Trump is incapable of telling the truth about the election

Classic projection. Trump wins in a historic electoral landslide and the Dems are still having tantrums because they cannot accept the result.
I do not believe you know that "historic" means or what "landslide" means....:rofl:

As for an "historic electoral landslide" part...sure as long as you don't count Reagan, Bush I, Bush II, Clinton, and Obama.
You're worse than Trump. What was 'historic' about Trump's win?

Oh, let me tell you.

For a year and a half, the media and the Democrats basically threw her a coronation. She was a shoo in who could not be stopped. A juggernaut. When Trump rose to the top of the Republican primary polls and won the nomination, you said he'd never beat her amid all his statements and brash behavior.

When election night came around, you, the media, and the Democratic party continued her coronation, expecting her presidency to be at hand by 9 o'clock on the East Coast. But at 20 minutes till 3 AM, Trump, not Hillary, was elected as the next president of the United States.

What was historic about it? All that hype, all that pomp and circumstance for Clinton, only to see her fall so mightily to the biggest political underdog in American history.

She didn't lose, Trump won. It was a monumental upset. It was your "Dewey defeats Truman" moment.

And who told you all 2 years ago that Hillary was a terrible choice for the Democrats?

Oh, that would be me. Or I. So I win.

I would have conceded that fact after finding this post of yours from March of last year:

I don't support Hillary Clinton so fuck off.

If it weren't for you being on record saying these things last year also:

Prove that Rand Paul is more qualified than Hillary.

Wait... I thought you said she was a terrible choice? How come she was suddenly qualified to be president in the exchange where this post came from?

No, the American PEOPLE chose Hillary Clinton.

That was a pretty emphatic response. So much for her being a "terrible choice."

So, it seems to me you went out of your way to distance yourself from Hillary just in case she lost, so you could simply boast that you were one of those liberals who didn't support her. But then when she did lose, you angrily proclaimed "The American PEOPLE chose Hillary Clinton!"

Here's the wool back. It didn't quite reach my eyes.
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"Trump is incapable of telling the truth about the election."

His incapacity in that regard is not limited to the election.
He lies when there's no point to lying. That's the creepiest part. He's like a kleptomaniac who's compelled to steal to the point of stealing shit he doesn't even want.

People, Trump and/or his supporters, claim that pointing out the factual inaccuracies in Trump's statements is a matter of political badgering. It is not. It's a matter of accuracy and wanting to arrive at the point whereby when the POTUS says something, one doesn't have to "fact check" what he says. It's about trust of a person's words. It doesn't matter who says a thing, but POTUS job one for which part of the job is to at the very least be factually and contextually accurate the overwhelming majority of times one says something. The burden, like it or not, is far higher not just on a POTUS, but also on SCOTUS jurists, appointed government officials, experts speaking on their topic of expertise, and members of Congress. That just comes with being a professional.

I have to agree that Trump's lying about things when there's neither point or push to do so is what I too find most disconcerting about his false statements. Most of the time, the falsehoods he utters are one's that come unsolicited. The ones from today's press conference are the most recent examples (unless he's said something since then that I haven't yet heard.). Here's the video from the conference

I specifically point out and discuss a lot of the falsehoods from that press conference (the part before the reporters' questions) in a different thread. I'll just repost here the concluding paragraphs as it's a very long post.

As you look over the list of statements I've noted are false, just ask yourself whether the emboldened comments were necessary for Trump to say. Almost all of it is fallacious self-flattery. And the thing is that Trump, like most flatters, doesn't realize that if he'd just skip stating the self-aggrandizing falsehoods, people would focus on the policy aspects of his speeches, mainly because there'd be nothing else to focus on. That's really what it should be.

Ask yourself if they truly add anything to his statement. If, like me, you think they don't, then ask yourself why a presumably smart man of integrity would make those comments when they add nothing and aren't factually and contextually true. What adding those comments does is introduce a reason for people to doubt the speaker.
Not to mention the fact of how weird it is he's still talking about it:

Trump touts false claim about election victory

"We got 306, because people came out and voted like they’ve never seen before, so that’s the way it goes. It was the biggest Electoral College win since Ronald Reagan.”

The president earned 306 electoral votes, but technically received only 304 after two electors defected. Three hundred and six is fewer than the electoral votes earned by the winners in 2012 (332), 2008 (365), 1996 (379), 1992 (370) and 1988 (426). NBC News reporter Peter Alexander brought this fact up to the president."

For fuck's sake, Groper, shut up.

I hope you won't take exception with me offering a little editorial advice regarding your subject.

Just put a period after the word truth and drop the last three words.


Trump is incapable of telling the truth about the election


Trump is incapable of telling the truth.
Classic projection. Trump wins in a historic electoral landslide and the Dems are still having tantrums because they cannot accept the result.

Ronald Reagan and Richard Nixon had historical landslides and Trump Electoral College was a ass kicking it was not historical at all!


We're you trying to write hysterical because of Clinton voter hysterical rants against Trump!?!
Laney's post is so disturbing in its full-on assault of the English language that I wonder about the identity of the mongrel country from which he fled.

And yet Donald John Trump was not historical. I guess from the inbred family you are from you were never taught about Reagan, Nixon or Bush seeing they won more electoral votes and Reagan and Nixon won the popular vote!

Hell Obama won more electoral votes than your bitch boy and ran against better candidates in 2008 and 2012!

So now tell everyone what was historical about Trump victory?

You fucking retard!

"Not historical", lol. It was the biggest upset in Presidential elections ever. Hillary was at what, a 93% chance to win? It was by far the biggest surprise victory ever, and it wasn't by a razor thin margin, it was a BIG margin, that was his point.
Not to mention the fact of how weird it is he's still talking about it:

Trump touts false claim about election victory

"We got 306, because people came out and voted like they’ve never seen before, so that’s the way it goes. It was the biggest Electoral College win since Ronald Reagan.”

The president earned 306 electoral votes, but technically received only 304 after two electors defected. Three hundred and six is fewer than the electoral votes earned by the winners in 2012 (332), 2008 (365), 1996 (379), 1992 (370) and 1988 (426). NBC News reporter Peter Alexander brought this fact up to the president."

For fuck's sake, Groper, shut up.
For one thing, it's pathetic that cons would try to defend Trump on this but they should really just find it stupid Trump would say this to begin with.
The truth that Trump won with a mandate?
Actually of the 58 elections, Tramp has the 46th LOWEST mandate. 45 elections were a greater mandate and only 12 were a lesser mandate.
Really.....Hillary was projected to have over 400 EC votes.....strange, huh?

Trumps made it pretty impressive, we know you fascist liberals hate that.....
Not to mention the fact of how weird it is he's still talking about it:

Trump touts false claim about election victory

"We got 306, because people came out and voted like they’ve never seen before, so that’s the way it goes. It was the biggest Electoral College win since Ronald Reagan.”

The president earned 306 electoral votes, but technically received only 304 after two electors defected. Three hundred and six is fewer than the electoral votes earned by the winners in 2012 (332), 2008 (365), 1996 (379), 1992 (370) and 1988 (426). NBC News reporter Peter Alexander brought this fact up to the president."

For fuck's sake, Groper, shut up.
trump got the most electoral votes since reagan, if you do not count obama, clinton and bush. hey it is the same with the popular vote. trump won the popular vote if you do not count california! amazing!
Not to mention the fact of how weird it is he's still talking about it:

Trump touts false claim about election victory

"We got 306, because people came out and voted like they’ve never seen before, so that’s the way it goes. It was the biggest Electoral College win since Ronald Reagan.”

The president earned 306 electoral votes, but technically received only 304 after two electors defected. Three hundred and six is fewer than the electoral votes earned by the winners in 2012 (332), 2008 (365), 1996 (379), 1992 (370) and 1988 (426). NBC News reporter Peter Alexander brought this fact up to the president."

For fuck's sake, Groper, shut up.
trump got the most electoral votes since reagan, if you do not count obama, clinton and bush. hey it is the same with the popular vote. trump won the popular vote if you do not count california! amazing!
I can't wait until VP Pence gets done his investigation on democrat voter fraud....
I know Trump spanked the media, and it was delightful!
The fact you think that is hilarious. You hate when the media fact checks Trump and reveals him to a liar.
Without a free press we're Russia,
Oh wait. We're almost there.
Putin hates the press too and hasmurdered 35 of them since 2000.
Must be what Trump likes about him.
They never facted checked obama, if they did he would've been impeached. By the new liberal standards.
Yeah, I don't know about that. Nixon, LBJ, Clinton, weren't exactly men of moral fiber. Even FDR, despite his leadership in the war, was a real sleaze bag.
Taz, you can point out a zillion leaders with mental issues...but nobody is as delusional, mentally incapable of ruining a country, than these mindless morons currently in the white house....telling a lie is one thing, but believing in your lies is another and this guy actually believes the shit that comes out his mouth.....we should all be nervous when the president of the United States, blames the free press, for Russia's recent displays of aggression....something is wrong here dude and pointing fingers at everybody but that idiot, serves no one

Russia has been aggressive because Obama has been baiting them dumbass.
According to the Nut in Chief...its because the Press has been baiting them.....LOLOLOLO

Obama started the whole thing, he started it in Syria, he moved troops and material right up to their border through NATO. ...and he started the entire bullshit narrative about "hacking".
LOLOLOL.....(sigh), Obama Obama, thought you guys were tired of talking about Obama and yet everytime that nut goes off script, its Obama's fault, you need a hobby
Well you degenerates cried Bush for eight years, to make it so bad. Obama was by far a worse president than Bush.
And then when confronted with the fact that GHW Bush got more electoral votes, so Trump's weasel-out was another fuck up,

then Trump tries to blame someone else for giving him bad information.

The translation of that: Trump is too stupid and/or lazy to do 2 minutes research on his own.

He would fit right in with the RW posters here.

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