Trump is DOJ target

That would be Hillary. 6 as first lady and 4 more as Secretary of State.

They found jack shit.

Trump is in year 6....and has already been impeached twice and indicted for over 30 felonies.
Lot of Arkancides.
I seriously believe Trump is the most investigated man in United States history and soon will qualify as the most prosecuted and persecuted man in our history too.
You're seriously touched in the head if you believe any of that. Hillary had how many hours on the hill giving testimony?
The Democrats might worry that their attempt to stop Trump from running by tying him in legal knots could backfire and people will vote for him just because he is so picked on.
I'd love to hear the thought process behind that statement.
Says you, citing yourself. And you're nobody.

The grand jury, the DOJ, the indictments, the warrants and the national archive disagreed.

Why would I ignore them and instead believe you citing yourself?
So you are saying that POTUS has no legal right to have classified documents?
Sorry, 'because I say so' don't cut it.

Yeah, the DC swamp disagrees because Trump is a threat to them. The DOJ is corrupt, the grand jury did not have all the evidence and the national archives has no legal standing because filing issues were never considered a crime.....Until the corrupt FBI and DOJ wanted to get rid of a political threat.
Conman Trump's days may finally be catching up to him.

That sums up the illegitimate administration goals to a tee.
Yeah, the DC swamp disagrees because Trump is a threat to them. The DOJ is corrupt, the grand jury did not have all the evidence and the national archives has no legal standing because filing issues were never considered a crime.....Until the corrupt FBI and DOJ wanted to get rid of a political threat.

Again, says you, citing yourself.

Is this really it? Just you making shit up you can't back up with evidence?

If so, that was easy.
Conservative ideas can't compete in the 21st century
Yeah. Ideas like men get pregnant, Minor Attracted People are fine, unsupervised around your children, there’s no such thing as biological sex, Biden should be allowed to lick children, it’s fine to lop the breasts off 12 year old girls, grooming is not just for kids past six years old… yeah, Dems / Marxists have the 21st century figured out.
Oh, accusations you've got in spades. But what frauds like yourself the evidence to back those claims.

Which is why your accusations fail so spectacularly in court.
You have no evidence that the election was run fairly either.
Yeah. Ideas like men get pregnant, Minor Attracted People are fine, unsupervised around your children, there’s no such thing as biological sex, Biden should be allowed to lick children, it’s fine to lop the breasts off 12 year old girls, grooming is not just for kids past six years old… yeah, Dems / Marxists have the 21st century figured out.
Haha, there's the steaming pile of white wing fear fantasy porn.
You have no evidence that the election was run fairly either.

I have the actual election results. You have lies that you've made up and can't prove.

My sources are prima facie evidence in any court of law.

Yours have been laughed out of every court of law to hear them

Our sources are not equal.
Yeah. Ideas like men get pregnant, Minor Attracted People are fine, unsupervised around your children, there’s no such thing as biological sex, Biden should be allowed to lick children, it’s fine to lop the breasts off 12 year old girls, grooming is not just for kids past six years old… yeah, Dems / Marxists have the 21st century figured out.
I suspect you are touching yourself again
Mueller said no collusion so did Durham
That wasn't exactly accurate based upon the contents of the report.
But what they actually said was that Trump wouldn't be CHARGED with collusion.
So what NEW charges related to the failed Jan. 6th insurgency do you think Trump's going to be facing when he shows up for this new indictment within four days?

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