Trump Is An Illegitimate President And Always Will Be

This will be the last night that this country will go to bed with a stupid incompetent coward as the Commander in Chief.
Trump is already in trouble. He won't last two years.

Trump poised to violate Constitution his first day in office, George W ...
Nov 19, 2016 - Trump poised to violate Constitution his first day in office, George W. Bush's ethics lawyer says ... no wall between the Trump administration and Trump… ... Trump really can cure this impending violation of the Emoluments ... There are few court casesdealing with the Emoluments Clause.
How the Emoluments Clause Applies to President Trump's Business ...
Jan 9, 2017 - Trump faces conflict-of-interest questions over his business empire, ... Joe Biden addresses the assembly on the second day of the World Economic Forum, on .... noted, no one will be able to bring a lawsuitsince, in legal speak, "the ... The U.S. Department of Labor, in a complaintfiled with an administrative ...
The Many Scandals of Donald Trump: A Cheat Sheet - The Atlantic
Nov 22, 2016 - But the foundation has apparently never admitted to such aviolation in the past. ... Allegations of self-dealing are only one of the controversies facing the ... They stretch over more than four decades, from the mid-1970s to the present day. ... In the sexual-assault cases, Trumpfaces the difficulty that he in ...
The Emoluments Clause — is Donald Trump violating its letter or spirit ...
Nov 21, 2016 - The Foreign Emoluments Clause in Article I, section 9, provides that “no Person ... (Congress has given consent in some cases, such as for presents of trivial ... Whether or not one concludes that Trump'sbusiness dealings violate the ... Jonathan H. Adler teaches courses in constitutional, administrative, and ...
Is Donald Trump Violating Constitution's Emolument Clause? | Law ...
Jan 11, 2017 - Trump Is NOT Violating Constitution's Emoluments Clause, Lawyer Says ... No one would have thought, when the Constitution was written, that paying ... filed under ... Judge Dismisses $4 Million LawsuitFil… ..... Matthew C. Ryan • 1 day ago ... Donald Trump Names His Lawyer as Administration's Special ...
Violating the Constitution on Day One - Daily Kos
3 days ago - Donald Trump will be in violation of the Emoluments Clauses on ... Can a lawsuit be filed and maintained to enforce the emolumentsclauses? ... (and President Obama's first administrator for federal procurement policy) ...
When Chinese Bank's Trump Lease Ends, Potential Conflict Begins ...
Nov 28, 2016 - The relationship between Trump and ICBC is one of the clearest financial ... than any other major office tenant in the tower, the Wells Fargo filing shows. ... Trump could avoid violating the emolumentsclause altogether if he sells all his ... But Trump's administration could be tied up with information requests ...
This will be the last night that this country will go to bed with a stupid incompetent coward as the Commander in Chief.

And wake up tomorrow morning with a cocksocket who will make Hillary's pay-for-play look like an amateur kid's show.
And your point being?

That your upset with that the truth came out?


No bastard. I am very upset about intervention of your country to my country especially supported by traitors like you.

You're upset that Russia provided transparency that Obama failed to deliver, you're upset Hillary once again got her hand caught in the cookie jar.


Drink my piss again idiot and try to stick this to your dumb skull.
If they hack Trump which I suspect they did I still very upset. Its the foreign intervention I'm very upset.
Russians didn't do anything. DNC was a leak and stupid person, Podesta, replied to a phishing email. no hack. Geez, I wish you turds would learn something. Again, the FBI never looked at the DNC server. NEVER.

You really think you know what has happened? You have some sort of special clearance, security level? Anyone? No one? No one knows what really happened. Hopefully we will eventually but even Trump admits that the Russians meddled:

Oh my, you link fully debunked lies in your sig.

You're just another leftist fuck posting fake news on behalf of the foreign master, George Soros that you serve in your quest to end the United States Constitution.

Hey, you might be a fucking traitor, but at least you're complete gutter scum, right?
Trump is already in trouble. He won't last two years.

Trump poised to violate Constitution his first day in office, George W ...
Nov 19, 2016 - Trump poised to violate Constitution his first day in office, George W. Bush's ethics lawyer says ... no wall between the Trump administration and Trump… ... Trump really can cure this impending violation of the Emoluments ... There are few court casesdealing with the Emoluments Clause.
How the Emoluments Clause Applies to President Trump's Business ...
Jan 9, 2017 - Trump faces conflict-of-interest questions over his business empire, ... Joe Biden addresses the assembly on the second day of the World Economic Forum, on .... noted, no one will be able to bring a lawsuitsince, in legal speak, "the ... The U.S. Department of Labor, in a complaintfiled with an administrative ...
The Many Scandals of Donald Trump: A Cheat Sheet - The Atlantic
Nov 22, 2016 - But the foundation has apparently never admitted to such aviolation in the past. ... Allegations of self-dealing are only one of the controversies facing the ... They stretch over more than four decades, from the mid-1970s to the present day. ... In the sexual-assault cases, Trumpfaces the difficulty that he in ...
The Emoluments Clause — is Donald Trump violating its letter or spirit ...
Nov 21, 2016 - The Foreign Emoluments Clause in Article I, section 9, provides that “no Person ... (Congress has given consent in some cases, such as for presents of trivial ... Whether or not one concludes that Trump'sbusiness dealings violate the ... Jonathan H. Adler teaches courses in constitutional, administrative, and ...
Is Donald Trump Violating Constitution's Emolument Clause? | Law ...
Jan 11, 2017 - Trump Is NOT Violating Constitution's Emoluments Clause, Lawyer Says ... No one would have thought, when the Constitution was written, that paying ... filed under ... Judge Dismisses $4 Million LawsuitFil… ..... Matthew C. Ryan • 1 day ago ... Donald Trump Names His Lawyer as Administration's Special ...
Violating the Constitution on Day One - Daily Kos
3 days ago - Donald Trump will be in violation of the Emoluments Clauses on ... Can a lawsuit be filed and maintained to enforce the emolumentsclauses? ... (and President Obama's first administrator for federal procurement policy) ...
When Chinese Bank's Trump Lease Ends, Potential Conflict Begins ...
Nov 28, 2016 - The relationship between Trump and ICBC is one of the clearest financial ... than any other major office tenant in the tower, the Wells Fargo filing shows. ... Trump could avoid violating the emolumentsclause altogether if he sells all his ... But Trump's administration could be tied up with information requests ...

Sounds like the same kind of confused delusional shit that you Moon Bats were spouting about the recount, the Russians and the Electoral College.

Sorry Moon Bat but Trump will be a successful President unlike this piece of shit we have had for the last eight long dismal years.

You know the one I am talking about don't you? The Kenyan Catastrophe. The asshole that violated the his duties by not enforcing the immigration laws of this country among many other things. The one that flew off to Vegas Baby the day after the Benghazi attack. The one that gave away the store to the Iranians and the Cubans and the one that lied to us about Obamacare. The one that increased poverty, incited racial division, decreased family income, astronomically grew the national debt and couldn't even get a dismal 3% annual growth.
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Despite all the acrimony, pissing and moaning, Trump will be sworn in as President #45 tomorrow. Buckle up, buttercups!

I would but the store shelves have already been emptied of Vaseline by a few zillion Republicans with voter's remorse.
Funny, but obviously wildly exaggerated. Almost crazy.

A main point you are missing is that those "zillions" of voters would still rather have Trump than Hillary. Next time, let "We, the People" pick your candidates in the DNC. Not the elites in the back room, umkay?
Great pic! Part of the traditional tour of the incoming President. We'll see more tomorrow.

Despite all the BS, I'm very curious to see what Trump really does. As I've stated for months, I doubt he really wanted to be President. Now he is. Egotist, spoiled brat, call him what you will, but I strongly doubt he wants to fuck this up. I strongly believe he will do his duty. That fact will piss off the Alt-Right and cause the Alt-Left to look stupid, but it is what is best for our nation.
Great pic! Part of the traditional tour of the incoming President. We'll see more tomorrow.

Despite all the BS, I'm very curious to see what Trump really does. As I've stated for months, I doubt he really wanted to be President. Now he is. Egotist, spoiled brat, call him what you will, but I strongly doubt he wants to fuck this up. I strongly believe he will do his duty. That fact will piss off the Alt-Right and cause the Alt-Left to look stupid, but it is what is best for our nation.

I didn't vote for Trump because he didn't run on a platform to dismantle this filthy ass Federal government down to only the necessary functions. I think he is a big government Liberal that will mostly continue with the big government policies that have destroyed this country.

However, he will be a much better President that that asshole Obama or that corrupt dishonest Crooked Hillary. He will make significant improvements if he does any of the things that he promised.

I think if he pushes tax cuts that the economy will significantly improve. That is a given. The same with lesser regulations.
America has only one genuine political party. It is the corporate party. Schumer and Trump are charter members. They will work together—as Trump has predicted—to fuck America in the ass.

Not a chance, sploogy.

Both Republicans and Soros Soldiers HATE Trump. That isn't because Trump is part of the international bankers coalition that controls the two parties.

You are one naive son of bitch
Trump, Pence and their families are showing great respect for our military and our veterans by laying the wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier as President and VP Elect.

When Obama was President Elect him and his family were busy being assholes.

Do you actually think this means respect or is it just a photo-op. Given all that NEEDS to be done, showing respect for the military would be to provide better care through the VA, higher wages for troops whose families have to rely on food stamps.

Laying a $25 wreath is a cheap way of pretending you care. Trump is the guy who had to be SHAMED into giving money donated to his phony foundation to the veterans he promised it to.


In every one of Trump's campaign speeches and his post election thanking of America he has shown tremendous respect for our veterans and the military.

That piece of shit Obama has never shown any respect whatsoever, even on Memorial Day when he had to do it because it was his job and even then he was AWOL a couple of times.

Obama is a piece of shit. Crooked Hillary even worse. Trump will do the right thing after eight years of the Kenyan Catastrophe.

Majority of Americans disagree with you. Obama's popularity is very high leaving the office.

Show us Trump tax returns then we'll judge who is more crooked of the 2. Just imagine he cheated his own anemic Trump foundation................... Think.................. what else?
No bastard. I am very upset about intervention of your country to my country especially supported by traitors like you.

You're upset that Russia provided transparency that Obama failed to deliver, you're upset Hillary once again got her hand caught in the cookie jar.


Drink my piss again idiot and try to stick this to your dumb skull.
If they hack Trump which I suspect they did I still very upset. Its the foreign intervention I'm very upset.
Russians didn't do anything. DNC was a leak and stupid person, Podesta, replied to a phishing email. no hack. Geez, I wish you turds would learn something. Again, the FBI never looked at the DNC server. NEVER.

You really think you know what has happened? You have some sort of special clearance, security level? Anyone? No one? No one knows what really happened. Hopefully we will eventually but even Trump admits that the Russians meddled:

are you talking to yourself?

If you don't have anything to counter act........ just be quiet.

Majority of Americans disagree with you. Obama's popularity is very high leaving the office.

Show us Trump tax returns then we'll judge who is more crooked of the 2. Just imagine he cheated his own anemic Trump foundation................... Think.................. what else?

How do you know the Kenyan Catastrophe's popularity is high? Who told you that? Did the same left leaning idiots that told you that Crooked Hillary was going to win by a landslide tell you that?

You voted for Crooked Hillary who set up a scam foundation to launder the money she got from selling government influence so don't be an asshole. Also, don't be a hypocrite. I never heard you calling for the Kenyan Catastrophe to release his college transcripts so that we can see if he enrolled as a foreign student or was given his degree because of affirmative action.

You Moon Bats lost. Get over it. Obama was a complete failure. Trump will fix many of the thing that Obama broke so learn to live with it. You Moon Bats were idiots electing that asshole Obama.

I don't know if you are on welfare like most Moon Bats or if you actually have a job where you make enough money to pay taxes but when Trump lowers our taxes are you going to spend the extra spendable money or are you going to give it back to the filthy ass government? Will you put your money where your mouth is?
"DONALD J. TRUMP........ Please raise your right Hand!"
Do you swear to Make America Great Again?
"YES , I DO "
In a couple days Trump will be the legitimate President of the United States of America. Those who don't like it have four years to cry about it.

Hardly 4 years. He will be in violation of the emolument clause on day one and a lawsuit will be filed against him for same on day one. He won't last two years and I am being generous here

How is that working out for ya????
In a couple days Trump will be the legitimate President of the United States of America. Those who don't like it have four years to cry about it.

Hardly 4 years. He will be in violation of the emolument clause on day one and a lawsuit will be filed against him for same on day one. He won't last two years and I am being generous here

How is that working out for ya????

Apparently they haven't got him yet. LOL
Trump lost by nearly 3 million votes to Hillary Clinton. Trump is a pathetic lap dog puppet of Vladimir Putin who will do nothing to address Russia's interference in the 2016 election and continued cyber attacks on this country. And all of you Repug Trumpkins are traitors to your country for continuing to support Trump.

Trump's presidency is a total joke before it has even started and he will NEVER be the legitimate president. Fortunately, the majority of Americans know this is true.
/——/ Any President who isn’t a Socialist skumbag like Obozo and Hildabeast is illegitimate in your narrow mind.
Trump lost by nearly 3 million votes to Hillary Clinton. Trump is a pathetic lap dog puppet of Vladimir Putin who will do nothing to address Russia's interference in the 2016 election and continued cyber attacks on this country. And all of you Repug Trumpkins are traitors to your country for continuing to support Trump.

Trump's presidency is a total joke before it has even started and he will NEVER be the legitimate president. Fortunately, the majority of Americans know this is true.

Listen, and listen tight. First thing- lower the gun from your temple, put down the glass of Clorox, turn off the car and open the garage door.
Now- the orange clown won, he won fair and square, he won 50% more states, the Ruskies did not hack our election, they may have disclosed some inconvenient truths about the bulldyke which may have caused some people to decide not to vote for her. Got it? Ok, you may now restart your car, lower the garage door, chug that bottle of Clorox, and pull the trigger. At least you'll end your miserable life knowing the truth.

All this blather, yet nothing that changes the fact that Trump is an illegitimate president. He lost by 3 million votes, even with Russia's help.

Trump is a traitor to this country who praises a murderer like Putin, and you won't touch that topic with a 10 foot pole because you're an intellectually dishonest Repug piece of shit.
/—-/ It seems Hildabeast’s husband understood the EC and ran his campaigns to win the electoral college votes twice. You’d think he would have clued his wife into the fact the popular vote doesn’t count.
Trump lost by nearly 3 million votes to Hillary Clinton. Trump is a pathetic lap dog puppet of Vladimir Putin who will do nothing to address Russia's interference in the 2016 election and continued cyber attacks on this country. And all of you Repug Trumpkins are traitors to your country for continuing to support Trump.

Trump's presidency is a total joke before it has even started and he will NEVER be the legitimate president. Fortunately, the majority of Americans know this is true.
Sig Heil Comrade!! Sig Heil Hitlery! May she reign forever as The Confederate President of DemNazi Party.

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