Trump is expected to turn himself in on Tuesday, his lawyer says: Trump will be fingerprinted, photographed and possibly handcuffed.

I hope they make him wait in lock up for a couple of hours, at least.
Hopefully, someone will have the presence of mind Tuesday to hang a huuuuuge orange jumpsuit outside the courthouse within sight of the Orange Combover Jailbird. :abgg2q.jpg:
Hopefully, someone will have the presence of mind Tuesday to hang a huuuuuge orange jumpsuit outside the courthouse within sight of the Orange Combover Jailbird. :abgg2q.jpg:
He really should be locked up for that comb over alone.
"The 10th Amendment says that the federal government cannot “commandeer” (boss around) the state governments. Basically, the federal government can create laws in certain categories (those listed in the Legislative Powers part of the Constitution), but it cannot force the states to help enforce them. This means states don’t have to use state or local resources (money or people that work for the state or local governments) to enforce federal policies."

Below is the late justice Scalia's majority opinion on a case that deals with state sovereignty from federal requests for recourses.

"Writing for the majority, Scalia placed substantial weight on the dual sovereignty principle that divides authority between the federal government and the states. He argued that this concept was critical to the success of the federalism structure on which the American system of government was founded. According to his historical analysis, the Framers meant to limit federal authority to international and interstate affairs, rather than controlling the operations of state officials like police officers within states. Scalia also pointed out that the interim provisions threatened the separation of powers between Congress and the President, who is intended to have sole control over executing the laws under Article II of the Constitution. While he acknowledged that Congress can require state judges to carry out federal legislation, he found that this pattern need not apply to the state executive branch, which is not tied into its own vertical hierarchy like the court system. In addition to these textual and structural arguments, Scalia's traditional approach included a reference to the Court's 1992 decision in New York v. U.S., when it struck down a federal law that required states to comply with a federal program for disposing of radioactive waste."

I was replying to a post that said democrats are "America".
Does the post make sense now?
Hint: just those tiny blue areas are democrat, and those "red acres" won in 2016.
No. Not really. Americans are America. Sorry about your acres.
can you give us a list of the dead people voting that were not Republicans doing the individual crime....of voting in dead dad's place?

or any list of known dead people voting. It would be easy peasy to find and where's the list?

Like much of the mailer fraud committed by mail-in voting(by design), it is very time consuming and virtually impossible to get a list of all these “indescretions”, but yes, dead people voted in the last election.

Tucker Carlson: Yes, dead people voted in this election and Democrats helped make it happen
but yes, dead people voted in the last election.
How many?
In which states?
And was the Walking Dead's vote determinative in any state?
If so, which ones?
How do you know?
Share with us any of your credible sources.

Here's a clue for the clue-full......check out the Philadelphia commissioner's comments on that. Check out Gabriel Sterling of Georgia's comments on that.

Here's the gig, good poster DBA......there are ALWAYS nickel-dime fraudsters in EVERY Presidential election. But it is small potatoes stuff.
How many?
In which states?
And was the Walking Dead's vote determinative in any state?
If so, which ones?
How do you know?
Share with us any of your credible sources.

Here's a clue for the clue-full......check out the Philadelphia commissioner's comments on that. Check out Gabriel Sterling of Georgia's comments on that.

Here's the gig, good poster DBA......there are ALWAYS nickel-dime fraudsters in EVERY Presidential election. But it is small potatoes stuff.

It is small potatoes stuff because it can’t be easily investigated. A 1 million vote ballot dump could be, but when cheating enabled on a per vote basis, the cheating can be spread out over millions of separate, individual ballots submitted by 10 of thousands of individuals. This is exactly why Democrats are in love with mass mail-in voting. They realize they can cheat and even when caught on an individual basis, they can simply claim that it wasn’t widespread.
Like much of the mailer fraud committed by mail-in voting(by design), it is very time consuming and virtually impossible to get a list of all these “indescretions”, but yes, dead people voted in the last election.

Tucker Carlson: Yes, dead people voted in this election and Democrats helped make it happen
He got it wrong!

Statement from Tucker Carlson: "As we reported last week, dead Americans voted in this election. We shared a few examples. But on Friday, we began to learn some of the specific dead voters reported to us as deceased are in fact alive. We initially corrected this on Friday. We regret not catching it earlier. But the truth remains: dead people voted in the election."

not wrong that family members may have illegally voted for does happen and the cases get prosecuted....all the ones found for 2020 were REPUBLICANS voting for dead relative, and TRUMP, so far....

The ones Tucker listed, we're NOT DEAD.....maybe 1 was....

That is because he did not take the time to vet his accusations before airing the show, which is typical of Fox NEWS spreading faux news.
It is small potatoes stuff because it can’t be easily investigated.
That's a canard. And as such it is corrosive to American's confidence in their free and fair elections. Spouting untruths over the integreity of our elections is un-patriotic, and irresponsible.

'Zombie'-voting has been investigated, thoroughly.

Georgia Secretary of State, Brad Raffensberger: "The numbers that (Trump) had are not correct," Raffensperger told NBC News. "Instead of the 1,000 people or 5,000 he may have said of dead people voting, we had two."

Breitbart via Guiliani:
"At Least 21K Dead People on Pennsylvania Voter Rolls
...."we’re going to be looking at dead persons’ ballots, which may actually be very, very substantial.”

  • Republican City Commissioner, and Co-Chair of Philadelphia Election Commission, Al Schmidt: "...cited a report about "a long list of people that they said were dead voters who voted in Philadelphia. So, when we took a break between everything else that we're doing, we looked it up, each one of them to see what their vote history was. Not a single one of them voted in Philadelphia after they died," Schmidt said.

    "There has been at least one incident elsewhere in Pennsylvania where a registered Republican in Luzerne County reportedly attempted to apply for an absentee ballot for his dead mother, but he didn’t make it past the application phase."
Let me repeat, for those who may have skipped over my earlier comment: Repeating falsehoods about America's elections is corrosive to our democracy, and our civil governance. It is irresponsible, and it is un-American. Those who do it are NOT exercising their 'First Amendment rights' anymore than the man who falsely scream "Fire" in a theater. Rather, they are damaging America. And they need be called out on it every time.....lest they continue to degrade the practice and efficacy of our governance.

Shame on them.
The plan is for Trump to enter the courtroom via an underground entrance with no handcuffs.
The plan is for Trump to enter the courtroom via an underground entrance with no handcuffs.

So some have alleged.
But too, there is speculation I suppose, that Trump will come in through a back door dressed as a tall woman in a long brunette wig?

I dunno if that is true, but it does admittedly sound plausible.
He got it wrong!

Statement from Tucker Carlson: "As we reported last week, dead Americans voted in this election. We shared a few examples. But on Friday, we began to learn some of the specific dead voters reported to us as deceased are in fact alive. We initially corrected this on Friday. We regret not catching it earlier. But the truth remains: dead people voted in the election."

not wrong that family members may have illegally voted for does happen and the cases get prosecuted....all the ones found for 2020 were REPUBLICANS voting for dead relative, and TRUMP, so far....

The ones Tucker listed, we're NOT DEAD.....maybe 1 was....

That is because he did not take the time to vet his accusations before airing the show, which is typical of Fox NEWS spreading faux news.

Mail-in balloting in mass has led to many voter indiscretions which can’t be easily verified. Just part of the plan.

CNN, MSNBC etc spread fake news on Trump on a daily basis, particularly during his presidency. The difference is they rarely even retract the information when proven false. This is exactly how they have brainwashed so many Americans. Their new tactic is to simply not report anything they don’t like or to just flat out lie, like the Biden Administration. “Water is not wet, next question“ and the left-wing media lets it slide as do the indoctrinated surfs that follow them.

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