Trump Is Also a Master at the Art Of War

Trump is not the master of anything except perhaps bullshitting his followers, not exactly a hard task since you will believe anything he says. His actions towards Iran have been a disaster from day one. We went from war being a remote possibility to something that could happen tomorrow.
We’ve been at war with Iran since Carter let our soil be invaded by Iran.

The Shah was a puppet dictator of the US.

The US has been at war with Iran since (at least) the 1953 CIA lead coup; try and keep up for once.
Under the Shah the Iranian people were free. #1 tourist destination for Iranians then was Israel.

But we know you Leftards love Islamo terrorists.

Oh sure fucking moron; "the Iranian people were free."

Sure they were free; free to be tortured & terrorized by the SAVAK.

What a great place to be free.

You really have no idea what you are talking about. By the 70s SAVAK was no longer feared like it was in the beginning.

Think about it for a second, if the SAVAK was so damn powerful in the late 70s there would have never been a revolt. It was the freedom that was used against him.

It was a great place to be free, you are just clueless.
Trump is not the master of anything except perhaps bullshitting his followers, not exactly a hard task since you will believe anything he says. His actions towards Iran have been a disaster from day one. We went from war being a remote possibility to something that could happen tomorrow.
We’ve been at war with Iran since Carter let our soil be invaded by Iran.

The Shah was a puppet dictator of the US.

The US has been at war with Iran since (at least) the 1953 CIA lead coup; try and keep up for once.
Under the Shah the Iranian people were free. #1 tourist destination for Iranians then was Israel.

But we know you Leftards love Islamo terrorists.

Oh sure fucking moron; "the Iranian people were free."

Sure they were free; free to be tortured & terrorized by the SAVAK.

What a great place to be free.
No more than all the people you claim were shot by our government because they were black.
How many people do you know that are 1st generation Iranian?
Trump is not the master of anything except perhaps bullshitting his followers, not exactly a hard task since you will believe anything he says. His actions towards Iran have been a disaster from day one. We went from war being a remote possibility to something that could happen tomorrow.
We’ve been at war with Iran since Carter let our soil be invaded by Iran.

The Shah was a puppet dictator of the US.

The US has been at war with Iran since (at least) the 1953 CIA lead coup; try and keep up for once.
Under the Shah the Iranian people were free. #1 tourist destination for Iranians then was Israel.

But we know you Leftards love Islamo terrorists.

Oh sure fucking moron; "the Iranian people were free."

Sure they were free; free to be tortured & terrorized by the SAVAK.

What a great place to be free.

Then why was there a mass exodus by Iranians when the Shah fell? Many came HERE. I know several. They WERE free, and had to leave or be subjugated like what the Democrats want to do here to non Illegal Aliens (American Citizens).
Trump is not the master of anything except perhaps bullshitting his followers, not exactly a hard task since you will believe anything he says. His actions towards Iran have been a disaster from day one. We went from war being a remote possibility to something that could happen tomorrow.
We’ve been at war with Iran since Carter let our soil be invaded by Iran.

The Shah was a puppet dictator of the US.

The US has been at war with Iran since (at least) the 1953 CIA lead coup; try and keep up for once.
Under the Shah the Iranian people were free. #1 tourist destination for Iranians then was Israel.

But we know you Leftards love Islamo terrorists.

Oh sure fucking moron; "the Iranian people were free."

Sure they were free; free to be tortured & terrorized by the SAVAK.

What a great place to be free.

You really have no idea what you are talking about. By the 70s SAVAK was no longer feared like it was in the beginning.

Think about it for a second, if the SAVAK was so damn powerful in the late 70s there would have never been a revolt. It was the freedom that was used against him.

It was a great place to be free, you are just clueless.

you are certainly welcome to your delusional opinion concerning Iran's political realities
We’ve been at war with Iran since Carter let our soil be invaded by Iran.

The Shah was a puppet dictator of the US.

The US has been at war with Iran since (at least) the 1953 CIA lead coup; try and keep up for once.
Under the Shah the Iranian people were free. #1 tourist destination for Iranians then was Israel.

But we know you Leftards love Islamo terrorists.

Oh sure fucking moron; "the Iranian people were free."

Sure they were free; free to be tortured & terrorized by the SAVAK.

What a great place to be free.

You really have no idea what you are talking about. By the 70s SAVAK was no longer feared like it was in the beginning.

Think about it for a second, if the SAVAK was so damn powerful in the late 70s there would have never been a revolt. It was the freedom that was used against him.

It was a great place to be free, you are just clueless.

you are certainly welcome to your delusional opinion concerning Iran's political realities

you are the only delusional one here. I was there, I saw it first hand. You are just parroting talking points.
Trump is not the master of anything except perhaps bullshitting his followers, not exactly a hard task since you will believe anything he says. His actions towards Iran have been a disaster from day one. We went from war being a remote possibility to something that could happen tomorrow.
We’ve been at war with Iran since Carter let our soil be invaded by Iran.

The Shah was a puppet dictator of the US.

The US has been at war with Iran since (at least) the 1953 CIA lead coup; try and keep up for once.
Under the Shah the Iranian people were free. #1 tourist destination for Iranians then was Israel.

But we know you Leftards love Islamo terrorists.

Oh sure fucking moron; "the Iranian people were free."

Sure they were free; free to be tortured & terrorized by the SAVAK.

What a great place to be free.
No more than all the people you claim were shot by our government because they were black.
How many people do you know that are 1st generation Iranian?

why are you making the choice to insert "our government" & "blacks" into the equation?
I will wait; go ahead and demonstrate a quote, from me, that backs up your lame ass claim. Go ahead; we'll wait.
Trump is not the master of anything except perhaps bullshitting his followers, not exactly a hard task since you will believe anything he says. His actions towards Iran have been a disaster from day one. We went from war being a remote possibility to something that could happen tomorrow.
We’ve been at war with Iran since Carter let our soil be invaded by Iran.

The Shah was a puppet dictator of the US.

The US has been at war with Iran since (at least) the 1953 CIA lead coup; try and keep up for once.
Under the Shah the Iranian people were free. #1 tourist destination for Iranians then was Israel.

But we know you Leftards love Islamo terrorists.

Oh sure fucking moron; "the Iranian people were free."

Sure they were free; free to be tortured & terrorized by the SAVAK.

What a great place to be free.

Then why was there a mass exodus by Iranians when the Shah fell? Many came HERE. I know several. They WERE free, and had to leave or be subjugated like what the Democrats want to do here to non Illegal Aliens (American Citizens).

If these Iranians were 'free' within their nation then why did they choose to leave a 'free' society?
We’ve been at war with Iran since Carter let our soil be invaded by Iran.

The Shah was a puppet dictator of the US.

The US has been at war with Iran since (at least) the 1953 CIA lead coup; try and keep up for once.
Under the Shah the Iranian people were free. #1 tourist destination for Iranians then was Israel.

But we know you Leftards love Islamo terrorists.

Oh sure fucking moron; "the Iranian people were free."

Sure they were free; free to be tortured & terrorized by the SAVAK.

What a great place to be free.

Then why was there a mass exodus by Iranians when the Shah fell? Many came HERE. I know several. They WERE free, and had to leave or be subjugated like what the Democrats want to do here to non Illegal Aliens (American Citizens).

If these Iranians were 'free' within their nation then why did they choose to leave a 'free' society?

Because when the Shah left, the freedom left.

Wait until Trump discovers that the Europeans are going to tell him to go fuck himself on his sanctions. The other five countries negotiated the deal with Iran, the UK, Russia, China, France and Germany, are meeting with Iran to discuss saving the deal, and those negotiation are likely to be successful, in which case, the Gang of Five will all collectively tell Trump to go fuck himself.

At that point, I believe Congress and the Senate will step in and put an end to this nonsense.

Wait until Trump discovers that the Europeans are going to tell him to go fuck himself on his sanctions. The other five countries negotiated the deal with Iran, the UK, Russia, China, France and Germany, are meeting with Iran to discuss saving the deal, and those negotiation are likely to be successful, in which case, the Gang of Five will all collectively tell Trump to go fuck himself.

At that point, I believe Congress and the Senate will step in and put an end to this nonsense.
Like America needs Europe and not the other way around.
We’ve been at war with Iran since Carter let our soil be invaded by Iran.

The Shah was a puppet dictator of the US.

The US has been at war with Iran since (at least) the 1953 CIA lead coup; try and keep up for once.
Under the Shah the Iranian people were free. #1 tourist destination for Iranians then was Israel.

But we know you Leftards love Islamo terrorists.

Oh sure fucking moron; "the Iranian people were free."

Sure they were free; free to be tortured & terrorized by the SAVAK.

What a great place to be free.

Then why was there a mass exodus by Iranians when the Shah fell? Many came HERE. I know several. They WERE free, and had to leave or be subjugated like what the Democrats want to do here to non Illegal Aliens (American Citizens).

If these Iranians were 'free' within their nation then why did they choose to leave a 'free' society?

They WERE free until the Shah fell. They saw what was happening, and the smart ones were able to get out BEFORE the new regime took power.

Are you ignorant, or just lacking a knowledge of history, or both?
The Shah was a puppet dictator of the US.

The US has been at war with Iran since (at least) the 1953 CIA lead coup; try and keep up for once.
Under the Shah the Iranian people were free. #1 tourist destination for Iranians then was Israel.

But we know you Leftards love Islamo terrorists.

Oh sure fucking moron; "the Iranian people were free."

Sure they were free; free to be tortured & terrorized by the SAVAK.

What a great place to be free.

Then why was there a mass exodus by Iranians when the Shah fell? Many came HERE. I know several. They WERE free, and had to leave or be subjugated like what the Democrats want to do here to non Illegal Aliens (American Citizens).

If these Iranians were 'free' within their nation then why did they choose to leave a 'free' society?

They WERE free until the Shah fell. They saw what was happening, and the smart ones were able to get out BEFORE the new regime took power.

Are you ignorant, or just lacking a knowledge of history, or both?

My question was in response to the below statement by another member:

Then why was there a mass exodus by Iranians when the Shah fell? Many came HERE. I know several. They WERE free, and had to leave or be subjugated like what the Democrats want to do here to non Illegal Aliens (American Citizens).

That statement IMO required some clarification, thus I requested.
I don't live my life looking into a fucking crystal ball, nor making assumptions.
Requesting clarification can some times be useful.
You could try it some time, instead of being the big ass hole.

Wait until Trump discovers that the Europeans are going to tell him to go fuck himself on his sanctions. The other five countries negotiated the deal with Iran, the UK, Russia, China, France and Germany, are meeting with Iran to discuss saving the deal, and those negotiation are likely to be successful, in which case, the Gang of Five will all collectively tell Trump to go fuck himself.

At that point, I believe Congress and the Senate will step in and put an end to this nonsense.
Like America needs Europe and not the other way around.

Here is the thing: While Trump was busy runnning around the world, pulling out of this deal and that treaty, and slapping tariffs on everybody and everything in sight, the money is simply moving production to jurisdictions which haven't been tariffed. In addition, the EU and Japan negotiated a massive trade deal, as did Canada and the EU, and of course China joined the TPP and that deal went ahead without the USA.

Every deal that Trump has pulled out of, has gone ahead without American participation. Once Trump demonstrated that he was an unreliable negotiator and partner, the people he tried to screw over decided that for the time being, it would be better to develop other markets.

That's why, even when Trump finally gets his trade deal with China, the mid-western soy bean farmers will be screwed. The markets they spend a lifetime developing, will not come back. Why would they, when Trump could wake up in a bad mood next week and decide to slap tariff's on China because the President there insulted him?

Trading relationships are built on stability and reliability. Donald Trump provides neither, as we saw with Mexico and his border tantrums. Corporate planning relies on economic stability, not supply lines that can be easily disrupted by the President's desire to distract from a bad news cycle.

Wait until Trump discovers that the Europeans are going to tell him to go fuck himself on his sanctions. The other five countries negotiated the deal with Iran, the UK, Russia, China, France and Germany, are meeting with Iran to discuss saving the deal, and those negotiation are likely to be successful, in which case, the Gang of Five will all collectively tell Trump to go fuck himself.

At that point, I believe Congress and the Senate will step in and put an end to this nonsense.
Like America needs Europe and not the other way around.

Here is the thing: While Trump was busy runnning around the world, pulling out of this deal and that treaty, and slapping tariffs on everybody and everything in sight, the money is simply moving production to jurisdictions which haven't been tariffed. In addition, the EU and Japan negotiated a massive trade deal, as did Canada and the EU, and of course China joined the TPP and that deal went ahead without the USA.

Every deal that Trump has pulled out of, has gone ahead without American participation. Once Trump demonstrated that he was an unreliable negotiator and partner, the people he tried to screw over decided that for the time being, it would be better to develop other markets.

That's why, even when Trump finally gets his trade deal with China, the mid-western soy bean farmers will be screwed. The markets they spend a lifetime developing, will not come back. Why would they, when Trump could wake up in a bad mood next week and decide to slap tariff's on China because the President there insulted him?

Trading relationships are built on stability and reliability. Donald Trump provides neither, as we saw with Mexico and his border tantrums. Corporate planning relies on economic stability, not supply lines that can be easily disrupted by the President's desire to distract from a bad news cycle.
You’re clueless.

You’re Iran Deal you whine about:

Iran Breaches the Nuclear Deal and UN Resolutions for Third Time | HuffPost

Iran is violating the deal

Iran will reportedly soon surpass uranium stockpile limit despite European efforts to ease tensions

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