Trump is expected to recognize Jerusalem as Israel's capital and move the US embassy

The speech naturally became an excuse for the adherents of the ‘religion of peace’ to show just how peaceful they really are. Muslims across Europe turned out to demonstrate against the acknowledgment of a contemporary and historical fact. Interestingly enough, this was less so in Israel, to the great disappointment of the international media, which outnumbered the actual Arab rioters.

That is what it apparently takes to get Muslims in the West to demonstrate. Not the rape and sexual enslavement of thousands of Yazidi children and women by Muslims fighting for ISIS in Syria and Iraq, while their husbands and fathers were tortured and murdered; Not the torture, murder and general oppression of Christians in the Middle East; Not even the murder of their own Muslim brethren in the Middle East or elsewhere. No, none of these affects them.

The manner in which the Muslim demonstrations in Europe took place is worth mentioning, especially because the leaders of the Western world and their sycophantic choir of media pundits would have us believe that the participants are all about ‘peace’.

In the Swedish city of Gothenburg, a synagogue was firebombed with Molotov cocktails, while Jewish teenagers were forced to hide in the basement.

In Malmö 200 adherents of the ‘religion of peace’ gathered for a demonstration, in which they yelled, “We have declared an intifada in Malmö. We want our freedom back. We are going to shoot the Jews”.

In London, a demonstration called by an amalgam of Muslim and Leftist organizations resounded with the war cry of, ”Khaybar Khaybar, ya yahud, Jaish Muhammad suf ya’ud’ ( Khaybar, Khaybar, O Jews, the army of Muhammad will return ), referring to Muhammed’s slaughter of native Jews in Khaybar in the year 628. It is a favorite slogan of many adherents of the religion of peace.

In Berlin, Muslims also torched stars of David while screaming the ‘Khaybar Khaybar’ jihadist chant. How very peaceful of them.

(full article online)

The World Throws Hissy Fits over Jerusalem
The speech naturally became an excuse for the adherents of the ‘religion of peace’ to show just how peaceful they really are. Muslims across Europe turned out to demonstrate against the acknowledgment of a contemporary and historical fact. Interestingly enough, this was less so in Israel, to the great disappointment of the international media, which outnumbered the actual Arab rioters.

That is what it apparently takes to get Muslims in the West to demonstrate. Not the rape and sexual enslavement of thousands of Yazidi children and women by Muslims fighting for ISIS in Syria and Iraq, while their husbands and fathers were tortured and murdered; Not the torture, murder and general oppression of Christians in the Middle East; Not even the murder of their own Muslim brethren in the Middle East or elsewhere. No, none of these affects them.

The manner in which the Muslim demonstrations in Europe took place is worth mentioning, especially because the leaders of the Western world and their sycophantic choir of media pundits would have us believe that the participants are all about ‘peace’.

In the Swedish city of Gothenburg, a synagogue was firebombed with Molotov cocktails, while Jewish teenagers were forced to hide in the basement.

In Malmö 200 adherents of the ‘religion of peace’ gathered for a demonstration, in which they yelled, “We have declared an intifada in Malmö. We want our freedom back. We are going to shoot the Jews”.

In London, a demonstration called by an amalgam of Muslim and Leftist organizations resounded with the war cry of, ”Khaybar Khaybar, ya yahud, Jaish Muhammad suf ya’ud’ ( Khaybar, Khaybar, O Jews, the army of Muhammad will return ), referring to Muhammed’s slaughter of native Jews in Khaybar in the year 628. It is a favorite slogan of many adherents of the religion of peace.

In Berlin, Muslims also torched stars of David while screaming the ‘Khaybar Khaybar’ jihadist chant. How very peaceful of them.

(full article online)

The World Throws Hissy Fits over Jerusalem

Friday is the traditional muslim day of burning down the neighbourhood. Right on cue, Palestinians are burning down the neighbourhood. Not that anyone’s going to notice the difference.

Attributed to Pete Moore. A tangled
The speech naturally became an excuse for the adherents of the ‘religion of peace’ to show just how peaceful they really are. Muslims across Europe turned out to demonstrate against the acknowledgment of a contemporary and historical fact. Interestingly enough, this was less so in Israel, to the great disappointment of the international media, which outnumbered the actual Arab rioters.

That is what it apparently takes to get Muslims in the West to demonstrate. Not the rape and sexual enslavement of thousands of Yazidi children and women by Muslims fighting for ISIS in Syria and Iraq, while their husbands and fathers were tortured and murdered; Not the torture, murder and general oppression of Christians in the Middle East; Not even the murder of their own Muslim brethren in the Middle East or elsewhere. No, none of these affects them.

The manner in which the Muslim demonstrations in Europe took place is worth mentioning, especially because the leaders of the Western world and their sycophantic choir of media pundits would have us believe that the participants are all about ‘peace’.

In the Swedish city of Gothenburg, a synagogue was firebombed with Molotov cocktails, while Jewish teenagers were forced to hide in the basement.

In Malmö 200 adherents of the ‘religion of peace’ gathered for a demonstration, in which they yelled, “We have declared an intifada in Malmö. We want our freedom back. We are going to shoot the Jews”.

In London, a demonstration called by an amalgam of Muslim and Leftist organizations resounded with the war cry of, ”Khaybar Khaybar, ya yahud, Jaish Muhammad suf ya’ud’ ( Khaybar, Khaybar, O Jews, the army of Muhammad will return ), referring to Muhammed’s slaughter of native Jews in Khaybar in the year 628. It is a favorite slogan of many adherents of the religion of peace.

In Berlin, Muslims also torched stars of David while screaming the ‘Khaybar Khaybar’ jihadist chant. How very peaceful of them.

(full article online)

The World Throws Hissy Fits over Jerusalem
Showing their true colours, mostly Turks who don't know where Israel is on a map.
RE: Trump is expected to recognize Jerusalem as Israel's capital and move the US embassy
※→ P F Tinmore, et al,

That may be true as your legal fallacy. But the actual reality who controls East Jerusalem --- and in what manner it is maintained in reality.

post: 18795076 said:
All this over nothing. Jerusalem is still occupied territory. Nothing Trump says can change that.

In the recognition of "sovereignty" -- and the international community --- (without prejudiced or regards to) --- use the normal functions of government in Jerusalem as provided for by the Israel Government. The recognition of a East Jerusalem as sovereign Israeli territory may be implied though not plainly expressed --- or --- understood without being stated.

Jerusalem, and foreigners. The crossing point is open Sunday-Thursday 07:30-24:00, Friday 07:30-15:00, and Saturday 07:30-15:00. Border control services are provided during the hours of the crossing point's activity. During Moslem holidays and for those who are traveling to Mecca the crossing point is open 24 hours a day.

Source: Ministry of Interior, Population Immigration and Border Authority
Rules of conduct at the various border crossing points.

If you are entering Jerusalem and you are at a border control point, → where you are asked by the Israeli order Police to produce your identity papers (usually the Passport), what can you infer from that?

You may not like it; but the reality is that you use and obey Israeli authority while in East Jerusalem. That is tacit recognition of Israeli authority.

Most Respectfully,
RE: Trump is expected to recognize Jerusalem as Israel's capital and move the US embassy
※→ Sixties Fan, et al,

WoW, President Trump will become an historic figure.

[Just a reminder that there are no Palestinian People, or Palestinian Nation, but there is the Arab nation or the Muslim Nation ]

Hezbollah leader: Trump move ‘a second Balfour Declaration’

President Trump said:
Presidents issued these waivers under the belief that delaying the recognition of Jerusalem would advance the cause of peace. Some say they lacked courage, but they made their best judgments based on facts as they understood them at the time. Nevertheless, the record is in. After more than two decades of waivers, we are no closer to a lasting peace agreement between Israel and the Palestinians. It would be folly to assume that repeating the exact same formula would now produce a different or better result.

Therefore, I have determined that it is time to officially recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.
That is why, consistent with the Jerusalem Embassy Act, I am also directing the State Department to begin preparation to move the American embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.

A different approach. Why not?

Most Respectfully,

The Palestinians were collectively punished by Israel for going outside the negotiation process and directly to the UN to gain recognition ( a recognition apparently denied them by many on this board who refer to them as just Arabs). Now Israel has gained Jerusalem OUTSIDE a negotiation process and are being supported for it.

What point is there to negotiations? What do the Palestinians have to gain and how can the US ever be considered a good faith broker again?

What will happen to the Palestinians remaining in East Jerusalem? Will the defacto process of steadily pushing them out accelerate? The grossly uneven development between Jewish and non Jewish sectors? Jerusalem has long been a multi ethnic and multi cultural city important to multiple faiths.

you're delusional...

Upon its capture by the Arab Legion, the Jewish Quarter of the Old City was destroyed and its residents expelled. Fifty-eight synagogues--some hundreds of years old--were destroyed, their contents looted and desecrated. Some Jewish religious sites were turned into chicken coops or animal stalls. The Jewish cemetery on the Mount of Olives, where Jews had been burying their dead for over 2500 years, was ransacked; graves were desecrated; thousands of tombstones were smashed and used as building material, paving stones or for latrines in Arab Legion army camps. The Intercontinental Hotel was built on top of the cemetery and graves were demolished to make way for a highway to the hotel. The Western Wall became a slum area.

” Nevertheless, and despite numerous requests by Israeli officials and Jewish groups to the UN, the U.S., and others to attempt to enforce the armistice agreement, Jews were denied access to the Western Wall, the Jewish cemetery and all religious sites in eastern Jerusalem. The armistice lines were sealed as Jordanian snipers would perch on the walls of the Old City and shoot at Israelis across the lines.

Israeli Arabs, too, were denied access to the Al Aqsa mosque and the Dome of the Rock, but their Muslim sites in eastern Jerusalem were respected.

1948-1967: Jordanian Occupation of Eastern Jerusalem
An article in the pro-Erdogan Yeni Safak Turkish newspaper includes this section:

Zionism is a pathology that emerged from the special historical conditions of the relationship between Judaism and the West. This is what the social psychoanalysis of Judaism shows us. Here, political Judaism turns, along with a distorted Jewish faith, into a cursed organization, a utopia, a goal and ties. Efforts are made to solve the problem of pariahdom with domination formed around the awareness of supremacy. The historical and sociological grief, massacres, deprivations and grudges that come with pariahdom are tried to be overcome with the response of supremacy. This is the fantasy to turn Jews into masters who command the whole world. The ideology of eliminating enslavement through the enslavement of others. The obsession of solving enslavement by producing slavery. This is what Zionism is in the complete sense. Of course, the intelligentsia would call this merely "anti-Zionism."
Finally, a bar association in Egypt decided to protest the Trump decision with a protest:

The lawyers who participated in the protest rejected the American decision and chanted, "Khyber Khyber, oh Jews .. Mohammed's army will come back."

A threat to eradicate the Jewish presence in the Middle East.

(full article online)

Whenever there is a tempest in a teapot, the Arab and Muslim Jew-hate comes out ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
The coming days and months will prove those warnings to have been overblown. Yes, there will be outrage and protests in some countries. But Arab governments criminalize free speech and right to assemble. Any protests, the ensuing violence, and rioting are likely to be staged or permitted by Arab governments to blackmail the U.S. policy community into following their views, which unfortunately previous U.S. administrations have tolerated.

The more likely reality is that, in this Arab Spring world, Arab citizens are less likely to protest and die for the cause of Palestinians. They would rather focus on making a living in the dire economic conditions they live in.

Those who do protest will be driven by a political agenda that denies Israel’s right to exist outright and are fundamentally hostile to the United States.

(full article online)

Arabs must accept Jerusalem’s status
RE: Trump is expected to recognize Jerusalem as Israel's capital and move the US embassy
※→ Sixties Fan, et al,

WoW, President Trump will become an historic figure.

[Just a reminder that there are no Palestinian People, or Palestinian Nation, but there is the Arab nation or the Muslim Nation ]

Hezbollah leader: Trump move ‘a second Balfour Declaration’

President Trump said:
Presidents issued these waivers under the belief that delaying the recognition of Jerusalem would advance the cause of peace. Some say they lacked courage, but they made their best judgments based on facts as they understood them at the time. Nevertheless, the record is in. After more than two decades of waivers, we are no closer to a lasting peace agreement between Israel and the Palestinians. It would be folly to assume that repeating the exact same formula would now produce a different or better result.

Therefore, I have determined that it is time to officially recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.
That is why, consistent with the Jerusalem Embassy Act, I am also directing the State Department to begin preparation to move the American embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.

A different approach. Why not?

Most Respectfully,

The Palestinians were collectively punished by Israel for going outside the negotiation process and directly to the UN to gain recognition ( a recognition apparently denied them by many on this board who refer to them as just Arabs). Now Israel has gained Jerusalem OUTSIDE a negotiation process and are being supported for it.

What point is there to negotiations? What do the Palestinians have to gain and how can the US ever be considered a good faith broker again?

What will happen to the Palestinians remaining in East Jerusalem? Will the defacto process of steadily pushing them out accelerate? The grossly uneven development between Jewish and non Jewish sectors? Jerusalem has long been a multi ethnic and multi cultural city important to multiple faiths.

you're delusional...

Upon its capture by the Arab Legion, the Jewish Quarter of the Old City was destroyed and its residents expelled. Fifty-eight synagogues--some hundreds of years old--were destroyed, their contents looted and desecrated. Some Jewish religious sites were turned into chicken coops or animal stalls. The Jewish cemetery on the Mount of Olives, where Jews had been burying their dead for over 2500 years, was ransacked; graves were desecrated; thousands of tombstones were smashed and used as building material, paving stones or for latrines in Arab Legion army camps. The Intercontinental Hotel was built on top of the cemetery and graves were demolished to make way for a highway to the hotel. The Western Wall became a slum area.

” Nevertheless, and despite numerous requests by Israeli officials and Jewish groups to the UN, the U.S., and others to attempt to enforce the armistice agreement, Jews were denied access to the Western Wall, the Jewish cemetery and all religious sites in eastern Jerusalem. The armistice lines were sealed as Jordanian snipers would perch on the walls of the Old City and shoot at Israelis across the lines.

Israeli Arabs, too, were denied access to the Al Aqsa mosque and the Dome of the Rock, but their Muslim sites in eastern Jerusalem were respected.

1948-1967: Jordanian Occupation of Eastern Jerusalem

The Jew hater thinks it funny:cuckoo:
RE: Trump is expected to recognize Jerusalem as Israel's capital and move the US embassy
※→ P F Tinmore, et al,

That may be true as your legal fallacy. But the actual reality who controls East Jerusalem --- and in what manner it is maintained in reality.

post: 18795076 said:
All this over nothing. Jerusalem is still occupied territory. Nothing Trump says can change that.

In the recognition of "sovereignty" -- and the international community --- (without prejudiced or regards to) --- use the normal functions of government in Jerusalem as provided for by the Israel Government. The recognition of a East Jerusalem as sovereign Israeli territory may be implied though not plainly expressed --- or --- understood without being stated.

Jerusalem, and foreigners. The crossing point is open Sunday-Thursday 07:30-24:00, Friday 07:30-15:00, and Saturday 07:30-15:00. Border control services are provided during the hours of the crossing point's activity. During Moslem holidays and for those who are traveling to Mecca the crossing point is open 24 hours a day.

Source: Ministry of Interior, Population Immigration and Border Authority
Rules of conduct at the various border crossing points.

If you are entering Jerusalem and you are at a border control point, → where you are asked by the Israeli order Police to produce your identity papers (usually the Passport), what can you infer from that?

You may not like it; but the reality is that you use and obey Israeli authority while in East Jerusalem. That is tacit recognition of Israeli authority.

Most Respectfully,
So, you are back to "those who have the guns have the rights?"
RE: Trump is expected to recognize Jerusalem as Israel's capital and move the US embassy
※→ P F Tinmore, et al,

That may be true as your legal fallacy. But the actual reality who controls East Jerusalem --- and in what manner it is maintained in reality.

post: 18795076 said:
All this over nothing. Jerusalem is still occupied territory. Nothing Trump says can change that.

In the recognition of "sovereignty" -- and the international community --- (without prejudiced or regards to) --- use the normal functions of government in Jerusalem as provided for by the Israel Government. The recognition of a East Jerusalem as sovereign Israeli territory may be implied though not plainly expressed --- or --- understood without being stated.

Jerusalem, and foreigners. The crossing point is open Sunday-Thursday 07:30-24:00, Friday 07:30-15:00, and Saturday 07:30-15:00. Border control services are provided during the hours of the crossing point's activity. During Moslem holidays and for those who are traveling to Mecca the crossing point is open 24 hours a day.

Source: Ministry of Interior, Population Immigration and Border Authority
Rules of conduct at the various border crossing points.

If you are entering Jerusalem and you are at a border control point, → where you are asked by the Israeli order Police to produce your identity papers (usually the Passport), what can you infer from that?

You may not like it; but the reality is that you use and obey Israeli authority while in East Jerusalem. That is tacit recognition of Israeli authority.

Most Respectfully,
So, you are back to "those who have the guns have the rights?"

PF are You an anarchist?
Guns always bad , force of govt always bad... kind of thing

'cause I see You take this line too often.
RE: Trump is expected to recognize Jerusalem as Israel's capital and move the US embassy
※→ P F Tinmore, et al,

That may be true as your legal fallacy. But the actual reality who controls East Jerusalem --- and in what manner it is maintained in reality.

post: 18795076 said:
All this over nothing. Jerusalem is still occupied territory. Nothing Trump says can change that.

In the recognition of "sovereignty" -- and the international community --- (without prejudiced or regards to) --- use the normal functions of government in Jerusalem as provided for by the Israel Government. The recognition of a East Jerusalem as sovereign Israeli territory may be implied though not plainly expressed --- or --- understood without being stated.

Jerusalem, and foreigners. The crossing point is open Sunday-Thursday 07:30-24:00, Friday 07:30-15:00, and Saturday 07:30-15:00. Border control services are provided during the hours of the crossing point's activity. During Moslem holidays and for those who are traveling to Mecca the crossing point is open 24 hours a day.

Source: Ministry of Interior, Population Immigration and Border Authority
Rules of conduct at the various border crossing points.

If you are entering Jerusalem and you are at a border control point, → where you are asked by the Israeli order Police to produce your identity papers (usually the Passport), what can you infer from that?

You may not like it; but the reality is that you use and obey Israeli authority while in East Jerusalem. That is tacit recognition of Israeli authority.

Most Respectfully,
So, you are back to "those who have the guns have the rights?"

PF are You an anarchist?
Guns always bad , force of govt always bad... kind of thing

'cause I see You take this line too often.

Yet (even though he says he was a teacher over there), he still went with the guys who had the guns, on an illegal invasion of Vietnam. So I guess he's only against guns when it comes to the Israelis!
RE: Trump is expected to recognize Jerusalem as Israel's capital and move the US embassy
※→ P F Tinmore, et al,

That may be true as your legal fallacy. But the actual reality who controls East Jerusalem --- and in what manner it is maintained in reality.

post: 18795076 said:
All this over nothing. Jerusalem is still occupied territory. Nothing Trump says can change that.

In the recognition of "sovereignty" -- and the international community --- (without prejudiced or regards to) --- use the normal functions of government in Jerusalem as provided for by the Israel Government. The recognition of a East Jerusalem as sovereign Israeli territory may be implied though not plainly expressed --- or --- understood without being stated.

Jerusalem, and foreigners. The crossing point is open Sunday-Thursday 07:30-24:00, Friday 07:30-15:00, and Saturday 07:30-15:00. Border control services are provided during the hours of the crossing point's activity. During Moslem holidays and for those who are traveling to Mecca the crossing point is open 24 hours a day.

Source: Ministry of Interior, Population Immigration and Border Authority
Rules of conduct at the various border crossing points.

If you are entering Jerusalem and you are at a border control point, → where you are asked by the Israeli order Police to produce your identity papers (usually the Passport), what can you infer from that?

You may not like it; but the reality is that you use and obey Israeli authority while in East Jerusalem. That is tacit recognition of Israeli authority.

Most Respectfully,
So, you are back to "those who have the guns have the rights?"

PF are You an anarchist?
Guns always bad , force of govt always bad... kind of thing

'cause I see You take this line too often.

Yet (even though he says he was a teacher over there), he still went with the guys who had the guns, on an illegal invasion of Vietnam. So I guess he's only against guns when it comes to the Israelis!

@P F Tinmore
RE: Trump is expected to recognize Jerusalem as Israel's capital and move the US embassy
※→ P F Tinmore, et al,

There are about fourth-fifths of the worlds nations that have anything like the firepower of the current day Allied Powers and the significant political adversaries.

So, you are back to "those who have the guns have the rights?"

BUT! The current day Allied Powers and the significant political adversaries do not go around just picking-off whatever countries they want. It is not about firepower.

In the case of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, the Arab Palestinians, with one exception) made no attempt to become involved in the programs designed to development of self-governing institutions. And each time they refuse to participate, they lose something for their non-participation.

The Arab Palestinians have a chaotic leadership.

Most Respectfully,

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