Trump In Free Fall

You know I Completely oppose Trump, but it seems wise to wait till you see tonight's results before you claim He is free falling
Honestly, a single loss is not a 'free fall' anyway. Just because Trump lost Wisconsin does not mean he is in a free fall - that is just asinine.

It does, however, mean that Cruz has a much better chance of overtaking him though there is an uphill climb there.

Again, the race between Trump and Cruz doesn't matter anyway. The GOP will never give the nomination to Trump, and they hate Cruz just as much. They will probably appoint Kasich or someone not even in the race.
And I think you are incorrect.

They are not going to snub the majority if their base because they 'aren't their guy.' If Cruz gets close to or beats Trump in electors then I see Cruz getting it. If he does not then Trump will be the nominee. If the GOP goes outside of those candidates I don't think it will last - the entire party may cease to exist as a major player.

If the civil war going on in the right wing continues, the party will cease to exist-------if it hasn't already. Allowing the crazies to take over was a mistake.
You know I Completely oppose Trump, but it seems wise to wait till you see tonight's results before you claim He is free falling
Honestly, a single loss is not a 'free fall' anyway. Just because Trump lost Wisconsin does not mean he is in a free fall - that is just asinine.

It does, however, mean that Cruz has a much better chance of overtaking him though there is an uphill climb there.

Again, the race between Trump and Cruz doesn't matter anyway. The GOP will never give the nomination to Trump, and they hate Cruz just as much. They will probably appoint Kasich or someone not even in the race.
And I think you are incorrect.

They are not going to snub the majority if their base because they 'aren't their guy.' If Cruz gets close to or beats Trump in electors then I see Cruz getting it. If he does not then Trump will be the nominee. If the GOP goes outside of those candidates I don't think it will last - the entire party may cease to exist as a major player.

If the civil war going on in the right wing continues, the party will cease to exist-------if it hasn't already. Allowing the crazies to take over was a mistake.
Eventually it will find common ground. It is impossible to do that, however, if the party establishment rejects the majority of its base out of hand. Who is going to vote republican if their votes are outright rejected in this election cycle?

The best plan for the GOP is, IMHO, let Trump take the nomination and when he is utterly trounced they have something to point to and show how horrible an idea it was to run him. Take him out and place a person up there that is not even on the ticket and they will have ZERO chance to win the general, make the majority if the party feel robbed and betrayed and ultimately chase many out of the party all together. Being that the GOP already has fewer people that identify with them, this would be utterly devastating. All to gain what?

You know I Completely oppose Trump, but it seems wise to wait till you see tonight's results before you claim He is free falling
Honestly, a single loss is not a 'free fall' anyway. Just because Trump lost Wisconsin does not mean he is in a free fall - that is just asinine.

It does, however, mean that Cruz has a much better chance of overtaking him though there is an uphill climb there.

Again, the race between Trump and Cruz doesn't matter anyway. The GOP will never give the nomination to Trump, and they hate Cruz just as much. They will probably appoint Kasich or someone not even in the race.
And I think you are incorrect.

They are not going to snub the majority if their base because they 'aren't their guy.' If Cruz gets close to or beats Trump in electors then I see Cruz getting it. If he does not then Trump will be the nominee. If the GOP goes outside of those candidates I don't think it will last - the entire party may cease to exist as a major player.

If the civil war going on in the right wing continues, the party will cease to exist-------if it hasn't already. Allowing the crazies to take over was a mistake.
Eventually it will find common ground. It is impossible to do that, however, if the party establishment rejects the majority of its base out of hand. Who is going to vote republican if their votes are outright rejected in this election cycle?

The best plan for the GOP is, IMHO, let Trump take the nomination and when he is utterly trounced they have something to point to and show how horrible an idea it was to run him. Take him out and place a person up there that is not even on the ticket and they will have ZERO chance to win the general, make the majority if the party feel robbed and betrayed and ultimately chase many out of the party all together. Being that the GOP already has fewer people that identify with them, this would be utterly devastating. All to gain what?

I say put a Trump/Cruz or a Cruz/Trump ticket together and inform them they WILL get along.
You know I Completely oppose Trump, but it seems wise to wait till you see tonight's results before you claim He is free falling
Honestly, a single loss is not a 'free fall' anyway. Just because Trump lost Wisconsin does not mean he is in a free fall - that is just asinine.

It does, however, mean that Cruz has a much better chance of overtaking him though there is an uphill climb there.

Again, the race between Trump and Cruz doesn't matter anyway. The GOP will never give the nomination to Trump, and they hate Cruz just as much. They will probably appoint Kasich or someone not even in the race.
And I think you are incorrect.

They are not going to snub the majority if their base because they 'aren't their guy.' If Cruz gets close to or beats Trump in electors then I see Cruz getting it. If he does not then Trump will be the nominee. If the GOP goes outside of those candidates I don't think it will last - the entire party may cease to exist as a major player.

If the civil war going on in the right wing continues, the party will cease to exist-------if it hasn't already. Allowing the crazies to take over was a mistake.
Eventually it will find common ground. It is impossible to do that, however, if the party establishment rejects the majority of its base out of hand. Who is going to vote republican if their votes are outright rejected in this election cycle?

The best plan for the GOP is, IMHO, let Trump take the nomination and when he is utterly trounced they have something to point to and show how horrible an idea it was to run him. Take him out and place a person up there that is not even on the ticket and they will have ZERO chance to win the general, make the majority if the party feel robbed and betrayed and ultimately chase many out of the party all together. Being that the GOP already has fewer people that identify with them, this would be utterly devastating. All to gain what?


They had something to point at when Romney was trounced so bad, but they didn't care. The extreme crazies are leading the large majority who will follow who ever they see as their leader. If the sane ones can retake control and reinstate integrity into the party, that same majority will follow them. That will never happen as long as the Koch brothers and all the other rich guys who are calling the shots are able to buy elections.
Honestly, a single loss is not a 'free fall' anyway. Just because Trump lost Wisconsin does not mean he is in a free fall - that is just asinine.

It does, however, mean that Cruz has a much better chance of overtaking him though there is an uphill climb there.

Again, the race between Trump and Cruz doesn't matter anyway. The GOP will never give the nomination to Trump, and they hate Cruz just as much. They will probably appoint Kasich or someone not even in the race.
And I think you are incorrect.

They are not going to snub the majority if their base because they 'aren't their guy.' If Cruz gets close to or beats Trump in electors then I see Cruz getting it. If he does not then Trump will be the nominee. If the GOP goes outside of those candidates I don't think it will last - the entire party may cease to exist as a major player.

If the civil war going on in the right wing continues, the party will cease to exist-------if it hasn't already. Allowing the crazies to take over was a mistake.
Eventually it will find common ground. It is impossible to do that, however, if the party establishment rejects the majority of its base out of hand. Who is going to vote republican if their votes are outright rejected in this election cycle?

The best plan for the GOP is, IMHO, let Trump take the nomination and when he is utterly trounced they have something to point to and show how horrible an idea it was to run him. Take him out and place a person up there that is not even on the ticket and they will have ZERO chance to win the general, make the majority if the party feel robbed and betrayed and ultimately chase many out of the party all together. Being that the GOP already has fewer people that identify with them, this would be utterly devastating. All to gain what?

I say put a Trump/Cruz or a Cruz/Trump ticket together and inform them they WILL get along.

That's funny.
How does dumph plan to win with a small segment of the electorate

Trump assures them that all their misogyny, all their racism, all their disgust for people not like them, is justified

Trump slid easily into the role of a martyr. After all, Republicans have been telling us for years that the left is waging class warfare on rich people, who are being unfairly blamed for having all the money and not letting anyone else have any.

He is also white. And through his approach to people who aren’t exactly white – like Mexicans and Muslims and Chinese and others, including Jews – Trump has attracted the support of all sorts of white supremacists – the sort of people who took over the wildlife refuge in Oregon. They’re white, they have guns, and they feel persecuted.

Donald Trump and the White Lives Matters Movement
Smoke another one DAN SADFI.
Honestly, a single loss is not a 'free fall' anyway. Just because Trump lost Wisconsin does not mean he is in a free fall - that is just asinine.

It does, however, mean that Cruz has a much better chance of overtaking him though there is an uphill climb there.

Again, the race between Trump and Cruz doesn't matter anyway. The GOP will never give the nomination to Trump, and they hate Cruz just as much. They will probably appoint Kasich or someone not even in the race.
And I think you are incorrect.

They are not going to snub the majority if their base because they 'aren't their guy.' If Cruz gets close to or beats Trump in electors then I see Cruz getting it. If he does not then Trump will be the nominee. If the GOP goes outside of those candidates I don't think it will last - the entire party may cease to exist as a major player.

If the civil war going on in the right wing continues, the party will cease to exist-------if it hasn't already. Allowing the crazies to take over was a mistake.
Eventually it will find common ground. It is impossible to do that, however, if the party establishment rejects the majority of its base out of hand. Who is going to vote republican if their votes are outright rejected in this election cycle?

The best plan for the GOP is, IMHO, let Trump take the nomination and when he is utterly trounced they have something to point to and show how horrible an idea it was to run him. Take him out and place a person up there that is not even on the ticket and they will have ZERO chance to win the general, make the majority if the party feel robbed and betrayed and ultimately chase many out of the party all together. Being that the GOP already has fewer people that identify with them, this would be utterly devastating. All to gain what?


They had something to point at when Romney was trounced so bad, but they didn't care. The extreme crazies are leading the large majority who will follow who ever they see as their leader. If the sane ones can retake control and reinstate integrity into the party, that same majority will follow them. That will never happen as long as the Koch brothers and all the other rich guys who are calling the shots are able to buy elections.
Romney was not 'trounced' and certainly did not represent the 'extreme crazies.'

He created Romenycare for heaven snakes - he was anything but hard right.
How does dumph plan to win with a small segment of the electorate

Trump assures them that all their misogyny, all their racism, all their disgust for people not like them, is justified

Trump slid easily into the role of a martyr. After all, Republicans have been telling us for years that the left is waging class warfare on rich people, who are being unfairly blamed for having all the money and not letting anyone else have any.

He is also white. And through his approach to people who aren’t exactly white – like Mexicans and Muslims and Chinese and others, including Jews – Trump has attracted the support of all sorts of white supremacists – the sort of people who took over the wildlife refuge in Oregon. They’re white, they have guns, and they feel persecuted.

Donald Trump and the White Lives Matters Movement
We're taking our country back. It's time to return it back to the people the founders created it for in the 1790 Naturalization Act, the very first legislation by the 1st Congress.

Let me guess??? You are a native American. You want to return the continent of N America to the natural state it existed in before the white man came here and stole the land. That would be the only way to make this country "great again".

You want less government? The native Americans had NO government to speak of. That seems like the ideal for you fellows.

Pluses:..No laws. No taxes. No foreign entanglements.

Negatives: .. No means to stop the intrusion of the European, Asian and Russian from just taking the land you occupy. No means to organize and prevent disease from ravaging your population. Inferior weapons to defend your land.

I'm afraid even Donald Trump will have no effect on the status quo. If he is elected president, which is highly doubtful, he will get less help from congress than Obama and the country will get 4-8 more years of a stalemate on getting the job done in just maintaining the infrastructure let alone building huge walls and all that nonsense about deporting millions of undocumented residents.

Some of the Donald's statements are just wishful over reaching that he would have no means of accomplishing.

The president of the United States is not a king and never will be. He cannot just utter edicts except for declared wars which is the prerogative of congress. It is possible that the president could gin up enough support to start a war as Bush did by taking advantage of a tragedy such as the attacks of 9/11. Unfortunately for him that card has been played. It would take a provable invasion of some sorts combined with a huge act of terror to sway the congress into going along with a presidential decision to start a war with some country.

Trump, if elected, will not have the authority to just randomly start a war with Muslims. I doubt he would have the authority to single out Muslims as being disqualified to come here just based on their religion.

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