Trump is hurting the Republican Brand

Trump is the gift that just keeps giving

Nominee or not, Dems See Trump as Big Asset | RealClearPolitics

Even though all Republican candidates have condemned Trump for his anti-Muslim views, Democrats are still demonizing Republicans for running Trump

How can they do that?
Even though Republicans condemn Trumps rhetoric, they all say they will support him if he gets the nomination

Is this great or what?
If Republicans didn't want Trump, they should never have accommodated and compromised with democrats.
Unfortunately, the Republican brand was wrecked long before Trump came on the scene. In fact, the only reason Trump has gone as far as he has is precisely because the Republican and conservative brands are destroyed.

If the brands were strong, Trump would have been laughed out of the room. In fact, he would never have even made a bid. He doesn't have the necessary intellectual capacity of an old school conservative Republican. Not even close.

No, it's because we let the party be taken over by retards and bigots that a Louder Bigoted Retard with a big wallet has gotten as far as he has.

Trump is the physical manifestation which demonstrates how far the party has fallen spiritually, intellectually, philosophically, and emotionally.

Post of the thread.

*one-man standing ovation*

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Ah, but the poll also indicated most gopers don't think the Donald is hurting the brand. I'll probably vote Rubio, though I distrust his lack of experience, and I actually thing Hillary might be the best prepared for the job. Unfortunately, she would probably mean single payor, at least eventually.

You have to look at the long term impact that Trump will have on the GOP brand

How many future Republicans are turned away by Trumps hate rhetoric?
Has he permanantly lost the Hispanic vote for Republicans?
How about the womans vote?

The fact that a major political party would even consider a candidate like Trump does long term damage. Makes people ask....Is THAT the rhetoric I want to be associated with?
It's not exactly a new phenomenon. If the tea party hadn't forced Mitt so far right, he'd be potus running for reelection.
I don't think Mitt had a chance, but I get your meaning.

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Aside from the crocodile tears, the interesting thing about liberals is that they are more concerned with "branding" than they are with substance.
The conservative Republican brand was one of substance in the past. This is the point which sails a mile above your head.

It's like the History channel. It used to show history. Now it shows aliens and UFOs and pawn shops and truck drivers. "Reality" TV.

That's what has happened to the GOP. It's all seriously retarded shit. Instead of appealing to the highest and best, it now appeals to the lowest common denominator.
Yeah. History channel is a joke now, but I do love my Vikings though!

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The majority of our immigration over the last 50 years has been Third World, and it has hurt the country and helped the Dems.

The majority of immigration has ALWAYS been Third World, dipshit. And it made us the greatest country on the planet for all time. It is precisely what makes us so exceptional. We are a nation of mutts, and we kick ass.

"Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me".

Times change.

This isn't the Industrial Revolution. We don't need boatloads of mill workers or farmers to fill empty frontiers.
Well your point has only proven you to be ignorant, or a liar.

BTW, who do we need?

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Ah, but the poll also indicated most gopers don't think the Donald is hurting the brand. I'll probably vote Rubio, though I distrust his lack of experience, and I actually thing Hillary might be the best prepared for the job. Unfortunately, she would probably mean single payor, at least eventually.

You have to look at the long term impact that Trump will have on the GOP brand

How many future Republicans are turned away by Trumps hate rhetoric?
Has he permanantly lost the Hispanic vote for Republicans?
How about the womans vote?

The fact that a major political party would even consider a candidate like Trump does long term damage. Makes people ask....Is THAT the rhetoric I want to be associated with?
It's not exactly a new phenomenon. If the tea party hadn't forced Mitt so far right, he'd be potus running for reelection.

OH BS, the left was so informed on the issues they based their vote on where Romney transported his dog.

No they based their vote on issues like Romney's desire to end Medicare

I thought that the left would be all over getting rid of medicare with the new and improved Obamacare (sic).

No, I still think that the liberal left went no deeper then "magic underwear."

Why would liberals vote for a conservative?
Oh, he had no chance after he fell into Obama's trap and was labeled a plutocrat with a dancing horse and a garage for 20 cars.
What was the trap that Obama set exactly?

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Oh, he had no chance after he fell into Obama's trap and was labeled a plutocrat with a dancing horse and a garage for 20 cars.
What was the trap that Obama set exactly?

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"They successfully made this a choice election as opposed to a referendum on the president and the economy," said Michael Feldman, a Democratic strategist and former adviser to Vice President Al Gore. "They also used the critical months between the end of the (Republican) primary and the general election to better define Mitt Romney than the Romney campaign did."
Read more at Reuters

Axelrod foresaw the strategy as early as 2011,
You have to look at the long term impact that Trump will have on the GOP brand

How many future Republicans are turned away by Trumps hate rhetoric?
Has he permanantly lost the Hispanic vote for Republicans?
How about the womans vote?

The fact that a major political party would even consider a candidate like Trump does long term damage. Makes people ask....Is THAT the rhetoric I want to be associated with?
It's not exactly a new phenomenon. If the tea party hadn't forced Mitt so far right, he'd be potus running for reelection.

OH BS, the left was so informed on the issues they based their vote on where Romney transported his dog.

No they based their vote on issues like Romney's desire to end Medicare

I thought that the left would be all over getting rid of medicare with the new and improved Obamacare (sic).

No, I still think that the liberal left went no deeper then "magic underwear."

Why would liberals vote for a conservative?

The bigger question, why wouldn't you? I vote for the best conservative I can find, you?
Poll: Majority Says Trump is Hurting GOP Brand

58 percent of adults say that Trump has marred the GOP's reputation, compared to just 24 percent who say he is helping its image.

Republicans are divided on the question, with 43 percent saying Trump is helping the GOP's image and 40 percent saying that he has hurt it.

Of all Americans, about half - 52 percent - say his language is offensive, while 43 percent say he's "telling it like it is."

But among all adults, Trump has a 27 percent positive favorability rating/ 55 percent negative rating.

More accurately, Trump is revealing the republican brand. As he's saying clearly and openly what the GOP usually alone alludes to.
Poll: Majority Says Trump is Hurting GOP Brand

58 percent of adults say that Trump has marred the GOP's reputation, compared to just 24 percent who say he is helping its image.

Republicans are divided on the question, with 43 percent saying Trump is helping the GOP's image and 40 percent saying that he has hurt it.

Of all Americans, about half - 52 percent - say his language is offensive, while 43 percent say he's "telling it like it is."

But among all adults, Trump has a 27 percent positive favorability rating/ 55 percent negative rating.

He could poll 90% agreement or he could poll 20%. He's a carnival barking, egotistical, ugly MF!!
Poll: Majority Says Trump is Hurting GOP Brand

58 percent of adults say that Trump has marred the GOP's reputation, compared to just 24 percent who say he is helping its image.

Republicans are divided on the question, with 43 percent saying Trump is helping the GOP's image and 40 percent saying that he has hurt it.

Of all Americans, about half - 52 percent - say his language is offensive, while 43 percent say he's "telling it like it is."

But among all adults, Trump has a 27 percent positive favorability rating/ 55 percent negative rating.

He could poll 90% agreement or he could poll 20%. He's a carnival barking, egotistical, ugly MF!!

Agree...he is an ugly man

More on the inside than the outside
You have to look at the long term impact that Trump will have on the GOP brand

How many future Republicans are turned away by Trumps hate rhetoric?
Has he permanantly lost the Hispanic vote for Republicans?
How about the womans vote?

The fact that a major political party would even consider a candidate like Trump does long term damage. Makes people ask....Is THAT the rhetoric I want to be associated with?
It's not exactly a new phenomenon. If the tea party hadn't forced Mitt so far right, he'd be potus running for reelection.

OH BS, the left was so informed on the issues they based their vote on where Romney transported his dog.

No they based their vote on issues like Romney's desire to end Medicare

I thought that the left would be all over getting rid of medicare with the new and improved Obamacare (sic).

No, I still think that the liberal left went no deeper then "magic underwear."

Why would liberals vote for a conservative?

They are finally tired of broken promises?
It's not exactly a new phenomenon. If the tea party hadn't forced Mitt so far right, he'd be potus running for reelection.

OH BS, the left was so informed on the issues they based their vote on where Romney transported his dog.

No they based their vote on issues like Romney's desire to end Medicare

I thought that the left would be all over getting rid of medicare with the new and improved Obamacare (sic).

No, I still think that the liberal left went no deeper then "magic underwear."

Why would liberals vote for a conservative?

They are finally tired of broken promises?
Well yes, but Trump is hardly the harbinger of achievable promises. But, yeah, after decades of being told "we'll end abortion on demand," or "we'll balance the budget with no new taxes," and "taxcuts pay for themselves," and "deficits don't matter, Reagan taught us that," "the crash was caused by loans to poor people,".... the gig's up for the gop establishment.
Nothing in your post addressed my point.

The majority of our immigration over the last 50 years has been Third World, and it has hurt the country and helped the Dems.

They are not winning a Debate of Ideas, they are importing people with Third World Cultures and Politics who find their politics a natural fit.

You bigots have always claimed that immigrants are hurting our country

Yes, yes, we know that you are breathing, you don't need to demonstrate that.

The majority of our immigration over the last 50 years has been Third World, and it has hurt the country and helped the Dems.

They are not winning a Debate of Ideas, they are importing people with Third World Cultures and Politics who find their politics a natural fit.

We have the strongest economy in the world

How has our immigration policies hurt that other than to bigots like yourself?

Reducing Social Capital and messing up our politics, ect.

As you well know with your gloating of the coming One Party State you love so much.

That would not be the case without all the Third World Voters you have imported.

Reducing Social Capital?
Where did you get that bullshit?

The only reason we would go to a one party state is due to ineptness from the Republican, we shouldn't reward ineptness should we?

DOn't be silly.

You know it doesn't have anything to do with Republican "ineptness" or Democratic "eptness". If it was that, that's an election or two, till someone new comes along with some new ideas.

YOu've been gloating that "the next Republican President hasn't been born yet".

That's at least 35 years, and likely to be much, much longer.

It'll be the One Party State you want, with all that entails.

As to Social Capital being bullshit, you're being silly again. Surely you've notice that our nation is being torn apart?
Way to crush me with logic. LOL!

Jeez, it's funny you don't have anything to say to actually attack my point, and have to resort to personal attacks...

It's almost Like I'm right and you are just to invested in your liberalism to admit it.

so give me the stats on voter fraud and how "imported voters" had a devastating impact on elections for Republicans.

your point, defend it with credible evidence.

"VOter fraud?

Hispanic bloc voting for dems is well know. Don't be silly.

It has taken California from Red to Blue. Reagan would never be elected there today.

It is what RW is gloating about. I don't know why he gloats and gets weird when I agree with him.

imported voters don't vote, citizens vote.

A fairly bizarre statement, with little if any connection to reality.

You haven't missed all those libs, such as Rightwinger gloating over how demographic change is going to lead to the permanent marginalization of the Republican Party have you?

The Democrats have won the popular vote for president 5 out of the last 6 times, and they did it winning in those demographic change categories you're talking about.

Don't tell me, tell Siete, he's the one who seems to not understand that.
Poll: Majority Says Trump is Hurting GOP Brand

58 percent of adults say that Trump has marred the GOP's reputation, compared to just 24 percent who say he is helping its image.

Republicans are divided on the question, with 43 percent saying Trump is helping the GOP's image and 40 percent saying that he has hurt it.

Of all Americans, about half - 52 percent - say his language is offensive, while 43 percent say he's "telling it like it is."

But among all adults, Trump has a 27 percent positive favorability rating/ 55 percent negative rating.

Funny, you post this bullshit while Obama and the hildebeast have virtually destroyed the dem party. The party of Kennedy and Truman no longer exists. It is now the Alinsky party and you fools just go right along with it.

Liberalism is truly a mental disease.
You bigots have always claimed that immigrants are hurting our country

Yes, yes, we know that you are breathing, you don't need to demonstrate that.

The majority of our immigration over the last 50 years has been Third World, and it has hurt the country and helped the Dems.

They are not winning a Debate of Ideas, they are importing people with Third World Cultures and Politics who find their politics a natural fit.

We have the strongest economy in the world

How has our immigration policies hurt that other than to bigots like yourself?

Reducing Social Capital and messing up our politics, ect.

As you well know with your gloating of the coming One Party State you love so much.

That would not be the case without all the Third World Voters you have imported.

Reducing Social Capital?
Where did you get that bullshit?

The only reason we would go to a one party state is due to ineptness from the Republican, we shouldn't reward ineptness should we?

DOn't be silly.

You know it doesn't have anything to do with Republican "ineptness" or Democratic "eptness". If it was that, that's an election or two, till someone new comes along with some new ideas.

YOu've been gloating that "the next Republican President hasn't been born yet".

That's at least 35 years, and likely to be much, much longer.

It'll be the One Party State you want, with all that entails.

As to Social Capital being bullshit, you're being silly again. Surely you've notice that our nation is being torn apart?

Tearing apart is what they want. its what Alinsky and Marx taught them.

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