Trump is gonna get it done

I'll pass on your advice and bs terminology. The simplicity of it all is people ultimately revolt and dynasty type thinking passes away.

That was connected to something, at least in your head I assume, very graciously I might add.
Jakey is that you? In case it is maybe we can put it in terms you can grasp. When the 'Corn babies' start breeding they have lil' ones that are born injured. As soon as they learn that those who were in charge allowed inferior crap to be sold to them when they were supposed to be watching and guarding over such things those 'Corn babies' revolt. They start looking for the factors of who did what, where and when. They get an intense desire to know who sold them out as sheep for the slaughter to the wolves. Not a pretty picture as it all goes down for some but it is that cycle of most populations throughout history.

Sorry to hear about your kids.
I don't have 'kids'. Is that your 'goat' showing?

Your corn kids bub.
I see you are really not very perceptive, carry on with Mike and Buckeye...
That was connected to something, at least in your head I assume, very graciously I might add.
Jakey is that you? In case it is maybe we can put it in terms you can grasp. When the 'Corn babies' start breeding they have lil' ones that are born injured. As soon as they learn that those who were in charge allowed inferior crap to be sold to them when they were supposed to be watching and guarding over such things those 'Corn babies' revolt. They start looking for the factors of who did what, where and when. They get an intense desire to know who sold them out as sheep for the slaughter to the wolves. Not a pretty picture as it all goes down for some but it is that cycle of most populations throughout history.

Sorry to hear about your kids.
I don't have 'kids'. Is that your 'goat' showing?

Your corn kids bub.
I see you are really not very perceptive, carry on with Mike and Buckeye...

So anything of a political nature yu wanted to get to?
Jakey is that you? In case it is maybe we can put it in terms you can grasp. When the 'Corn babies' start breeding they have lil' ones that are born injured. As soon as they learn that those who were in charge allowed inferior crap to be sold to them when they were supposed to be watching and guarding over such things those 'Corn babies' revolt. They start looking for the factors of who did what, where and when. They get an intense desire to know who sold them out as sheep for the slaughter to the wolves. Not a pretty picture as it all goes down for some but it is that cycle of most populations throughout history.

Sorry to hear about your kids.
I don't have 'kids'. Is that your 'goat' showing?

Your corn kids bub.
I see you are really not very perceptive, carry on with Mike and Buckeye...

So anything of a political nature yu wanted to get to?
In a conversation with you?? No of course not.
Sorry to hear about your kids.
I don't have 'kids'. Is that your 'goat' showing?

Your corn kids bub.
I see you are really not very perceptive, carry on with Mike and Buckeye...

So anything of a political nature yu wanted to get to?
In a conversation with you?? No of course not.

Well that explains your behavior and avoidance of all things serious, thanks.
Why hes fucking awesome and more honest than you douche lefties.
Liar!!! Trump is a proven liar
He said he was gonna win...check
Talk to carrier....check
The rest to be determined

He said 1100 carrier jobs. Turns out only 700. For 7 million.

No wonder he went bankrupt 6 times and had a credit rating of 19 out of 100.
buckeye45_73 Carrier? Didn't they take a deal they earlier turned down? Didn't state government give them the goodies? What did Trump do? Actually do?

Which jobs? The shit paying ones?
Why hes fucking awesome and more honest than you douche lefties.
Liar!!! Trump is a proven liar
He said he was gonna win...check
Talk to carrier....check
The rest to be determined

He said 1100 carrier jobs. Turns out only 700. For 7 million.

No wonder he went bankrupt 6 times and had a credit rating of 19 out of 100.
buckeye45_73 Carrier? Didn't they take a deal they earlier turned down? Didn't state government give them the goodies? What did Trump do? Actually do?

Which jobs? The shit paying ones?

Hey dipshit, you don't know the details and I don't, but we do know he took action and jobs were saved. Maybe that's bad in your opinions. I'm all for it.
Why hes fucking awesome and more honest than you douche lefties.
Liar!!! Trump is a proven liar
He said he was gonna win...check
Talk to carrier....check
The rest to be determined
Cockeyed hubris? Sort of like your Fuhrer
Nope, just reminding you he's already kept promises and he's not even Prez yet, you guys are gonna have a rough 8 years.
Why hes fucking awesome and more honest than you douche lefties.
Liar!!! Trump is a proven liar
He said he was gonna win...check
Talk to carrier....check
The rest to be determined

He said 1100 carrier jobs. Turns out only 700. For 7 million.

No wonder he went bankrupt 6 times and had a credit rating of 19 out of 100.
buckeye45_73 Carrier? Didn't they take a deal they earlier turned down? Didn't state government give them the goodies? What did Trump do? Actually do?

Which jobs? The shit paying ones?

Hey dipshit, you don't know the details and I don't, but we do know he took action and jobs were saved. Maybe that's bad in your opinions. I'm all for it.
We do know Carrier your Fuhrer is a liar and a fraud

While Trump is certain to celebrate the announcement as fulfilling his promise to keep jobs in the U.S. and rebuild American manufacturing, many questions remained open about the deal Tuesday night. It was unclear whether 1,000 new jobs were being saved in the U.S. or whether that figure included 400 jobs the company agreed to preserve earlier this year under pressure from Indiana officials.

It's also not clear how much personal involvement Trump had in the deal, versus Pence or other officials — or whether any incentives were offered to keep the jobs in the state.
After Trump pledged to keep Carrier jobs in U.S., company says it won’t move nearly 1,000 to Mexico
Why hes fucking awesome and more honest than you douche lefties.
Liar!!! Trump is a proven liar
He said he was gonna win...check
Talk to carrier....check
The rest to be determined
Cockeyed hubris? Sort of like your Fuhrer
Nope, just reminding you he's already kept promises and he's not even Prez yet, you guys are gonna have a rough 8 years.
How many has he broken? fyi: Donald Trump may be changing the rules on broken or scaled-back campaign promises. When he said everything is negotiable, he apparently meant it. Here's a list of promises Trump made during the campaign and backtracked on so far:(the list is long enough)

Trump may be setting a record for broken promises
Why hes fucking awesome and more honest than you douche lefties.
Liar!!! Trump is a proven liar
He said he was gonna win...check
Talk to carrier....check
The rest to be determined
Cockeyed hubris? Sort of like your Fuhrer
Nope, just reminding you he's already kept promises and he's not even Prez yet, you guys are gonna have a rough 8 years.
How many has he broken? fyi: Donald Trump may be changing the rules on broken or scaled-back campaign promises. When he said everything is negotiable, he apparently meant it. Here's a list of promises Trump made during the campaign and backtracked on so far:(the list is long enough)

Trump may be setting a record for broken promises
Really the media.says alot of bullshit. hes not even president and hes kept more than most presidents do.

He did say they were negoziabile, we all knew that, thats why its funny to see you guys do shit like this.

Save jobs....check
Build a wall
Not touch entitlements
Repeal Obamacare
Infrastructure project
Cut taxes
Renegotiate trade deals
Increase military spending
Go after waste fraud and abuse.....check
Destroy ISIS
Appoint qualified conservatives to office....check
Appoint somone similar to scala to SC.
School choice
Fix inner cities...already met to do this and is not President yet

He hasnt back tracked on any of those.

The truth it scared you guys that he will be successful and that he is ignoring the threats and protocol to get shit done.

We have never openly renegotiated trade deals like this and it makes you guys scared that all your sacred cows are on the chopping block.
Liar!!! Trump is a proven liar
He said he was gonna win...check
Talk to carrier....check
The rest to be determined
Cockeyed hubris? Sort of like your Fuhrer
Nope, just reminding you he's already kept promises and he's not even Prez yet, you guys are gonna have a rough 8 years.
How many has he broken? fyi: Donald Trump may be changing the rules on broken or scaled-back campaign promises. When he said everything is negotiable, he apparently meant it. Here's a list of promises Trump made during the campaign and backtracked on so far:(the list is long enough)

Trump may be setting a record for broken promises
Really the media.says alot of bullshit. hes not even president and hes kept more than most presidents do.

He did say they were negoziabile, we all knew that, thats why its funny to see you guys do shit like this.

Save jobs....check
Build a wall
Not touch entitlements
Repeal Obamacare
Infrastructure project
Cut taxes
Renegotiate trade deals
Increase military spending
Go after waste fraud and abuse.....check
Destroy ISIS
Appoint qualified conservatives to office....check
Appoint somone similar to scala to SC.
School choice
Fix inner cities...already met to do this and is not President yet

He hasnt back tracked on any of those.

The truth it scared you guys that he will be successful and that he is ignoring the threats and protocol to get shit done.

We have never openly renegotiated trade deals like this and it makes you guys scared that all your sacred cows are on the chopping block.
we shall see

But you are totally negative and sound more angry and vengeful. Is this the making of greatness?
He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named is a Robber-Baron.

Speculation is all well-and-good, but, until we reach that He-Changes-It future, this is all just bullshit speculation.

Meanwhile, all we have to go on, is his track record of running businesses into the ground, screwing-over employees and creditors, and serving himself.
He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named is a Robber-Baron.

Speculation is all well-and-good, but, until we reach that He-Changes-It future, this is all just bullshit speculation.

Meanwhile, all we have to go on, is his track record of running businesses into the ground, screwing-over employees and creditors, and serving himself.
What the fuck are you rambling about?
He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named is a Robber-Baron.

Speculation is all well-and-good, but, until we reach that He-Changes-It future, this is all just bullshit speculation.

Meanwhile, all we have to go on, is his track record of running businesses into the ground, screwing-over employees and creditors, and serving himself.
What the fuck are you rambling about?
If you have to ask the question, you won't understand the answer, Sparky...
He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named is a Robber-Baron.

Speculation is all well-and-good, but, until we reach that He-Changes-It future, this is all just bullshit speculation.

Meanwhile, all we have to go on, is his track record of running businesses into the ground, screwing-over employees and creditors, and serving himself.
What the fuck are you rambling about?
If you have to ask the question, you won't understand the answer, Sparky...
So,,you don't even know.....thanks....
He said he was gonna win...check
Talk to carrier....check
The rest to be determined
Cockeyed hubris? Sort of like your Fuhrer
Nope, just reminding you he's already kept promises and he's not even Prez yet, you guys are gonna have a rough 8 years.
How many has he broken? fyi: Donald Trump may be changing the rules on broken or scaled-back campaign promises. When he said everything is negotiable, he apparently meant it. Here's a list of promises Trump made during the campaign and backtracked on so far:(the list is long enough)

Trump may be setting a record for broken promises
Really the media.says alot of bullshit. hes not even president and hes kept more than most presidents do.

He did say they were negoziabile, we all knew that, thats why its funny to see you guys do shit like this.

Save jobs....check
Build a wall
Not touch entitlements
Repeal Obamacare
Infrastructure project
Cut taxes
Renegotiate trade deals
Increase military spending
Go after waste fraud and abuse.....check
Destroy ISIS
Appoint qualified conservatives to office....check
Appoint somone similar to scala to SC.
School choice
Fix inner cities...already met to do this and is not President yet

He hasnt back tracked on any of those.

The truth it scared you guys that he will be successful and that he is ignoring the threats and protocol to get shit done.

We have never openly renegotiated trade deals like this and it makes you guys scared that all your sacred cows are on the chopping block.
we shall see

But you are totally negative and sound more angry and vengeful. Is this the making of greatness?

Yep, social acceptance of the angry, bitter, entitled, and yet anxious/paranoid-under-siege mentality white male is the greatness they were in search of.

I mean really now, the wall? The notion that anyone in the power structure gives a rat's ass about the american sacrifice zones like the inner cities or Appalachia? C'mon man, all americans need is someone to blame in their inevitable race from any/all responsibility for all the shit they whine about.

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