Trump, in Miami speech, set to roll back Obama's Cuba policy


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
Appears to be a reasonable expectation from other countries before you normalize relations. I'm sure Bernie and his supporters will be upset, notice how those most pressing for punishment against Cuba are those who lived under that system?

Now if only we could get the U.S to help with liberty in Canada too, there would be many happy Canadians and businesses.

Trump, in Miami speech, set to roll back Obama's Cuba policy

President Trump will head to Miami on Friday, home to a large and influential Cuban-American community, to unveil his administration’s new Cuba policy -- which will roll back central parts of his predecessor’s efforts to normalize ties with the Communist island nation, according to a senior administration official and other sources.

While details on the changes to the policy have yet to be fully revealed, a U.S. official suggested that Trump would call for Cuban President Raul Castro to push for more political freedom and to release democratic activists in Cuban prisons, among other initiatives.

Trump is at the same time expected to announce a reversal in some areas of former President Barack Obama's previous steps toward normalizing relations including the opening of embassies between the two countries and the easing of flight restrictions between the U.S. and Cuba.

The final actions have not been set as the review over the specifics of the plan continues. However, there will likely be steps in restricting travel from the U.S. to Cuba; there are now daily flights from Florida to Cuba. Another directive being weighed is taking steps to limit American companies from dealing with businesses owned by the Cuban military, U.S. sources confirm to Fox News.

While campaigning in Miami during a stop in September of 2016, then-Republican presidential nominee Trump hinted at such a move, tying it to demands on the Cuban government.

“All of the concessions Barack Obama has granted the Castro regime were done through executive order which means our next president can reverse them,“ Trump said. "And that I will do unless the Castro regime meets our demands.”
Castro died old, rich and powerful. Trump probably envied him. So of course Trump will return to the failed policy that emboldened and empowered him.
If only the Cubans respected human rights like other forward thinking allies.
Castro died old, rich and powerful. Trump probably envied him. So of course Trump will return to the failed policy that emboldened and empowered him.

I'd like to see Rump give the speech in Spanish. Hey, Jimmy Carter did it.
Just because it would be a hoot. Also we'd get to find out what the Spanish word for "bigly" is.

My money's on "covfefemente".
You shouldn't be making one-sided deals when conducting foreign policy, like Obama did with Iran and Cuba. Off hand I can't think of one damn thing the US got out of either deal.
No nukes and cigars. Hell, throw a decent single-malt and that's what I call vacation.

Kennedy made the no nukes deal 50+ years ago. So all we got was some effing cigars?
What bad ha so come from expanded Cuba relations ?

Trump cares more about petty revenge on Obama making jokes about him than he does the good of America .
And another Obama failure quietly (OK, with much weeping, whining and gnashing of liberal false teeth) passes into the sunset!
Was it the Cuban terrorists that upset you?
The Cuban flag over the Capital?
The Cuban tourism "Come see a Commie" ads?
Ricky and Lucy on the TV guide?

Failed reading comprehension often?

I'm hardly upset. Rather, quite jolly at seeing another Obama regime failure bear fruit. Some cities do offer remedial reading courses but not necessarily in all countries. Perhaps check with yours?

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