Trump Indicted

sorry fag ... the Secrete Service are also in charge of security at the Presidents residence where said docs are secured !

Now you are getting closer Skippy
Security as regards threats to the former President.

Stored Documents are not a threat
long as it's not Trump.

DeSantis has a good chance of winning, maybe, if Trump gets knocked out.
lol ! ohhhh make no mistake ! the left will be even more upset by DeSantis ! DeSantis has declared war on wokism [marxism] !

All of this just to ensure he is made Establishment King Pawn come 2024.
And you're all falling for they knew you would.
Reminiscent of ... - The Harder They Fall - { 1956 } Humphrey Bogarts
last movie.A compelling indictment of the fight business.Which was
crooked.Shady Promoters and fixed fights.Boxing matches were very
popular in the 1950's up until the TV took over.
Same basic premise here.
Politics is now Rigged and promoted by shady Legacy Media
and one disgusting party { Democrats }.Who have been exposed as
stinkin' Liars and Brats.Lady Justice surely must feel like shaking her
fists in compelling anger.
All sorts of stuff – pages long, look. Wait a minute, let’s see here. I just found, isn’t that amazing? This totally wins my case, you know. Except it is like, highly confidential. Secret. This is secret information. Look, look at this,” Mr Trump added.
I want Trump around long enough for him to lock up the 2024 Republican nomination, destroy all his competitors..and then destroy the Republican party in the process.
Biden wins a second term...and I don't even want Biden to run.

After November 2024, you can go ahead and put the screws to Donnie. First, let him serve as the useful idiot.

You gottem this time! It’s really really true! They would never lie to you after smashing all your hopes and dreams over and over and over again! This is the one!
The irony is not lost on me.

LThe Mango Mussolini who led chants of "Lock Her UP." The Orange Fuck Stick to bitched HRC's emails and handling of classified documents, is himself indicted for mishandling classified documents/making false statements (big surprise there, the Orange Shit Gibbon lies everyday) AND violations of the Espionage Act and last but not least Obstruction of Justice.

This Rapist and Traitor betrayed his office and lied about continuously about his illegal removal of Classified Documents from the WH to
Shit-A-Lago. He lied, he obstructed justice. He fucking violated fucking Espionage Act.



Unless their name is Clinton (3 felonies that comey admitted to) or obummer (murdering US citizens without warrant)
Or xiden (multiple bribery cases, and CLEAR EVIDENCEof theft of classified materials as a senator)

And where are the indictment charges for Former Secretary of State Clinton, Former President Obama, and President Biden? Where are they? YOUR orange sexual abuser god had four years to indict them.

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