Trump Indicted

Laugh all you want any conviction will be appealed and the banana republic conviction will be over turned
Actually, if a conviction goes all the way to the Supreme Court, they will uphold the conviction 9-0 because they READ THE INDICTMENT.
The answers to your questions are in the indictment.

You would not be asking such stupid questions if you read it.
Nope banan republic indictment . So tell me how is this worse than Clinton?
If Trump said he would not run for president all this would go away
"In my administration, I'm going to enforce all laws concerning the protection of classified information. No one will be above the law." - Donald J. Trump
"We also need to fight this battle by collecting intelligence and then protecting, protecting our classified secrets...We can't have someone in the Oval Office who doesn't understand the meaning of the word confidential or classified." - Donald J. Trump

Banana republic charges mean nothing
“Former President Donald Trump has surrendered to authorities and will soon make his first appearance in a federal courtroom to face charges that he illegally held on to classified national-security documents after leaving the White House.” ibid

Moreover, as a consequence of Trump’s unlawful acts, he placed in jeopardy the lives of the men and women who serve in the American intelligence community and in our armed forces.

Indeed, as a consequence of Trump’s unlawful acts, he undermined the integrity of American foreign policy and jeopardized the trust and faith America’s allies have in the United States.

And the reprehensible right wants Trump to be ‘president’ again.

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