Trump is a man of the people

Trump needs to do better.

He needs to have Lavaka out in front to show his compassion.

He needs to completely ignore Hillary next debate and stick to policy. Completely. Maybe not even shake her hand.
does Trump have even a clue as to what policy is? What policies of his has he ever spelled out in detail- I would say none.

I would say you have listened to none. He has spelled them out. What policies has Hillary outlined? After this many years the best I have heard is she is going to complete the disaster that Obama started.

If you really want policy go to Trump's web site. DONALD J. TRUMP POSITIONS
Your next republican president should only have the "disaster" that Obama had. 12 million + new jobs, a deficit reduced by 1 trillion, a booming stock market and record corporate profits. Need more disasters?

Booming stock market? Really? Work force participation rate at historic highs? Black unemployment going up not down. Obama created NO new jobs, he has employed no one.
Trump has never dealt with "the people" his whole life

His security has made sure the people do not have access to Trump

oh yeah and Hillary is down with the struggle. She did get a child rapist off the hook so I guess she DID at one time deal with the people.
Child rapist off the hook? Will you ever stop spewing right wing lies?

She even laughs about it, sad little woman. Read, learn.

Hillary Clinton Brags About Getting A Pedophile Off The Hook
Trump needs to do better.

He needs to have Lavaka out in front to show his compassion.

He needs to completely ignore Hillary next debate and stick to policy. Completely. Maybe not even shake her hand.
You want Trump to talk about policy?


I'll just leave this here.


By the time he died, Robert Byrd had a positive rating from the NAACP for his voting record on civil rights.

No current Republican has one
Bahaha are you being an apologist for KKK members now?
Look at all the races righteously supporting Trump. No mob violence, no vulgarity. Just people who care about putting an end to the corruption.

Hillary is the candidate for the special interest on the other hand. She can't even admit the issues of regular people without invoking her "racist" card.

Try looking at policy some time and forget the phony scandals.

Nothing phony about her scandals, they are world renown. As for policy? Are you talking about her policy of importing people who publicly execute gays in their countries?

She supports criminals who pillage the black communities, claiming that speaking about the issue is racist...
Trump has never dealt with "the people" his whole life

His security has made sure the people do not have access to Trump

oh yeah and Hillary is down with the struggle. She did get a child rapist off the hook so I guess she DID at one time deal with the people.

Read your Miranda have a right to an attorney, if you can't afford one, one will be provided for you

She laughs about it, she is sick.

Hillary Clinton Brags About Getting A Pedophile Off The Hook
Trump has never dealt with "the people" his whole life

His security has made sure the people do not have access to Trump

oh yeah and Hillary is down with the struggle. She did get a child rapist off the hook so I guess she DID at one time deal with the people.
Child rapist off the hook? Will you ever stop spewing right wing lies?

She even laughs about it, sad little woman. Read, learn.

Hillary Clinton Brags About Getting A Pedophile Off The Hook
Never ever happened, but you keep living in fantasy world
Look at all the races righteously supporting Trump. No mob violence, no vulgarity. Just people who care about putting an end to the corruption.

Hillary is the candidate for the special interest on the other hand. She can't even admit the issues of regular people without invoking her "racist" card.

Try looking at policy some time and forget the phony scandals.

Nothing phony about her scandals, they are world renown. As for policy? Are you talking about her policy of importing people who publicly execute gays in their countries?

She supports criminals who pillage the black communities, claiming that speaking about the issue is racist...

Once again, what exactly are these "scandals" Since when did any right wing republican give a flying phyuck about the gay community, now all of a sudden you seem so concerned
Trump has never dealt with "the people" his whole life

His security has made sure the people do not have access to Trump

oh yeah and Hillary is down with the struggle. She did get a child rapist off the hook so I guess she DID at one time deal with the people.
Child rapist off the hook? Will you ever stop spewing right wing lies?

She even laughs about it, sad little woman. Read, learn.

Hillary Clinton Brags About Getting A Pedophile Off The Hook
No she laughed at polygraphs saying he was innocent, he went to prison, and she quit being a defense attorney. Brainwashed functional moron. Don't you ever get tired of parroting propaganda and voting against yourself?
Trump has never dealt with "the people" his whole life

His security has made sure the people do not have access to Trump

oh yeah and Hillary is down with the struggle. She did get a child rapist off the hook so I guess she DID at one time deal with the people.
Child rapist off the hook? Will you ever stop spewing right wing lies?

She even laughs about it, sad little woman. Read, learn.

Hillary Clinton Brags About Getting A Pedophile Off The Hook
Never ever happened, but you keep living in fantasy world

Trump has never dealt with "the people" his whole life

His security has made sure the people do not have access to Trump

oh yeah and Hillary is down with the struggle. She did get a child rapist off the hook so I guess she DID at one time deal with the people.
Child rapist off the hook? Will you ever stop spewing right wing lies?

She even laughs about it, sad little woman. Read, learn.

Hillary Clinton Brags About Getting A Pedophile Off The Hook
No she laughed at polygraphs saying he was innocent, he went to prison, and she quit being a defense attorney. Brainwashed functional moron. Don't you ever get tired of parroting propaganda and voting against yourself?
It seems that every one but you knows this is total BS. Why don't you make an attempt to learn the facts instead of parroting right wing media
Trump has never dealt with "the people" his whole life

His security has made sure the people do not have access to Trump

oh yeah and Hillary is down with the struggle. She did get a child rapist off the hook so I guess she DID at one time deal with the people.
Child rapist off the hook? Will you ever stop spewing right wing lies?

She even laughs about it, sad little woman. Read, learn.

Hillary Clinton Brags About Getting A Pedophile Off The Hook
No she laughed at polygraphs saying he was innocent, he went to prison, and she quit being a defense attorney. Brainwashed functional moron. Don't you ever get tired of parroting propaganda and voting against yourself?

He was plead down to 1 year which was reduced to time severed.
Look at all the races righteously supporting Trump. No mob violence, no vulgarity. Just people who care about putting an end to the corruption.

Hillary is the candidate for the special interest on the other hand. She can't even admit the issues of regular people without invoking her "racist" card.

Try looking at policy some time and forget the phony scandals.

Nothing phony about her scandals, they are world renown. As for policy? Are you talking about her policy of importing people who publicly execute gays in their countries?

She supports criminals who pillage the black communities, claiming that speaking about the issue is racist...

???? Never, renowned only in Pubworld. Taking Saudi money to save millions of lives is a great idea, they got nothing for it PROVEN, and they're not coming here. You're terminally confused, a perfect chump of the greedy rich GOP, dumbass.
Trump needs to do better.

He needs to have Lavaka out in front to show his compassion.

He needs to completely ignore Hillary next debate and stick to policy. Completely. Maybe not even shake her hand.
You want Trump to talk about policy?


I'll just leave this here.


By the time he died, Robert Byrd had a positive rating from the NAACP for his voting record on civil rights.

No current Republican has one
Bahaha are you being an apologist for KKK members now?
The photo of Byrd in the KKK costume is a photo-shop fake. By the time he reached the age depicted in your fake photo he had long been separated from the KKK and denounced it. Why do you need a photo-shopped fake photo to make a point? Clinton did not associate with Byrd until long after his denouncing the KKK.
Trump has a long history of helping people. Here are just a few:

>>The time he gave sanctuary to Grammy Award winning singer Jennifer Hudson after three of her family members were murdered:
When Hudson's mother, brother and nephew were gunned down in Chicago, she put everything on hold for a while. She stayed at Trump Tower to grieve, where The Donald didn't charge her a dime and also provided security for her and a few of her family members.

>>Airlines wouldn't accommodate a boy who had serious medical issues, so Trump offered his jet to help:
Three-year-old Andrew Ten needed to go to New York to receive some special medical attention. But there was one big problem: The airlines refused to board him because Ten required several different pieces of medical equipment on the flight. Ten's parents put in a call to Trump, who then dispatched his private jet to meet their pressing needs.
Ten's father said of Trump:
"He is a good man. He has three children of his own and he knows what being a parent is all about.”

>>He helped save a family's working farm that was going into foreclosure:
In 1986, Annabell Hill was in danger of losing her family farm. On top of that, her husband had just committed suicide hoping that his life insurance policy would cover the remaining balance that they owed. When Trump saw her tragic story, he decided to do something about it.

According to the New York Times:
Donald Trump, the New York real estate tycoon, helped prevent foreclosure today on a family farm whose owner had committed suicide to try to save his land.
Mrs. Hill proposed to bank officials that the land be sold privately so she could keep some of the 705 acres. Parts of the farm have been in the Hill family for three generations.

>>After Sergeant Andrew Tahmooressi was released from a prison in Mexico, The Donald sent him a big check to help get him back on his feet:
Tahmooressi spent seven months in a Mexican prison. During that time, he was beaten and even chained to a bed. When he was released, Trump sent him a check for twenty five thousand dollars.

>>What Trump did for a bus driver who helped save a woman from jumping off a bridge:
Darnell Barton was driving his bus across a bridge when he spotted a woman on the other side of railing, staring down at the traffic below. Barton stopped the bus and approached the woman. After one of his passengers explained they didn't want to "see someone die," he managed to put his arm around her and she agreed to come to the other side of the bridge.

After hearing about what Barton did, The Donald sent him ten thousand dollars.

Trump said:
"I thought that was so beautiful to see. I think he is a great guy with an amazing heart and I said that man should be rewarded.

Clearly, Donald Trump isn't just a good businessman, he's a Good Samaritan, too.
Look at all the races righteously supporting Trump. No mob violence, no vulgarity. Just people who care about putting an end to the corruption.

Hillary is the candidate for the special interest on the other hand. She can't even admit the issues of regular people without invoking her "racist" card.

Try looking at policy some time and forget the phony scandals.

Nothing phony about her scandals, they are world renown. As for policy? Are you talking about her policy of importing people who publicly execute gays in their countries?

She supports criminals who pillage the black communities, claiming that speaking about the issue is racist...

Once again, what exactly are these "scandals" Since when did any right wing republican give a flying phyuck about the gay community, now all of a sudden you seem so concerned

Republicans have always been huge supporters of right to life for everyone, if you haven't noticed. Not that I am one anyway.

Clinton scandals are impossible to miss, they have been going on for decades. There is always google, the scandals are so well known that you can type in "I did not have" and have one of them right on your finger tips. And no, the auto complete won't produce "any scandals".
Last edited:
Trump has never dealt with "the people" his whole life

His security has made sure the people do not have access to Trump

oh yeah and Hillary is down with the struggle. She did get a child rapist off the hook so I guess she DID at one time deal with the people.
Child rapist off the hook? Will you ever stop spewing right wing lies?

She even laughs about it, sad little woman. Read, learn.

Hillary Clinton Brags About Getting A Pedophile Off The Hook
No she laughed at polygraphs saying he was innocent, he went to prison, and she quit being a defense attorney. Brainwashed functional moron. Don't you ever get tired of parroting propaganda and voting against yourself?

He was plead down to 1 year which was reduced to time severed.
You're a genius at irrelevant crap and don't know the GOP screws you and the nonrich and America every day. Tax cuts for the rich, high taxes for the rest, expensive training and college, no job programs
Trump has never dealt with "the people" his whole life

His security has made sure the people do not have access to Trump

oh yeah and Hillary is down with the struggle. She did get a child rapist off the hook so I guess she DID at one time deal with the people.
Child rapist off the hook? Will you ever stop spewing right wing lies?

She even laughs about it, sad little woman. Read, learn.

Hillary Clinton Brags About Getting A Pedophile Off The Hook
Never ever happened, but you keep living in fantasy world

And you're still wrong. He got 2 months off for time served and served 10 months. Read something factual.
FALSE: Hillary Clinton Freed Child Rapist, Laughed About It

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