Trump is expected to recognize Jerusalem as Israel's capital and move the US embassy

So the US maintained the right, if it should ever want, to establish the US embassy in Jerusalem.

One other thing. During the debate on Friday, a number of ambassadors stressed that all countries withdrew their embassies from Jerusalem after the 1980 UNSC resolution, emphasizing how the US would now be breaking an international consensus.

But the language of UNSC 478 was not about embassies, but about any diplomatic missions.
And here's a list of countries with consulates in Jerusalem:
Belgium, in East Jerusalem
France in West Jerusalem
Greece in West Jerusalem
Holy See (Apostolic Delegation to Jerusalem and Palestine) in East Jerusalem
Italy, with seats in both East and West Jerusalem
Spain, in East Jerusalem
Sweden in East Jerusalem
Turkey in East Jerusalem.
United Kingdom in East Jerusalem
United States, in West Jerusalem

Many of these provide services for Palestinians, but UNSC 478 doesn't have an exception for those cases. It calls on any nation with diplomatic missions in Jerusalem to withdraw them. Period.
So when France, Sweden, the UK and others spoke at the Security Council on Friday and invoked UNSC 478 as a UN resolution that the US was breaking....they are breaking it, too. Every day.

(full article online)

The right to move the embassy to Jerusalem was emphasized by the Carter administration ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
and how Muslims and Jews lived in harmony in Palestine for centuries before Zionism

How true that statement is...

No, sure you don;t like it but that is a very simple fact!

How little you understand. For centuries under the boot heel of Ottoman rule, Christians and Jews were a dhimmi class. You should study history and learn what that meant.
RE: Trump is expected to recognize Jerusalem as Israel's capital and move the US embassy
※→ Sixties Fan, et al,

I don't understand why the UN is concerned. The reality does not change from one day (non-recognition) to the next (recognition).

The dirt doesn't change color, the sky is still blue, dogs and cats act the same way they always do. This is merely an alternative way to mentally revisit a piece of terrain.

The extraordinary UN debate over The US recognition of Jerusalem was indeed extraordinary. Never has this council been convened over the actions of one state recognizing the capital of another, something with is in every other example in history a pretty benign decision.

BTW, there is nothing that says a member nation of the UN can be stopped for recognizing any situation. The breach of the peace is the attempt by other nations to coerce the US into forced thinking in a specific political way.

Remember, it is under the Article 2(7), UN Charter that:

Nothing contained in the present Charter shall authorize the United Nations to intervene in matters which are essentially within the domestic jurisdiction of any state or shall require the Members to submit such matters to settlement under the present Charter; but this principle shall not prejudice the application of enforcement measures under Chapter VII.​

How America thinks and what America recognizes is a matter of concern for consideration by the American people; a domestic matter. The UN has no jurisdiction on the matter.

Most Respectfully,
I don't understand why the UN is concerned. The reality does not change from one day (non-recognition) to the next (recognition).
What are you talking? The zionists have been bombing Gaza for 4 days now?
Nothing contained in the present Charter shall authorize the United Nations to intervene in matters which are essentially within the domestic jurisdiction of any state or shall require the Members to submit such matters to settlement under the present Charter; but this principle shall not prejudice the application of enforcement measures under Chapter VII.
But, Jerusalem is not in Israel. It never has been. You admitted this, yourself, the other day.
Nothing contained in the present Charter shall authorize the United Nations to intervene in matters which are essentially within the domestic jurisdiction of any state or shall require the Members to submit such matters to settlement under the present Charter; but this principle shall not prejudice the application of enforcement measures under Chapter VII.
But, Jerusalem is not in Israel.
So where then? In Japan? Or may be in Brasil? :cool-45:
Nothing contained in the present Charter shall authorize the United Nations to intervene in matters which are essentially within the domestic jurisdiction of any state or shall require the Members to submit such matters to settlement under the present Charter; but this principle shall not prejudice the application of enforcement measures under Chapter VII.
But, Jerusalem is not in Israel. It never has been. You admitted this, yourself, the other day.
Where is Jerusalem, Abi.

Illuminate us :)
RE: Trump is expected to recognize Jerusalem as Israel's capital and move the US embassy
※→ Sixties Fan, et al,

Sometimes, peaceful civil disobedience is the applicable response to the failure of Laws to properly address situation based on the reality of the day.

So the US maintained the right, if it should ever want, to establish the US embassy in Jerusalem.

One other thing. During the debate on Friday, a number of ambassadors stressed that all countries withdrew their embassies from Jerusalem after the 1980 UNSC resolution, emphasizing how the US would now be breaking an international consensus.

But the language of UNSC 478 was not about embassies, but about any diplomatic missions.

The very recent political recognition of the reality of Jerusalem is 100% peaceful.

(Eyes wide open.)

As far as I am concerned, in the near last for decades, the Security Council Resolution S/RES/478 (1980) 20 August 1980 accomplished nothing towards the movement in the direction of a peaceful solution. The resolution has been overtaken by events.

5. Decides not to recognize the "basic law" and such other actions by Israel that, as a result of this law, seek to alter the character and status of Jerusalem and calls upon:

(a) All Member States to accept this decision;

(b) Those States that have established diplomatic missions at Jerusalem to withdraw such missions from the Holy City;
The Security Council failed to resolve the outstanding issue of the remaining Armistice Lines and address the establishment of permanent International Boundaries. The Security Council request that calls upon the acceptance of their decision is optional. No member Nation has been enjoined to accept the decision. The UN may not require any nation to isolate itself from the reality of stationing a Diplomatic Mission in proximity to the host nation Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Most Respectfully
If literacy was linked to being reasonable then the US with all it fake media lies being force fed to all 24/7/365, then the US would be the most unreasonable country on Earth.
RE: Trump is expected to recognize Jerusalem as Israel's capital and move the US embassy
※→ abi, et al,

You are twisting the facts.

I don't understand why the UN is concerned. The reality does not change from one day (non-recognition) to the next (recognition).
What are you talking? The zionists have been bombing Gaza for 4 days now?

There is no relationship between the Israeli response carried → strikes on a militant training camp and on a weapons depot in retaliation for rockets fired earlier from Gaza at Israeli towns.

Most Respectfully,
There is no relationship between the Israeli response carried → strikes on a militant training camp and on a weapons depot in retaliation for rockets fired earlier from Gaza at Israeli towns.
Only in the most delusional minds, sorry.
RE: Trump is expected to recognize Jerusalem as Israel's capital and move the US embassy
※→ dmonit, abi, et al,

There Are None So Blind As Those Who Will Not See.
........................................... John Heywood, 1546
But, Jerusalem is not in Israel.
So where then? In Japan? Or may be in Brasil? :cool-45:

Jerusalem is where Israel says it is. It was left by retreating Jordanian Forces a half century ago, under Israeli Sovereignty for the last 37 years. The recognition would have been seamless has the Arab Palestinians started a disturbance.

Most Respectfully,
And back again to land theft in war which is a war crime.
And back again to land theft in war which is a war crime.

Interesting that when Jordan crosses an international border with military force to take land that is not under her sovereignty, Jordan is not committing land theft in war, which is a war crime. Why is that, abi?
Last edited:
And back again to land theft in war which is a war crime.
The land theft is by the Arabs, the Crusaders, the Ottomans and the British.

20% of Israel, plus Jerusalem have been returned to its natural owners, the indigenous people who inhabited that land for over 3000 years.

Jews have not been crying or attacking Jordan to get that land back.

Keep crying. It is so much fun reading your posts . Wahhhhh
All this over nothing. Jerusalem is still occupied territory. Nothing Trump says can change that.

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