Trump reaches out to black people.

That was a stunt that was arranged and funded by Turning Point USA the notorious MAGA stunt instigators.
Nope. Your word-trickery does not work here, since that is NOT the term you use when stunts get pulled on Negro citizens, by the Biden Administration... here's one of their most-peculiar, recent stunting with-15-field-offices-de-fake-fuccery which they pulled on some Black Americans:

"Biden’s team is keenly aware of the pushback his reelection has encountered in certain minority communities in Michigan. Thursday’s visit is Biden’s second in six weeks, and his team is establishing over 15 field offices across Michigan, including Saginaw.
The campaign has been “working to ensure that Black Michiganders are aware of all the promises made and kept by” Biden, said Eddie McDonald, senior adviser for Biden-Harris in Michigan, in a statement. He added that the campaign is “not taking a single voter for granted — especially when the stakes are this high.”

And as far as your whine about Turning Point funded whatever... to me, its a beautiful thing! To see such a rarity!! That a group invested in the BRILLIANT & DIGNIFIED youth of our dark-skinned Negro friends.
The anti-Heterosexual Dem's have abandoned them, in favor of light-skinned Blacks White HISP illegal imms and White Asians, so... somebody had to save them! lol

Good ol' Donald Trump!... Just like he did waaay back, when Black rappers used to rap about him in their songs and Jesse Jackson used to hang out with him and Michael Jackson used to hang out with him --oh, and waaay back before Al Sharpton was light-skinned, like he is now? Yes, sir, Reverend Al was hanging out often with Trump.

As a matter of fact... see if you can locate a Facebook account, I can't recall the name of it...floating around out there. Some one who attended that event in the video, was outside of the White House grounds. They were stopping/interviewing the young Blacks who attended it, as they walked through the streets to get to their vehicles and transportation... clearly more relaxed, in now being away from that high-security Federal property. Yep.

And that had some verrry delightful things to say about ol' Trump, so you need to find a new harlequinade to post pal.
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I literally posted the data....

Nope. You literally posted no such thing.
You posted no such data, whatsoever, which verified that Trump is currently at about 10% --assuming you are honest that not much has changed wherever you allege Biden was at 90%
You mean that Trump is a "racist" for calling out an injustice when black thugs got away with a heinous crime? You're somewhat of an idiot.
You're the idiot.
Just like your dear leader.

Trump bears the guilt: Responsible for stirring up the mob ...​

New York Daily News › 2016/10/07 › trump-be...

Oct 7, 2016 — Donald Trump refuses to admit the Central Park Five were wrongfully convicted. Had she not lived, Trump foresaw the death chamber for men ...

Trump still refuses to admit he was wrong about the Central ...​

Vox › trump-central-park-5-netflix

Jun 18, 2019 — More than a decade after the exoneration of five black and Latino teens accused of raping a woman in Central Park, President Donald Trump ...
He's polling at over 20 percent with Black voters. No Republican in modern history has polled that high with Black voters.

It's Time for Biden to fire up that Charlamagne video: IF DON"T VOTE FOR ME, YOU AIN'T BLACK!!!!!
I really don't know where that 20% is then. All the blacks I know hate his guts.

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