Trump-inspired school presentation ignites outrage in Iowa

You mean 60 years ago?
/-------/ "You mean 60 years ago?"
Hey genius, flunk grade school math? 2022 - 1977 = 45 years ago, not 60. So, if Trump had said that 45 years ago - you LIbtards wouldn't bring it up 24/7/365?

Anyway, here is something more recent:
In a 1993 Senate floor speech, Biden warned of "predators on our streets" who were "beyond the pale" and said they must be cordoned off from the rest of society because the justice system did not know how to rehabilitate them. Biden described a
"cadre of young people, tens of thousands of them, born out of wedlock, without parents, without supervision, without any structure, without any conscience developing because they literally ... because they literally have not been socialized, they literally have not had an opportunity."
Biden went on in the same breath,
"It doesn't matter whether or not the person that is accosting your son or daughter or my son or daughter, my wife, your husband, my mother, your parents, it doesn't matter whether or not they were deprived as a youth. It doesn't matter whether or not they had no background that enabled them to become socialized into the fabric of society. It doesn't matter whether or not they're the victims of society. The end result is they're about to knock my mother on the head with a lead pipe, shoot my sister, beat up my wife, take on my sons."
The demafascist in washington already created their “misinformation” ie propaganda ministry
/-------/ "You mean 60 years ago?"
Hey genius, flunk grade school math? 2022 - 1977 = 45 years ago, not 60. So, if Trump had said that 45 years ago - you LIbtards wouldn't bring it up 24/7/365?

Anyway, here is something more recent:
In a 1993 Senate floor speech, Biden warned of "predators on our streets" who were "beyond the pale" and said they must be cordoned off from the rest of society because the justice system did not know how to rehabilitate them. Biden described a
"cadre of young people, tens of thousands of them, born out of wedlock, without parents, without supervision, without any structure, without any conscience developing because they literally ... because they literally have not been socialized, they literally have not had an opportunity."
Biden went on in the same breath,
"It doesn't matter whether or not the person that is accosting your son or daughter or my son or daughter, my wife, your husband, my mother, your parents, it doesn't matter whether or not they were deprived as a youth. It doesn't matter whether or not they had no background that enabled them to become socialized into the fabric of society. It doesn't matter whether or not they're the victims of society. The end result is they're about to knock my mother on the head with a lead pipe, shoot my sister, beat up my wife, take on my sons."
Do you make excuses for criminals because they had an underprivileged childhood?
/-------/ The founder of Planned Parenthood.
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There are lots of fake Margret Sanger quotes floating around. Sanger was concerned about health care, contraception and childbirth for poor women... Mostly contraception.. because there were too many dead women and babies in graveyards. Contraception was hardly legal in most places or just unavailable.
Sadly if the Marx Brothers grew up in one of the left regimes in either the USSR, or national socialist…they would have been killed.
Just think, they could have lived during the time of Ghengis Khan..He was a massive killer of humans and was a Republican.

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