TRUMP in trouble in Pennsylvania! Won't win it in 2020!

Yep, that's right, the 2018 election spells trouble for Trump in Pennsylvania based on the voting results of votes for the Democrats VS. votes for the Republican.

Here is the break down of votes for Governor, Senator, and the Representatives Republican VS. Democrat.

Governor: Winner Tom Wolf (D)
Democrat votes: 2,852,539 - 57.6% of the vote
Republican votes: 2,022,348 - 40.8% of the vote

Senator: Winner Bob Casey (D)
Democrats votes: 2,747,345 - 55.6% of the vote
Republican votes: 2,116,110 - 42.8% of the vote

Representatives: 9 (D) - 9 (R)
Democrat votes: 2,677,130 - 55.1% of the vote
Republican votes: 2,183,180 - 44.9% of the vote

Despite the split in the wins for Representatives, 9 to 9, overall the Democrats got nearly a half a million more votes than Republicans.

Here is what the 2016 Presidential results were:
Trump: 2,970,733 - 48.17% of the vote
Clinton: 2,926,441 - 47.46%

Trump won Pennsylvania by a mere 44,292 votes.

Based on the results of the voting in 2018, Trump will lose Pennsylvania by between 5 and 10 percentage points. The Democrat challenger will get at least 50%, and Trump won't get above 45%.

With Pennsylvania going Blue in 2020, so will Wisconsin and Michigan since the results in those states were even tighter wins for Trump in 2016. That means the BLUE WALL of 18 democratic states has been restored after the tiny breach in 2016. Those 18 states have 248 ELECTORAL Votes. Democrats will then easily get to 270 with Virginia(13 EVs) and Colorado(9 EVs) which they both beat Trump in last time by 5 percentage points each.

Trump is done! A one term President. He will lose Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Michigan and will not pick up any other states that he lost last time to make up for losing those three states in 2020.

The Dems have two years to screw up. It won't take them nearly that long to prove that they are incompetent boobs!
just wait till Mueller said NO collusion . everyone of them with TDS heads will blow . Thier body is boiling now
If Trump loses Pennsylvania, I am curious to know what state the pseudocons believe Trump will win to make up the difference.

That's the thing there are no states to make it up. They have thought about Minnesota and Colorado. Minnesota has not voted for a Republican since 1972. Colorado has recreational legal Marijuana and an openly gay governor. Those states get bluer every day. Virginia is the same. Without Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania, its over for Trump in 2020.

Minnesota, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Michigan are actually getting more Republican, not less. Colorado, Virginia, Nevada, and Arizona are getting more Democratic.

In 2016, Trump got 48.8 to Clinton's 47.6 percent of the vote.

In 2018, the Democratic Senate candidate got 55.7 to the Republican's 47.6 percent of the vote.

The Democrats also picked up some seats in the House since the Republican gerrymandering was overturned by the courts.


In 2016, Clinton 46.44 to Trump's 44.92 percent.

In 2018, the Democratic Senate candidate got 60.31 to the Republican's 36.21 percent. The Democratic gubernatorial candidate got 53.84 to the Republican's 42.43 percent.


Trump 47.2 to Clinton 46.5. A real squeaker.

2018: Scott Walker was booted out by the Democrat, 49.54 to 48.44. The Democratic candidate for Senate slammed the Republican 55.36 to 44.53.

Trump 47.50 to Clinton 47.27. Incredibly close.

2018: Democratic Senate candidate slammed Republican 52.3 to 45.8. Democratic gubernatorial candidate slammed Republican 53.3 to 43.7.

So tell us again how these states are becoming more Republican, and who your crack dealer is.

Instead of being a snarky asshole ( I realize you can't help yourself most of time because you think you're never wrong about anything) try looking at the long term trend instead of cherry picking two very different election seasons, one of which was a wave year for the opposition party who made gains even in very red districts all across the country. Then we'll talk.

He'll also carry Michigan again...and do even better in Wayne County (Detroit) and Flint.
did you see the latest for Chrysler and Detroit for jobs? wow.~8k. in Detroit.
Meanwhile GM gave the Middle Finger to America because they invested millions of dollars in Mexico and China during The Obama Administration, and made plant closing announcements as soon as The Midterms were over so not to hurt The Democrat Party.

Sherrod Brown and Tim Ryan voted against legislation that would have kept GM in America. Then they stood by and did nothing when they left.

I'll never buy a GM vehicle for the rest of my life.
I laugh when you assfucks talk about GM. I recall you all dancing naked around the fire in protest of the GM bailout by Obama. "OMG OMG OMG picking winners & losers OMG OMG OMG"
it was wrong. and it is still wrong now. I'm not sure you have brains.
Anyone with a brain would know to save GM & not let the Bush recession kill it.
The election is a long way off and maybe advisable to stop wetting ones pants until the time comes.
Yep, that's right, the 2018 election spells trouble for Trump in Pennsylvania based on the voting results of votes for the Democrats VS. votes for the Republican.

Here is the break down of votes for Governor, Senator, and the Representatives Republican VS. Democrat.

Governor: Winner Tom Wolf (D)
Democrat votes: 2,852,539 - 57.6% of the vote
Republican votes: 2,022,348 - 40.8% of the vote

Senator: Winner Bob Casey (D)
Democrats votes: 2,747,345 - 55.6% of the vote
Republican votes: 2,116,110 - 42.8% of the vote

Representatives: 9 (D) - 9 (R)
Democrat votes: 2,677,130 - 55.1% of the vote
Republican votes: 2,183,180 - 44.9% of the vote

Despite the split in the wins for Representatives, 9 to 9, overall the Democrats got nearly a half a million more votes than Republicans.

Here is what the 2016 Presidential results were:
Trump: 2,970,733 - 48.17% of the vote
Clinton: 2,926,441 - 47.46%

Trump won Pennsylvania by a mere 44,292 votes.

Based on the results of the voting in 2018, Trump will lose Pennsylvania by between 5 and 10 percentage points. The Democrat challenger will get at least 50%, and Trump won't get above 45%.

With Pennsylvania going Blue in 2020, so will Wisconsin and Michigan since the results in those states were even tighter wins for Trump in 2016. That means the BLUE WALL of 18 democratic states has been restored after the tiny breach in 2016. Those 18 states have 248 ELECTORAL Votes. Democrats will then easily get to 270 with Virginia(13 EVs) and Colorado(9 EVs) which they both beat Trump in last time by 5 percentage points each.

Trump is done! A one term President. He will lose Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Michigan and will not pick up any other states that he lost last time to make up for losing those three states in 2020.

The Repugs are screwed nation wide.
Yep, that's right, the 2018 election spells trouble for Trump in Pennsylvania based on the voting results of votes for the Democrats VS. votes for the Republican.

Here is the break down of votes for Governor, Senator, and the Representatives Republican VS. Democrat.

Governor: Winner Tom Wolf (D)
Democrat votes: 2,852,539 - 57.6% of the vote
Republican votes: 2,022,348 - 40.8% of the vote

Senator: Winner Bob Casey (D)
Democrats votes: 2,747,345 - 55.6% of the vote
Republican votes: 2,116,110 - 42.8% of the vote

Representatives: 9 (D) - 9 (R)
Democrat votes: 2,677,130 - 55.1% of the vote
Republican votes: 2,183,180 - 44.9% of the vote

Despite the split in the wins for Representatives, 9 to 9, overall the Democrats got nearly a half a million more votes than Republicans.

Here is what the 2016 Presidential results were:
Trump: 2,970,733 - 48.17% of the vote
Clinton: 2,926,441 - 47.46%

Trump won Pennsylvania by a mere 44,292 votes.

Based on the results of the voting in 2018, Trump will lose Pennsylvania by between 5 and 10 percentage points. The Democrat challenger will get at least 50%, and Trump won't get above 45%.

With Pennsylvania going Blue in 2020, so will Wisconsin and Michigan since the results in those states were even tighter wins for Trump in 2016. That means the BLUE WALL of 18 democratic states has been restored after the tiny breach in 2016. Those 18 states have 248 ELECTORAL Votes. Democrats will then easily get to 270 with Virginia(13 EVs) and Colorado(9 EVs) which they both beat Trump in last time by 5 percentage points each.

Trump is done! A one term President. He will lose Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Michigan and will not pick up any other states that he lost last time to make up for losing those three states in 2020.

The Repugs are screwed nation wide.
The Repugs are screwed nation wide.
No, assh*le...the people get screwed
Trumps energy policy which is more friendly to Fracking than Obama has given PA a huge economic boom. Thanks President Trump!

He'll also carry Michigan again...and do even better in Wayne County (Detroit) and Flint.

Not according to the latest polls in Michigan:

January 30, 2019 - Detroit News Poll - Biden 53% Trump 40% - Biden +13

That's right, if the race were held today in Michigan, Biden would slaughter Trump by a 13 point margin!
and trump had no path to the white house in 2016. you are truly nuts. keep that head buried, thank you!!

Actually, I believe Trump is a weak candidate that won because Clinton was just so horrible.

Unless the left goes full nutter Trump should not win
If I'm being chased by a bear with others, I don't have to be faster than the bear, I just have to be faster than the people I'm with. You truly believe out of all the dems with a hat in the ring any are better than hitlery? hahahaahahahahahaha

He'll also carry Michigan again...and do even better in Wayne County (Detroit) and Flint.

Not according to the latest polls in Michigan:

January 30, 2019 - Detroit News Poll - Biden 53% Trump 40% - Biden +13

That's right, if the race were held today in Michigan, Biden would slaughter Trump by a 13 point margin!
and trump had no path to the white house in 2016. you are truly nuts. keep that head buried, thank you!!

Actually, I believe Trump is a weak candidate that won because Clinton was just so horrible.

Unless the left goes full nutter Trump should not win
If I'm being chased by a bear with others, I don't have to be faster than the bear, I just have to be faster than the people I'm with. You truly believe out of all the dems with a hat in the ring any are better than hitlery? hahahaahahahahahaha
Of course they are better than Hillary. If half the country doesn't hate them without knowing exactly why they hate them, then they are a better candidate than Hillary.

Obama was a better candidate because he got the young people and blacks to show up. That's what we need. A young black woman for our nominee. They will have pretty much the same agenda that Hillary had.
Anyone with a brain would know to save GM & not let the Bush recession kill it.

I'll hand it to Obama for saving GM when there wasn't a bank or investor that would touch them. What tax dollars we spent on that was still less than putting a million people on the street with years of unemployment benefits. Of course Obama did it for the UAW and not the American people but it did turn out with us saving an essential defense industry. The "Bush recession" that Maxine Waters and Barney Frank and Chris Todd caused by not letting Dubya's accountants look at Freddie and Fannie while those lenders wallowed in bad paper by letting anybody breathing get a mortgage, even if they listed EBT benefits as their assets? You ain't "real"'re an angry stooge who bought into the bullshit that's drowning you.
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Something mdk keeps bringing up reminds me that LGBT is going to have trouble in Pennsylvania too.
It will be interesting to see the first polls of a Biden vs Trump match up in Pennsylvania. I have no doubt Biden will be ahead of Trump. Biden is already beating Trump in Michigan by 13 points in the latest poll there.
Yep, that's right, the 2018 election spells trouble for Trump in Pennsylvania based on the voting results of votes for the Democrats VS. votes for the Republican.

Here is the break down of votes for Governor, Senator, and the Representatives Republican VS. Democrat.

Governor: Winner Tom Wolf (D)
Democrat votes: 2,852,539 - 57.6% of the vote
Republican votes: 2,022,348 - 40.8% of the vote

Senator: Winner Bob Casey (D)
Democrats votes: 2,747,345 - 55.6% of the vote
Republican votes: 2,116,110 - 42.8% of the vote

Representatives: 9 (D) - 9 (R)
Democrat votes: 2,677,130 - 55.1% of the vote
Republican votes: 2,183,180 - 44.9% of the vote

Despite the split in the wins for Representatives, 9 to 9, overall the Democrats got nearly a half a million more votes than Republicans.

Here is what the 2016 Presidential results were:
Trump: 2,970,733 - 48.17% of the vote
Clinton: 2,926,441 - 47.46%

Trump won Pennsylvania by a mere 44,292 votes.

Based on the results of the voting in 2018, Trump will lose Pennsylvania by between 5 and 10 percentage points. The Democrat challenger will get at least 50%, and Trump won't get above 45%.

With Pennsylvania going Blue in 2020, so will Wisconsin and Michigan since the results in those states were even tighter wins for Trump in 2016. That means the BLUE WALL of 18 democratic states has been restored after the tiny breach in 2016. Those 18 states have 248 ELECTORAL Votes. Democrats will then easily get to 270 with Virginia(13 EVs) and Colorado(9 EVs) which they both beat Trump in last time by 5 percentage points each.

Trump is done! A one term President. He will lose Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Michigan and will not pick up any other states that he lost last time to make up for losing those three states in 2020.

Monmouth University Oct 29 – Nov 1, 2016 403 Likely Voters Trump 44 Clinton 48
Quinnipiac Oct 27 – Nov 1, 2016 612 Likely Voters Trump 43 Clinton 48
CNN Oct 27 – Nov 1, 2016 799 Likely Voters Trump 44 Clinton 48
He'll also carry Michigan again...and do even better in Wayne County (Detroit) and Flint.

Not according to the latest polls in Michigan:

January 30, 2019 - Detroit News Poll - Biden 53% Trump 40% - Biden +13

That's right, if the race were held today in Michigan, Biden would slaughter Trump by a 13 point margin!
and trump had no path to the white house in 2016. you are truly nuts. keep that head buried, thank you!!

Actually, I believe Trump is a weak candidate that won because Clinton was just so horrible.

Unless the left goes full nutter Trump should not win
If I'm being chased by a bear with others, I don't have to be faster than the bear, I just have to be faster than the people I'm with. You truly believe out of all the dems with a hat in the ring any are better than hitlery? hahahaahahahahahaha
Of course they are better than Hillary. If half the country doesn't hate them without knowing exactly why they hate them, then they are a better candidate than Hillary.

Obama was a better candidate because he got the young people and blacks to show up. That's what we need. A young black woman for our nominee. They will have pretty much the same agenda that Hillary had.
Hillary didn’t push reparations.
It will be interesting to see the first polls of a Biden vs Trump match up in Pennsylvania. I have no doubt Biden will be ahead of Trump. Biden is already beating Trump in Michigan by 13 points in the latest poll there.
Biden won’t even win the nomination.
Crooked Hillary predicted she was going to win Penn along with every other polling service.

How did that work out for her?

The biggest liability these stupid Democrats have are the bat shit crazy Left candidates. Come General Election they will have trouble getting much over 40% with idiots like Commie Bernie.
Yep, that's right, the 2018 election spells trouble for Trump in Pennsylvania based on the voting results of votes for the Democrats VS. votes for the Republican.

Here is the break down of votes for Governor, Senator, and the Representatives Republican VS. Democrat.

Governor: Winner Tom Wolf (D)
Democrat votes: 2,852,539 - 57.6% of the vote
Republican votes: 2,022,348 - 40.8% of the vote

Senator: Winner Bob Casey (D)
Democrats votes: 2,747,345 - 55.6% of the vote
Republican votes: 2,116,110 - 42.8% of the vote

Representatives: 9 (D) - 9 (R)
Democrat votes: 2,677,130 - 55.1% of the vote
Republican votes: 2,183,180 - 44.9% of the vote

Despite the split in the wins for Representatives, 9 to 9, overall the Democrats got nearly a half a million more votes than Republicans.

Here is what the 2016 Presidential results were:
Trump: 2,970,733 - 48.17% of the vote
Clinton: 2,926,441 - 47.46%

Trump won Pennsylvania by a mere 44,292 votes.

Based on the results of the voting in 2018, Trump will lose Pennsylvania by between 5 and 10 percentage points. The Democrat challenger will get at least 50%, and Trump won't get above 45%.

With Pennsylvania going Blue in 2020, so will Wisconsin and Michigan since the results in those states were even tighter wins for Trump in 2016. That means the BLUE WALL of 18 democratic states has been restored after the tiny breach in 2016. Those 18 states have 248 ELECTORAL Votes. Democrats will then easily get to 270 with Virginia(13 EVs) and Colorado(9 EVs) which they both beat Trump in last time by 5 percentage points each.

Trump is done! A one term President. He will lose Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Michigan and will not pick up any other states that he lost last time to make up for losing those three states in 2020.

Monmouth University Oct 29 – Nov 1, 2016 403 Likely Voters Trump 44 Clinton 48
Quinnipiac Oct 27 – Nov 1, 2016 612 Likely Voters Trump 43 Clinton 48
CNN Oct 27 – Nov 1, 2016 799 Likely Voters Trump 44 Clinton 48

Those polls are within the margin of error or close to it. Recent polling with Biden against Trump is far outside the margin of error. Plus the congressional results were not even close in 2018 with Democrats beating Republicans by an average of 10 to 13 points in each state.

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