Trump in Chennai (India): Black Mask Ramadan


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
What should we make of our business-minded U.S. President considering the modern geopolitical 'weight' of tourism in foreign 'religion-intrigue' places/countries such as Chennai (India)?

Should there be more 'folkloric' diplomacy?

Anyone a fan of Ishtar?



Donald Trump prepared for a diplomatic visit to Chennai, India, a region where there was much regional history and richness and culture and where (nearby) there was a place designated by UNESCO to be a World Heritage Site (e.g., Canadian Rocky Mountain Parks). Trump admired the overall niceties and intricacies of art and architecture in Chennai but wondered about the crime in that area and in other parts of the overpopulated nation of India. India had been traditionally a 'rival' if not an enemy of Muslim Pakistan, its neighboring nation.


Trump took photos of the rich temples and ancient palaces in Chennai and noted how they resembled some of the pyramids of the Incas and Egyptians. He also took note of the preferences in colorization and architectural grandiosity in Chennai. Trump wondered how such a culturally-rich nation could land in terrible population-related socioeconomic problems and was considering how America, the world's 'Big Brother', might be able to 'assist.'


Trump stayed at a very nice hotel in Chennai and remarked at the wonderful service and hospitality and the quality of the delicious cuisine. Trump saw that Chennai was a place of both richness and pedestrian values even though India was challenged by many socioeconomic 'troubles.' Trump began asking about what kinds of crime-syndicates were forming in India since the nation separated from the British Empire in 1947.


Trump took special note of the population of Muslims living in Chennai and worshiping in Islamic mosques. Since there was much disagreement within the nation of Islam regarding the degree of integration/involvement Muslims were obligated to explore with non-Muslims, Trump worried that Hindu-Muslim relations in India might be strained by various habitation-related issues such as religious tolerance. Nevertheless, Trump was still generally curious about crime-syndicate activity in Chennai (India).


Chennai, India was not a stranger to tourism and welcomed tourists and profited from the tourism industry. Trump wanted Americans to feel that tourism was a valuable sector in the international economy and didn't want Hindu-Muslim conflicts to 'sully' the nature/quality of tourism-related marketing by travel companies across the world. After all, Trump was, if nothing, a terrific businessman.


Well, after much investigating and amateur detective-work, Trump discovered that a radical Muslim gang in Chennai known as Black Mask was allied to the fundamentalist-Islamic terrorist group ISIS which was responsible for a threat on a Sufi Muslim Egyptian mosque (since Sufi Muslims were considered to be 'too lenient' towards the West by radical Muslims). Black Mask was led by a diabolical man named Ali who wore a black-leather skull-mask and white pin-stripe suit and sometimes wielded a silencer-pistol. Ali's Black Mask was an ominous crime-syndicate scheming to disrupt tourism in Chennai, so Trump resolved to report this problem to the U.S. government and the United Nations.


ALI: I'm concerned about Trump's recent visit to Chennai!
TERRORIST: I doubt our plans to disrupt tourism will be perturbed.
ALI: It seems he was snooping around and considering contacting the UN.
TERRORIST: I think Trump is more interested in tourism economics.
ALI: Yes, but he's a shrewd businessman and wants to study traffic!
TERRORIST: After 9/11, Americans are cautious about 'lending a hand.'
ALI: Perhaps their more 'racist' head has surfaced...
TERRORIST: We want America to negotiate with OPEC, but it's a challenge!
ALI: We want to make sure that all Muslims benefit from modern capitalism.
TERRORIST: What will Trump make of Hindu-Muslim relations in Chennai?
ALI: It seemed he was learning about the 'dynamics' of 'pedestrian aesthetics.'
TERRORIST: Hindus and Muslims are both emotional/passionate.
ALI: Let's see if the CIA and the UN coordinate some tourism-oriented policies.
TERRORIST: Our modern global commercial landscape is all about profit!
ALI: Radical terrorism is not an impedance to devotional Muslim observances.
TERRORIST: Yes, we don't want fury to interfere with Ramadan.



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