be taxed for a crappy serivice...

Now what do you have to say loser?
Why thank you Angelo, so when Sanders loses in November just remember to burn your house down while wearing your pussy hat while crying you want free shit!

Poor baby want free stuff without realizing he will be taxed for a crappy serivice...

Now what do you have to say loser?
You Clinton voters have no say in anything anymore.

I did not vote for Trump or Clinton and morons should understand there were other choices that year ( 2016 ) by the names of Johnson and Stein.

I swear I love when losers tell someone how they have no say in anything and then get upset when you are called Bolsheviks...

Oh, Bernie need 1991 delegates and if he fails then enjoy voting for Bloomberg...
I did not vote for Trump or Clinton and morons should understand there were other choices that year ( 2016 ) by the names of Johnson and Stein.

I swear I love when losers tell someone how they have no say in anything and then get upset when you are called Bolsheviks...

Oh, Bernie need 1991 delegates and if he fails then enjoy voting for Bloomberg...
I voted for Jill Stein, but you're a Hill-bot. I can smell it
in every post.
I did not vote for Trump or Clinton and morons should understand there were other choices that year ( 2016 ) by the names of Johnson and Stein.

I swear I love when losers tell someone how they have no say in anything and then get upset when you are called Bolsheviks...

Oh, Bernie need 1991 delegates and if he fails then enjoy voting for Bloomberg...
I voted for Jill Stein, but you're a Hill-bot. I can smell it
in every post.

I am?

I voted for Johnson, so please stop showing your pussy hat wearing stupidity and boy you voted for Stein who was in Russia around the same time as Trump people...

Russian lover I say...
Well I disagree Gator because I believe Bernie is a Russian plant that the GOP are praying win the nomination.

Remember Trump is not really running against anyone, so ask yourself how many of Bernie voters are Trump voters rigging the system by crossing over?

I realize that Repubs are voting for Sanders because they view him as the weakest candidate, I think they are mistaken. They should all be voting for Biden as he is already beaten.

I have a pretty large circle due to have lived in as many different places that I have an my career field is pretty dominated by millennials so I see things from many different viewpoints. Sanders is the only one with a loyal, and motivated group of supporters. Anyone that I know that supports any of the other Dems are doing it pretty much while holding their nose.

I laugh that you consider him a Russian plant when I bet you used to laugh at the Dems about Russian collusion with Trump.
Well I disagree Gator because I believe Bernie is a Russian plant that the GOP are praying win the nomination.

Remember Trump is not really running against anyone, so ask yourself how many of Bernie voters are Trump voters rigging the system by crossing over?

I realize that Repubs are voting for Sanders because they view him as the weakest candidate, I think they are mistaken. They should all be voting for Biden as he is already beaten.

I have a pretty large circle due to have lived in as many different places that I have an my career field is pretty dominated by millennials so I see things from many different viewpoints. Sanders is the only one with a loyal, and motivated group of supporters. Anyone that I know that supports any of the other Dems are doing it pretty much while holding their nose.

I laugh that you consider him a Russian plant when I bet you used to laugh at the Dems about Russian collusion with Trump.

Nah, you should read my last comment to Angelo.

I believe Sanders is Putin gift to Trump like Stein was in 2016...

Can't let his buddy lose in 2020...
'I Will Win': What It Would Mean For Biden To Lose South Carolina

The Trump Impeachment exposed more about Biden and it shows in the continuing primaries. Meanwhile, Trump is enjoying popularity spikes among his base and independents like Clinton and Obama did.

Biden being hurt and taken out of the game early is actually helpful for the DNC though. He was always the worst opponent to go against Trump.

Again, Trump’s Impeachment hurt Biden and helped Trump’s popularity.
'I Will Win': What It Would Mean For Biden To Lose South Carolina

The Trump Impeachment exposed more about Biden and it shows in the continuing primaries. Meanwhile, Trump is enjoying popularity spikes among his base and independents like Clinton and Obama did.

Biden being hurt and taken out of the game early is actually helpful for the DNC though. He was always the worst opponent to go against Trump.

Again, Trump’s Impeachment hurt Biden and helped Trump’s popularity.

Yes...Trump went up about 2 percentage points and the DNC is better off with Biden out of the way early as he was the worst candidate to go against Trump one-on-one.

Seems it was a push
Impeachments are supposed to hurt a President, not his opponents. When the Impeachment helps the President and hurts any of the opponents, that is still in favor of the President. A President not being hurt or the Party pushing impeachment being hurt would be a push. Trump gained when he should have been hurt.

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