Trump is in a Win-Win situation with these lawless Mayors threatening him if he helps save their cities.

Trump is lying! He's trying to wag the law and order dog like Nixon. Trump wants to create chaos and then take credit for ending it. Didn't end well for Nixon.

Yep, all the burning/looting/rioting pretty much suggests you have no fricken clue.
Shittingbull is not known for being informed
Trump has set this up beautifully.........with the help of the moron Dimwinger city/state leaders who have encouraged rioting and looting.

He let the idiots running these shitholes allow the destruction of their cities by the Dimwinger hoards.

Once the hoards started moving on Federal property, Trump has followed his Constitutional duty to protect said property.

This has triggered the elected Dimwinger leaders of these cities who want their cities to burn to the ground. Now they say they will sue Trump, deny any help....etc....etc...etc...

So here is Trump's play going forward:

The Feds will secure Federal Property and nothing else, as per the request of the Dimwinger leaders.

Sit back and watch these Dimwinger run cities burn to the ground at the behest of the Dimwinger leaders of these cities.

Then tell law abiding Americans he did what he could, but Dimwingers obstructed his efforts so that their cities could burn to the ground.......and then ask Americans what they want for their cities for the next 4 years.

He's trampling the Constitution.


And you don't seem to realize it.

Fortunately the rest of us do.

Please show me where federal law enforcement enforcing federal laws against vandalizing federal property are against the Constitution.
Trump is taking the law and order position which will win him the election with a landslide, he will take many "safe" Democrat states when he wins, just like Nixon and Reagan did.
but what happened
to the main theme of the NRA supporters

LOL, equating violent lefties destroying government property with RKBA supporters.
Trump has set this up beautifully.........

Getting humiliated by a line of moms? Great optics that was.

Trump and the Republicans are getting reamed in the court public opinion. Most Americans still hate Nazis (Trump cult excepted).

Lol, anti-fa agitator Kabuki theater.
Notice how the left use women and children as shields....

Who else is known for that? Hmmmmm

Usually the term "Human shield" implies using unwilling victims to screen yourself.

These so called "Moms" are active Anti-fa types, nothing more or less.
Trump is lying! He's trying to wag the law and order dog like Nixon. Trump wants to create chaos and then take credit for ending it. Didn't end well for Nixon.

Lying about what, precisely? Rioters and looters AREN'T burning and destroying cities? Leftist mayors AREN'T getting their panties in a wad about demanding that Trump stay out of their cities? You're trying to blame TRUMP for the rioting and looting?

Or is it just that you think the definition of "lie" is "things I don't want to be true 'cause they make me look like shit"?

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