Trump is Clearly Unfit to be President

If Donald Trump could, he would abandon the sinking ship that is his presidency. Unfortunately for him, politics is not like business where an entrepreneur can pocket-away big sums of money and then bankrupt a failing venture. The man is hopelessly trapped in a system that he cannot control and now even the media are on to him.

Donald Trump cannot accept personal failure so he will plow-on until he is stopped. The Judiciary will destroy him. The Ides of March approach.
‘Trump’s young presidency has existed in a perpetual state of chaos. The issue of Russia has distracted from what was meant to be his most triumphant moment: his address last Tuesday to a joint session of Congress. And now his latest unfounded accusation — that Barack Obama tapped Trump’s phones during last fall’s campaign — had been denied by the former president and doubted by both allies and fellow Republicans.

When Trump ran into Christopher Ruddy on the golf course and later at dinner Saturday, he vented to his friend. “This will be investigated,” Ruddy recalled Trump telling him. “It will all come out. I will be proven right.”

“He was pissed,” said Ruddy, the chief executive of Newsmax, a conservative media company. “I haven’t seen him this angry.”
At the center of the turmoil is an impatient president increasingly frustrated by his administration’s inability to erase the impression that his campaign was engaged with Russia, to stem leaks about both national security matters and internal discord and to implement any signature achievements.

This account of the administration’s tumultuous recent days is based on interviews with 17 top White House officials, members of Congress and friends of the president, many of whom requested anonymity to speak candidly.

Gnawing at Trump, according to one of his advisers, is the comparison between his early track record and that of Obama in 2009, when amid the Great Recession he enacted an economic stimulus bill and other big-ticket items.
Trump’s team is trying again to reboot this week, with the president expected to sign a new executive order Monday implementing an entry ban for some countries after the initial one was blocked in federal court. The administration also intends to introduce a legislative plan later in the week to repeal and replace Obama’s health-care law, officials said.’

Inside Trump’s fury: The president rages at leaks, setbacks and accusations

In other words, Trump will continue to pursue his hateful, bigoted, reckless, and irresponsible agenda.

Trump has only himself to blame, all of his problems are the consequence of his incompetence, his arrogance, his bigotry, and his ignorance of – and contempt for – sound, responsible governance.

Dream on as your entire fleet goes down liberals. Everyone in this country that did not vote for shitbitch HATES liberals and you will soon be shown how badly you are hated.
This is the most pathetic attempt yet, same thread has been recycled half a dozen times same old throw it maybe this time it will stick bullshit. Guess what liberal DA running the DL YOU LOST you will LOSE till you are NO MORE!! You are shit, and prove it every day with the content of your character. BOO HOO HOOO why not just commit HaraKiri and save us the laugh wrinkles. HAHAHAHAH!!!
This is the most pathetic attempt yet,
You're right.
Give up.
I think trump is mentally fucked in the head...

He is creating a banana republic out of our country.
This federal government spends far more than they're taking in... The very definition of a banana republic. Shit for brains
Poor pathetic snowflakes, the country decided NOT to elect a politician, it's beyond me why anyone would expect him to act like a politician. It's time to get over your butt hurt and enjoy the ride.
We expect a president to act accordingly.

Perhaps Trump should at least try to understand what that means.
‘Trump’s young presidency has existed in a perpetual state of chaos. The issue of Russia has distracted from what was meant to be his most triumphant moment: his address last Tuesday to a joint session of Congress. And now his latest unfounded accusation — that Barack Obama tapped Trump’s phones during last fall’s campaign — had been denied by the former president and doubted by both allies and fellow Republicans.

When Trump ran into Christopher Ruddy on the golf course and later at dinner Saturday, he vented to his friend. “This will be investigated,” Ruddy recalled Trump telling him. “It will all come out. I will be proven right.”

“He was pissed,” said Ruddy, the chief executive of Newsmax, a conservative media company. “I haven’t seen him this angry.”
At the center of the turmoil is an impatient president increasingly frustrated by his administration’s inability to erase the impression that his campaign was engaged with Russia, to stem leaks about both national security matters and internal discord and to implement any signature achievements.

This account of the administration’s tumultuous recent days is based on interviews with 17 top White House officials, members of Congress and friends of the president, many of whom requested anonymity to speak candidly.

Gnawing at Trump, according to one of his advisers, is the comparison between his early track record and that of Obama in 2009, when amid the Great Recession he enacted an economic stimulus bill and other big-ticket items.
Trump’s team is trying again to reboot this week, with the president expected to sign a new executive order Monday implementing an entry ban for some countries after the initial one was blocked in federal court. The administration also intends to introduce a legislative plan later in the week to repeal and replace Obama’s health-care law, officials said.’

Inside Trump’s fury: The president rages at leaks, setbacks and accusations

In other words, Trump will continue to pursue his hateful, bigoted, reckless, and irresponsible agenda.

Trump has only himself to blame, all of his problems are the consequence of his incompetence, his arrogance, his bigotry, and his ignorance of – and contempt for – sound, responsible governance.
There is some truth in this post. Trump was overwhelmed by the dem hit machine. No doubt about it. The insiders hit him hard, and Bernie with his fans, cheered. I'm not happy. I have always contended Bernie was an useful idiots of the Dems, similar to many I post with on this forum, but it is not even close to being over.

What percentage of the Benghazi period do you believe Trump has suffered?

I would estimate that he's a great big pussy from very early on.
Poor pathetic snowflakes, the country decided NOT to elect a politician, it's beyond me why anyone would expect him to act like a politician. It's time to get over your butt hurt and enjoy the ride.

Enough of this tired bullshit -- of course he's a politician.

Liar, he's never acted like a politician form the day he announced forward and you folks just can't stand it. LMAO

Are you insane? Just because his approach was unique doesn't make him not a politician, in fact, he's a gifted one. He's spent his entire life bullshitting and manipulating those around him, essentially preparing him for his role as a professional politician.

Whatever, take another gulp of kool-aid.
Coons was on Fox News Sunday and admits that after months of investigation into the Trump-Russia claims that there is no connection or evidence of any wrongdoing, Chris Wallace asked if maybe this is exactly the point of their attacks on him about this. To derail and deny him the ability to do his job.

Of course this is the plan, which is why so many snowflakes and Dreamers took to the streets after Trump won, they were protesting democracy and the inability to continue to enact their communist agenda when Clinton lost. My opinion is of course those who oppose the return of America on a more sensible, pro-American path will continue this underhanded method because it was what was planned before Trump took office.

The irony of this now is that the Office of the President is the one being cornered and will eventually have to take a harder stance against his adversaries. In hockey terms he has to take the Jersey number of those who hit him from behind and get payback on the ice later in the game. The very tactics that the Democrats don't want to see.

Oh, and does anyone in the Democratic party even realise that they didn't just lose the presidency, but were soundly beaten like a mule up and down the ticket, broadly from coast to coast? They want to keep this pressure up to basically blackmail Trump into keeping them the ruling party. The GOP need to make a long list of this interference and specific examples of how they are denying Americans their chosen direction of the country and have it presented to the American people in a way that will sink the anti-Americans, and/or push the Democrats even further left and into fringe territory.

Look, I don't have any dislike for those touting a legitimate liberal agenda, everyone has their own opinions and there are virtues worth fighting for, but this is not helpful, nor is it what the American people want.
Poor pathetic snowflakes, the country decided NOT to elect a politician, it's beyond me why anyone would expect him to act like a politician. It's time to get over your butt hurt and enjoy the ride.

Enough of this tired bullshit -- of course he's a politician.

Liar, he's never acted like a politician form the day he announced forward and you folks just can't stand it. LMAO
What would you define as "acting like a politician"?

Take a peek of the 18 or so he sent packing. They lacked the ability to adapt when presented with something they hadn't expected, just like you commiecrats.
Poor pathetic snowflakes, the country decided NOT to elect a politician, it's beyond me why anyone would expect him to act like a politician. It's time to get over your butt hurt and enjoy the ride.
We expect a president to act accordingly.

Perhaps Trump should at least try to understand what that means.

You mean you expect him to act according to your perceptions and expectations, he hasn't since day one and he's not going to start now. Remind us again how many times you regressives have predicted his demise, only to be proven WRONG!
‘Trump’s young presidency has existed in a perpetual state of chaos. The issue of Russia has distracted from what was meant to be his most triumphant moment: his address last Tuesday to a joint session of Congress. And now his latest unfounded accusation — that Barack Obama tapped Trump’s phones during last fall’s campaign — had been denied by the former president and doubted by both allies and fellow Republicans.

When Trump ran into Christopher Ruddy on the golf course and later at dinner Saturday, he vented to his friend. “This will be investigated,” Ruddy recalled Trump telling him. “It will all come out. I will be proven right.”

“He was pissed,” said Ruddy, the chief executive of Newsmax, a conservative media company. “I haven’t seen him this angry.”
At the center of the turmoil is an impatient president increasingly frustrated by his administration’s inability to erase the impression that his campaign was engaged with Russia, to stem leaks about both national security matters and internal discord and to implement any signature achievements.

This account of the administration’s tumultuous recent days is based on interviews with 17 top White House officials, members of Congress and friends of the president, many of whom requested anonymity to speak candidly.

Gnawing at Trump, according to one of his advisers, is the comparison between his early track record and that of Obama in 2009, when amid the Great Recession he enacted an economic stimulus bill and other big-ticket items.
Trump’s team is trying again to reboot this week, with the president expected to sign a new executive order Monday implementing an entry ban for some countries after the initial one was blocked in federal court. The administration also intends to introduce a legislative plan later in the week to repeal and replace Obama’s health-care law, officials said.’

Inside Trump’s fury: The president rages at leaks, setbacks and accusations

In other words, Trump will continue to pursue his hateful, bigoted, reckless, and irresponsible agenda.

Trump has only himself to blame, all of his problems are the consequence of his incompetence, his arrogance, his bigotry, and his ignorance of – and contempt for – sound, responsible governance.

Well I really don't know how any Republican or Democrat who voted for Trump could have watched any of those debates and actually believed that Trump was qualified to be POTUS. He didn't win a single one of them during the primary or with Hillary Clinton. It was laughable. If someone says he won one, they're lying through their teeth.


Republicans, spoon fed 3 or more daily hours of right wing hyperbole, which fed back to them hate and disgust with their own party. Really not understanding basic civics or being able to look beyond their noses at the consequences of congressional actions (like defunding Obamacare-leaving millions of people that were forced onto this program without insurance overnight--or continually threatening to shut down the government which backfires on Republicans) turned on their own party and went for the anti-Establishment candidate. They flew over more competent, qualified candidates and landed on the most angry, incompetent, unqualified candidate Donald Trump. They were warned over and over again about him, and ignored every single warning. I guess this was their Brexit moment. Trump got away with things that they would have crucified any other candidate for saying or doing. Like refusing to release his income tax returns. Even Evangelicals within the party kicked their party favorite Ted Cruz to the curb, for a vile, vulgar foul mouthed candidate. They were lead to Donald Trump by FOX NEWS who gave Trump an unprecedented 2 billion in free news coverage, while ignoring all other candidates, and right wing talk radio that threw their conservative values to the wind to support the popular candidate, Trump.

Hillary Clinton was so hated by the right they were blinded and foaming at the mouth by it. Again via right wing talk show hosts that spent the last 2 decades attacking her. 8 investigations into Benghazi, endless talk of emails, "lock her up" chants, conspiracy theories flying all over the place etc. etc. etc. Then the Gender factor. Many were scared to death of the first woman President, even though she was clearly much more competent, and qualified to be President than Trump. They actually voted for a man that stated "he knows more than our Generals do because he watches T.V. programs, and clearly he believes that." Of course Russian interference and FBI Director James Comey's unprecedented interference into this election also had a lot to do with Trump being in office today.

Now they've made one YUUUGE mistake.

1. Making Trump the poster boy of the Republican party.
2. Not being smart enough to vote for Hillary Clinton to keep Trump out of the Oval office.

So while we're watching the Trump presidency imploding over this Russian scandal--I am sure there are lots of regrets. Because this will be devastating to the Republican party for decades to come. They have given this country, Donald Trump, a person that more than half this country can actually hate. With these massive protests, it's not going to be pretty for the Republican party in 2018 and beyond.


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Oh, and does anyone in the Democratic party even realise that they didn't just lose the presidency, but were soundly beaten like a mule up and down the ticket, broadly from coast to coast?

I guess if you call losing the popular vote by 3,000,000 votes "soundly beaten like a mule." Is that what they call it up there in Canaduh?
‘Trump’s young presidency has existed in a perpetual state of chaos. The issue of Russia has distracted from what was meant to be his most triumphant moment: his address last Tuesday to a joint session of Congress. And now his latest unfounded accusation — that Barack Obama tapped Trump’s phones during last fall’s campaign — had been denied by the former president and doubted by both allies and fellow Republicans.

When Trump ran into Christopher Ruddy on the golf course and later at dinner Saturday, he vented to his friend. “This will be investigated,” Ruddy recalled Trump telling him. “It will all come out. I will be proven right.”

“He was pissed,” said Ruddy, the chief executive of Newsmax, a conservative media company. “I haven’t seen him this angry.”
At the center of the turmoil is an impatient president increasingly frustrated by his administration’s inability to erase the impression that his campaign was engaged with Russia, to stem leaks about both national security matters and internal discord and to implement any signature achievements.

This account of the administration’s tumultuous recent days is based on interviews with 17 top White House officials, members of Congress and friends of the president, many of whom requested anonymity to speak candidly.

Gnawing at Trump, according to one of his advisers, is the comparison between his early track record and that of Obama in 2009, when amid the Great Recession he enacted an economic stimulus bill and other big-ticket items.
Trump’s team is trying again to reboot this week, with the president expected to sign a new executive order Monday implementing an entry ban for some countries after the initial one was blocked in federal court. The administration also intends to introduce a legislative plan later in the week to repeal and replace Obama’s health-care law, officials said.’

Inside Trump’s fury: The president rages at leaks, setbacks and accusations

In other words, Trump will continue to pursue his hateful, bigoted, reckless, and irresponsible agenda.

Trump has only himself to blame, all of his problems are the consequence of his incompetence, his arrogance, his bigotry, and his ignorance of – and contempt for – sound, responsible governance.

Well I really don't know how any Republican or Democrat who voted for Trump could have watched any of those debates and actually believed that Trump was qualified to be POTUS. He didn't win a single one of them during the primary or with Hillary Clinton. It was laughable. If someone says he won one, they're lying through their teeth.


Republicans, spoon fed 3 or more daily hours of right wing hyperbole, which fed back to them hate and disgust with their own party. Really not understanding basic civics or being able to look beyond their noses at the consequences of actions turned on their own party and went for the anti-Establishment candidate. They flew over more competent, qualified candidates and landed on the most angry incompetent, unqualified candidate Donald Trump. They were warned over and over again about him, and ignored every single warning. I guess this was their Brexit moment. Trump got away with things that they would have crucified any other candidate for saying or doing. Like refusing to release his income tax returns. Even Evangelicals within the party kicked their party favorite Ted Cruz to the curb, for a vile, vulgar foul mouthed candidate.

Hillary Clinton was so hated by the right they were blinded and foaming at the mouth by it. Again via right wing talk show hosts that spend the last 2 decades attacking her. 8 investigations into Benghazi, endless talk of emails, "lock her up" chants, etc. etc. etc. Then the Gender factor. They were scared to death of the first woman President, even though she was clearly much more competent, and qualified to be President,than Trump. They actually voted for a man that stated "he knows more than our Generals do because he watches T.V. programs." Of course Russian interference and FBI Director James Comey's unprecedented interference into this election also had a lot to do with Trump being in office today.

Now they've made one YUUUGE mistake.

1. Making Trump the poster boy of the Republican party.
2. Not being smart enough to vote for Hillary Clinton to keep Trump out of the Oval office.

So while we're watching the Trump presidency imploding over this Russian scandal--I am sure there are lots of regrets. Because this will be devastating to the Republican party for decades to come. They have given this country, Donald Trump, a person that more than half this country can actually hate. With these massive protests, it's not going to be pretty for the Republican party in 2018 and beyond.


Whether he was the clear choice or was the protest vote, and/or this as a combination of a protest and a horribly corrupt and untrustworthy opponent in the form of Hillary Clinton, the American people have spoken.

The debates; in which Clinton was perfectly coached and in some instances given heads up on in regards to the questions, were hardly the measuring stick Americans were using. They wanted change, they wanted a return to the country that was once undeniably the global leader and is now at risk of losing this position to a Communist regime in China. They did NOT want what Clinton and the Democrats were selling and had been peddling for the prior 8 years, while the federal debt doubled.

It's called democracy. America has it, Canadians and many others want it but don't have it. This is why you have a protest winner, a non politician who wants to take on all abusers of America and the American Way, whether they be friend or foe. We don't need to re-litigate the election and why Trump won, but his detractors and those hellbent on stopping America from returning to it's rightful position as global leader certainly do. Anything to slow down or stop the return of American greatness and being proven wrong. It is the alt-left nightmare to see Trump succeed based on his campaign agenda.
Oh, and does anyone in the Democratic party even realise that they didn't just lose the presidency, but were soundly beaten like a mule up and down the ticket, broadly from coast to coast?

I guess if you call losing the popular vote by 3,000,000 votes "soundly beaten like a mule." Is that what they call it up there in Canaduh?

Trump won 30 states, and a total of 2,623 counties. Clinton won 20 states and 489 total counties. Clinton beat him by almost 6 million votes in Snowflakes states of New York and California, in the rest of the country, she lost by over 3 million votes, and she lost a much smaller number of votes to the Green party than Trump did to the Libertarian Party. If you take away the Libertarian and Green party candidate you would essentially see an even number of total votes, with far more diversity and broad appeal for the GOP and Trump. In short, the country is far more Right leaning than most imagined, no matter how many celebrities and news networks claim the contrary.

Trump Beat Clinton by 3 Million Outside of California and New York:
Popular Vote Results: Trump Would Have Won by 3 Million Without California or New York

The bottom line, the 70% of Americans who said that they believed America was going in the wrong direction were correct, and it was reflected in the election results.
It is seriously unnerving just thinking about what Trump could do to this country, or to other countries. We've literally elected the most dangerous candidate in presidential history.
What could he do, make the economy grow again? Keep terrorists out of the country?
Poor pathetic snowflakes, the country decided NOT to elect a politician, it's beyond me why anyone would expect him to act like a politician. It's time to get over your butt hurt and enjoy the ride.

Enough of this tired bullshit -- of course he's a politician.

Liar, he's never acted like a politician form the day he announced forward and you folks just can't stand it. LMAO
What would you define as "acting like a politician"?

Take a peek of the 18 or so he sent packing. They lacked the ability to adapt when presented with something they hadn't expected, just like you commiecrats.
Is that supposed to be an answer?

Trump was effective at giving a big "fuck you" to establishment politics. That doesn't necessarily mean he isn't one himself... so what is it exactly that you makes a politician a politician that you don't like?
‘Trump’s young presidency has existed in a perpetual state of chaos. The issue of Russia has distracted from what was meant to be his most triumphant moment: his address last Tuesday to a joint session of Congress. And now his latest unfounded accusation — that Barack Obama tapped Trump’s phones during last fall’s campaign — had been denied by the former president and doubted by both allies and fellow Republicans.

When Trump ran into Christopher Ruddy on the golf course and later at dinner Saturday, he vented to his friend. “This will be investigated,” Ruddy recalled Trump telling him. “It will all come out. I will be proven right.”

“He was pissed,” said Ruddy, the chief executive of Newsmax, a conservative media company. “I haven’t seen him this angry.”
At the center of the turmoil is an impatient president increasingly frustrated by his administration’s inability to erase the impression that his campaign was engaged with Russia, to stem leaks about both national security matters and internal discord and to implement any signature achievements.

This account of the administration’s tumultuous recent days is based on interviews with 17 top White House officials, members of Congress and friends of the president, many of whom requested anonymity to speak candidly.

Gnawing at Trump, according to one of his advisers, is the comparison between his early track record and that of Obama in 2009, when amid the Great Recession he enacted an economic stimulus bill and other big-ticket items.
Trump’s team is trying again to reboot this week, with the president expected to sign a new executive order Monday implementing an entry ban for some countries after the initial one was blocked in federal court. The administration also intends to introduce a legislative plan later in the week to repeal and replace Obama’s health-care law, officials said.’

Inside Trump’s fury: The president rages at leaks, setbacks and accusations

In other words, Trump will continue to pursue his hateful, bigoted, reckless, and irresponsible agenda.

Trump has only himself to blame, all of his problems are the consequence of his incompetence, his arrogance, his bigotry, and his ignorance of – and contempt for – sound, responsible governance.

Well I really don't know how any Republican or Democrat who voted for Trump could have watched any of those debates and actually believed that Trump was qualified to be POTUS. He didn't win a single one of them during the primary or with Hillary Clinton. It was laughable. If someone says he won one, they're lying through their teeth.


Republicans, spoon fed 3 or more daily hours of right wing hyperbole, which fed back to them hate and disgust with their own party. Really not understanding basic civics or being able to look beyond their noses at the consequences of actions turned on their own party and went for the anti-Establishment candidate. They flew over more competent, qualified candidates and landed on the most angry incompetent, unqualified candidate Donald Trump. They were warned over and over again about him, and ignored every single warning. I guess this was their Brexit moment. Trump got away with things that they would have crucified any other candidate for saying or doing. Like refusing to release his income tax returns. Even Evangelicals within the party kicked their party favorite Ted Cruz to the curb, for a vile, vulgar foul mouthed candidate.

Hillary Clinton was so hated by the right they were blinded and foaming at the mouth by it. Again via right wing talk show hosts that spend the last 2 decades attacking her. 8 investigations into Benghazi, endless talk of emails, "lock her up" chants, etc. etc. etc. Then the Gender factor. They were scared to death of the first woman President, even though she was clearly much more competent, and qualified to be President,than Trump. They actually voted for a man that stated "he knows more than our Generals do because he watches T.V. programs." Of course Russian interference and FBI Director James Comey's unprecedented interference into this election also had a lot to do with Trump being in office today.

Now they've made one YUUUGE mistake.

1. Making Trump the poster boy of the Republican party.
2. Not being smart enough to vote for Hillary Clinton to keep Trump out of the Oval office.

So while we're watching the Trump presidency imploding over this Russian scandal--I am sure there are lots of regrets. Because this will be devastating to the Republican party for decades to come. They have given this country, Donald Trump, a person that more than half this country can actually hate. With these massive protests, it's not going to be pretty for the Republican party in 2018 and beyond.


Whether he was the clear choice or was the protest vote, and/or this as a combination of a protest and a horribly corrupt and untrustworthy opponent in the form of Hillary Clinton, the American people have spoken.

The debates; in which Clinton was perfectly coached and in some instances given heads up on in regards to the questions, were hardly the measuring stick Americans were using. They wanted change, they wanted a return to the country that was once undeniably the global leader and is now at risk of losing this position to a Communist regime in China. They did NOT want what Clinton and the Democrats were selling and had been peddling for the prior 8 years, while the federal debt doubled.

It's called democracy. America has it, Canadians and many others want it but don't have it. This is why you have a protest winner, a non politician who wants to take on all abusers of America and the American Way, whether they be friend or foe. We don't need to re-litigate the election and why Trump won, but his detractors and those hellbent on stopping America from returning to it's rightful position as global leader certainly do. Anything to slow down or stop the return of American greatness and being proven wrong. It is the alt-left nightmare to see Trump succeed based on his campaign agenda.

I really don't think you can actually be comfortable by stating Hillary Clinton is corrupt and untrustworthy right now--LOL

You voted for a candidate right now that looks to have colluded with a foreign adversary to interfere with an American National Election that would easily be considered Treason. Benghazi and emails don't even get on the chart with this. Not even close.

I could give you a whole list of things that Trump has done, that would make Hillary Clinton look like an angel. Regarding his foundation, and other business dealings. But I will not get into that, because you are clearly one of the ones that have focused all your negative attention to her, based on half truths, and enough conspiracy theories to fill the capital building from floor to ceiling. And you never ONCE gave Trump a second thought when it came to him being corrupt and untrustworthy.


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