Trump is apparently “livid” and “screaming” at everyone over most of the failures of his backed candidates in the election

It’s not that you aren’t possibly correct, but if you are going to have that knee jerk reaction to anything negative about Trump then you lose all credibility.
Democrats lie too much. The most blatant lies start with an unnamed source reportedly speaking anonymously.
Democrats lie too much. The most blatant lies start with an unnamed source reportedly speaking anonymously.
And when an unnamed source does the same thing saying something negative about democrats?
It’s like a cherry on top of the sweet day we are having today huh?

“A conservative political commentator and ex-GOP strategist suggested Trump has zero chance of winning the 2024 presidential election — should he run — based on the early results of the 2022 midterm elections.

"How could you look at these results tonight and conclude Trump has any chance of winning a national election in 2024?" Scott Jennings, a former advisor to Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, said in an early Wednesday tweet.”

Fake news by TDS afflicted assholes.
Never said there was one... but he has demonstrated his emotional and intellectual infantilism often enough, video or no...

I disagree.

But at least you spelled infantilism correctly.

And you still haven't validated the OP's ridiculous lie.

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Donald J. Trump


While in certain ways yesterday’s election was somewhat disappointing, from my personal standpoint it was a very big victory - 219 WINS and 16 Losses in the General - Who has ever done better than that?

The pee tape doesn't matter .. nobody cares. Trump has said and done too many despicable things.
This can so easily be said of both halves of the duopoly that it almost exonerates Trump.
While he is a nightmare of a Presidential candidate, so is Biden. How did we ever get here? How could people such as this be in positions of such power? What is missing in the minds of the electorate?
This can so easily be said of both halves of the duopoly that it almost exonerates Trump.
While he is a nightmare of a Presidential candidate, so is Biden. How did we ever get here? How could people such as this be in positions of such power? What is missing in the minds of the electorate?

Discipline, and the ability to think critically about all the "information" coming from their TV's.
This can so easily be said of both halves of the duopoly that it almost exonerates Trump.
While he is a nightmare of a Presidential candidate, so is Biden. How did we ever get here? How could people such as this be in positions of such power? What is missing in the minds of the electorate?

Oil and gas are recovering. Europe has a surplus of natural gas and the price is low. The ppb is coming down. Slow and steady.. there are no quick fixes in spite of Trump's grandiose claims. Biden is too old, but he's meeting the challenges.

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