Trump Indicted

How does the Espionage Act apply to a president storing records he declassified under the guidance of NARA to store at his house? It doesn't.

All of this is nothing more than fresh smoke to blow up the asses of the idiot leftist base to help get them up from being so demoralized over Biden who is now under serious criminal investigation with records which the FBI themself have deemed criminal.

"Now I can't, you know, but this is still a secret."
Does that sound like someone who declassified what he's showing?
oh they exist .. the question for the faggot left is can than draw a jury pool in FL thats 100% perverted homosexuals like yourself .. you see its a fact that all informed democrats are homosexuals .. just one real man on the jury could throw a wrench in your faggot dreams .
You seem to have gay people on your mind today? Is that closet stiffling?
Yes, but he's by no means the only damaging witness. Cochrane, Trump staffer 1 and 2. The people doing meadows' biography and the staffers present. The possibilities are endless.
There is also a representative from Trump's PAC to whom he showed a classified map that Trump knew he was not supposed to.
Putin is better than jacobin democrats.
A mass murdering war criminal who poisons his critics, throws them out of windows, imprisons and tortures them to death. A guy who has forcibly kidnapped thousands of Ukrainian children and brought them to Russia to be raped by his soldiers.

This is who you admire.

You are seriously fucked in the head, dude.
Trump appointed Judge Aileen Cannon presided over initial phases of this case relating to a special counsel and gathering evidence and her rulings not only supported defense motions but went above and beyond what was being asked.
Higher courts overruled and admonished her decisions

If she presides over this case she will approve every defense motion and extend the case indefinitely
the 11th circuit will pull her off more than likely.
This is a very important point. We should not forget that these charges will be brought before a jury in Florida, a state that voted for Trump. Reportedly the initial judge who will make rulings (maybe try the case as well, but that is unclear) was appointed by Trump and has ruled consistently in his and Republican’s favor previously.

The federal prosecutors have evidently decided to lean over backwards to show they are being fair. Trump will get a fair jury and a fair trial. I assume the prosecutors believe they have a strong enough case to win even in Florida … but at this early stage nobody knows for sure.

Trump appointed Judge Aileen Cannon presided over initial phases of this case relating to a special counsel and gathering evidence and her rulings not only supported defense motions but went above and beyond what was being asked.
Higher courts overruled and admonished her decisions

If she presides over this case she will approve every defense motion and extend the case indefinitely
There is a list of 31 violations of the Espionage Act on pages 28 through 33 of the indictment.

Each violation is subject to 10 years in prison.

The violations of the other laws Trump broke begin on page 34.
He just may decide it's time to hop in his plane and go to a country with no extradition treaty with the US.
It looks to me like they have him dead to rights. And reading the indictment there are plenty of people who have a vested interest in distancing themselves from Trump.
It's like I said the other day.

Sooner or later, everyone who works for Trump comes to their senses once they see up close just how stupid, batshit crazy, and dangerous he is.

I refer you to the Charles MacKay quote in my signature.
Donald Trump is a traitor and needs to be executed for this. Biden and every candidate running against him needs to state this reality. Anyone that thinks this is ok is also a traitor and should be removed and their citizenship removed. Fuck you if you think this is ok.
You are lying. You're also designating bodily harm on a President who was constantly punished for the lies claimed about him based on the shameful Hillary Clinton's lying dossier.
Past or current, the Espionage Act STILL DOES NOT APPLY to a president who declassified records to store in his library under the guidance of NARA. And since all presidents declassify and take records for their libraries once leaving office, why would you think it would have to apply or only apply to a president while still IN office???
Where does it say that?
Oh, undoubtedly.

Conservatives delight in corruption and their own identity of victimhood. Trump satisfies both. The more crimes he's charged with, the more his company is found fraudulent, the more people around him are convicted of fraud......the more conservatives love it.
Smith is not a conservative.
"Now I can't, you know, but this is still a secret."
Does that sound like someone who declassified what he's showing?

Hey Moron, no one has higher authority to declassify records than the president, so only the Presidential Records Act applies which cannot be used to criminally prosecute a former president, and nothing you've shown here even if real qualifies under the Espionage Act, neither. Far more likely Biden's storage of illegal records taken as a mere senator and kept in an office with free access owned by the chinese does.

As usual, the government knows how to play their leftwing base to keep them hoping and engaged by giving you something to bite onto (Trump! Trump! Trump!) to help you forget that Biden is now proven a felony criminal by the FBI's own records and is inching ever closer to impeachment.
You are lying. You're also designating bodily harm on a President who was constantly punished for the lies claimed about him based on the shameful Hillary Clinton's lying dossier.
He is designating a TRIAL and con-viction for the crime of treason. I know you don't have a problem with your orange sexual abuser god committing treason against the United States.
Apparently Meadows flipped too.


The number of Trump cabinet members and Trump officials that have been brutally critical of Trump is absolutely unprecedented for an ex-president.

Trump's Vice President
Trump's Chief of Staff
Trump's second Chief of Staff
Trump's THIRD Chief of Staff
Trump's Secretary of State
Trump's second Secretary of State
Trump's first Attorney General
Trump's second Attorney General
Trump's Education Secretary
Trump's former Press Secretary
Trump's Deputy White House Press Secretary
Trump's National Security Advisor
Trump's Deputy National Security Advisor
Trump's Director of Communications
Trump's Defense Secretary
Trump's OTHER Defense Secretary
Trump's Homeland Security Secretary
Trump's SECOND Homeland Security Secretary
Trump's Transportation Secretary,
Five different National Security Council officials
Trump's Acting Chairman of the White House Council of Economic Advisors
Trump's Secretary of Health and Human Services
Trump's FBI Director
Trump's Coronavirus Response Coordinator
Trump's NIAID director
Trump's head of Cyber Security
Trump's Secretary of Energy

And with Meadows flipping, perhaps even his FOURTH Chief of Staff

None of them are going to jail for this asshole. Trump does NOT inspire loyalty in his people.

Talk to Obama's cabinet members and they're effusive about how much they admire and respect him. They cite their time in his administration as one of the honors of their life.

Trump's cabinet......has to go on 'redemption' tours to desperately try and get the stink of corruption off them. They talk about the mistakes they made. Their only 'honor' is testifying in grand juries or for congressional hearings.

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