Trump Indicted

Past or current, the Espionage Act STILL DOES NOT APPLY to a president who declassified records to store in his library under the guidance of NARA. And since all presidents declassify and take records for their libraries once leaving office, why would you think it would have to apply or only apply to a president while still IN office???
Every sentence you just said is a lie.

Trump showed documents he admitted were classified, and he showed them to people who had NO need to know nor a security clearance.

A FORMER president cannot declassify documents, no matter how magical you think his brain is.

All presidential records become the property of the US government, specifically the National Archives, the day the president leaves office.

The only way a former president is allowed access to those presidential records is by seeking permission from the OWNER, the National Archives.

Now get your head on straight, roobfreak. You sound stupid.
Past or current, the Espionage Act STILL DOES NOT APPLY to a president who declassified records to store in his library under the guidance of NARA. And since all presidents declassify and take records for their libraries once leaving office, why would you think it would have to apply or only apply to a president while still IN office???
The espionage act applies to former presidents. There’s no carve out for former presidents to mishandle classified information after they left office.

NARA holds all presidential records and operates all presidential libraries.

Trump was not working with NARA when he was digging through his boxes and hiding classified documents from the DoJ.
He is designating a TRIAL and con-viction for the crime of treason. I know you don't have a problem with your orange sexual abuser god committing treason against the United States.
"I know you don't have a problem with your orange sexual abuser god committing treason against the United States."

Get off my back. And get off my back now.
Hey Moron, no one has higher authority to declassify records than the president, so only the Presidential Records Act applies which cannot be used to criminally prosecute a former president, and nothing you've shown here even if real qualifies under the Espionage Act, neither. Far more likely Biden's storage of illegal records taken as a mere senator and kept in an office with free access owned by the chinese does.

As usual, the government knows how to play their leftwing base to keep them hoping and engaged by giving you something to bite onto (Trump! Trump! Trump!) to help you forget that Biden is now proven a felony criminal by the FBI's own records and is inching ever closer to impeachment.
The only moron here is the guy who's claiming that Trump declassified something while in office when he's literally taped saying he didn't declassify something, as he is showing it to people without a security classification, after he left office. Linear time is real in case you didn't know.

Of course it's also bullshit because in the statutes of the espionage act you will find no mention of "classified documents" only documents pertaining to the national defense.

But hey no problem. If you want to claim you can't read I won't stop you.
You are. And you support Trump more fervently with every indictment, every revelation of corruption and fraud.

Proving my point elegantly.
You should know all about corruption and fraud. It is exactly what you support.
Past or current, the Espionage Act STILL DOES NOT APPLY to a president who declassified records to store in his library under the guidance of NARA. And since all presidents declassify and take records for their libraries once leaving office, why would you think it would have to apply or only apply to a president while still IN office???
Actually, it isn’t just HAVING the documents but intentionally taking them, obstructing in their return, hiding them

Like I said
Let Biden and Pence answer for the documents in their possession and Trump do the same
Mishandling, even losing classified material is a violation. No intent is required.
Hey Moron, no one has higher authority to declassify records than the president, so only the Presidential Records Act applies which cannot be used to criminally prosecute a former president, and nothing you've shown here even if real qualifies under the Espionage Act, neither. Far more likely Biden's storage of illegal records taken as a mere senator and kept in an office with free access owned by the chinese does.

As usual, the government knows how to play their leftwing base to keep them hoping and engaged by giving you something to bite onto (Trump! Trump! Trump!) to help you forget that Biden is now proven a felony criminal by the FBI's own records and is inching ever closer to impeachment.

Trump can declassify records if he declassifies them

The prosecution is prepared to shoot holes in Trumps claims of having declassified them by citing the actual law, testimony of Trump having been informed of the process and using it as well as Trump admitting he hadn’t declassified them before sharing them
Past or current, the Espionage Act STILL DOES NOT APPLY to a president who declassified records to store in his library under the guidance of NARA. And since all presidents declassify and take records for their libraries once leaving office, why would you think it would have to apply or only apply to a president while still IN office???
You reaaaaaaalllllly need to read the indictment rather than continue to make such hilariously erroneous statements.
Trump can declassify records if he declassifies them

The prosecution is prepared to shoot holes in Trumps claims of having declassified them by citing the actual law, testimony of Trump having been informed of the process and using it as well as Trump admitting he hadn’t declassified them before sharing them
You cannot shoot holes in what a sitting president declasifies. He has the right to declassify anything. Period.
Hey Moron, no one has higher authority to declassify records than the president
Except Trump is a FORMER President and has NO authority to declassify the documents he stole.

He openly admitted to SEVERAL people the documents in his possession were still classified. He even admitted he should not be showing them the documents, but did anyway!

Dumbest. President. EVAH!

Which is precisely what makes this megalomaniacal moron so dangerous.

31 violations of the Espionage Act, each carrying a maximum sentence of 10 years.

You better get real very quickly, roobfreak, because the shit is getting very real out here in the the world.
Where does it say that?

In his imagination.

Too has a LONG history of offering his personal opinion and a litany of meaningless pseudo-legal gibberish as the law. And then flipping the fuck out when the courts and law enforcement follow the ACTUAL law, rather than Freak's imagination.

You'll find most conservative conspiracies about the law, law enforcement, and the courts....are just conservatives not knowing that the fuck they're talking about.
Now this one could very well end up with his ass in Prison! Boy oh boy do I hope the dumb base makes him their man to run against Biden. Biden will win by 400 elv's!!!!
Joe Bribery can be charged with treason. All you got with Trump is a political witch hunt of no substance. Hell why does a senator Biden have classified documents in his home?

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