Trump in meltdown

I added on There was no link It was a post from a friend on another board

Here is one - this is what your friend must have gotten it from: Trump is in "meltdown" and terrified that he is going to lose, says 'The Art Of The Deal' co-writer

But Trump didn't lose did he, he won and that's the essence of the six month full-on across the board full spectrum attack on him.

They started this the moment he beat The Establishment candidate Hillary and it continued through the Transition, hitting hysteria levels pre-Inauguration where it was attempted every which way to stop him being Inaugurated via getting to the EC electors, that failed, then some were calling for actual military intervention to stop Trump being Inaugurated.

Then we get post-Inauguration a daily 24/7 full-on attack for a full four months.

All of the above is simply because he BEAT Hillary and Hillary was supposed to win, the MSM told everyone Hillary would win, Hillary was told she would win, Hillary supporters were told she would win, the WORLD was told Hillary would win.

Then she lost.

Trump won and Trump wasn't supposed to win, so they from the moment it was announced he had won, the whole crowd has been trying to take him down with a mixture of gossip, rumours, "unnamed sources" and pure bullshit.

He won the election. But he's a person that can only think in terms of winning and losing/winners and losers - in EVERYTHING. He has to believe himself to be a winner in any scenario or else he's a "loser".
good attribute.

Not so sure about that - it's possible to win and for your opponent to win and both come away with something. That's what negotiation is. And diplomacy. Adopting a winner/loser frame of mind means every interaction is looked at in terms of a war.

"it's possible to win and for your opponent to win and both come away with something."

No, you never let your opponent win, it's impossible to have two winners and in a fight or a competition or something you don't say to your opponent:

"I intend to win, but I'm also going to let you win"

What you describe is the Participation Award, that there is no one winner, but everyone gets to win for simply participating.

You win, your opponent loses, you're the winner, they're the loser.

But Trump didn't lose did he, he won and that's the essence of the six month full-on across the board full spectrum attack on him.

They started this the moment he beat The Establishment candidate Hillary and it continued through the Transition, hitting hysteria levels pre-Inauguration where it was attempted every which way to stop him being Inaugurated via getting to the EC electors, that failed, then some were calling for actual military intervention to stop Trump being Inaugurated.

Then we get post-Inauguration a daily 24/7 full-on attack for a full four months.

All of the above is simply because he BEAT Hillary and Hillary was supposed to win, the MSM told everyone Hillary would win, Hillary was told she would win, Hillary supporters were told she would win, the WORLD was told Hillary would win.

Then she lost.

Trump won and Trump wasn't supposed to win, so they from the moment it was announced he had won, the whole crowd has been trying to take him down with a mixture of gossip, rumours, "unnamed sources" and pure bullshit.

He won the election. But he's a person that can only think in terms of winning and losing/winners and losers - in EVERYTHING. He has to believe himself to be a winner in any scenario or else he's a "loser".

"But he's a person that can only think in terms of winning and losing/winners and losers - in EVERYTHING. He has to believe himself to be a winner in any scenario or else he's a "loser".

Aren't a majority of successful people like that though?

My philosophy is that you play to win, you play to be a winner and there is only ever one winner in anything.

The opposite philosophy of that is there are no winners, that everyone is entitled to the same prize for just participating, which is of course completely ridiculous.

I don't think so....there is a difference between playing to win and seeing the world only in terms of "winners" and "losers" or worse - defining your own self image that way.

Successful people "win" - but that doesn't mean everyone else is a "loser". Many times the best negotiations result in a "win-win" situation where each party gets a little of what they want. That's how it is in the adult world at least - you enter into it with an idea of what you want to accomplish and then negotiate with a win being coming away with some of what you wanted. Your identity, self-worth and image aren't tied to there having to be a clear cut winner and having to be clear cut loser.

In a normal situation yes, but how are you supposed to conduct things when 24/7 for six months you have rabid, frothing at the mouth attack dogs at you.

The MSM is rabid, The Establishment is rabid, the Controlled Opposition ie. The Uni-Party is rabid.

The polar opposite for eight years when Obama was in, they couldn't lick his buttocks quick enough.
Oh pardon moi So glad to hear how your rabid animals treated Obama and Hillary with kid gloves I didn't know that
Trump Is in Meltdown and in 'Pure Terror That He Is Going to Lose,' Says 'Art Of The Deal' Co-Writer Tony Schwartz
The co-author of Donald Trump’s best-selling business guide and memoir The Art Of The Deal announced the president is undergoing a “significant meltdown” in a CNN interview with Anderson Cooper.
“I think he’s reacting from a survival place,” Tony Schwartz told Cooper Wednesday. He’s in pure defensive mode...he’s being run by the part of his brain that’s reactive and impulsive, not capable of reflection," Schwartz said. “The sense of siege that he feels because his sense of self-worth is so, so vulnerable that the series of things that have happened are overwhelming to him."
"There is no right and wrong for Trump. There’s winning and losing. And that’s very different from right and wrong. And right now he’s in pure terror that he is going to lose," he added. "And by the way he is going to lose. I surely believe that at some point over the next period of time he’s going to have to figure out a way to resign and the reason he’s going to do that as opposed to go through what could be an impeachment process, or a continuing humiliation, is that he wants to figure out a way — as he’s done all his career — to turn a loss into a victory. And so he will declare victory when he leaves."
"Schwartz knows Trump's psyche well, spending nearly a year with him to help pen the best-selling 1987 book. He has been vocal about his regrets in writing the book, giving the The New Yorker a tell-all interview about the part he has played in creating the myth of Trump as a man who wins everything. On Twitter, he said he would now call the book "The Sociopath."

edward37 - you need to add some original content and a link or your thread will be closed.
I added on There was no link It was a post from a friend on another board

Here is one - this is what your friend must have gotten it from: Trump is in "meltdown" and terrified that he is going to lose, says 'The Art Of The Deal' co-writer

But Trump didn't lose did he, he won and that's the essence of the six month full-on across the board full spectrum attack on him.

They started this the moment he beat The Establishment candidate Hillary and it continued through the Transition, hitting hysteria levels pre-Inauguration where it was attempted every which way to stop him being Inaugurated via getting to the EC electors, that failed, then some were calling for actual military intervention to stop Trump being Inaugurated.

Then we get post-Inauguration a daily 24/7 full-on attack for a full four months.

All of the above is simply because he BEAT Hillary and Hillary was supposed to win, the MSM told everyone Hillary would win, Hillary was told she would win, Hillary supporters were told she would win, the WORLD was told Hillary would win.

Then she lost.

Trump won and Trump wasn't supposed to win, so they from the moment it was announced he had won, the whole crowd has been trying to take him down with a mixture of gossip, rumours, "unnamed sources" and pure bullshit.
the black dude on CNN was the best, calling it white out. the things the left can't help themselves with. crying on air and ranting on air. just happened the other day with a Marine on CNN, te host went off on him. he was speaking about the anonymous source on the memo thing and she just went fking off. it was hilarious. And let's don't forget Rachel and the tax return. Now, one of you lib guys show us a conservative host going bonkers on the air.

At some point, your frequent "cry baby", "snowflake", "can't accept election results" memes are going to be fossils. Trump is 5 months into his term, it might be time to start looking at Trump himself and his own behavior and how it's contributing to things. In terms of partisan politics he's the gift that keeps on giving.

But Trump didn't lose did he, he won and that's the essence of the six month full-on across the board full spectrum attack on him.

They started this the moment he beat The Establishment candidate Hillary and it continued through the Transition, hitting hysteria levels pre-Inauguration where it was attempted every which way to stop him being Inaugurated via getting to the EC electors, that failed, then some were calling for actual military intervention to stop Trump being Inaugurated.

Then we get post-Inauguration a daily 24/7 full-on attack for a full four months.

All of the above is simply because he BEAT Hillary and Hillary was supposed to win, the MSM told everyone Hillary would win, Hillary was told she would win, Hillary supporters were told she would win, the WORLD was told Hillary would win.

Then she lost.

Trump won and Trump wasn't supposed to win, so they from the moment it was announced he had won, the whole crowd has been trying to take him down with a mixture of gossip, rumours, "unnamed sources" and pure bullshit.

He won the election. But he's a person that can only think in terms of winning and losing/winners and losers - in EVERYTHING. He has to believe himself to be a winner in any scenario or else he's a "loser".
good attribute.

Not so sure about that - it's possible to win and for your opponent to win and both come away with something. That's what negotiation is. And diplomacy. Adopting a winner/loser frame of mind means every interaction is looked at in terms of a war.

"it's possible to win and for your opponent to win and both come away with something."

No, you never let your opponent win, it's impossible to have two winners and in a fight or a competition or something you don't say to your opponent:

"I intend to win, but I'm also going to let you win"

What you describe is the Participation Award, that there is no one winner, but everyone gets to win for simply participating.

You win, your opponent loses, you're the winner, they're the loser.

That only works if you view everything as a fight. Is that really a successful strategy though?

Thanks for exposing yourself and promoting FAKE NEWS.
It's not fake, I saw him on CNN last night. That is what he said, among other things. You may not like what this man who spent hundreds of hours with Trump has to say, but it's not a "fake" article. Schwartz is certainly dead on about the kind of rages that a person with a personality disorder flies into against those closest to him. He's seen Trump in action; he understands what Trump is about.
well shit all the evening and morning MSM would be in looney wards.
But Trump didn't lose did he, he won and that's the essence of the six month full-on across the board full spectrum attack on him.

They started this the moment he beat The Establishment candidate Hillary and it continued through the Transition, hitting hysteria levels pre-Inauguration where it was attempted every which way to stop him being Inaugurated via getting to the EC electors, that failed, then some were calling for actual military intervention to stop Trump being Inaugurated.

Then we get post-Inauguration a daily 24/7 full-on attack for a full four months.

All of the above is simply because he BEAT Hillary and Hillary was supposed to win, the MSM told everyone Hillary would win, Hillary was told she would win, Hillary supporters were told she would win, the WORLD was told Hillary would win.

Then she lost.

Trump won and Trump wasn't supposed to win, so they from the moment it was announced he had won, the whole crowd has been trying to take him down with a mixture of gossip, rumours, "unnamed sources" and pure bullshit.

He won the election. But he's a person that can only think in terms of winning and losing/winners and losers - in EVERYTHING. He has to believe himself to be a winner in any scenario or else he's a "loser".

"But he's a person that can only think in terms of winning and losing/winners and losers - in EVERYTHING. He has to believe himself to be a winner in any scenario or else he's a "loser".

Aren't a majority of successful people like that though?

My philosophy is that you play to win, you play to be a winner and there is only ever one winner in anything.

The opposite philosophy of that is there are no winners, that everyone is entitled to the same prize for just participating, which is of course completely ridiculous.

I don't think so....there is a difference between playing to win and seeing the world only in terms of "winners" and "losers" or worse - defining your own self image that way.

Successful people "win" - but that doesn't mean everyone else is a "loser". Many times the best negotiations result in a "win-win" situation where each party gets a little of what they want. That's how it is in the adult world at least - you enter into it with an idea of what you want to accomplish and then negotiate with a win being coming away with some of what you wanted. Your identity, self-worth and image aren't tied to there having to be a clear cut winner and having to be clear cut loser.

In a normal situation yes, but how are you supposed to conduct things when 24/7 for six months you have rabid, frothing at the mouth attack dogs at you.

The MSM is rabid, The Establishment is rabid, the Controlled Opposition ie. The Uni-Party is rabid.

The polar opposite for eight years when Obama was in, they couldn't lick his buttocks quick enough.

That's part and parcel of being a public figure. Every president has endured it and developed a thick skin. You can't be in that office and take everything personally like that.
Obama imho took their crap like a man
Trump Is in Meltdown and in 'Pure Terror That He Is Going to Lose,' Says 'Art Of The Deal' Co-Writer Tony Schwartz
The co-author of Donald Trump’s best-selling business guide and memoir The Art Of The Deal announced the president is undergoing a “significant meltdown” in a CNN interview with Anderson Cooper.
“I think he’s reacting from a survival place,” Tony Schwartz told Cooper Wednesday. He’s in pure defensive mode...he’s being run by the part of his brain that’s reactive and impulsive, not capable of reflection," Schwartz said. “The sense of siege that he feels because his sense of self-worth is so, so vulnerable that the series of things that have happened are overwhelming to him."
"There is no right and wrong for Trump. There’s winning and losing. And that’s very different from right and wrong. And right now he’s in pure terror that he is going to lose," he added. "And by the way he is going to lose. I surely believe that at some point over the next period of time he’s going to have to figure out a way to resign and the reason he’s going to do that as opposed to go through what could be an impeachment process, or a continuing humiliation, is that he wants to figure out a way — as he’s done all his career — to turn a loss into a victory. And so he will declare victory when he leaves."
"Schwartz knows Trump's psyche well, spending nearly a year with him to help pen the best-selling 1987 book. He has been vocal about his regrets in writing the book, giving the The New Yorker a tell-all interview about the part he has played in creating the myth of Trump as a man who wins everything. On Twitter, he said he would now call the book "The Sociopath."

co-author is a misnomer... he was the ghost writer.

howard stern, who knows the Donald really well, said that this position would be horrible for him mentally.
I added on There was no link It was a post from a friend on another board

Here is one - this is what your friend must have gotten it from: Trump is in "meltdown" and terrified that he is going to lose, says 'The Art Of The Deal' co-writer

But Trump didn't lose did he, he won and that's the essence of the six month full-on across the board full spectrum attack on him.

They started this the moment he beat The Establishment candidate Hillary and it continued through the Transition, hitting hysteria levels pre-Inauguration where it was attempted every which way to stop him being Inaugurated via getting to the EC electors, that failed, then some were calling for actual military intervention to stop Trump being Inaugurated.

Then we get post-Inauguration a daily 24/7 full-on attack for a full four months.

All of the above is simply because he BEAT Hillary and Hillary was supposed to win, the MSM told everyone Hillary would win, Hillary was told she would win, Hillary supporters were told she would win, the WORLD was told Hillary would win.

Then she lost.

Trump won and Trump wasn't supposed to win, so they from the moment it was announced he had won, the whole crowd has been trying to take him down with a mixture of gossip, rumours, "unnamed sources" and pure bullshit.
Yeah he won and yes we dems and other smart folks didn't like it BUT there's an awful lot of smoke out there and you know what they say about that Why this great try to getting the general out of trouble ?? Think he knows too much? Like hes afraid to show his taxes Couldn't be anything wrong with his finances right?

There's a lot of smoke, but there's no gun.

So where is it? Where's the smoking gun? As I commented it's all been a mixture of gossip, rumours, "unnamed sources" and pure bullshit.
A question Lucy You have on one side Comey telling you something and on the other Trump telling you the opposite Who would you believe absent of any evidence?

I wait until evidence either way is produced and that's 100% fool proof evidence.

The situation as it's been for four months is that no evidence has been produced to suggest that Trump has done anything wrong, but the rabid Trump haters in the MSM, The Establishment and The Uni-Party don't care that no evidence has been produced.

Thanks for exposing yourself and promoting FAKE NEWS.
It's not fake, I saw him on CNN last night. That is what he said, among other things. You may not like what this man who spent hundreds of hours with Trump has to say, but it's not a "fake" article. Schwartz is certainly dead on about the kind of rages that a person with a personality disorder flies into against those closest to him. He's seen Trump in action; he understands what Trump is about.
well shit all the evening and morning MSM would be in looney wards.

you mean in reality?

as opposed to trump loon fantasy world.

trump freaks are such idiots. you've been so conned. :rofl:
He won the election. But he's a person that can only think in terms of winning and losing/winners and losers - in EVERYTHING. He has to believe himself to be a winner in any scenario or else he's a "loser".

"But he's a person that can only think in terms of winning and losing/winners and losers - in EVERYTHING. He has to believe himself to be a winner in any scenario or else he's a "loser".

Aren't a majority of successful people like that though?

My philosophy is that you play to win, you play to be a winner and there is only ever one winner in anything.

The opposite philosophy of that is there are no winners, that everyone is entitled to the same prize for just participating, which is of course completely ridiculous.

I don't think so....there is a difference between playing to win and seeing the world only in terms of "winners" and "losers" or worse - defining your own self image that way.

Successful people "win" - but that doesn't mean everyone else is a "loser". Many times the best negotiations result in a "win-win" situation where each party gets a little of what they want. That's how it is in the adult world at least - you enter into it with an idea of what you want to accomplish and then negotiate with a win being coming away with some of what you wanted. Your identity, self-worth and image aren't tied to there having to be a clear cut winner and having to be clear cut loser.

In a normal situation yes, but how are you supposed to conduct things when 24/7 for six months you have rabid, frothing at the mouth attack dogs at you.

The MSM is rabid, The Establishment is rabid, the Controlled Opposition ie. The Uni-Party is rabid.

The polar opposite for eight years when Obama was in, they couldn't lick his buttocks quick enough.

That's part and parcel of being a public figure. Every president has endured it and developed a thick skin. You can't be in that office and take everything personally like that.
Obama imho took their crap like a man

The MSM and The Establishment never attacked Obama, not one single time.
edward37 - you need to add some original content and a link or your thread will be closed.
I added on There was no link It was a post from a friend on another board

Here is one - this is what your friend must have gotten it from: Trump is in "meltdown" and terrified that he is going to lose, says 'The Art Of The Deal' co-writer

But Trump didn't lose did he, he won and that's the essence of the six month full-on across the board full spectrum attack on him.

They started this the moment he beat The Establishment candidate Hillary and it continued through the Transition, hitting hysteria levels pre-Inauguration where it was attempted every which way to stop him being Inaugurated via getting to the EC electors, that failed, then some were calling for actual military intervention to stop Trump being Inaugurated.

Then we get post-Inauguration a daily 24/7 full-on attack for a full four months.

All of the above is simply because he BEAT Hillary and Hillary was supposed to win, the MSM told everyone Hillary would win, Hillary was told she would win, Hillary supporters were told she would win, the WORLD was told Hillary would win.

Then she lost.

Trump won and Trump wasn't supposed to win, so they from the moment it was announced he had won, the whole crowd has been trying to take him down with a mixture of gossip, rumours, "unnamed sources" and pure bullshit.
the black dude on CNN was the best, calling it white out. the things the left can't help themselves with. crying on air and ranting on air. just happened the other day with a Marine on CNN, te host went off on him. he was speaking about the anonymous source on the memo thing and she just went fking off. it was hilarious. And let's don't forget Rachel and the tax return. Now, one of you lib guys show us a conservative host going bonkers on the air.

At some point, your frequent "cry baby", "snowflake", "can't accept election results" memes are going to be fossils. Trump is 5 months into his term, it might be time to start looking at Trump himself and his own behavior and how it's contributing to things. In terms of partisan politics he's the gift that keeps on giving.
I've noticed that the congress has taken four weeks off in that time frame. tough to get things done when they take fking forever to go through Trumps nominees for the jobs, then take the four weeks off. Then can't get legislation done and constantly interrupted to talk about the fake russia nonsense. yeah, its trump. NOT

Thanks for exposing yourself and promoting FAKE NEWS.
It's not fake, I saw him on CNN last night. That is what he said, among other things. You may not like what this man who spent hundreds of hours with Trump has to say, but it's not a "fake" article. Schwartz is certainly dead on about the kind of rages that a person with a personality disorder flies into against those closest to him. He's seen Trump in action; he understands what Trump is about.
well shit all the evening and morning MSM would be in looney wards.

you mean in reality?

as opposed to trump loon fantasy world.

trump freaks are such idiots. you've been so conned. :rofl:
watch out Putin may be reading your posts., Let me take a moment and laugh at you.

Trump Is in Meltdown and in 'Pure Terror That He Is Going to Lose,' Says 'Art Of The Deal' Co-Writer Tony Schwartz
The co-author of Donald Trump’s best-selling business guide and memoir The Art Of The Deal announced the president is undergoing a “significant meltdown” in a CNN interview with Anderson Cooper.
“I think he’s reacting from a survival place,” Tony Schwartz told Cooper Wednesday. He’s in pure defensive mode...he’s being run by the part of his brain that’s reactive and impulsive, not capable of reflection," Schwartz said. “The sense of siege that he feels because his sense of self-worth is so, so vulnerable that the series of things that have happened are overwhelming to him."
"There is no right and wrong for Trump. There’s winning and losing. And that’s very different from right and wrong. And right now he’s in pure terror that he is going to lose," he added. "And by the way he is going to lose. I surely believe that at some point over the next period of time he’s going to have to figure out a way to resign and the reason he’s going to do that as opposed to go through what could be an impeachment process, or a continuing humiliation, is that he wants to figure out a way — as he’s done all his career — to turn a loss into a victory. And so he will declare victory when he leaves."
"Schwartz knows Trump's psyche well, spending nearly a year with him to help pen the best-selling 1987 book. He has been vocal about his regrets in writing the book, giving the The New Yorker a tell-all interview about the part he has played in creating the myth of Trump as a man who wins everything. On Twitter, he said he would now call the book "The Sociopath."
this is just more evidence of the left meltdown for sure. :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

Have we ever had a president that acted like this before?
Fortunately not ,,,,Hear him belly aching this morning that he's the most picked on president of all time ?? Poor baby Trump

He's been rabidly attacked 24/7 for six months, beginning the moment he beat Hillary.

He's fully justified in saying what he's saying, only those with either their heads in the sand or in a total state of denial can say that Trump has not been rabidly attacked 24/7 since he beat Hillary.

But Trump didn't lose did he, he won and that's the essence of the six month full-on across the board full spectrum attack on him.

They started this the moment he beat The Establishment candidate Hillary and it continued through the Transition, hitting hysteria levels pre-Inauguration where it was attempted every which way to stop him being Inaugurated via getting to the EC electors, that failed, then some were calling for actual military intervention to stop Trump being Inaugurated.

Then we get post-Inauguration a daily 24/7 full-on attack for a full four months.

All of the above is simply because he BEAT Hillary and Hillary was supposed to win, the MSM told everyone Hillary would win, Hillary was told she would win, Hillary supporters were told she would win, the WORLD was told Hillary would win.

Then she lost.

Trump won and Trump wasn't supposed to win, so they from the moment it was announced he had won, the whole crowd has been trying to take him down with a mixture of gossip, rumours, "unnamed sources" and pure bullshit.

He won the election. But he's a person that can only think in terms of winning and losing/winners and losers - in EVERYTHING. He has to believe himself to be a winner in any scenario or else he's a "loser".
good attribute.

Not so sure about that - it's possible to win and for your opponent to win and both come away with something. That's what negotiation is. And diplomacy. Adopting a winner/loser frame of mind means every interaction is looked at in terms of a war.

"it's possible to win and for your opponent to win and both come away with something."

No, you never let your opponent win, it's impossible to have two winners and in a fight or a competition or something you don't say to your opponent:

"I intend to win, but I'm also going to let you win"

What you describe is the Participation Award, that there is no one winner, but everyone gets to win for simply participating.

You win, your opponent loses, you're the winner, they're the loser.

Let me give you an example.

We have a problem with drugs entering this country from South America via Mexico.
Mexico has a problem with guns entering their country from the US.

What's a good solution?
We negotiate with Mexico, share intelligence and information, set up stings and security protocals and reduce the number of illegal guns and drugs flowing across the border.

Who's the winner?
Who's the loser?
But Trump didn't lose did he, he won and that's the essence of the six month full-on across the board full spectrum attack on him.

They started this the moment he beat The Establishment candidate Hillary and it continued through the Transition, hitting hysteria levels pre-Inauguration where it was attempted every which way to stop him being Inaugurated via getting to the EC electors, that failed, then some were calling for actual military intervention to stop Trump being Inaugurated.

Then we get post-Inauguration a daily 24/7 full-on attack for a full four months.

All of the above is simply because he BEAT Hillary and Hillary was supposed to win, the MSM told everyone Hillary would win, Hillary was told she would win, Hillary supporters were told she would win, the WORLD was told Hillary would win.

Then she lost.

Trump won and Trump wasn't supposed to win, so they from the moment it was announced he had won, the whole crowd has been trying to take him down with a mixture of gossip, rumours, "unnamed sources" and pure bullshit.

He won the election. But he's a person that can only think in terms of winning and losing/winners and losers - in EVERYTHING. He has to believe himself to be a winner in any scenario or else he's a "loser".
good attribute.

Not so sure about that - it's possible to win and for your opponent to win and both come away with something. That's what negotiation is. And diplomacy. Adopting a winner/loser frame of mind means every interaction is looked at in terms of a war.

"it's possible to win and for your opponent to win and both come away with something."

No, you never let your opponent win, it's impossible to have two winners and in a fight or a competition or something you don't say to your opponent:

"I intend to win, but I'm also going to let you win"

What you describe is the Participation Award, that there is no one winner, but everyone gets to win for simply participating.

You win, your opponent loses, you're the winner, they're the loser.

That only works if you view everything as a fight. Is that really a successful strategy though?
it is a fight. why isn't it one. peoples lives are at stack. you minimize the importance of a president like it is school.
But Trump didn't lose did he, he won and that's the essence of the six month full-on across the board full spectrum attack on him.

They started this the moment he beat The Establishment candidate Hillary and it continued through the Transition, hitting hysteria levels pre-Inauguration where it was attempted every which way to stop him being Inaugurated via getting to the EC electors, that failed, then some were calling for actual military intervention to stop Trump being Inaugurated.

Then we get post-Inauguration a daily 24/7 full-on attack for a full four months.

All of the above is simply because he BEAT Hillary and Hillary was supposed to win, the MSM told everyone Hillary would win, Hillary was told she would win, Hillary supporters were told she would win, the WORLD was told Hillary would win.

Then she lost.

Trump won and Trump wasn't supposed to win, so they from the moment it was announced he had won, the whole crowd has been trying to take him down with a mixture of gossip, rumours, "unnamed sources" and pure bullshit.

He won the election. But he's a person that can only think in terms of winning and losing/winners and losers - in EVERYTHING. He has to believe himself to be a winner in any scenario or else he's a "loser".
good attribute.

Not so sure about that - it's possible to win and for your opponent to win and both come away with something. That's what negotiation is. And diplomacy. Adopting a winner/loser frame of mind means every interaction is looked at in terms of a war.

"it's possible to win and for your opponent to win and both come away with something."

No, you never let your opponent win, it's impossible to have two winners and in a fight or a competition or something you don't say to your opponent:

"I intend to win, but I'm also going to let you win"

What you describe is the Participation Award, that there is no one winner, but everyone gets to win for simply participating.

You win, your opponent loses, you're the winner, they're the loser.

Let me give you an example.

We have a problem with drugs entering this country from South America via Mexico.
Mexico has a problem with guns entering their country from the US.

What's a good solution?
We negotiate with Mexico, share intelligence and information, set up stings and security protocals and reduce the number of illegal guns and drugs flowing across the border.

Who's the winner?
Who's the loser?
but according to you loons on the left he isn't allowed to discuss intelligence without you all flipping your lids. LOL you all are fking hilarious.
Trump Is in Meltdown and in 'Pure Terror That He Is Going to Lose,' Says 'Art Of The Deal' Co-Writer Tony Schwartz
The co-author of Donald Trump’s best-selling business guide and memoir The Art Of The Deal announced the president is undergoing a “significant meltdown” in a CNN interview with Anderson Cooper.
“I think he’s reacting from a survival place,” Tony Schwartz told Cooper Wednesday. He’s in pure defensive mode...he’s being run by the part of his brain that’s reactive and impulsive, not capable of reflection," Schwartz said. “The sense of siege that he feels because his sense of self-worth is so, so vulnerable that the series of things that have happened are overwhelming to him."
"There is no right and wrong for Trump. There’s winning and losing. And that’s very different from right and wrong. And right now he’s in pure terror that he is going to lose," he added. "And by the way he is going to lose. I surely believe that at some point over the next period of time he’s going to have to figure out a way to resign and the reason he’s going to do that as opposed to go through what could be an impeachment process, or a continuing humiliation, is that he wants to figure out a way — as he’s done all his career — to turn a loss into a victory. And so he will declare victory when he leaves."
"Schwartz knows Trump's psyche well, spending nearly a year with him to help pen the best-selling 1987 book. He has been vocal about his regrets in writing the book, giving the The New Yorker a tell-all interview about the part he has played in creating the myth of Trump as a man who wins everything. On Twitter, he said he would now call the book "The Sociopath."
this is just more evidence of the left meltdown for sure. :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

Have we ever had a president that acted like this before?
like what, having to defend himself daily from the attacks of the state? nope. But nixon was similar.
Trump Is in Meltdown and in 'Pure Terror That He Is Going to Lose,' Says 'Art Of The Deal' Co-Writer Tony Schwartz
The co-author of Donald Trump’s best-selling business guide and memoir The Art Of The Deal announced the president is undergoing a “significant meltdown” in a CNN interview with Anderson Cooper.
“I think he’s reacting from a survival place,” Tony Schwartz told Cooper Wednesday. He’s in pure defensive mode...he’s being run by the part of his brain that’s reactive and impulsive, not capable of reflection," Schwartz said. “The sense of siege that he feels because his sense of self-worth is so, so vulnerable that the series of things that have happened are overwhelming to him."
"There is no right and wrong for Trump. There’s winning and losing. And that’s very different from right and wrong. And right now he’s in pure terror that he is going to lose," he added. "And by the way he is going to lose. I surely believe that at some point over the next period of time he’s going to have to figure out a way to resign and the reason he’s going to do that as opposed to go through what could be an impeachment process, or a continuing humiliation, is that he wants to figure out a way — as he’s done all his career — to turn a loss into a victory. And so he will declare victory when he leaves."
"Schwartz knows Trump's psyche well, spending nearly a year with him to help pen the best-selling 1987 book. He has been vocal about his regrets in writing the book, giving the The New Yorker a tell-all interview about the part he has played in creating the myth of Trump as a man who wins everything. On Twitter, he said he would now call the book "The Sociopath."
this is just more evidence of the left meltdown for sure. :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

Have we ever had a president that acted like this before?
like what, having to defend himself daily from the attacks of the state? nope. But nixon was similar.

Trump started out with his party in control of all the branches - a friendly Congress willing to try and work with him. Like Nixon, he is orchestrating his own failures.

Both Bush and Obama had to deal with very hostile crap. Obama's legitimatacy was even questioned. Trump is dealing with the same thing but instead of growing a thick skin and ignoring it - he's reacting left and right at every slight, insult or obstruction. And that - I've never seen ever. It's not very grown up behavior.
I added on There was no link It was a post from a friend on another board

Here is one - this is what your friend must have gotten it from: Trump is in "meltdown" and terrified that he is going to lose, says 'The Art Of The Deal' co-writer

But Trump didn't lose did he, he won and that's the essence of the six month full-on across the board full spectrum attack on him.

They started this the moment he beat The Establishment candidate Hillary and it continued through the Transition, hitting hysteria levels pre-Inauguration where it was attempted every which way to stop him being Inaugurated via getting to the EC electors, that failed, then some were calling for actual military intervention to stop Trump being Inaugurated.

Then we get post-Inauguration a daily 24/7 full-on attack for a full four months.

All of the above is simply because he BEAT Hillary and Hillary was supposed to win, the MSM told everyone Hillary would win, Hillary was told she would win, Hillary supporters were told she would win, the WORLD was told Hillary would win.

Then she lost.

Trump won and Trump wasn't supposed to win, so they from the moment it was announced he had won, the whole crowd has been trying to take him down with a mixture of gossip, rumours, "unnamed sources" and pure bullshit.

He won the election. But he's a person that can only think in terms of winning and losing/winners and losers - in EVERYTHING. He has to believe himself to be a winner in any scenario or else he's a "loser".
good attribute.

Not so sure about that - it's possible to win and for your opponent to win and both come away with something. That's what negotiation is. And diplomacy. Adopting a winner/loser frame of mind means every interaction is looked at in terms of a war.
what is so hard to understand? he wants to be a winner always. me too. it's an attribute I share with him. I do lose, I don't like to lose, however, unlike a libturd, I accept loss because it is part of life. when you all going to figure that out? oh yeah, never.
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He won the election. But he's a person that can only think in terms of winning and losing/winners and losers - in EVERYTHING. He has to believe himself to be a winner in any scenario or else he's a "loser".
good attribute.

Not so sure about that - it's possible to win and for your opponent to win and both come away with something. That's what negotiation is. And diplomacy. Adopting a winner/loser frame of mind means every interaction is looked at in terms of a war.

"it's possible to win and for your opponent to win and both come away with something."

No, you never let your opponent win, it's impossible to have two winners and in a fight or a competition or something you don't say to your opponent:

"I intend to win, but I'm also going to let you win"

What you describe is the Participation Award, that there is no one winner, but everyone gets to win for simply participating.

You win, your opponent loses, you're the winner, they're the loser.

Let me give you an example.

We have a problem with drugs entering this country from South America via Mexico.
Mexico has a problem with guns entering their country from the US.

What's a good solution?
We negotiate with Mexico, share intelligence and information, set up stings and security protocals and reduce the number of illegal guns and drugs flowing across the border.

Who's the winner?
Who's the loser?
but according to you loons on the left he isn't allowed to discuss intelligence without you all flipping your lids. LOL you all are fking hilarious.

I think your knee jerk defense of Trump is too transparent. Think about it. No one is saying he isn't allowed to discuss intelligence. It's the perogative of the president.

But, the prresident is also expected to show judgement and understand that some can be discussed and some can't and that it isn't just him and who he's talking to but who it came from and who might be involved in the gathering of it. It's requires a level of sensitivity, tact, and knowledge that this president seems incapable of.
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