" Trump is a Demonic Force "


Platinum Member
Oct 10, 2021
Is what Leftist Punked Liar boy Lawrence O'Donnell has come up with
to make Political Hay and disgrace Tucker Carlson.
He found a text message by Tucker at or around a day or two
after January 6th where Tucker wrote that about Trump.
To be expected.That is how these Scumbags Like O'Donnell
operate.When they can't foment outright Hate,they look for
any dirt they can whip-up to shame their betters.
Tucker Carlson is so much above this MSNBC fomenting prick
{ O'Donnell } it isn't even worth debating.
As I wrote yesterday.Just let the Punked prick O'Donnell
dare and invite his colleague Rachel Maddow { who precedes him at
9 PM } take a stab at trying to Embarass Tucker.because he gave her
the start of a career at MSNBC with his 2005 { 11 PM } Hour long
show - Tucker -.
Tucker has never in my estimation talked badly or even mentioned
Rachel Maddow since having his own Prime Time show at Fox from
For context sometime last year { maybe the end of summer }
O'Donnell who likes to chat for a few minutes with Maddow
as she closes out her 9 PM show,he admitted something.
That he's in regular touch with the Biden White House and
can even get the ear of Biden when necessary.Like he's that
close and important to how Politics are playing out.There's no
way to validate that.But it does make sense.Where his harping about
some Bunker he uses to broadcast his Show in order to remain
as untouchably incognito as possible.
Like he's some Matt Drudge of sorts.
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For context sometime last year { maybe the end of summer }
O'Donnell who likes to chat for a few minutes with Maddow
as she closes out her 9 PM show,he admitted something.
That he's in regular touch with the Biden White House and
can even get the ear of Biden when necessary.Like he's that
close and important to how Politics are playing out.There's no
way to validate that.But it does make sense.Where his harping about
some Bunker he uses to broadcast his Show in order to remain
as untouchably incognito as possible.
Like he's some Matt Drudge of sorts.
nobody watches any of the shit democrat propaganda outlets....its all about fox the only one that matters0
Was there supposed to be a point to any of that??????
The point is rather ironic.Lawrence O'Donnell is as close to
a Poster Boy as it gets.He's The Poster Boy from Hell.
His face is like watching a really bad,loud old washing machine
on it's last legs.It's always lit on fire and ready for more.
He obviously suffers from having No Conscience.Not even
remotely.Which is sheer Irony.Since he grew up Very Catholic
like his - Hardball - colleagues Pat Buchanan and Chris Matthews.
He went out on a limb and about 10 years ago admitting
he's a Socialist.I think the first TV personality to admit.
He's a Committed Leftist whose face tightens as he lights up with
fomenting exercices.He's a Nut.He loves/adores his job of
Hating and Lying.50 years ago he'd a been admitted to Bellevue
for a cure.Or to be kept from the Public.
If the "dark side" means true freedom, national security, cheap food, cheap gas, cheap housing, and cheap healthcare.........and cutting off OUR tax dollars from the corrupt and being shovelled into Democrat foreign money laundering schemes...........
then I say ...............

We`ll not have "true freedom" until the day we no longer need gun detectors to enter schools, sporting events, etc. Yes, they`re gun detectors. They`re not looking for car keys.
The OP is blaming Lawrence O'Donnell for reporting what Tucker Carlson wrote in emails, uncovered during discovery in the Dominion lawsuit against Fox?

Have I got that right?
Yeah how novel for anyone to have the temerity to blame
hotheaded pissant debater O'Donnell for anything.Let alone' his
career choice to constantly play the blame game,do Hit pieces
and lie as casually as if some retired Christian Brothers monk
home early from Spring Break where he was caught one night
wearing a garter belt for entertainment.
Some people like being lied to. Did You hear about the Dominion law suit?
That was basically only truest in Movies.Now it's ingrained into
our youth.Therefore the stream of lies like the 1619 Project
and what determines a male from a female.
Everything has been turned topsy turvy.On Purpose.
To make it easier to pull stuff like a Covid 19 Lockdown
move.Make it unlawful to even park in a Church parking lot.
This is the New age of :

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