Trump Indicted


How did the US military fare in Vietnam? This is America, bitch! You got life fucked up.

This is our home turf. You are going nowhere with your commie bullshit except maybe 6 feet under.
Tough talk, Kowardly Keyboard Kommando. Even on this thread as soon as you got called on your threats to a fellow poster, you backed right down with "I was just joking." :heehee:
I don't like that idea.
If we dont do it, what do you think Dems are going to do once they control the DOJ again? Do you think they are going to be cool next time? Unless its used against them, they will never vote for any bill that prevents it from happening again in the future.
Trump’s legal team is going to have a hell of a time creating a coherent legal theory out of this. The trial is going to be absolutely spectacular.

I hope Trump elects for a speedy trial.

Knowing him he’ll try to delay the trial and then blame the government for it.

Sure it is! Super Duper Spectacular! All the legal experts on this forum and CNN have told you the truth! This is the end of Trump and the beginning of your new spectacular life!
sorry fag ... the Secrete Service are also in charge of security at the Presidents residence where said docs are secured !
Ive told him that many times. He keeps using the same line, hoping that it will work someday.
Hate to tell you this, but this thread is about the orange sexual abuser and his SEVEN charges. :heehee:
You better hope they have a lock tight case. If this turns out to be another Avlin Bragg situation, democrats are fucked. The backlash will be tremendous.

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