Trump Indicted

Keep drinking the Kool-Aid. NARA maintains control over those documents. The Racist and Traitor violated the by failing to turn those documents over to them. He violated the Espionage Act as well and Obstructed Justice
NARA now controls Trumps records, but not all the records of any previous president.
That's because the Democrats worship the most hateful woman in the world whose name is Hillary Clinton.
"worship"? Oh hun, stop projecting your worship of the orange sexual abuser. You showed how enthralled you were when you voted for him even tho he bragged about sexually assaulting women and hating on POWs, Gold Star families, and our vets.

You showed us what you are, and we believe you.
No, the point is if you are a member of the dem political class, you are above the law.

History tells us that this is the last step before a revolution occurs. Right now we are following the course of the collapse of the Roman Republic to a "T".

The same levels of political corruption, the same abuses of power, the same theft of taxpayer monies etc.

Now, the question is, what comes after.

One thing I can safely tell you, we are living in interesting times.

And, if you are at all familiar with foreign cultures, you will recognize that phrase as a curse.

But, you progbots are too ignorant and stupid to understand.

Cool, I should go rob a bank now. All I have to do is flash my voter registration card to cops. I won't even have to call a lawyer. I'll be back in an hour.
We are quite sure of your opinion on any given subject. Its always some retard shit.
And yet you’re too much of pussies to actually address what I said. I’ll say it again to you: is Trump the beacon of integrity and is it possible his charges have at least one sliver of merit to them?
We are quite sure of your opinion on any given subject. Its always some retard shit.
It's not an opinion that Trump has to drag his fat ass to court because he's been caught up on federal charges. That's a fact. :funnyface:
There is no precedent for a president taking classified documents to keep.

Even if there were, he received a subpoena for them and has to turn them over.

Let me guess.

Your "research" involves reading the Gateway Pundit.
"The Court notes at the outset that there is broad language in Armstrong I stating that the PRA accords the President “virtually complete control” over his records during his time in office. 924 F.2d at 290. In particular, the court stated that the President enjoys unconstrained authority to make decisions regarding the disposal of documents: “[a]lthough the President must notify the Archivist before disposing of records . . . neither the Archivist nor Congress has the authority to veto the President’s disposal decision.”"

National Archivist has no right or power to choose what a president keeps or doesn't.

Bush Executive Order 13292 on Classified National Security Information

to amend executive order 12958, signed March 25, 2003

That's not "The Gateway Pundit", fucktardos. That's actual court precedents from when Bush and Clinton had similar problems.

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