Trump is gonna get it done

Trump is getting it done. He's doing exactly what he said he would yu draining the swamp and installing people who can actually get things done. Government hacks are out in most of the cabinet.

This is the primary reason for the visceral yet comical reaction he have born witness to.

It's a new day folks, and US politics will never be the same again. That bird has flown.
Trump is getting it done. He's doing exactly what he said he would yu draining the swamp and installing people who can actually get things done. Government hacks are out in most of the cabinet.

This is the primary reason for the visceral yet comical reaction he have born witness to.

It's a new day folks, and US politics will never be the same again. That bird has flown.
You must be joking. The Swamp has drained into his cabinet
Sacrifice zones such as the inner cities, the very rural deep south and Appalachia were written off both by the power structure and the american public long ago, and nothing has changed. Watch.
You forget that Trump ran against the establishment politicians in both parties and beat them.

Our political class has been doing that forever, same as it ever was; recycled swamp rats and utterly bipartisan Goldman Sachs continuity - just like Don.
So cynical.
Did you give President Obama a chance and were you ever not cynical during the past 8 years?
What makes you think I liked Obama as President, or that I voted for him?

Oh it doesn't matter, there's a lot of assigments here like that, some folks just need to go off on someone.

Yeah hes just an nonideological independant.....yeah right, I can tell if youre one, just look at the message, if you agree with or defend Democrats 90% of the time
...then youre and democrat/lefty, same time pubs and rws.

Its really not hard.
Sacrifice zones such as the inner cities, the very rural deep south and Appalachia were written off both by the power structure and the american public long ago, and nothing has changed. Watch.
You forget that Trump ran against the establishment politicians in both parties and beat them.

Our political class has been doing that forever, same as it ever was; recycled swamp rats and utterly bipartisan Goldman Sachs continuity - just like Don.
You clearly don't know what "draining the swamp" means. It has nothing to do with hiring people to serve in government, it is about preventing political appointees from taking jobs in private industry too soon after leaving government because the lure of big salaries might influence their decisions while still serving in government. Trump is requiring everyone who serves in his administration to sign a pledge they will not take a job in private industry that is connected to their duties while serving in government. So under the Trump administration some one who left Goldman Sachs to serve in the government cannot go back to anything connected to Wall Street for at least five years, and for most of these people it means they are sacrificing millions of dollars for the opportunity to serve the nation.

Where do you think you would find people who had proven they had the talent, knowledge and leadership abilities to run agencies employing thousands of people engaged in diverse complex tasks if not from among the leaders of private industry? The reason why these appointees are nearly always older is that it takes years to demonstrate you have the talent, skills and leadership abilities to do the job.

The exception to this is, of course, the Obama administration where people were appointed more because of their political and personal loyalties than their demonstrated abilities.
Sacrifice zones such as the inner cities, the very rural deep south and Appalachia were written off both by the power structure and the american public long ago, and nothing has changed. Watch.
You forget that Trump ran against the establishment politicians in both parties and beat them.

Our political class has been doing that forever, same as it ever was; recycled swamp rats and utterly bipartisan Goldman Sachs continuity - just like Don.
You clearly don't know what "draining the swamp" means. It has nothing to do with hiring people to serve in government, it is about preventing political appointees from taking jobs in private industry too soon after leaving government because the lure of big salaries might influence their decisions while still serving in government. Trump is requiring everyone who serves in his administration to sign a pledge they will not take a job in private industry that is connected to their duties while serving in government. So under the Trump administration some one who left Goldman Sachs to serve in the government cannot go back to anything connected to Wall Street for at least five years, and for most of these people it means they are sacrificing millions of dollars for the opportunity to serve the nation.

Where do you think you would find people who had proven they had the talent, knowledge and leadership abilities to run agencies employing thousands of people engaged in diverse complex tasks if not from among the leaders of private industry? The reason why these appointees are nearly always older is that it takes years to demonstrate you have the talent, skills and leadership abilities to do the job.

The exception to this is, of course, the Obama administration where people were appointed more because of their political and personal loyalties than their demonstrated abilities.

Great post.

They dont know because theyre talking points dont give them the details, its just another bash job on wall street, after they voted for the most wall street friendly candidate in decades.
Sacrifice zones such as the inner cities, the very rural deep south and Appalachia were written off both by the power structure and the american public long ago, and nothing has changed. Watch.
You forget that Trump ran against the establishment politicians in both parties and beat them.

Our political class has been doing that forever, same as it ever was; recycled swamp rats and utterly bipartisan Goldman Sachs continuity - just like Don.
You clearly don't know what "draining the swamp" means. It has nothing to do with hiring people to serve in government, it is about preventing political appointees from taking jobs in private industry too soon after leaving government because the lure of big salaries might influence their decisions while still serving in government. Trump is requiring everyone who serves in his administration to sign a pledge they will not take a job in private industry that is connected to their duties while serving in government. So under the Trump administration some one who left Goldman Sachs to serve in the government cannot go back to anything connected to Wall Street for at least five years, and for most of these people it means they are sacrificing millions of dollars for the opportunity to serve the nation.

Where do you think you would find people who had proven they had the talent, knowledge and leadership abilities to run agencies employing thousands of people engaged in diverse complex tasks if not from among the leaders of private industry? The reason why these appointees are nearly always older is that it takes years to demonstrate you have the talent, skills and leadership abilities to do the job.

The exception to this is, of course, the Obama administration where people were appointed more because of their political and personal loyalties than their demonstrated abilities.

Sure mac, it's aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaall gonna be different now ain't it. Note the Goldman Sachs continuity across all administrations; just like the bailouts and that economic "advisement" team. Seamless shit.
Trump is getting it done. He's doing exactly what he said he would yu draining the swamp and installing people who can actually get things done. Government hacks are out in most of the cabinet.

This is the primary reason for the visceral yet comical reaction he have born witness to.

It's a new day folks, and US politics will never be the same again. That bird has flown.

We'll see in 6 months or so where are his promises.
With his cabinets I think it will be chaos.
Sacrifice zones such as the inner cities, the very rural deep south and Appalachia were written off both by the power structure and the american public long ago, and nothing has changed. Watch.

So cynical, well lets see if he puts the miners back and build the wall. He will and he'll help the cities.
Have you seen the court transcripts of this imbecile testifying about his own busine?
Sacrifice zones such as the inner cities, the very rural deep south and Appalachia were written off both by the power structure and the american public long ago, and nothing has changed. Watch.

So cynical, well lets see if he puts the miners back and build the wall. He will and he'll help the cities.
What a joke.Have you read the transcripts of this imbecile when he has been forced to testify under oath about his own businesses?

Wtf are you talking about?
The guy gets stuff done.
Like getting his businesses into debt and then screwing over creditors? He even had his own father illegally buy up chips at a casino so he could meet his payments. He was cash poor and up to his bad hair in debt,

Trump is no Warren Buffet or Mike Bloomberg, Men who made billions, real billions coming from almost nothing.

For a few decades all the dope could brag about was a skating rink. And even that story has much Trump fantasy attached to it

Yeah He just built buildings and improve di neighborhoods unlike buffet ( who likes trump) who got his money with investing. I thought you lefties hated people like that?

Yeah, Atlantic City is so gorgeous. You're so full of shit....
Sacrifice zones such as the inner cities, the very rural deep south and Appalachia were written off both by the power structure and the american public long ago, and nothing has changed. Watch.
You forget that Trump ran against the establishment politicians in both parties and beat them.

Our political class has been doing that forever, same as it ever was; recycled swamp rats and utterly bipartisan Goldman Sachs continuity - just like Don.
You clearly don't know what "draining the swamp" means. It has nothing to do with hiring people to serve in government, it is about preventing political appointees from taking jobs in private industry too soon after leaving government because the lure of big salaries might influence their decisions while still serving in government. Trump is requiring everyone who serves in his administration to sign a pledge they will not take a job in private industry that is connected to their duties while serving in government. So under the Trump administration some one who left Goldman Sachs to serve in the government cannot go back to anything connected to Wall Street for at least five years, and for most of these people it means they are sacrificing millions of dollars for the opportunity to serve the nation.

Where do you think you would find people who had proven they had the talent, knowledge and leadership abilities to run agencies employing thousands of people engaged in diverse complex tasks if not from among the leaders of private industry? The reason why these appointees are nearly always older is that it takes years to demonstrate you have the talent, skills and leadership abilities to do the job.

The exception to this is, of course, the Obama administration where people were appointed more because of their political and personal loyalties than their demonstrated abilities.

Sign a pledge...

Sort of the pledge like "I never settle law suits" that he made--right before he settled a law suit?

he he he
So cynical, well lets see if he puts the miners back and build the wall. He will and he'll help the cities.
Have you seen the court transcripts of this imbecile testifying about his own busine?
So cynical, well lets see if he puts the miners back and build the wall. He will and he'll help the cities.
What a joke.Have you read the transcripts of this imbecile when he has been forced to testify under oath about his own businesses?

Wtf are you talking about?
The guy gets stuff done.
Like getting his businesses into debt and then screwing over creditors? He even had his own father illegally buy up chips at a casino so he could meet his payments. He was cash poor and up to his bad hair in debt,

Trump is no Warren Buffet or Mike Bloomberg, Men who made billions, real billions coming from almost nothing.

For a few decades all the dope could brag about was a skating rink. And even that story has much Trump fantasy attached to it

Yeah He just built buildings and improve di neighborhoods unlike buffet ( who likes trump) who got his money with investing. I thought you lefties hated people like that?

Yeah, Atlantic City is so gorgeous. You're so full of shit....
Candy, you're full of shit
So are you telling me youre a rino?
Not at all. Are you always this dense?
No its called exposing frauds.
You're going to expose Donald Trump?

Can't wait
Why hes fucking awesome and more honest than you douche lefties.
Sacrifice zones such as the inner cities, the very rural deep south and Appalachia were written off both by the power structure and the american public long ago, and nothing has changed. Watch.

So cynical, well lets see if he puts the miners back and build the wall. He will and he'll help the cities.
Have you seen the court transcripts of this imbecile testifying about his own busine?
Sacrifice zones such as the inner cities, the very rural deep south and Appalachia were written off both by the power structure and the american public long ago, and nothing has changed. Watch.

So cynical, well lets see if he puts the miners back and build the wall. He will and he'll help the cities.
What a joke.Have you read the transcripts of this imbecile when he has been forced to testify under oath about his own businesses?

Wtf are you talking about?
The guy gets stuff done.
Like getting his businesses into debt and then screwing over creditors? He even had his own father illegally buy up chips at a casino so he could meet his payments. He was cash poor and up to his bad hair in debt,

Trump is no Warren Buffet or Mike Bloomberg, Men who made billions, real billions coming from almost nothing.

For a few decades all the dope could brag about was a skating rink. And even that story has much Trump fantasy attached to it

Want cheese with that whine?

It sure is getting old ...
Sacrifice zones such as the inner cities, the very rural deep south and Appalachia were written off both by the power structure and the american public long ago, and nothing has changed. Watch.
Not so. It's difficult helping people with Republicans fighting every step of the way. Name a GOP policy that's help the majority of Americans in the last 40 years. If they can't name one, no one can.

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