Trump is DOJ target

Text messages are evidence. Audio is evidence. Finding the docs in Trump's residence is evidence. Testimony is evidence.

You ignore it all. But why would I? Why would any rational person?
You are just a partisan Democrat.
Any American running for office against democrats should be worried by the Trump indictments. If the democrats are able to get Trump, anyone else will go down with ease.

If an American is running for office against democrats and they don't support President Trump, then they are only setting themselves up to be in a cell next to him.
Any American running for office against democrats should be worried by the Trump indictments. If the democrats are able to get Trump, anyone else will go down with ease.

If an American is running for office against democrats and they don't support President Trump, then they are only setting themselves up to be in a cell next to him.

Anyone who takes classified documents, lies about taking them, refuses to give them back to the National Archive, compels his lawyers to lie about the classified docs, shows them to other people, and obstructs justice in hiding them.....should be worried by the Trump indictments.
He may have threatened to make the justice system do it's job, and I bet he wished now that those threat's would have been enforced in a balanced justifiable way. If you got a snake by it's head, you best get control of it or it will literally come back to bite you

Trump's finding these lesson's out the hard way.

So your party is scared shiteless of Trump gaining power again, otherwise because he might go after the entire shite show of corruption that sought to bring his family down, otherwise for the purpose of destroying the Republican party as a benefit to taking Trump down ??

Stay tuned.

President Trump thinks that the US is better than that.
The Democrats simply do not care about anything but power.
Anyone who takes classified documents, lies about taking them, refuses to give them back to the National Archive, compels his lawyers to lie about the classified docs, and obstructs justice in hiding them.....should be worried by the Trump indictments.
Accept a President.

This was hashed out with Bill Clinton.
There is no evidence just a witch hunt.

Trump saying ...

"Except it is like, highly confidential - secret. This is secret information. Look, look at this..."

... and ...

"See as president I could have declassified it. Now I can’t, you know, but this is still a secret."

... most certainly is evidence.
Trump to be charged with Holocaust next week
Trump is the reason why the Holocaust happened
If Trump goes down, whatever Republican takes His place will shortly join him in the cell next door.
It is likely not a crime.

Democrats are so desperate to stop Trump from running, they will indict him for a thing they think might be a crime.
The naritive that Democrats are desperate to stop Trump from running is made up bullshit. We want him to run,. We want him to be the candidate. We want to watch hm drag down and destroy the Rebublican party. Even Rebublicans know that is what will happen
Holly shit really? Tactics of dictators? Your boy T-Rump want to be a dictator. He worships Putin,, Kim and Xi among other. He want to consolidate the entire executive branch of government into the office of the presidency and do away with the concept of the administrative state. He wants to strip congress of the ability to allow administrative agencies to make rules and he wants to be able to fire career experts and replace them with partisans who will do his biding
Yeah, the tactics of dictators. Political persecution of your enemy. It’s a tactic being employed by the Dems / Marxists.

You can stutter and mumble as you launch into another TDS- addled tirade but that does nothing to change the dictatorial tactics of the Biden politburo. I do find it remarkable how the TDS-addled spend their entire waking existence literally obsessing over Trump. The Mueller Clown Show was a rather pitiful display of Dem / Marxist TDS as well as a waste of taxpayer dollars chasing down Trump associates even though they knew the Russian collusion story was a hoax.

The early symptoms of TDS were exampled by Hillary Clinton and the DNC paid who paid $millions to a foreigner who created a fictitious dossier aimed to implicate Trump. The Mueller Clown Show didn’t go after any of the criminals in the Obama/Biden administration who perpetuated the fraud of the Russian collusion, nor did anyone in the phony Russia collusion hoax go to jail for the fraud perpetrated on the American public.

Did you know Trump is piloting the black helicopter circling above you?

Be afraid. Be very afraid.
Accept a President.

This was hashed out with Bill Clinton.

Trump wasn't president when he did any of those things.

And no, it wasn't. Judicial Watch, Inc. v. Nat'l Archives & Records Admin. never says that a president can keep classified national security docs.

The tapes in questions were interviews that Bill Clinton had done for a book to be published after he left office. You really should read the ruling.
Oh, you mean like the Democrat's avoided the evidence on Hillary, Hunter, and the rest of crazy town ??? You have no leg's to stand on, so give your hypocrisy a rest.
Republicans received no cooperation from the politicized FBI and DOJ. Wasn't it James Clapper that said "this is the most truthful of untruthful things I say".

No matter what democrats say or do now, they will always be untrustworthy liars. The pogrom against Trump will always be a political persecution. How this will eventually end is anyone's guess.
Due process sounds pretty First World to me.
Bringing charges against political opponents is as banana republic as it gets, Moon Bat.

There is no due process when the fucking Justice Department is being weaponized to go after political opponents.

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