Trump is blamed for not closing the nation sooner, now told he doesn’t have the authority to open it?

Pick your fucking side!

Does he have the authority to close and does he have the authority to open?

Good God you liberals are such whiny bitches. Holy crap.

Of course it’s a state issue, you stupid stupid fucks. Why are you blaming him for not closing the nation?
Another up shit creek without a paddle moment.
Pick your fucking side!

Does he have the authority to close and does he have the authority to open?

Good God you liberals are such whiny bitches. Holy crap.

Of course it’s a state issue, you stupid stupid fucks. Why are you blaming him for not closing the nation?

Where did somebody "blame him for not closing the nation"? How would he do that?

Is K-Mart having a sale on strawmen again?
Pick your fucking side!

Does he have the authority to close and does he have the authority to open?

Good God you liberals are such whiny bitches. Holy crap.

Of course it’s a state issue, you stupid stupid fucks. Why are you blaming him for not closing the nation?
Exactly. Let's face it, whatever side our president is on, the Dim Dems WILL take the other one. Yes, they really ARE that stupid......
Don't count yourself out now. You bite on every step Fat Donnie walks on.
He-he, you ARE a brainwashed d*ckhead.....

They can't deal with the irrefutable logic of the OP!
Pick your fucking side!

Does he have the authority to close and does he have the authority to open?

Good God you liberals are such whiny bitches. Holy crap.

Of course it’s a state issue, you stupid stupid fucks. Why are you blaming him for not closing the nation?

And MS-13 are not animals! They are lovely human being that just happen to brutally murder rape and rip tongues out of people's mouths.

Face it... if Trump said he supported rain, the Demos would go on a crusade on how evil rain is.
Pick your fucking side!

Does he have the authority to close and does he have the authority to open?

Good God you liberals are such whiny bitches. Holy crap.

Of course it’s a state issue, you stupid stupid fucks. Why are you blaming him for not closing the nation?
I agree that one way or another he's wrong. LOL
Pick your fucking side!

Does he have the authority to close and does he have the authority to open?

Good God you liberals are such whiny bitches. Holy crap.

Of course it’s a state issue, you stupid stupid fucks. Why are you blaming him for not closing the nation?

Where did somebody "blame him for not closing the nation"? How would he do that?

Is K-Mart having a sale on strawmen again?

I have read at least... at LEAST... a dozen people saying Trump did not act fast enough to close down the country.

Yes it is a strawman.... the anti-Trumper's strawman.
He simply does not have the legal authority to somehow "open the nation." It doesn't exist. He simply cannot negate the decisions of state and local authorities with the stroke of a pen. If such authority did exist, the states' rights activists would be taking to the streets in horror, foaming at the mouth, and most likely joined by other citizens.
Pick your fucking side!

Does he have the authority to close and does he have the authority to open?

Good God you liberals are such whiny bitches. Holy crap.

Of course it’s a state issue, you stupid stupid fucks. Why are you blaming him for not closing the nation?

Where did somebody "blame him for not closing the nation"? How would he do that?

Is K-Mart having a sale on strawmen again?

I have read at least... at LEAST... a dozen people saying Trump did not act fast enough to close down the country.

Yes it is a strawman.... the anti-Trumper's strawman.
Would have helped if he did.
Trump is blamed for not closing the nation sooner, now told he doesn’t have the authority to open it?

Stalinist SOB doesn’t have the constitutional authority to do either.
Trump is blamed for not closing the nation sooner, now told he doesn’t have the authority to open it?

Stalinist SOB doesn’t have the constitutional authority to do either.

It may not matter if the dystopic present continues unabated.
I'm feeling very pessimistic today.
Trump didn't "close" the nation - the governors did.
So the spread of the Chinese virus is their fault, not Trump’s.

Got it.

This is the kind of twisting and distortion that you fuckheads will lower yourselves to for this ignorant cretin. Crawl back up his ass where you belong.

Again, please refer to post #3 in this thread. Hilarious!
Your reply should've read:

"Please refer to any of my posts, because I am a trump bootlicker, suffering from TDS (Trump Defense Syndrome),and all of all of may posts amount to roughly the same nonsensical bullshit".
Pick your fucking side!

Does he have the authority to close and does he have the authority to open?

Good God you liberals are such whiny bitches. Holy crap.

Of course it’s a state issue, you stupid stupid fucks. Why are you blaming him for not closing the nation?

Hey azzhat, he never closed the country.
If you recall, and I'm sure you fucking don't, Trump backed down when 8 red states refused to shut down, citing "...this thing called the Constitution" that prevented him from telling them what to do.
He continually told the governors to get their own supplies, try harder and said, "we're not a shipping clerk".
So those governors are doing exactly what they should do, tell him to go fuck himself because he does NOT have the "total authority".

HE FUCKING CONTRADICTS HIMSELF so you clowns attack the media.

Well asshat, of course he didn’t close the country. It WAS NOT NECESSARY. Yet the point, which went right over your pointy head, was that you asshats and the media were crying that he HAD to close the country down. Now you’re crying that he doesn’t have the power to reopen the country, after you claimed he had the power to close it down. Make up your minds you clowns.
Pick your fucking side!

Does he have the authority to close and does he have the authority to open?

Good God you liberals are such whiny bitches. Holy crap.

Of course it’s a state issue, you stupid stupid fucks. Why are you blaming him for not closing the nation?

You can think of it like the way material is classified and declassified within the government. Any federal agency can classify and declassify information, but if one agency like the CIA classifies something top secret, the FBI can't declassify it.

Only the agency that classifies it, can declassify it. Same with shutting down the businesses within a state. If the governor shut it down, Trump can't re-open it. Just like if Trump shut down the businesses within a state, the Governor can't re-open it.
Pick your fucking side!

Does he have the authority to close and does he have the authority to open?

Good God you liberals are such whiny bitches. Holy crap.

Of course it’s a state issue, you stupid stupid fucks. Why are you blaming him for not closing the nation?

Hey azzhat, he never closed the country.
If you recall, and I'm sure you fucking don't, Trump backed down when 8 red states refused to shut down, citing "...this thing called the Constitution" that prevented him from telling them what to do.
He continually told the governors to get their own supplies, try harder and said, "we're not a shipping clerk".
So those governors are doing exactly what they should do, tell him to go fuck himself because he does NOT have the "total authority".

HE FUCKING CONTRADICTS HIMSELF so you clowns attack the media.

Well asshat, of course he didn’t close the country. It WAS NOT NECESSARY. Yet the point, which went right over your pointy head, was that you asshats and the media were crying that he HAD to close the country down. Now you’re crying that he doesn’t have the power to reopen the country, after you claimed he had the power to close it down. Make up your minds you clowns.

They offer absolutely nothing in the face of this National emergency but continued political dissent and ultimate destruction.
Trump said he has total power, and he is wrong. Yet the media said he had total power to close up the nation and impose martial law.

It’s so funny.

He could say fire is hot and the media would disagree.
Let's get one thing straight:
  • Trump had total power to stop flights from China.
  • Trump had total power to close the ports.
  • Trump had total power for early national response.
  • Trump had total power to restock all the hospitals.
  • Trump had total power to get emergency overflow mobile hospitals in place.
  • Trump had total power to step up mask production.
  • Trump had total power to step up test manufacturing.
  • Trump had total power to declare national emergency.
  • Trump had total power to issue 2.2 trillion relief bill.
  • Trump had total blame for everyone dead of the virus.
  • Now that things are peaking out and folks are looking at reopening, Trump has absolutely no say in how, what, where or where.
Donald, go sit in the corner and SHUT UP. You are only good for when there is someone we need to blame.

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