Trump Indicted


Judge Aileen Cannon, Trump appointee, initially assigned to oversee his case"​

Teh demshill heads right now:

What a shame that when Trump asked Zelenskyy for a favor to do something about his political opponent...

The other thing, there’s a lot of talk about Biden’s son, that Biden stopped the prosecution and a lot of people want to find out about that so whatever you can do with the Attorney General would be great. Biden went around bragging that he stopped the prosecution so if you can look into it ... It sounds horrible to me.

... y'all supported that.

Karma, rambitch.
Why arent YOU supporting that with us? Why are you protecting criminals? Simply because they have a D next to their name?
This isn't a miscarriage of justice. This is the total loss of justice. This stupidity is an insult to every serviceman who sacrificed his life on the battlefield for freedom. All those sacrifices were in vain as a result of Garland's power grab.

Sounds awful.

Judge Aileen Cannon, Trump appointee, initially assigned to oversee his case"​

Teh demshill heads now:

I'm very happy the judge is a Trump appointee. The Trumptards just lost another conspiracy talking point, though I have no doubt they will attempt to assassinate the judge's character when things go badly for Trump in court.
"The Court notes at the outset that there is broad language in Armstrong I stating that the PRA accords the President “virtually complete control” over his records during his time in office. 924 F.2d at 290. In particular, the court stated that the President enjoys unconstrained authority to make decisions regarding the disposal of documents: “[a]lthough the President must notify the Archivist before disposing of records . . . neither the Archivist nor Congress has the authority to veto the President’s disposal decision.”"

National Archivist has no right or power to choose what a president keeps or doesn't.

Bush Executive Order 13292 on Classified National Security Information

to amend executive order 12958, signed March 25, 2003

That's not "The Gateway Pundit", fucktardos. That's actual court precedents from when Bush and Clinton had similar problems.
It’s not actually controlling precedent since it’s just a district court opinion.

Do you actually think that Trump is going to claim that top secret government documents are actually personal documents?

That’s insane.
Groceries are effectively 100%+ higher and utilities are 50% higher.

I know what I've been paying for years, and how much the increase is, retard.

Most people at the store and everybody I talk to does, too.

Your fake bullshit isn't fooling anyone but yourself.
Nope....go back to Middle school and take a math class. :heehee:

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