Trump Indicted

When you make the same tired false equivalency fallacy as all the other tards who have obviously not read the indictment, then yeah.

Read. The. Indictment.

It will keep you from making a fool of yourself.
Why don't you just give us the short version? It's not like you are averse to posting endless comments here.
Why is Trump having classified documents in his house different then Biden having classified documents in his house?
C'mon - you can do it. I have faith in you.
Why don't you just give us the short version? It's not like you are averse to posting endless comments here.
Why is Trump having classified documents in his house different then Biden having classified documents in his house?
C'mon - you can do it. I have faith in you.
I have explained this countless times already, but since you are willfully blind, I am more than happy to do it again. Then I will be done with you until you Read. The. Indictment.

Trump turned over 197 classified documents he had in his possession. Biden turned over ALL the classified documents he had in his possession.

The BIG YUGE MASSIVE difference, ya dumb fucks, is that Trump withheld several more boxes of documents which did not belong to him.

He hid them from the government, but then waved them around to show them off to visitors and friends who had no security clearance. He openly admitted to them, on tape, that they were classified.

Trump is not being charged for taking the 197 classified documents home with him. And Biden is not being charged with bringing home classified documents.

Trumps is being charged for the documents he DELIBERATELY hid from the government which had to be forcibly seized from his possesssion.

Try to get these facts through your dumb fat skulls. There is NO equivalence between Biden and Trump with respect to classified documents.


You can't tell anyone with a straight face that you would not be screaming for Biden's execution if he had showed off classified documents to unauthorized visitors.
You misunderestimate me.

I don't complain, I kick ass.

Oh Please, use English. "Misunderestimate." is not even fucking. You try and fail at intimidating me. It did not work the Shrub and it sure as hell will not work for you.

I would kick you ass while drinking a glass of water.

I am not afraid of some shit for brains MAGA MAGGOT keyboard commando. I worked over 20-Years in Tenderloin of San Francisco, you scare me like rubber ducky does in a bathtub.
Trump is not being charged for taking the 197 classified documents home with him.
OF COURSE NOT. Then they would have to charge Biden too.
Sigh.....if only you were half as smart as you think you are.
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Video is 50 minutes long, guy brings up some interesting views on the indictment and where it may go. I'm sure many on the left will listen for 50 minutes......

Why spend 50 minutes listening to two yentas when I can just follow along with the actual trial?
Don't go to bed,
with no price on your head
No, no,
(don't do it)

Don't do the crime,
if you can't do the time,
(don't do it)

Oh Please, use English. "Misunderestimate." is not even fucking. You try and fail at intimidating me. It did not work the Shrub and it sure as hell will not work for you.

I would kick you ass while drinking a glass of water.

I am not afraid of some shit for brains MAGA MAGGOT keyboard commando. I worked over 20-Years in Tenderloin of San Francisco, you scare me like rubber ducky does in a bathtub.
christ you worked like a god damned slave your whole life....god that must have sucked
Former President Donald Trump has surrendered to authorities and will soon make his first appearance in a federal courtroom to face charges that he illegally held on to classified national-security documents after leaving the White House.

Trump and his co-defendant and valet, Walt Nauta, were arrested and booked at the courthouse around 2 p.m. by U.S. Marshals, a law-enforcement official said.

/——-/ And Bill Clinton’s Sock Drawer Case can clear Trump.
NO. Biden has not been caught with shit.

The Rapist and Traitor has been indicted on 31-Counts of Violating the Espionage Act.

The Rapist and Traitor called the Men and Women who have been Killed In Action while serving the United States in Combat, "Suckers and Losers".

The Rapist and Traitor has attacked Gold Star Families.

The Rapist and Traitor stood at the podium in Helsinki and sided with the Russian Dictator and sided with Russia against the United States.

Mr. Biden has NOT taken any money China, you use a worn out proven to a lie bull shit Reich Wing MAGA MAGGOT lie.

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