Trump is a jerk, and proud of it!

We went from Washington to obozo.

We bottomed out right there. Electing Trump would merely stay on the course to idiocracy.

If Trump gets close to the nomination it's because Americans are fixed to T.V. or Movie celebrities.

Donald Trump's popularity comes from his reality--which are SCRIPTED planned shows. The Apprentice and Celebrity Apprentice. He has 100% name recognition.

If these T.V. shows didn't exist, neither would the notoriety of Donald Trump. In fact, instead of leading the pack--he would be lowest in the pack and EVERYONE would be making fun of him. Why? Because TRUMP IS STUPID.

When Carly Fiorina kicked his ass over National Security questions--then we don't really want to be looking at celebrities (movie & T.V stars)--as viable Presidential contenders. That really didn't work out for California with movie star Arnold Schwarzenegger as Governor of California,
now Democrats own California. But there are a lot of stupid people out there, and his POLL numbers prove that.
Trump stymped on terror questions but Carly knows the answers cold

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This is some serious Brian Williams - Bill O'Reilly bullshit here and I don't think it is going to go away. I want to know more about the black eye he gave a teacher, because 50 years ago it would have been nearly impossible to get away with something like that and would have ruined any chance at all of getting into an Ivy League school. Trump owes the voters an explanation.
His family could buy him anything. He is the ultimate spoiled brat. His family could buy him a diploma, but other people pay the price
It's a shame this supposed Republican has to waste his time on attacking Trump, instead of attacking whatever, or whoever will be the NeoCommie Candidate

Because Trump is the old fashioned commie. His positions over the years are harder left than Sanders.

Listen to Trump! And run away from this weasel very very very fast
It's a shame this supposed Republican has to waste his time on attacking Trump, instead of attacking whatever, or whoever will be the NeoCommie Candidate

Because Trump is the old fashioned commie. His positions over the years are harder left than Sanders.

Listen to Trump! And run away from this weasel very very very fast
Trump felt like he was in the military? Really? How many times has he been under fire from heavy artillery? How many war zones did he serve in?

He's got more and better training than most people in the military? Really? Because the military is CONSTANTLY training, and we train to the point that it becomes reflex, and I know, because I was a member of the fire party, and we trained daily. Matter of fact, it was because of that training that when my friend's mother's stove caught on fire one weekend that I went to visit his family, we saw what it was (a class Charlie electrical fire), he went and secured the power, and I smothered the fire. It was over in less than 30 seconds.

And................let's not forget that when you're deployed with the military, you STAY where you're deployed to until your deployment is up. Usually in less than comfortable surroundings for 6 months or more at a time.

At the prep school you can leave the campus every evening.

Nope, sorry...............Donald the Chump's "service" is nothing to see, much less brag about.

Since Obama hung out with his communist friends instead of having the courage to serve in the military and he never even attended a military prep school does that make him more or less acceptable than Trump in this regard?

Since Bill Clinton never had the courage to serve in the military and actively avoided the draft and lied to Col Holmes about the intent to enroll in ROTC in order to extend his deferment does that make him more or less acceptable than Trump in that regard?

What is hypocritical for the Moon Bats is that they make a big deal about little things like this but many of them voted for that scumbag Clinton who said in his letter to Col Holmes that he "loath the military".

It is one thing to vote for someone to the position of Commander in Chief who made a little dumbass remark about prep school and quite another to vote for somebody who said they loath the military, don't you think? Big difference.
the left hates the military. Trump loves them and the country. Libs elect Kerry the traitor as SOS. Our enemies laugh at him and Barry. Before him was Clintoon who got innocent people killed.
Becoming the taliban would be what I call idiocy...Cut, slash, burn and deregulate is pure idiocy.

If you like living like a hick go find yourself a nice swamp and a single wide.

I realize you're brain dead, so I'm not surprised at the depth of stupidity in anything you post. That's why I usually ignore you but since you came up in my quotes I'll take this opportunity to ridicule your dumbass.

First of all bed wetter, that Taliturds regulated EVERYTHING, and taxed the dog shit out of the Afghans. They are far more inclined to see eye to eye with a vapid dipshit like you that want all political power centralized in the state. The sort of state where you can do all the drugs you like but can't own a weapon.

If you like living like a peasant under a state that does nothing but focus on "infrastructure" without regard to individual liberty and property rights take your dumbass to a North Korean collective farm and find a nice cold and damp hut to live in.


From a campaign biography by Michael D’Antonio for the biography "Never Enough"
emphasis mine
Donald Trump, who received draft deferments through much of the Vietnam War, told the author of a forthcoming biography that he nevertheless “always felt that I was in the military” because of his education at a military-themed boarding school.

Mr. Trump said that his experience at the New York Military Academy, an expensive prep school where his parents had sent him to correct poor behavior, gave him “more training militarily than a lot of the guys that go into the military.” . . .

According to the book, Mr. Trump attended the New York Military Academy after years of rowdy and rebellious behavior at Kew-Forest, a more traditional prep school in Queens. Mr. Trump once recalled giving a teacher at Kew-Forest a black eye “because I didn’t think he knew anything about music.”

He arrived at the military academy -- where tuition now reaches $31,000 a year -- for eighth grade in 1959 and remained for high school. Like all students at the Cornwall-on-Hudson, N.Y., campus, he wore a uniform, participated in marching drills and was expected to conform to a hierarchy imposed by instructors, some of whom had served in the military.


He is proud of being an a55hole! We have gone from George Washington, always the gentleman, to this.

Good. President whose pc and all concilliatory isn't going to be a good leader. Putin's better than not-Putin. No one messing with Russia I notice.
Everyone is messing with Putin. From the Chinese to the smallest European counties.
Since Obama hung out with his communist friends instead of having the courage to serve in the military and he never even attended a military prep school does that make him more or less acceptable than Trump in this regard?

Since Bill Clinton never had the courage to serve in the military and actively avoided the draft and lied to Col Holmes about the intent to enroll in ROTC in order to extend his deferment does that make him more or less acceptable than Trump in that regard?

What is hypocritical for the Moon Bats is that they make a big deal about little things like this but many of them voted for that scumbag Clinton who said in his letter to Col Holmes that he "loath the military".

It is one thing to vote for someone to the position of Commander in Chief who made a little dumbass remark about prep school and quite another to vote for somebody who said they loath the military, don't you think? Big difference.

I remember obozo saying some asinine shit along the line of:
the moonbat messiah said:
Well... uhh... I ... uhh... would have... uhh... joined the... uhh... military but... uhh....the viet....uhh... nam war...uhh... was already... uhh...over...uhh... so there was... uhh... no need for me to...uhh... sign up...

Barack Obama 'wanted to join US military'

So you see he was actually desperately blood thirsty and really wanted to kill commies, but he missed out.

Yeah...........but neither Clinton nor Obama EVER said that they thought they were better than many of those in the military because of a private school.
In any case, I bet Trump went through hell in that military school, I suspect he even has some medals showcased in his office. It is no wonder Trump looked on McCain's tour of duty with contempt.
In any case, I bet Trump went through hell in that military school, I suspect he even has some medals showcased in his office. It is no wonder Trump looked on McCain's tour of duty with contempt.
I am calling it what it actually was: Juvie for rich bad kids. I encourage others to do the same. And if he suffered just the tiniest bit, he should have
In any case, I bet Trump went through hell in that military school, I suspect he even has some medals showcased in his office. It is no wonder Trump looked on McCain's tour of duty with contempt.

Ever been through boot camp? It's no picnic, I can assure you. Neither are many of the "A" Schools that the Navy has to train their people. Many of them restrict when you can leave base and in many cases, you have to wear your uniform EVERYWHERE for the first month of school.

Ever done a tour of duty in a foreign land where they are trying to kill you? I can assure you, that's not much of a picnic either. In many instances, the living conditions are less than ideal, you don't get to go out for a beer whenever you want to (500 miles of ocean is kinda hard to walk), and you don't get to see the United States for 6 months or more at a time.

You might want to actually inform yourself before posting such bullshit.
In any case, I bet Trump went through hell in that military school, I suspect he even has some medals showcased in his office. It is no wonder Trump looked on McCain's tour of duty with contempt.

Ever been through boot camp? It's no picnic, I can assure you. Neither are many of the "A" Schools that the Navy has to train their people. Many of them restrict when you can leave base and in many cases, you have to wear your uniform EVERYWHERE for the first month of school.

Ever done a tour of duty in a foreign land where they are trying to kill you? I can assure you, that's not much of a picnic either. In many instances, the living conditions are less than ideal, you don't get to go out for a beer whenever you want to (500 miles of ocean is kinda hard to walk), and you don't get to see the United States for 6 months or more at a time.

You might want to actually inform yourself before posting such bullshit.
Guess I should have labeled it sarcasm. My daughter spent twenty years in the navy; at the end on the her twenty was on the Gompers.
Is Trump considered a veteran because of his time in military school?

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