Trump is expected to turn himself in on Tuesday, his lawyer says: Trump will be fingerprinted, photographed and possibly handcuffed.

If dead people can vote, not sure why not.
can you give us a list of the dead people voting that were not Republicans doing the individual crime....of voting in dead dad's place?

or any list of known dead people voting. It would be easy peasy to find and where's the list?
Adam Schiff has already been raising money off of the headlines that Trump is being indicted...

How quickly will the Democrats have and be using Trump's mug shot after he turns himself in and be using it to fund raise?

My guess is by the end of the same day.
No question they will immediately release it.

Only question is, will Trump be smiling or laughing.
Every time they say no one is above the law, remind the Democrats that they created Sanctuary Cities - safe havens for people who broke the law but were allowed to live without prosecution.
Sanctuary cities are protected by the constitution.

Try again.
That "landslide" was by about 43,000 votes dumbass.


Ah, I dunno 'bout that 'dumbass' stuff of yours. Unresolved personal vexations? Anger issues? I dunno, but you gotta be careful when and wear that merde' pours outta you. If you can't manage yourself in, say, the PigglyWiggly, or Dollar could go postal, and wreck a whole bunch of lives.

But, for the purposes of this discussion, let's put our concerns about you away for now, and get back to your questioning the 'landslide' of votes in the 2020 election.

  • Here's clue for the clue-full: Go to Wicki or Google. They will promptly illustrate for you both in text and in graphs that 81,284,000+ is greater than 74,224,000+. About 10% greater.

And then the Electoral College tally at 306 vs about 32% greater.
Trust me.

And notably, Don Trump himself called such a tally a "Landslide" in 2016 when it accrued to him.

So, who on this message board is willing to question or doubt the veracity of Don's words?
If it is good enough for him, it's gotta be good for America. No?

Ah, I dunno 'bout that 'dumbass' stuff of yours. Unresolved personal vexations? Anger issues? I dunno, but you gotta be careful when and wear that merde' pours outta you. If you can't manage yourself in, say, the PigglyWiggly, or Dollar could go postal, and wreck a whole bunch of lives.

But, for the purposes of this discussion, let's put our concerns about you away for now, and get back to your questioning the 'landslide' of votes in the 2020 election.

  • Here's clue for the clue-full: Go to Wicki or Google. They will promptly illustrate for you both in text and in graphs that 81,284,000+ is greater than 74,224,000+. About 10% greater.

And then the Electoral College tally at 306 vs about 32% greater.
Trust me.

And notably, Don Trump himself called such a tally a "Landslide" in 2016 when it accrued to him.

So, who on this message board is willing to question or doubt the veracity of Don's words?
If it is good enough for him, it's gotta be good for America. No?

Duh, you missed the point. The point is that Biden's margin of victory in a few states was very slim, ~44,000 votes. The EC is counted state by state. Read the full link.
"The tight races in the trio of states had a big electoral impact. As NPR's Domenico Montanaro has put it, "just 44,000 votes in Georgia, Arizona and Wisconsin separated Biden and Trump from a tie in the Electoral College."
Well, ......and trust me on this, earnest poster two-man races, the second guy is the----loser.

Really, trust me on that.
I'm old.
I know stuff.
Well, ......and trust me on this, earnest poster two-man races, the second guy is the----loser.
Really, trust me on that. I'm old. I know stuff.
I'm probably older. I have six great grandchildren.
Glad you see the point I was making. The 2020 presidential race was VERY close, actually about 44,000 votes determined the winner.
so was slavery
So was slavery?

That's an odd response.

Are you saying that, like slavery, the constitution should be changed to allow federal policy to control and mandate state recourses for federal crimes?

Is that the anti 10th amendment position you are taking?

When Repubs say the constitution supports weapon ownership, do you reply with, "so was slavery"?
I'm probably older. I have six great grandchildren.
Glad you see the point I was making. The 2020 presidential race was VERY close, actually about 44,000 votes determined the winner.
You must be even older than be. Geeze.
Then let Trump run to a sanctuary city or inside a foreign embassy or he could live in a catholic church for sanctuary.
Let him go to Moscow. Putin loves gangsters like Trump, who's been a bagman for the Russian mob for years.

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