Trump Indicted

who was expecting donny to be held in custody?
Quite a few of the TDS crew :D

Here's 1 example:

you seem to be the one bending over backwards trying to CONvince the class that donny isn't in deep doo doo.

who was expecting donny to be held in custody?
Oh yeah, a corrupt government is pursuing Trump because he's good for Americans.

IDGAF what you say, I don't like that. That's wrong.

It's patently wrong that they're doing this in the 1st place.
Quite a few of the TDS crew :D

Here's 1 example:

oh good god - i didn't realize you meant a fellow poster. i thought you were talking about the general public. i am surprised that his passport wasn't taken nor international travel was banned.

think the saudis have a room for donny should he ever need it? i think vlad is bigley diasappointed in donny after losing the whitehouse, so his generosity hasn't been forthcoming as of late.
oh good god - i didn't realize you meant a fellow poster. i thought you were talking about the general public. i am surprised that his passport wasn't taken nor international travel was banned.

think the saudis have a room for donny should he ever need it? i think vlad is bigley diasappointed in donny after losing the whitehouse, so his generosity hasn't been forthcoming as of late.
No, the general public sees the massive corruption in the US government and wonders how this happened and why it

was allowed.
Oh yeah, a corrupt government is pursuing Trump because he's good for Americans.

he committed fraud with his 'university'.

he stole from his own charity.

he tried to steal an old woman's home & property to pave over for a casino parking lot.

he has been found liable for sexual assault.

AND that's not counting charges against him in NY, georgia & DC.

IDGAF what you say, I don't like that. That's wrong.

give a fuck fall in lap.jpg

It's patently wrong that they're doing this in the 1st place.

Yeah and all by Democrats. Just like a banana republic.
1. Why Wasn’t Hillary Clinton Charged?

Many Republicans responded to the indictment by equivocating Trump’s actions with Hillary Clinton’s email controversy and complaining that she was never charged. Abrams explained that Trump is accused of a conspiracy to hide his classified documents from the FBI after receiving a subpoena, whereas the Clinton prosecutors “determined that the evidence and facts showed a ‘lack of intent to communicate classified information on unclassified systems,’ especially since ‘none of the emails Clinton received were properly marked to inform her of the classified status of the information.'”

Abrams agreed it was “wrong” of Clinton to have the server, but he emphasized that prosecutors didn’t believe they could prove the corrupt intent necessary to secure a conviction against the former secretary of state. He explained:

The inspector general concluded there was no evidence that Clinton or anyone else intended to conceal, remove or destroy the emails from government systems. As for the claim of acid washing, it’s actually just an inaccurate reference to an open-source software program that happens to be called BleachBit.
Now, if you go through every piece of evidence, as the prosecutors and the inspector general did — from the phone that was destroyed to the emails — they didn’t believe there was evidence of corrupt intent. And that is what the law requires.
And to those who say ‘Come on! Comey and the FBI clearly had it out for Trump and not for Hillary Clinton. They protected her, just as the former president said.’ The problem with that, of course, is that James Comey announced 11 days before the election that they were reopening the Clinton investigation, even though it turned out there was nothing new. And most importantly, the FBI never leaked that there was an ongoing Russia investigation of Donald Trump, which would have significantly hurt his campaign. If the FBI wanted to help Clinton and hurt Trump, you don’t announce the reopening of the Clinton investigation right before the election, and you do announce that the Trump campaign is being investigated for its contacts with the Russians. Except that’s not what happened.

Dan Abrams
1. Why Wasn’t Hillary Clinton Charged?

Many Republicans responded to the indictment by equivocating Trump’s actions with Hillary Clinton’s email controversy and complaining that she was never charged. Abrams explained that Trump is accused of a conspiracy to hide his classified documents from the FBI after receiving a subpoena, whereas the Clinton prosecutors “determined that the evidence and facts showed a ‘lack of intent to communicate classified information on unclassified systems,’ especially since ‘none of the emails Clinton received were properly marked to inform her of the classified status of the information.'”

Abrams agreed it was “wrong” of Clinton to have the server, but he emphasized that prosecutors didn’t believe they could prove the corrupt intent necessary to secure a conviction against the former secretary of state. He explained:

Dan Abrams
Agreed, technical violations vs planned evasion of legal consequences, as proven by audio recordings. There’s no comparison. Biden and Pence cooperated, therefore did not get charged. The evidence that proves Trump wasn’t held to higher standard is that he isn’t being charged for any of the documents he turned over before the Mar-a-Lago raid.
Agreed, technical violations vs planned evasion of legal consequences, as proven by audio recordings. There’s no comparison. Biden and Pence cooperated, therefore did not get charged. The evidence that proves Trump wasn’t held to higher standard is that he isn’t being charged for any of the documents he turned over before the Mar-a-Lago raid.

it was biden who alerted the archives that he might have docs in his possession.
The Boring Tabernacle Choir only one song and it is boring as hell.
You want to go with the biggest fake news? Leftists run media that brought you the whole Trump Russia collusion conspriscay theory. And you drink every thing they reported like Jim Jones Kool aid
You really need to read the indictment, willfully blind monkey.

Trump talked about Clinton and it is in the indictment. What he told you rubes in public is much different than what he truly believes.

Stop making a fool of yourself, and READ THE INDICTMENT.
How many documents did Trump destroy? When did Trump obstruct? When did Trump bleach bit devices? Destroy phones?

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