Trump is Clearly Unfit to be President

The founders intent was a citizen government, not a bunch of political elite.
How do you feel about Pence riding shotgun?

I don't feel anything about him, you trying to be my shrink or something?
You express objection and animosity towards "politicians" and when you define what you view as a politician, Pence fits your description. So i'm asking what you think about Pence as VP?

From a tactical stand point he was a decent pick, he has executive experience, legislative experience and can aid Trump in pushing his proposals through congress.
Isn't "legislative experience" is what makes somebody a politician? Is that a good or bad thing. How many years in the private sector qualifies as enough to make you happy?

I think a 60% civilian, 40% government would be a good mix.
Look at the people around here who defend Trump. That if anything proves he's unfit.
Dump the Illegal Beaners and the Muzzies and the Homos off your agenda and you might just convince enough White Folk to vote for you so that you begin winning again.

And, all protestations to the contrary, you need Middle America and Blue Collar Whites now more than ever. You just haven't admitted it to yourselves yet.

Until you throw-off the several albatross around your neck, and until you admit to yourseles that you must now pursue the White Vote again, you're doomed to continue throwing husks and shells from the peanut gallery - stripped of your former ability to steer the national conversation into places where it did not want to go in the first place...

As evidenced by the way folks voted in the privacy of the election booth.

You see such attitudes as aberration.

Vast numbers of your fellow countrymen now call it a necessary bitch-slapping of Dems-Libs-Progs, ; either absorb the lessons of this latest wake-up call, or remain in exile.
You perfectly prove NYs point. Haha

I've outlined what it is going to take for the Democratic Party to regain the Middle-American and Blue-Collar White Vote in the United States.

Your inability to perceive truth in this matter is none of my concern.

I cannot help delusional folk who refuse to believe that a disproportionate attention to Minorities and Muslims and Homosexuals had a substantive bearing upon election results.

Hopefully, the next collection of Democratic Party talking heads will eventually come to terms with that reality, and manifest more pragmatically than you are doing here.

Keep blowing off MIddle-American and Blue-Collar Whites, and they'll continue to reciprocate.

The Republican Party will continue to thank you for it.

Your sound bitch-slapping in the Electoral College, originating in States where they dominate, on November 8, 2016, tells us all we need to know of the truth of that observation.

Your choice.
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‘Trump’s young presidency has existed in a perpetual state of chaos.
Only because of Liberal Obstruction, lies, false narratives, false accusations, and seditious acts by the ex-President, his holdovers, and Democrats.

They are proving they are 'domestic enemies'.
Look at the people around here who defend Trump. That if anything proves he's unfit.
Dump the Illegal Beaners and the Muzzies and the Homos off your agenda and you might just convince enough White Folk to vote for you so that you begin winning again.

And, all protestations to the contrary, you need Middle America and Blue Collar Whites now more than ever. You just haven't admitted it to yourselves yet.

Until you throw-off the several albatross around your neck, and until you admit to yourseles that you must now pursue the White Vote again, you're doomed to continue throwing husks and shells from the peanut gallery - stripped of your former ability to steer the national conversation into places where it did not want to go in the first place...

As evidenced by the way folks voted in the privacy of the election booth.

You see such attitudes as aberration.

Vast numbers of your fellow countrymen now call it a necessary bitch-slapping of Dems-Libs-Progs, ; either absorb the lessons of this latest wake-up call, or remain in exile.
You perfectly prove NYs point. Haha

I've outlined what it is going to take for the Democratic Party to regain the Middle-American and Blue-Collar White Vote in the United States.

Your inability to perceive truth in this matter is none of my concern.

I cannot help delusional folk who refuse to believe that a disproportionate attention to Minorities and Muslims and Homosexuals had a substantive bearing upon election results.

Hopefully, the next collection of Democratic Party talking heads will eventually come to terms with that reality, and manifest more pragmatically than you are doing here.

Keep blowing off MIddle-American and Blue-Collar Whites, and they'll continue to reciprocate.

The Republican Party will continue to thank you for it.

Your sound bitch-slapping in the Electoral College, originating in States where they dominate, on November 8, 2016, tells us all we need to know of the truth of that observation.

Your choice.
I don't have much love for either party... loyalist from both sides are acting like schoolyard children throwing hissy fits.

There wasn't much truth in your last statement. Read like a bunch of hateful partisan bullshit
‘Trump’s young presidency has existed in a perpetual state of chaos. The issue of Russia has distracted from what was meant to be his most triumphant moment: his address last Tuesday to a joint session of Congress. And now his latest unfounded accusation — that Barack Obama tapped Trump’s phones during last fall’s campaign — had been denied by the former president and doubted by both allies and fellow Republicans.

When Trump ran into Christopher Ruddy on the golf course and later at dinner Saturday, he vented to his friend. “This will be investigated,” Ruddy recalled Trump telling him. “It will all come out. I will be proven right.”

“He was pissed,” said Ruddy, the chief executive of Newsmax, a conservative media company. “I haven’t seen him this angry.”
At the center of the turmoil is an impatient president increasingly frustrated by his administration’s inability to erase the impression that his campaign was engaged with Russia, to stem leaks about both national security matters and internal discord and to implement any signature achievements.

This account of the administration’s tumultuous recent days is based on interviews with 17 top White House officials, members of Congress and friends of the president, many of whom requested anonymity to speak candidly.

Gnawing at Trump, according to one of his advisers, is the comparison between his early track record and that of Obama in 2009, when amid the Great Recession he enacted an economic stimulus bill and other big-ticket items.
Trump’s team is trying again to reboot this week, with the president expected to sign a new executive order Monday implementing an entry ban for some countries after the initial one was blocked in federal court. The administration also intends to introduce a legislative plan later in the week to repeal and replace Obama’s health-care law, officials said.’

Inside Trump’s fury: The president rages at leaks, setbacks and accusations

In other words, Trump will continue to pursue his hateful, bigoted, reckless, and irresponsible agenda.

Trump has only himself to blame, all of his problems are the consequence of his incompetence, his arrogance, his bigotry, and his ignorance of – and contempt for – sound, responsible governance.

Wrong. There has been no evidence of any collusion with russia. On the contrary, there was plenty of evidence of O targeting conservative groups, lying about obamacare, perpetual wars etc. Alas though, that worthless president is gone.
...I don't have much love for either party... loyalist from both sides are acting like schoolyard children throwing hissy fits.

...There wasn't much truth in your last statement...
Sure there was. You just can't bring yourself to believe it. Not my problem.

...Read like a bunch of hateful partisan bullshit

Read like the truth; what it's going to take to bring the Middle American and Blue Collar White vote back to the Democratic Party.

I can understand the visceral reaction; but I can't help you with your gut-problems in dealing with truth.
Look at the people around here who defend Trump. That if anything proves he's unfit.
Leaders who appeal to the mob tend to act the part of a strongman and there will always be a certain element who are impressed with the bluster and show.

Although Donald Trump is one of the entrepreneur elite class with money to his name, a sufficient number of ordinary working class Americans have been bamboozled by the small-brained clown and have handed him the powers of the presidency where he can do real harm.

How to explain this phenomenon? Commercial TV must be high on the list since it gives name-recognition to reality show stars. Americans seem susceptible to the influence of TV and movie types.

You snowflake douche bags just can't get over the fact that the voters rejected your agenda. They saw through your propaganda and voted for someone who wasn't promising to fuck them in the ass. Now, rather than reassess your ideas, all you can do is insult the people you need to vote for your sleazy candidates.
The founders intent was a citizen government, not a bunch of political elite.
How do you feel about Pence riding shotgun?

I don't feel anything about him, you trying to be my shrink or something?
You express objection and animosity towards "politicians" and when you define what you view as a politician, Pence fits your description. So i'm asking what you think about Pence as VP?

From a tactical stand point he was a decent pick, he has executive experience, legislative experience and can aid Trump in pushing his proposals through congress.
Isn't "legislative experience" is what makes somebody a politician? Is that a good or bad thing. How many years in the private sector qualifies as enough to make you happy?

Back scratching, log rolling and selling out their constituents are the main skills of the professional politician.
Oh, and does anyone in the Democratic party even realise that they didn't just lose the presidency, but were soundly beaten like a mule up and down the ticket, broadly from coast to coast?

I guess if you call losing the popular vote by 3,000,000 votes "soundly beaten like a mule." Is that what they call it up there in Canaduh?

And that matters why ?

I know...because Hillary was sworn in....

Oh wait.

Suck on it.
Notice how the OP drops his little turd and never returns.

He must laugh at all you left wingers and right wingers who immediately turn his threads into light beer commercials.

He's a dick and he's playing all sides.
I don't think he's unfit to be president.
Mister Trump is just a "different president".
He's not a professional politician and he speaks his mind without problems.
Maybe this is the reason why some people think he's "strange" or "unfit" :)

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