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Trump incorrectly says that his father was born in Germany

Yes, Trump really does get credit for the Supreme Court picks, no matter what silly ass excuse you gave it. He could
have picked another liberal judge to fuck up our Constitution.

Yes, Trump gets credit for unemployment being as low as it is. It could have gone the other way with bad policy decisions.
Who cares what he says about the U-3, only those with TDS would complain about it.

The Dow has had a huge gain once it was announced that he was our next president, because of that AND a stronger economy
under his watch the fed reserve incrementally raised the rates from near 0 to 2.25-2.50, something that wasn't touched for nearly
Opies entire time in office. Why? Because Trump's economy really is stronger than Opies was.That will take the steam out of GDP and the DOW, but, still part of the longest bull market in my

Historians are the ones who are going to have to judge Trump on the deficits. He is trying something bold that
we won't see the benefits (if any) immediately.

As far as spending? I'm with you on that, and all politicians are to blame including Trump. I always say we spend too much
and liberals say we aren't taxed enough.

Report: U.S. Nuclear System Relies On Outdated Technology Such As Floppy Disks
The Dangerous Degradation Of The U.S. Nuclear Arsenal
U.S. military in 'crisis,' could lose a war to Russia and China, report warns
You decide

You're under the assumption that the government is responsible for healthcare, IMO no it's not.

I'm with you on Syria and Afghanistan, bring them home.

With NoKo...he tried, but he didn't do what past presidents did with NoKo.
Not sure it's possible.

Let me know when I become a republican, okay MickeyR?

Just keep bitching about him, you always do, TDS does that to a person.

1- SCOTUS picks - no credit. He controlled both houses. Why would he post a liberal judge - no reason? It takes ZERO skill to appoint a con SCOTUS judge when you are a con and cons control both Houses. ZERO.
If you think otherwise - you are mistaken.

2- U-3 - he (rightly) called it a hoax. It is - he gets no credit for it. Besides, show me EXACTLY where the U-3 suddenly nose-dived once he took office.

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data
You cannot because it did not.
He gets zero credit for making zero change from previous administration.

3- the DOW is lower now than it was a year ago. That is pathetic. Especially with a huge fiscal deficit. Plus, the DOW has grown MUCH less on a per month basis then it did under Obama (after the Great Recession).
.N225: Nikkei 225 Index - Stock Quote and News - CNBC
All facts - totally incontrovertible.

4- The GDP is 2.55% under Trump. That stinks - especially with gigantic deficits which stimulate an economy. And I don't give a shit what Obama did (I am no fan of his as POTUS either). Trump promised 4-5% growth. He was wrong.
These are all facts.

5- the trade deficit is MUCH higher then it was when he took office. And I don't give a shit about 'it will see benefits'. You have ZERO proof of that. Promises mean NOTHING. The trade deficit is FAR worse when Trump promised it would be FAR better.
These are facts.

6- defense? Your last source is a biased joke. It is common knowledge they are STAGGERINGLY biased for more spending...no matter what.
The Problem with the National Defense Strategy Commission
And your other links are just talking about nuclear which takes up a small fraction of the defense budget.

You did not show one UNBIASED source that America's defense was unsafe before he took office. And America spends over 2.5 times what China, Russia, Iran and North Korea do COMBINED.
Defense Spending by Country
Anyone that says that America needs to spend more money on defense is - no offense - staggeringly inept on such matters.
To argue for more defense spending in 2019 (especially with America running a GIGANTIC fiscal deficit) is sheer lunacy, IMO.
I will not waste time debating such an absurd notion. You want to be brainwashed by the MIC...go ahead.
BTW - I am no military hater...I served in the reserves (saw no combat).

7- what you (or I - and I am against single payer, BTW) think healthcare should look like is irrelevant. Trump promised a replacement for Obamacare and has failed at it miserably.

8- North Korea? Tried? Are you serious? Tried? Every POTUS - Rep or Dem - tried. It's just Trump was FAR more boastful about it. He got NOTHING.
This is fact.

So no fact that I posted did you prove wrong. I will not argue them further.
And the rest are just your opinion against mine. Pointless to debate them further as I feel your mind is closed on these issues.

And - as you agreed to various extents with - he has failed MASSIVELY on the fiscal deficit and bringing troops home. Absolutely pathetic.

As for TDS. I agree completely...that you have it:

''Trump Derangement Syndrome
The latest attempt by the alt-right to demonise anybody who thinks that maybe putting a reality TV star who's declared bankruptcy six times in charge of the country might not have been the best idea.
"So what if Trump only told the complete truth throughout 4% of his campaign, and had to settle out of court for that fraud trial, and that he reacts like a spoilt brat on Twitter to any kind of criticism? Geez, you libtard SJW snowflakes just have accept democracy won and stop exercising your right to free speech! You're so negative with your Trump Derangement Syndrome!"'

Urban Dictionary: Trump Derangement Syndrome

Anyone who would read the above and seriously state that Trump has (as you put it above): 'Good grief, he has done so much for
this country in his 2 plus years.'?

Well, no offense, but they must be delusional and/or ignorant about this subject.
GWB was a failure. Obama was a failure. And Trump is a failure. The difference is - I respected the other two and never felt they were mentally disturbed or only out for themselves. I do not feel that way with Trump (and tens of millions - at least - agree with me). Trump is a danger to America, IMO.

I have taken this discussion as far as it seems you are willing to open your mind to go on it.

So I will end it here (at least for me). If you are willing to open your mind on this subject - I would be happy to debate it further.

Have a good day.

And once again - I am neither Dem nor Rep. Never have and NEVER will vote for either, pathetic party.
Last edited:
Yes, Trump really does get credit for the Supreme Court picks, no matter what silly ass excuse you gave it. He could
have picked another liberal judge to fuck up our Constitution.

Yes, Trump gets credit for unemployment being as low as it is. It could have gone the other way with bad policy decisions.
Who cares what he says about the U-3, only those with TDS would complain about it.

The Dow has had a huge gain once it was announced that he was our next president, because of that AND a stronger economy
under his watch the fed reserve incrementally raised the rates from near 0 to 2.25-2.50, something that wasn't touched for nearly
Opies entire time in office. Why? Because Trump's economy really is stronger than Opies was.That will take the steam out of GDP and the DOW, but, still part of the longest bull market in my

Historians are the ones who are going to have to judge Trump on the deficits. He is trying something bold that
we won't see the benefits (if any) immediately.

As far as spending? I'm with you on that, and all politicians are to blame including Trump. I always say we spend too much
and liberals say we aren't taxed enough.

Report: U.S. Nuclear System Relies On Outdated Technology Such As Floppy Disks
The Dangerous Degradation Of The U.S. Nuclear Arsenal
U.S. military in 'crisis,' could lose a war to Russia and China, report warns
You decide

You're under the assumption that the government is responsible for healthcare, IMO no it's not.

I'm with you on Syria and Afghanistan, bring them home.

With NoKo...he tried, but he didn't do what past presidents did with NoKo.
Not sure it's possible.

Let me know when I become a republican, okay MickeyR?

Just keep bitching about him, you always do, TDS does that to a person.

1- SCOTUS picks - no credit. He controlled both houses. Why would he post a liberal judge - no reason? It takes ZERO skill to appoint a con SCOTUS judge when you are a con and cons control both Houses. ZERO.
If you think otherwise - you are mistaken.

2- U-3 - he (rightly) called it a hoax. It is - he gets no credit for it. Besides, show me EXACTLY where the U-3 suddenly nose-dived once he took office.

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data
You cannot because it did not.
He gets zero credit for making zero change from previous administration.

3- the DOW is lower now than it was a year ago. That is pathetic. Especially with a huge fiscal deficit. Plus, the DOW has grown MUCH less on a per month basis then it did under Obama (after the Great Recession).
.N225: Nikkei 225 Index - Stock Quote and News - CNBC
All facts - totally incontrovertible.

4- The GDP is 2.55% under Trump. That stinks - especially with gigantic deficits which stimulate an economy. And I don't give a shit what Obama did (I am no fan of his as POTUS either). Trump promised 4-5% growth. He was wrong.
These are all facts.

5- the trade deficit is MUCH higher then it was when he took office. And I don't give a shit about 'it will see benefits'. You have ZERO proof of that. Promises mean NOTHING. The trade deficit is FAR worse when Trump promised it would be FAR better.
These are facts.

6- defense? Your last source is a biased joke. It is common knowledge they are STAGGERINGLY biased for more spending...no matter what.
The Problem with the National Defense Strategy Commission
And your other links are just talking about nuclear which takes up a small fraction of the defense budget.

You did not show one UNBIASED source that America's defense was unsafe before he took office. And America spends over 2.5 times what China, Russia, Iran and North Korea do COMBINED.
Defense Spending by Country
Anyone that says that America needs to spend more money on defense is - no offense - staggeringly inept on such matters.
To argue for more defense spending in 2019 (especially with America running a GIGANTIC fiscal deficit) is sheer lunacy, IMO.
I will not waste time debating such an absurd notion. You want to be brainwashed by the MIC...go ahead.
BTW - I am no military hater...I served in the reserves (saw no combat).

7- what you (or I - and I am against single payer, BTW) think healthcare should look like is irrelevant. Trump promised a replacement for Obamacare and has failed at it miserably.

8- North Korea? Tried? Are you serious? Tried? Every POTUS - Rep or Dem - tried. It's just Trump was FAR more boastful about it. He got NOTHING.
This is fact.

So no fact that I posted did you prove wrong. I will not argue them further.
And the rest are just your opinion against mine. Pointless to debate them further as I feel your mind is closed on these issues.

And - as you agreed to various extents with - he has failed MASSIVELY on the fiscal deficit and bringing troops home. Absolutely pathetic.

As for TDS. I agree completely...that you have it:

''Trump Derangement Syndrome
The latest attempt by the alt-right to demonise anybody who thinks that maybe putting a reality TV star who's declared bankruptcy six times in charge of the country might not have been the best idea.
"So what if Trump only told the complete truth throughout 4% of his campaign, and had to settle out of court for that fraud trial, and that he reacts like a spoilt brat on Twitter to any kind of criticism? Geez, you libtard SJW snowflakes just have accept democracy won and stop exercising your right to free speech! You're so negative with your Trump Derangement Syndrome!"'

Urban Dictionary: Trump Derangement Syndrome

Anyone who would read the above and seriously state that Trump has (as you put it above): 'Good grief, he has done so much for
this country in his 2 plus years.'?

Well, no offense, but they must be delusional and/or ignorant about this subject.
GWB was a failure. Obama was a failure. And Trump is a failure. The difference is - I respected the other two and never felt they were mentally disturbed or only out for themselves. I do not feel that way with Trump (and tens of millions - at least - agree with me). Trump is a danger to America, IMO.

I have taken this discussion as far as it seems you are willing to open your mind to go on it.

So I will end it here (at least for me). If you are willing to open your mind on this subject - I would be happy to debate it further.

Have a good day.

And once again - I am neither Dem nor Rep. Never have and NEVER will vote for either, pathetic party.
You asked and I answered, Don't like the answers, too bad for you. I wasn't trying to change you mind.
Just giving you an alternative view.
I could care less what YOU THINK. It's your opinion, just don't get too full of yourself. It's an opinion, that's all.
Yes, you do. That’s one gaffe compared to thousands made by trump.
Go ahead and impeach him over it faun. Good grief, he has done so much for
this country in his 2 plus years. Let him lie all he wants.
Not like your buddy Opie and his lies.
Dang I didn't get to keep my Dr., and I didn't save 2500 dollars.
Point is, they all lie. I know, I know, but Trump lies worse.
Ya'll need to grow up and figure out what is important

What EXACTLY has Trump done over the last two years? (and save the SCOTUS nomination - ANY Rep POTUS would have done the EXACT SAME THING - so it means nothing...he just had control of both houses to get his choices through).

And save the unemployment rate bull. He (rightly) called the U-3 a 'hoax' on the campaign trail. You cannot say something is a hoax and then turn around and take credit for the same thing as some big deal later.

Donald Trump Calls Unemployment Rate One of the "Biggest Hoaxes in Politics"

And save the DOW gains. The DOW has basically been flat for about a year and 2018 was the first negative DOW year since the Great Recession.

And save the GDP. He has had two years and only averaged 2.55% GDP growth. He promised 4 or 5%.

The Strange Ups and Downs of the U.S. Economy Since 1929

And save the trade deficit. That is worse now then when he took office.


And save the fiscal deficit. That is FAR worse now then when he took office. So much for 'small government' Republicans.


And save the greater spending on the military unless you can include a link to unbiased, factual proof that America's defense was unsafe before he took office.

And save Obamacare rhetoric - because he promised to replace it with something much better. Now he announces he will not even attempt to replace it until after 2020. FAIL.

Trump says no Republican health-care plan until after 2020 elections

And save infrastructure. He could not even get that easy thing passed (which the Dems would LOVE).

And save 'America First'. He INCREASED the number of troops in the Afghanistan quagmire. Plus he promised to pull out of Syria. Now we learn that American troops will stay indefinitely.

As U.S. Adds Troops in Afghanistan, Trump’s Strategy Remains Undefined
About 200 US troops to stay in Syria following Trump's order for 'full' removal - CNNPolitics

He promised a deal with North Korea. No deal.

He has allowed Russia to place troops in Venezuela (I don't mind - but you Rep's HATE that stuff...Monroe Doctrine and all). Fail.

You have a strange way of debating, you set all the parameters on what can't be debated.:auiqs.jpg:
McRocket, you are a verifiable goofball.

I did not set anything...and you know it. You just cannot counter my points - so you are caving. It's incredibly obvious and EXACTLY the reply I thought you would bring.

You are free to dispute every, single point I made.

Heck...I challenge you to dispute ANY point I stated (tough considering almost every one of them is a proven fact)?
Counter the points? You everything off the table.
President Obama knew the difference between his father and his grandfather.

He also knew the difference between reality and fantasy.
"57 states", need I say more?
Yes, you do. That’s one gaffe compared to thousands made by trump.
Go ahead and impeach him over it faun. Good grief, he has done so much for
this country in his 2 plus years. Let him lie all he wants.
Not like your buddy Opie and his lies.
Dang I didn't get to keep my Dr., and I didn't save 2500 dollars.
Point is, they all lie. I know, I know, but Trump lies worse.
Ya'll need to grow up and figure out what is important

What EXACTLY has Trump done over the last two years? (and save the SCOTUS nomination - ANY Rep POTUS would have done the EXACT SAME THING - so it means nothing...he just had control of both houses to get his choices through).

And save the unemployment rate bull. He (rightly) called the U-3 a 'hoax' on the campaign trail. You cannot say something is a hoax and then turn around and take credit for the same thing as some big deal later.

Donald Trump Calls Unemployment Rate One of the "Biggest Hoaxes in Politics"

And save the DOW gains. The DOW has basically been flat for about a year and 2018 was the first negative DOW year since the Great Recession.

And save the GDP. He has had two years and only averaged 2.55% GDP growth. He promised 4 or 5%.

The Strange Ups and Downs of the U.S. Economy Since 1929

And save the trade deficit. That is worse now then when he took office.


And save the fiscal deficit. That is FAR worse now then when he took office. So much for 'small government' Republicans.


And save the greater spending on the military unless you can include a link to unbiased, factual proof that America's defense was unsafe before he took office.

And save Obamacare rhetoric - because he promised to replace it with something much better. Now he announces he will not even attempt to replace it until after 2020. FAIL.

Trump says no Republican health-care plan until after 2020 elections

And save infrastructure. He could not even get that easy thing passed (which the Dems would LOVE).

And save 'America First'. He INCREASED the number of troops in the Afghanistan quagmire. Plus he promised to pull out of Syria. Now we learn that American troops will stay indefinitely.

As U.S. Adds Troops in Afghanistan, Trump’s Strategy Remains Undefined
About 200 US troops to stay in Syria following Trump's order for 'full' removal - CNNPolitics

He promised a deal with North Korea. No deal.

He has allowed Russia to place troops in Venezuela (I don't mind - but you Rep's HATE that stuff...Monroe Doctrine and all). Fail.

Yes, Trump really does get credit for the Supreme Court picks, no matter what silly ass excuse you gave it. He could
have picked another liberal judge to fuck up our Constitution.

Yes, Trump gets credit for unemployment being as low as it is. It could have gone the other way with bad policy decisions.
Who cares what he says about the U-3, only those with TDS would complain about it.

The Dow has had a huge gain once it was announced that he was our next president, because of that AND a stronger economy
under his watch the fed reserve incrementally raised the rates from near 0 to 2.25-2.50, something that wasn't touched for nearly
Opies entire time in office. Why? Because Trump's economy really is stronger than Opies was.That will take the steam out of GDP and the DOW, but, still part of the longest bull market in my

Historians are the ones who are going to have to judge Trump on the deficits. He is trying something bold that
we won't see the benefits (if any) immediately.

As far as spending? I'm with you on that, and all politicians are to blame including Trump. I always say we spend too much
and liberals say we aren't taxed enough.

Report: U.S. Nuclear System Relies On Outdated Technology Such As Floppy Disks
The Dangerous Degradation Of The U.S. Nuclear Arsenal
U.S. military in 'crisis,' could lose a war to Russia and China, report warns
You decide

You're under the assumption that the government is responsible for healthcare, IMO no it's not.

I'm with you on Syria and Afghanistan, bring them home.

With NoKo...he tried, but he didn't do what past presidents did with NoKo.
Not sure it's possible.

Let me know when I become a republican, okay MickeyR?

Just keep bitching about him, you always do, TDS does that to a person.
”Yes, Trump really does get credit for the Supreme Court picks, no matter what silly ass excuse you gave it. He could have picked another liberal judge to fuck up our Constitution.”

This is as far as I needed to go to see you’re prepared to say anything, no matter how rightarded.

No, trump does not get credit for Gorsuch, Mitch McConnell does. It was McConnell who managed to take that pick from Obama and give it to trump.

And no, the Republican-led Senate would never have approved of a Liberal justice.
Yes, Trump really does get credit for the Supreme Court picks, no matter what silly ass excuse you gave it. He could
have picked another liberal judge to fuck up our Constitution.

Yes, Trump gets credit for unemployment being as low as it is. It could have gone the other way with bad policy decisions.
Who cares what he says about the U-3, only those with TDS would complain about it.

The Dow has had a huge gain once it was announced that he was our next president, because of that AND a stronger economy
under his watch the fed reserve incrementally raised the rates from near 0 to 2.25-2.50, something that wasn't touched for nearly
Opies entire time in office. Why? Because Trump's economy really is stronger than Opies was.That will take the steam out of GDP and the DOW, but, still part of the longest bull market in my

Historians are the ones who are going to have to judge Trump on the deficits. He is trying something bold that
we won't see the benefits (if any) immediately.

As far as spending? I'm with you on that, and all politicians are to blame including Trump. I always say we spend too much
and liberals say we aren't taxed enough.

Report: U.S. Nuclear System Relies On Outdated Technology Such As Floppy Disks
The Dangerous Degradation Of The U.S. Nuclear Arsenal
U.S. military in 'crisis,' could lose a war to Russia and China, report warns
You decide

You're under the assumption that the government is responsible for healthcare, IMO no it's not.

I'm with you on Syria and Afghanistan, bring them home.

With NoKo...he tried, but he didn't do what past presidents did with NoKo.
Not sure it's possible.

Let me know when I become a republican, okay MickeyR?

Just keep bitching about him, you always do, TDS does that to a person.

1- SCOTUS picks - no credit. He controlled both houses. Why would he post a liberal judge - no reason? It takes ZERO skill to appoint a con SCOTUS judge when you are a con and cons control both Houses. ZERO.
If you think otherwise - you are mistaken.

2- U-3 - he (rightly) called it a hoax. It is - he gets no credit for it. Besides, show me EXACTLY where the U-3 suddenly nose-dived once he took office.

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data
You cannot because it did not.
He gets zero credit for making zero change from previous administration.

3- the DOW is lower now than it was a year ago. That is pathetic. Especially with a huge fiscal deficit. Plus, the DOW has grown MUCH less on a per month basis then it did under Obama (after the Great Recession).
.N225: Nikkei 225 Index - Stock Quote and News - CNBC
All facts - totally incontrovertible.

4- The GDP is 2.55% under Trump. That stinks - especially with gigantic deficits which stimulate an economy. And I don't give a shit what Obama did (I am no fan of his as POTUS either). Trump promised 4-5% growth. He was wrong.
These are all facts.

5- the trade deficit is MUCH higher then it was when he took office. And I don't give a shit about 'it will see benefits'. You have ZERO proof of that. Promises mean NOTHING. The trade deficit is FAR worse when Trump promised it would be FAR better.
These are facts.

6- defense? Your last source is a biased joke. It is common knowledge they are STAGGERINGLY biased for more spending...no matter what.
The Problem with the National Defense Strategy Commission
And your other links are just talking about nuclear which takes up a small fraction of the defense budget.

You did not show one UNBIASED source that America's defense was unsafe before he took office. And America spends over 2.5 times what China, Russia, Iran and North Korea do COMBINED.
Defense Spending by Country
Anyone that says that America needs to spend more money on defense is - no offense - staggeringly inept on such matters.
To argue for more defense spending in 2019 (especially with America running a GIGANTIC fiscal deficit) is sheer lunacy, IMO.
I will not waste time debating such an absurd notion. You want to be brainwashed by the MIC...go ahead.
BTW - I am no military hater...I served in the reserves (saw no combat).

7- what you (or I - and I am against single payer, BTW) think healthcare should look like is irrelevant. Trump promised a replacement for Obamacare and has failed at it miserably.

8- North Korea? Tried? Are you serious? Tried? Every POTUS - Rep or Dem - tried. It's just Trump was FAR more boastful about it. He got NOTHING.
This is fact.

So no fact that I posted did you prove wrong. I will not argue them further.
And the rest are just your opinion against mine. Pointless to debate them further as I feel your mind is closed on these issues.

And - as you agreed to various extents with - he has failed MASSIVELY on the fiscal deficit and bringing troops home. Absolutely pathetic.

As for TDS. I agree completely...that you have it:

''Trump Derangement Syndrome
The latest attempt by the alt-right to demonise anybody who thinks that maybe putting a reality TV star who's declared bankruptcy six times in charge of the country might not have been the best idea.
"So what if Trump only told the complete truth throughout 4% of his campaign, and had to settle out of court for that fraud trial, and that he reacts like a spoilt brat on Twitter to any kind of criticism? Geez, you libtard SJW snowflakes just have accept democracy won and stop exercising your right to free speech! You're so negative with your Trump Derangement Syndrome!"'

Urban Dictionary: Trump Derangement Syndrome

Anyone who would read the above and seriously state that Trump has (as you put it above): 'Good grief, he has done so much for
this country in his 2 plus years.'?

Well, no offense, but they must be delusional and/or ignorant about this subject.
GWB was a failure. Obama was a failure. And Trump is a failure. The difference is - I respected the other two and never felt they were mentally disturbed or only out for themselves. I do not feel that way with Trump (and tens of millions - at least - agree with me). Trump is a danger to America, IMO.

I have taken this discussion as far as it seems you are willing to open your mind to go on it.

So I will end it here (at least for me). If you are willing to open your mind on this subject - I would be happy to debate it further.

Have a good day.

And once again - I am neither Dem nor Rep. Never have and NEVER will vote for either, pathetic party.
You asked and I answered, Don't like the answers, too bad for you. I wasn't trying to change you mind.
Just giving you an alternative view.
I could care less what YOU THINK. It's your opinion, just don't get too full of yourself. It's an opinion, that's all.

Yes, you answered. What you failed to do was to refute.
Whelp...…...there ya go...….grounds for impeachment :cuckoo:
25th amendment. No impeachment needed.

Wow, they have an amendment for mistaking which relative was born where??????????

Man, them forefathers had it all covered
Look it up, it's only been a topic of conversation for 2 years.

Trump may take the cake, but he's not crazy
There are many people including respected clinical psychologists who would disagree.

yeah??? Let me guess...…...they all vote Democrat
25th amendment. No impeachment needed.

Wow, they have an amendment for mistaking which relative was born where??????????

Man, them forefathers had it all covered
Look it up, it's only been a topic of conversation for 2 years.

Trump may take the cake, but he's not crazy
There are many people including respected clinical psychologists who would disagree.

yeah??? Let me guess...…...they all vote Democrat
How would we know?
Wow, they have an amendment for mistaking which relative was born where??????????

Man, them forefathers had it all covered
Look it up, it's only been a topic of conversation for 2 years.

Trump may take the cake, but he's not crazy
There are many people including respected clinical psychologists who would disagree.

yeah??? Let me guess...…...they all vote Democrat
How would we know?

how many 'respected clinical psychologists' that support Trump would ever claim he's crazy?????

The only people claiming he's crazy are those that don't support him AKA Demoncrat
yeah??? Let me guess...…...they all vote Democrat
A safe guess, since highly educated people tend very strongly to vote democrat.

Then you need to explain that to your buddy Creepits
But that would not support your contention that they are ALL democrats.

Sure it would...….since Creeper doesn't know how to tell if they are Democrat or not.

and it also debunks your claim of 'highly educated' people vote democrat...…..cause many of you aren't all that smart
Look it up, it's only been a topic of conversation for 2 years.

Trump may take the cake, but he's not crazy
There are many people including respected clinical psychologists who would disagree.

yeah??? Let me guess...…...they all vote Democrat
How would we know?

how many 'respected clinical psychologists' that support Trump would ever claim he's crazy?????

The only people claiming he's crazy are those that don't support him AKA Demoncrat
So you think everyone is as partisan as you?
On the surface, it looks like an honest mistake of saying father instead of grandfather

But taken in context and combined with two other cases of Trump claiming his father was born in Germany, shows he is lying once again

He said.....both my parents were born in the EU
He claimed to be the child of immigrants
He described how beautiful the town his father was born in

Why does our president lie about things that are so easily disproven?
Yes, Trump really does get credit for the Supreme Court picks, no matter what silly ass excuse you gave it. He could
have picked another liberal judge to fuck up our Constitution.

Yes, Trump gets credit for unemployment being as low as it is. It could have gone the other way with bad policy decisions.
Who cares what he says about the U-3, only those with TDS would complain about it.

The Dow has had a huge gain once it was announced that he was our next president, because of that AND a stronger economy
under his watch the fed reserve incrementally raised the rates from near 0 to 2.25-2.50, something that wasn't touched for nearly
Opies entire time in office. Why? Because Trump's economy really is stronger than Opies was.That will take the steam out of GDP and the DOW, but, still part of the longest bull market in my

Historians are the ones who are going to have to judge Trump on the deficits. He is trying something bold that
we won't see the benefits (if any) immediately.

As far as spending? I'm with you on that, and all politicians are to blame including Trump. I always say we spend too much
and liberals say we aren't taxed enough.

Report: U.S. Nuclear System Relies On Outdated Technology Such As Floppy Disks
The Dangerous Degradation Of The U.S. Nuclear Arsenal
U.S. military in 'crisis,' could lose a war to Russia and China, report warns
You decide

You're under the assumption that the government is responsible for healthcare, IMO no it's not.

I'm with you on Syria and Afghanistan, bring them home.

With NoKo...he tried, but he didn't do what past presidents did with NoKo.
Not sure it's possible.

Let me know when I become a republican, okay MickeyR?

Just keep bitching about him, you always do, TDS does that to a person.

1- SCOTUS picks - no credit. He controlled both houses. Why would he post a liberal judge - no reason? It takes ZERO skill to appoint a con SCOTUS judge when you are a con and cons control both Houses. ZERO.
If you think otherwise - you are mistaken.

2- U-3 - he (rightly) called it a hoax. It is - he gets no credit for it. Besides, show me EXACTLY where the U-3 suddenly nose-dived once he took office.

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data
You cannot because it did not.
He gets zero credit for making zero change from previous administration.

3- the DOW is lower now than it was a year ago. That is pathetic. Especially with a huge fiscal deficit. Plus, the DOW has grown MUCH less on a per month basis then it did under Obama (after the Great Recession).
.N225: Nikkei 225 Index - Stock Quote and News - CNBC
All facts - totally incontrovertible.

4- The GDP is 2.55% under Trump. That stinks - especially with gigantic deficits which stimulate an economy. And I don't give a shit what Obama did (I am no fan of his as POTUS either). Trump promised 4-5% growth. He was wrong.
These are all facts.

5- the trade deficit is MUCH higher then it was when he took office. And I don't give a shit about 'it will see benefits'. You have ZERO proof of that. Promises mean NOTHING. The trade deficit is FAR worse when Trump promised it would be FAR better.
These are facts.

6- defense? Your last source is a biased joke. It is common knowledge they are STAGGERINGLY biased for more spending...no matter what.
The Problem with the National Defense Strategy Commission
And your other links are just talking about nuclear which takes up a small fraction of the defense budget.

You did not show one UNBIASED source that America's defense was unsafe before he took office. And America spends over 2.5 times what China, Russia, Iran and North Korea do COMBINED.
Defense Spending by Country
Anyone that says that America needs to spend more money on defense is - no offense - staggeringly inept on such matters.
To argue for more defense spending in 2019 (especially with America running a GIGANTIC fiscal deficit) is sheer lunacy, IMO.
I will not waste time debating such an absurd notion. You want to be brainwashed by the MIC...go ahead.
BTW - I am no military hater...I served in the reserves (saw no combat).

7- what you (or I - and I am against single payer, BTW) think healthcare should look like is irrelevant. Trump promised a replacement for Obamacare and has failed at it miserably.

8- North Korea? Tried? Are you serious? Tried? Every POTUS - Rep or Dem - tried. It's just Trump was FAR more boastful about it. He got NOTHING.
This is fact.

So no fact that I posted did you prove wrong. I will not argue them further.
And the rest are just your opinion against mine. Pointless to debate them further as I feel your mind is closed on these issues.

And - as you agreed to various extents with - he has failed MASSIVELY on the fiscal deficit and bringing troops home. Absolutely pathetic.

As for TDS. I agree completely...that you have it:

''Trump Derangement Syndrome
The latest attempt by the alt-right to demonise anybody who thinks that maybe putting a reality TV star who's declared bankruptcy six times in charge of the country might not have been the best idea.
"So what if Trump only told the complete truth throughout 4% of his campaign, and had to settle out of court for that fraud trial, and that he reacts like a spoilt brat on Twitter to any kind of criticism? Geez, you libtard SJW snowflakes just have accept democracy won and stop exercising your right to free speech! You're so negative with your Trump Derangement Syndrome!"'

Urban Dictionary: Trump Derangement Syndrome

Anyone who would read the above and seriously state that Trump has (as you put it above): 'Good grief, he has done so much for
this country in his 2 plus years.'?

Well, no offense, but they must be delusional and/or ignorant about this subject.
GWB was a failure. Obama was a failure. And Trump is a failure. The difference is - I respected the other two and never felt they were mentally disturbed or only out for themselves. I do not feel that way with Trump (and tens of millions - at least - agree with me). Trump is a danger to America, IMO.

I have taken this discussion as far as it seems you are willing to open your mind to go on it.

So I will end it here (at least for me). If you are willing to open your mind on this subject - I would be happy to debate it further.

Have a good day.

And once again - I am neither Dem nor Rep. Never have and NEVER will vote for either, pathetic party.
You stole the peons money. You will steal more. I want to believe you. I really do. You idiots do not even realize there are a good percentage of people who have not sniffed at taking from the government for any personal problems.
On the surface, it looks like an honest mistake of saying father instead of grandfather

But taken in context and combined with two other cases of Trump claiming his father was born in Germany, shows he is lying once again

He said.....both my parents were born in the EU
He claimed to be the child of immigrants
He described how beautiful the town his father was born in

Why does our president lie about things that are so easily disproven?

Actually...I HOPE he was lying.

My concern is that he actually believes what he was saying and his mental capacity is diminishing.

And how could he have been lying? Even Dumb Donnie must know that it is STAGGERINGLY easy to check up on where his father was born.

No...the evidence, IMO, STRONGLY points to some form of intellectual capacity reduction going on.
Yanno McRocket, considering all the misspelled tweet, all the times he's gotten his words wrong, well...................over the past year, it seems to have been forming into a pattern.

You might be right. He may have some kind of dementia.
On the surface, it looks like an honest mistake of saying father instead of grandfather

But taken in context and combined with two other cases of Trump claiming his father was born in Germany, shows he is lying once again

He said.....both my parents were born in the EU
He claimed to be the child of immigrants
He described how beautiful the town his father was born in

Why does our president lie about things that are so easily disproven?

Actually...I HOPE he was lying.

My concern is that he actually believes what he was saying and his mental capacity is diminishing.

And how could he have been lying? Even Dumb Donnie must know that it is STAGGERINGLY easy to check up on where his father was born.

No...the evidence, IMO, STRONGLY points to some form of intellectual capacity reduction going on.
If it was a recent development, it could signify dementia

From those that know him, this is typical Donald Trump
Streams of consciousness where facts are irrelevant.

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