Trump Is An Illegitimate President And Always Will Be

Dude I don't how to photoshop. You don't deserve anything from me. And you can stick your face saving in your ass.

You certainly don't know how to punctuate......LOL! Like I said, go out to your Beamer and have a pic of yourself standing by it with the "Hook 'em Horns" sign with your left hand..,how hard can that be?????

You don't deserve anything from me but I can spit your face.
Go back sometime when you get rid of your racism, traitorism and your fake C theories ......... Then I will take you seriously.

I never said that I was owed or deserved anything...I simply presented you with an opportunity to prove that you weren't a lying sack of shit....and you bailed on it. Your "conspiracy theory that the Russians hacked the DNC e-mails and those of John Podesta is most definitely a "whacko" conspiracy theory since the one that leaked them was killed. What absolutely FLOORS me is that you are not even slightly concerned about the comments of the leaked e-mails...OH HELL NO! You are simply pissed that the plans and machinations behind the attempts to steal the election were revealed and that speaks volumes to me....


Dude I don't need to lie and I don't need to prove anything to you. This is my life.

Look you traitor piece of shit. I already told you over and over what I stand for but you keep insisting to me what and why you think I'm pissed.
Why the hell you keep putting words into my mouth?
There are no conspiracy about the hacking even Trump admitted's all in your dumb head.
What made you think I was not concern about the contents of the emails? What bother me most is how an American like you so supportive of Russian intervention into our democracy. You are traitor on top of racist behavior. You are not even pay taxes ........... . I hate scumbag traitor.

don't need to prove anything to you.

But you tried and we made fun of you posting pictures from your moms Vogue magazine

Anyone that is upset about a whistle blower has a lot of shit to hide this is the government corruption we are talking here.

Says the progressive wearing a tin foil hat harping on the conspiracy theory that Russia stole the U.S. election... :lol:

Even president elect admitted Russian did the hacking...... What is your point?

And your point being?

That your upset with that the truth came out?


No bastard. I am very upset about intervention of your country to my country especially supported by traitors like you.

You're upset that Russia provided transparency that Obama failed to deliver, you're upset Hillary once again got her hand caught in the cookie jar.


Drink my piss again idiot and try to stick this to your dumb skull.
If they hack Trump which I suspect they did I still very upset. Its the foreign intervention I'm very upset.
Russians didn't do anything. DNC was a leak and stupid person, Podesta, replied to a phishing email. no hack. Geez, I wish you turds would learn something. Again, the FBI never looked at the DNC server. NEVER.
Says the progressive wearing a tin foil hat harping on the conspiracy theory that Russia stole the U.S. election... :lol:

Even president elect admitted Russian did the hacking...... What is your point?

And your point being?

That your upset with that the truth came out?


No bastard. I am very upset about intervention of your country to my country especially supported by traitors like you.

No, you are pissed that the leftard clown posse was stone cold busted for being exposed for the corrupt and conniving entity that it is and so you direct your angst at a country that had nothing to do with the leaks because you wish to deflect attention away from the contents of the leaks. You want to deflect from the fact that very powerful people like the Podesta brothers, some high up neocons and the Clintons are involved in child trafficking. It takes a real stupid and pathetic pile of shit full of blind partisanship to avoid a topic that affects small children........aren't ya proud???

Wrong again. And stop putting words into my mouth and stop wasting my time.
you seem to enjoy it, you have it done daily by the demoturds.
Trump did not recognize Obama as the legitimate president for eight years

Why should he expect better treatment?
Because trump is legitimate

Deduct 65+ millions that voted for Trump from 225+ millions that didn't vote for Trump.

Then convince them............. why do you think Trump is a legitimate president.
More people voted for anyone but Hillary than voted for Hillary. Trump won under the rules in force at the time. All complaining to the contrary is simply dumb.

Im not disagreeing the result of the election. The 65+ millions that voted for Trump came in full force with heavy white voters....... Deduct that from who didn't vote for Trump.
That is how many you have to convince that trump is a legitimate. Especially Trump keep promoting Putin that intervene into the integrity of our democracy.
Why? do they all think we stole the election? I mean the only way you could call him illegitimate is by saying it wasn't a fair election. Are you and your side saying it wasn't fair? And if it wasn't what wasn't fair?
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Trump did not recognize Obama as the legitimate president for eight years

Why should he expect better treatment?
Because trump is legitimate

Deduct 65+ millions that voted for Trump from 225+ millions that didn't vote for Trump.

Then convince them............. why do you think Trump is a legitimate president.
More people voted for anyone but Hillary than voted for Hillary. Trump won under the rules in force at the time. All complaining to the contrary is simply dumb.

Im not disagreeing the result of the election. The 65+ millions that voted for Trump came in full force with heavy white voters....... Deduct that from who didn't vote for Trump.
That is how many you have to convince that trump is a legitimate. Especially Trump keep promoting Putin that intervene into the integrity of our democracy.
Why, do they all think we stole the election? I mean the only way you could call him illegitimate is by saying it wasn't a fair election. Are you and your side saying it wasn't fair? And if it wasn't what wasn't fair?
It wasn't fair because they lost. That's really the bottom line.
Dude I don't how to photoshop. You don't deserve anything from me. And you can stick your face saving in your ass.

You certainly don't know how to punctuate......LOL! Like I said, go out to your Beamer and have a pic of yourself standing by it with the "Hook 'em Horns" sign with your left hand..,how hard can that be?????

You don't deserve anything from me but I can spit your face.
Go back sometime when you get rid of your racism, traitorism and your fake C theories ......... Then I will take you seriously.

I never said that I was owed or deserved anything...I simply presented you with an opportunity to prove that you weren't a lying sack of shit....and you bailed on it. Your "conspiracy theory that the Russians hacked the DNC e-mails and those of John Podesta is most definitely a "whacko" conspiracy theory since the one that leaked them was killed. What absolutely FLOORS me is that you are not even slightly concerned about the comments of the leaked e-mails...OH HELL NO! You are simply pissed that the plans and machinations behind the attempts to steal the election were revealed and that speaks volumes to me....


Dude I don't need to lie and I don't need to prove anything to you. This is my life.

Look you traitor piece of shit. I already told you over and over what I stand for but you keep insisting to me what and why you think I'm pissed.
There are no conspiracy about the hacking even Trump admitted's all in your dumb head.

Why the hell you keep trying to put words in my mouth?

You lie all the time and you maker shitty arguments that you can never back up. You don't stand for anything that includes character and integrity because you are more pissed that someone revealed the inner workings of the leftard clown posse and their attempts to usurp the very "democracy" that you claim to hold so dear.

If I have the choice between believing Julian Assange or the incorporated "Deep State" that runs the massive intelligence agencies that allowed 19 boxcutter welding "terrorists" to take down three buildings in downtown Manhattan while never attempting to intercept them? I'm gonna go with Julian Assange every day of the week because we know that Seth Rich was the big time leaker. I believe the fake news as much as I believe that you have a Beamer.

Like I said, you are more pissed that the information was released about how the leftard clown posse was revealed for being a corrupt commie cabal that they are...and here's another tidbit of information...I wouldn't give a shit even IF it was Russian intel that was leaking information to Wikileaks that revealed the corruption and child trafficking that is going on in this country and I don't give a shit which political party was exposed for corruption. It's waaaay past time that the sheeple learned what the cesspoll that is the corporate entity that is D.C is all about and has always been about......does the truth scare you that the D.C establishment participates in "spirit cooking" and participates in pedophilia satanic/OTO Aleister Crowley type rituals?????

Good! It should shake you to your very core because this has been going on for decades.....welcome to reality because this is the disgusting world that we live, show us some more fake pictures of your life of luxury....I could use the laugh.

1. What a loser. I don't have to prove anything to you or anybody. I could care less if you believe it or not.

2. I told you and your buddies scum traitors over and over. I'm very patriotic defending the integrity and decency of my country's democracy. That is my freedom and god given rights. If you and the rest of you scumbag traitors cannot take it. Tough shit. You all can shove those in your ass. FUCK OFF.
No. but I know how fucked up you are.
Why do you think defending my country is stupid?

Dude my profile has been the same since I joined this board and you told me what you do, without health insurance and how much you make (fuck me) which is just way below my standard.

Yea and I pay a shit load less taxes then you a better quality of life and this is what pisses you off fat ass.


You are making LESS than 85k ............ I don't consider there that a good quality of life and that is way way below my standard. That doesn't pissed me but I feel sorry for you that you cannot even afford health insurance.

BTW.... you didn't answer my question. Why do you think defending my country is stupid?

Yes I am and my house is paid off so are my three pick up trucks..

Do you know what that means?

Plus I don't need health care... Not a weak socialist out of shape fat ass like you.


You don't need healthcare? So who's your doctor? The same crown in the video who said Trump was in perfect health?

Why do I need a doctor?


Because you are sick person.
Despite all the acrimony, pissing and moaning, Trump will be sworn in as President #45 tomorrow. Buckle up, buttercups!
Trump lost by nearly 3 million votes to Hillary Clinton. Trump is a pathetic lap dog puppet of Vladimir Putin who will do nothing to address Russia's interference in the 2016 election and continued cyber attacks on this country. And all of you Repug Trumpkins are traitors to your country for continuing to support Trump.

Trump's presidency is a total joke before it has even started and he will NEVER be the legitimate president. Fortunately, the majority of Americans know this is true.

History books will record the election as controversial because of foreign influence in favor of one candidate. And Trump's being vile human being.
Despite all the acrimony, pissing and moaning, Trump will be sworn in as President #45 tomorrow. Buckle up, buttercups!

You people say that as if his bad decisions and turning the country over to the oil/coal industries and wall street is going to some how make your life matter.

The forgotten American's in WI, PA, OH are more fucked than ever.

The new EPA chief sees the agency's job as promoting cancer clusters and birth defects.
What bother me most is how an American like you so supportive of Russian intervention into our democracy.
What bothers me is that people like you support corruption and lies in the U.S. government and are pissed off that the truth came out. Traitor.
Wrong again. Try harder.
I don't have to try. Your words speak for themselves. It's ok. You're a progressive. That's what progressives do. Lie, spread disinformation, and get furious when the truth comes out.
Despite all the acrimony, pissing and moaning, Trump will be sworn in as President #45 tomorrow. Buckle up, buttercups!
You people .....
You said "You people". LOL


The rest of your post is simply sad LWL fear-mongering. Let's see what happens by the 4th of July, hmmm?
Dude I don't how to photoshop. You don't deserve anything from me. And you can stick your face saving in your ass.

You certainly don't know how to punctuate......LOL! Like I said, go out to your Beamer and have a pic of yourself standing by it with the "Hook 'em Horns" sign with your left hand..,how hard can that be?????

You don't deserve anything from me but I can spit your face.
Go back sometime when you get rid of your racism, traitorism and your fake C theories ......... Then I will take you seriously.

I never said that I was owed or deserved anything...I simply presented you with an opportunity to prove that you weren't a lying sack of shit....and you bailed on it. Your "conspiracy theory that the Russians hacked the DNC e-mails and those of John Podesta is most definitely a "whacko" conspiracy theory since the one that leaked them was killed. What absolutely FLOORS me is that you are not even slightly concerned about the comments of the leaked e-mails...OH HELL NO! You are simply pissed that the plans and machinations behind the attempts to steal the election were revealed and that speaks volumes to me....


Dude I don't need to lie and I don't need to prove anything to you. This is my life.

Look you traitor piece of shit. I already told you over and over what I stand for but you keep insisting to me what and why you think I'm pissed.
Why the hell you keep putting words into my mouth?
There are no conspiracy about the hacking even Trump admitted's all in your dumb head.
What made you think I was not concern about the contents of the emails? What bother me most is how an American like you so supportive of Russian intervention into our democracy. You are traitor on top of racist behavior. You are not even pay taxes ........... . I hate scumbag traitor.

don't need to prove anything to you.

But you tried and we made fun of you posting pictures from your moms Vogue magazine

Anyone that is upset about a whistle blower has a lot of shit to hide this is the government corruption we are talking here.


Making fun? That is so funny. Jealous is the right words dude.
You post your properties showing your neighbors then double down showing back yard. Is that supposed to be the luxury side? That's probably where you throw your garbage. You are stupid.

Daleshit doesn't pay taxes belong to a group that is against the government with bunch of conspiracy crap and don't believe having a driver license.
Like the Sandy Hook massacre in Connecticut he claimed it's a hoax.
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Even president elect admitted Russian did the hacking...... What is your point?

And your point being?

That your upset with that the truth came out?


No bastard. I am very upset about intervention of your country to my country especially supported by traitors like you.

You're upset that Russia provided transparency that Obama failed to deliver, you're upset Hillary once again got her hand caught in the cookie jar.


Drink my piss again idiot and try to stick this to your dumb skull.
If they hack Trump which I suspect they did I still very upset. Its the foreign intervention I'm very upset.
Russians didn't do anything. DNC was a leak and stupid person, Podesta, replied to a phishing email. no hack. Geez, I wish you turds would learn something. Again, the FBI never looked at the DNC server. NEVER.

Russian didn't do anything? Dude ask Trump.
Trump did not recognize Obama as the legitimate president for eight years

Why should he expect better treatment?
Because trump is legitimate

Deduct 65+ millions that voted for Trump from 225+ millions that didn't vote for Trump.

Then convince them............. why do you think Trump is a legitimate president.
More people voted for anyone but Hillary than voted for Hillary. Trump won under the rules in force at the time. All complaining to the contrary is simply dumb.

Im not disagreeing the result of the election. The 65+ millions that voted for Trump came in full force with heavy white voters....... Deduct that from who didn't vote for Trump.
That is how many you have to convince that trump is a legitimate. Especially Trump keep promoting Putin that intervene into the integrity of our democracy.
Why? do they all think we stole the election? I mean the only way you could call him illegitimate is by saying it wasn't a fair election. Are you and your side saying it wasn't fair? And if it wasn't what wasn't fair?
still crickets on what exactly what makes him illegitimate.

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