Trump is DOJ target

Things you see in a banana republic

Being immune to all laws because you're running for office is what you see in a Banana Republic.

What you're seeing is called 'due process'. And its what should happen when there is suffecient evidence to charge someone with crimes.
Being immune to all laws because you're running for office is what you see in a Banana Republic.

What you're seeing is called 'due process'. And its what should happen when there is suffecient evidence to charge someone with crimes.
Clinton's and biden's are immune
What crimes that Trump was charged do you believe Biden or Clinton should have been charged with?


As the evidence that Trump commited the crimes he was charged with in the federal indictment is extensive.
What Ive seen Trump being charged with is not a crime. Clinton had classified on her personal server she obstructed an investigation.
Senator Biden had classified documents in his home that crack head hunter had access to. China got a big pay day from the wheeler and dealer crack head
What Ive seen Trump being charged with is not a crime.
Trump wasn't charged for *having* the documents. He was charged for willfully retaining them and refusing to give them back.

And lying to investigators.

And compelling his lawyer to lie.

And obstructing justice.

And conspiracy.

So what crime that Trump was charged with do you believe Hillary should be charged with and why? Or Biden. Or Pence.
Trump wasn't charged for *having* the documents. He was charged for willfully retaining them and refusing to give them back.

And lying to investigators.

And compelling his lawyer to lie.

And obstructing justice.

And conspiracy.

So what crime that Trump was charged with do you believe Hillary should be charged with and why? Or Biden. Or Pence.
Yes you'll believe any lie the banana republic government tells you

They’re coming for him. Bout time
Should Trump be subject to a Federal indictment the consequence of Trump’s criminal activities in an effort to overturn the 2020 election, it will be the first time a president would face charges for crimes he committed while in office – considerably more historic and significant than the Federal charges concerning Trump’s violation of the Espionage Act.
It is likely not a crime.

Democrats are so desperate to stop Trump from running, they will indict him for a thing they think might be a crime.

Democrats would prefer nothing more than for Trump to be the 2024 Republican presidential nominee.

And the charges against Trump are perfectly appropriate, lawful, and warranted, based on objective, documented evidence of Trump’s violation of the Espionage Act and crimes committed while in office seeking to overturn the 2020 election, should those charges be forthcoming.

Trump has only himself to blame.

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