Trump is Killing the Democrat Party

Just remember next year what a fool you are LOL... My book should come out next year.

I don't believe you. You can't write an entire book when the only words you know are "dupetastic funtional moron duppity duppity GOP dupes...."

Learn some new ones already, then maybe you'll have enough for a whole book.
The political part is mainly about how GOP voters are totally brainwashed idiots like you. You do a great job of explaining that LOL....

Well thank you. But you haven't explained how you're going to manage for the next 5 years, and just how far off the rails you're going to go.

Your mental derangement truly entertains me, and I need to know how much popcorn I need to stock up on.
/—-/ You can buy Jiffy Pop by the pallet at Costco
funny how after 35 years of GOP give away to the rich the country is overwhelmed with Dollar generals and Walmarts and Costcos... I'm sure it doesn't have anything to do with the middle class and the nonrich in general falling apart.... And I'm sure the worst upward mobility in our history and anywhere in the modern world has nothing to do with the GOP cutting Aid to public universities... The dupes have the thickest skulls in the modern world by far...
/—-/ You and your dumb azz lib talking points. What did the GOP give away to the rich? And did rich democRATs send the give says back? You hapless tool.
I don't believe you. You can't write an entire book when the only words you know are "dupetastic funtional moron duppity duppity GOP dupes...."

Learn some new ones already, then maybe you'll have enough for a whole book.
The political part is mainly about how GOP voters are totally brainwashed idiots like you. You do a great job of explaining that LOL....

Well thank you. But you haven't explained how you're going to manage for the next 5 years, and just how far off the rails you're going to go.

Your mental derangement truly entertains me, and I need to know how much popcorn I need to stock up on.
/—-/ You can buy Jiffy Pop by the pallet at Costco
funny how after 35 years of GOP give away to the rich the country is overwhelmed with Dollar generals and Walmarts and Costcos... I'm sure it doesn't have anything to do with the middle class and the nonrich in general falling apart.... And I'm sure the worst upward mobility in our history and anywhere in the modern world has nothing to do with the GOP cutting Aid to public universities... The dupes have the thickest skulls in the modern world by far...
/—-/ You and your dumb azz lib talking points. What did the GOP give away to the rich? And did rich democRATs send the give says back? You hapless tool.
After 35 years of tax cuts on the rich we have a flat tax system if you count all taxes. Google the only tax graph you need to know and you people know nothing like that you think the opposite oh, the rich are paying too much LOL. Unbelievable dopes and dupes...nobody ever volunteer taxes, but they do campaign for and vote for higher taxes on themselves. Idiot. You'll never learn a damn thing you're so brainwashed.
Actually, Democrats are doing this to themselves. I expect the trend to continue.

October 2016: 32% identified as Democrat

July 2019: 27% identify as Democrats

Party Affiliation

Funny how you have "both" parties in the 20s and you can only see one of them. Your own link proves yet again what I've been telling you sheep for years --- that both parties have been losing "members" for years, as "must-obey-and-join-club" robots figure out that there's no point in it and that we Indies outnumber both of you. And that isn't new. Check your own link, it's all there.

So rotsa ruck keeping that juvenile treehouse fantasy alive, take some extra hallucinogens and click your heels together. Bwahahhaha..........
The Republican Party has been growing during the Trump years.
Dont tell Abu Assfuk that his "funnies" help my raitings. He loves "funny-ing" all my posts.
It is easy. Too bad you only listen to the propaganda machine of the GOP, so you don't know what Democrats want or what they have passed, just phony scandals and misinformation....
franco naming 15 post offices around the country is not benefiting anyone...
If the GOP can obstruct nothing will ever pass that will benefit anyone you know, brainwashed functional moron.... Oh it's you!
Read it. And stop the brainwashed banalities...
i believe your brain got washed away in your last session frankie...
Well I know you are fos blah blah blah troll.
learn what a troll is franco....then look in the mirror....just be ready because it will be ugly...
After 35 years of tax cuts on the rich
You understand the poor pay no taxes?
You are brainwashed totally. You are talking about federal income taxes, they pay every other kind of tax and the state and local and fees kill them so they end up paying about the same percentage wise as the richest. Google the only tax graph you need to know and read it. Stop being a brainwashed dumbass.
After 35 years of tax cuts on the rich
You understand the poor pay no taxes?
And, luckily, the tax analysis group Citizens for Tax Justicekeeps those numbers. So here is total taxes -- which includes corporate taxes, income taxes, payroll taxes, state sales taxes, and more -- paid by different income groups and broken into federal and state and local burdens:

After 35 years of tax cuts on the rich
You understand the poor pay no taxes?
And, luckily, the tax analysis group Citizens for Tax Justicekeeps those numbers. So here is total taxes -- which includes corporate taxes, income taxes, payroll taxes, state sales taxes, and more -- paid by different income groups and broken into federal and state and local burdens:

Google the only tax graph you need to know and read it and then you won't be a total dumbass dupe.
Actually, Democrats are doing this to themselves. I expect the trend to continue.

October 2016: 32% identified as Democrat

July 2019: 27% identify as Democrats

Party Affiliation

Funny how you have "both" parties in the 20s and you can only see one of them. Your own link proves yet again what I've been telling you sheep for years --- that both parties have been losing "members" for years, as "must-obey-and-join-club" robots figure out that there's no point in it and that we Indies outnumber both of you. And that isn't new. Check your own link, it's all there.

So rotsa ruck keeping that juvenile treehouse fantasy alive, take some extra hallucinogens and click your heels together. Bwahahhaha..........
I wish this were true but I no longer think this is the case. While people are beginning to refuse to pigeon hole themselves in a single party openly, they are doing so in the voting booth MORE.

Party membership sinking seems to be utterly unconnected with reality. The only reason I can attribute to this is that Americans seem more interested in appearing to not be a robot more than they actually want to think. I think it is a pretty far reach to think that straight party tickets represent 'independents' very often .

I would posit that this is actually harming the political process even further by leaving the nut jobs in the parties but the more moderate people dropping affiliation. In places where the primaries are closed this will cause some very unfortunate circumstances IMHO.

You can't pigeonhole yourself in a voting booth. Granted one can do all kinds of things to oneself in private, but the guy who draws the curtain, waits a moment and yells "HEY! THERE'S NO TOILET PAPER IN HERE" is making an appropriate comment on the system, nothing more.

Being a "member" of a party is an abstract, something of which you advise either your registration board (in some states) or a pollster. Unless you're actually employed by that party, it has no meaning. Nobody needs to be a registered "member" of a party to vote for or against that party with the exception of some primary elections (again in some states), which are a meaningless farce anyway. You can "identify" as a "member" of party X today, a "member" of party Y tomorrow, and not a member of anything the next day. It means nothing heavier than "four out of five doctors".

This entire "X is a Republican, Y is a Democrat" charade is meaningless rhetorical tripe that serves no purpose beyond fomenting dichotomy disease and division. Right up down there with the bullshitious "red states" and "blue states".
That does not change what I stated as it relates to your statement.

"that both parties have been losing "members" for years, as "must-obey-and-join-club" robots figure out that there's no point in it and that we Indies outnumber both of you. And that isn't new. Check your own link, it's all there."

^this does not seem to be true considering that hard partisanship and the "must-obey-and-join-club" in the only expression that matters, voting, seems to be alive and well.

In this thread the only expression that matters is actually party "identification". That's the actual topic.

"Voting patterns" would be a whole 'nother topic. The two are not related. Again, nobody needs to change their "party identification" to vote for anybody. In practical terms such "identification" serves no purpose. That's why I don't do it.
Actually, Democrats are doing this to themselves. I expect the trend to continue.

October 2016: 32% identified as Democrat

July 2019: 27% identify as Democrats

Party Affiliation

Funny how you have "both" parties in the 20s and you can only see one of them. Your own link proves yet again what I've been telling you sheep for years --- that both parties have been losing "members" for years, as "must-obey-and-join-club" robots figure out that there's no point in it and that we Indies outnumber both of you. And that isn't new. Check your own link, it's all there.

So rotsa ruck keeping that juvenile treehouse fantasy alive, take some extra hallucinogens and click your heels together. Bwahahhaha..........
I wish this were true but I no longer think this is the case. While people are beginning to refuse to pigeon hole themselves in a single party openly, they are doing so in the voting booth MORE.

Party membership sinking seems to be utterly unconnected with reality. The only reason I can attribute to this is that Americans seem more interested in appearing to not be a robot more than they actually want to think. I think it is a pretty far reach to think that straight party tickets represent 'independents' very often .

I would posit that this is actually harming the political process even further by leaving the nut jobs in the parties but the more moderate people dropping affiliation. In places where the primaries are closed this will cause some very unfortunate circumstances IMHO.

You can't pigeonhole yourself in a voting booth. Granted one can do all kinds of things to oneself in private, but the guy who draws the curtain, waits a moment and yells "HEY! THERE'S NO TOILET PAPER IN HERE" is making an appropriate comment on the system, nothing more.

Being a "member" of a party is an abstract, something of which you advise either your registration board (in some states) or a pollster. Unless you're actually employed by that party, it has no meaning. Nobody needs to be a registered "member" of a party to vote for or against that party with the exception of some primary elections (again in some states), which are a meaningless farce anyway. You can "identify" as a "member" of party X today, a "member" of party Y tomorrow, and not a member of anything the next day. It means nothing heavier than "four out of five doctors".

This entire "X is a Republican, Y is a Democrat" charade is meaningless rhetorical tripe that serves no purpose beyond fomenting dichotomy disease and division. Right up down there with the bullshitious "red states" and "blue states".
That does not change what I stated as it relates to your statement.

"that both parties have been losing "members" for years, as "must-obey-and-join-club" robots figure out that there's no point in it and that we Indies outnumber both of you. And that isn't new. Check your own link, it's all there."

^this does not seem to be true considering that hard partisanship and the "must-obey-and-join-club" in the only expression that matters, voting, seems to be alive and well.

In this thread the only expression that matters is actually party "identification". That's the actual topic.

"Voting patterns" would be a whole 'nother topic. The two are not related. Again, nobody needs to change their "party identification" to vote for anybody. In practical terms such "identification" serves no purpose. That's why I don't do it.

Indeed. I don't vote for Republicans because I am a Republican, because I am not.

I vote for Republicans not because they are so wonderful and trustworthy, but because Democrats are anti-American shit and offer absolutely nothing that interests me, as opposed to the Republicans who at least make an attempt to forward policies with which I approve.
Funny how you have "both" parties in the 20s and you can only see one of them. Your own link proves yet again what I've been telling you sheep for years --- that both parties have been losing "members" for years, as "must-obey-and-join-club" robots figure out that there's no point in it and that we Indies outnumber both of you. And that isn't new. Check your own link, it's all there.

So rotsa ruck keeping that juvenile treehouse fantasy alive, take some extra hallucinogens and click your heels together. Bwahahhaha..........
I wish this were true but I no longer think this is the case. While people are beginning to refuse to pigeon hole themselves in a single party openly, they are doing so in the voting booth MORE.

Party membership sinking seems to be utterly unconnected with reality. The only reason I can attribute to this is that Americans seem more interested in appearing to not be a robot more than they actually want to think. I think it is a pretty far reach to think that straight party tickets represent 'independents' very often .

I would posit that this is actually harming the political process even further by leaving the nut jobs in the parties but the more moderate people dropping affiliation. In places where the primaries are closed this will cause some very unfortunate circumstances IMHO.

You can't pigeonhole yourself in a voting booth. Granted one can do all kinds of things to oneself in private, but the guy who draws the curtain, waits a moment and yells "HEY! THERE'S NO TOILET PAPER IN HERE" is making an appropriate comment on the system, nothing more.

Being a "member" of a party is an abstract, something of which you advise either your registration board (in some states) or a pollster. Unless you're actually employed by that party, it has no meaning. Nobody needs to be a registered "member" of a party to vote for or against that party with the exception of some primary elections (again in some states), which are a meaningless farce anyway. You can "identify" as a "member" of party X today, a "member" of party Y tomorrow, and not a member of anything the next day. It means nothing heavier than "four out of five doctors".

This entire "X is a Republican, Y is a Democrat" charade is meaningless rhetorical tripe that serves no purpose beyond fomenting dichotomy disease and division. Right up down there with the bullshitious "red states" and "blue states".
That does not change what I stated as it relates to your statement.

"that both parties have been losing "members" for years, as "must-obey-and-join-club" robots figure out that there's no point in it and that we Indies outnumber both of you. And that isn't new. Check your own link, it's all there."

^this does not seem to be true considering that hard partisanship and the "must-obey-and-join-club" in the only expression that matters, voting, seems to be alive and well.

In this thread the only expression that matters is actually party "identification". That's the actual topic.

"Voting patterns" would be a whole 'nother topic. The two are not related. Again, nobody needs to change their "party identification" to vote for anybody. In practical terms such "identification" serves no purpose. That's why I don't do it.

Indeed. I don't vote for Republicans because I am a Republican, because I am not.

I vote for Republicans not because they are so wonderful and trustworthy, but because Democrats are anti-American shit and offer absolutely nothing that interests me, as opposed to the Republicans who at least make an attempt to forward policies with which I approve.
Exactly! Most Republicans are Democrat lite, but you wont find ANY Constitutionalist among the Democrats. There are a few gems among the Republicans.
What has this House done for good, real Americans...what Bills have been proposed by this House that would benefit good real Americans?
Seems like all they’ve done is work for wetbacks and

So list them. Should be easy.
It is easy. Too bad you only listen to the propaganda machine of the GOP, so you don't know what Democrats want or what they have passed, just phony scandals and misinformation....
/—-/ All feel good nonsense bills that will never see the light of day. What’s next, a bill condemning tree limbs falling on puppy dogs?
What's next is a Democratic landslide in 2020 and the United States finally catching back up to the rest of the world instead of a GOP give away to the rich and a screw job for everyone else. will also bring back debate to your ridiculous propaganda machine to get you out of your stupid fugue state...
Isn’t it weird the way Republicans are always complaining the Democrats want to tax and spend.

When Republicans are willing to let our bridges fall apart and our roads turn to potholes just so they can shovel money towards billionaires.

So list them. Should be easy.
It is easy. Too bad you only listen to the propaganda machine of the GOP, so you don't know what Democrats want or what they have passed, just phony scandals and misinformation....
/—-/ All feel good nonsense bills that will never see the light of day. What’s next, a bill condemning tree limbs falling on puppy dogs?
What's next is a Democratic landslide in 2020 and the United States finally catching back up to the rest of the world instead of a GOP give away to the rich and a screw job for everyone else. will also bring back debate to your ridiculous propaganda machine to get you out of your stupid fugue state...
Isn’t it weird the way Republicans are always complaining the Democrats want to tax and spend.

When Republicans are willing to let our bridges fall apart and our roads turn to potholes just so they can shovel money towards billionaires.
You're a fool. We have that going on now in Michigan. Our new Democrat governor wants a new 45 cent tax on gas (to "fix the damn roads")! We all know itll go to the general fund where that money will be spent on other things. Michigan has been down this road too many times. They NEVER keep their promises.

Michigan roads can be fixed without any more taxes. You people are fools.

So list them. Should be easy.
It is easy. Too bad you only listen to the propaganda machine of the GOP, so you don't know what Democrats want or what they have passed, just phony scandals and misinformation....
/—-/ All feel good nonsense bills that will never see the light of day. What’s next, a bill condemning tree limbs falling on puppy dogs?
What's next is a Democratic landslide in 2020 and the United States finally catching back up to the rest of the world instead of a GOP give away to the rich and a screw job for everyone else. will also bring back debate to your ridiculous propaganda machine to get you out of your stupid fugue state...
Isn’t it weird the way Republicans are always complaining the Democrats want to tax and spend.

When Republicans are willing to let our bridges fall apart and our roads turn to potholes just so they can shovel money towards billionaires.

Haha...versus the filthy Lefts philosophy of “shovel money towards” Guadalupe and ShaQuita so they can make more babies, smoke more weed, drink more Modello and further degrade American society?
Funny how you have "both" parties in the 20s and you can only see one of them. Your own link proves yet again what I've been telling you sheep for years --- that both parties have been losing "members" for years, as "must-obey-and-join-club" robots figure out that there's no point in it and that we Indies outnumber both of you. And that isn't new. Check your own link, it's all there.

So rotsa ruck keeping that juvenile treehouse fantasy alive, take some extra hallucinogens and click your heels together. Bwahahhaha..........
I wish this were true but I no longer think this is the case. While people are beginning to refuse to pigeon hole themselves in a single party openly, they are doing so in the voting booth MORE.

Party membership sinking seems to be utterly unconnected with reality. The only reason I can attribute to this is that Americans seem more interested in appearing to not be a robot more than they actually want to think. I think it is a pretty far reach to think that straight party tickets represent 'independents' very often .

I would posit that this is actually harming the political process even further by leaving the nut jobs in the parties but the more moderate people dropping affiliation. In places where the primaries are closed this will cause some very unfortunate circumstances IMHO.

You can't pigeonhole yourself in a voting booth. Granted one can do all kinds of things to oneself in private, but the guy who draws the curtain, waits a moment and yells "HEY! THERE'S NO TOILET PAPER IN HERE" is making an appropriate comment on the system, nothing more.

Being a "member" of a party is an abstract, something of which you advise either your registration board (in some states) or a pollster. Unless you're actually employed by that party, it has no meaning. Nobody needs to be a registered "member" of a party to vote for or against that party with the exception of some primary elections (again in some states), which are a meaningless farce anyway. You can "identify" as a "member" of party X today, a "member" of party Y tomorrow, and not a member of anything the next day. It means nothing heavier than "four out of five doctors".

This entire "X is a Republican, Y is a Democrat" charade is meaningless rhetorical tripe that serves no purpose beyond fomenting dichotomy disease and division. Right up down there with the bullshitious "red states" and "blue states".
That does not change what I stated as it relates to your statement.

"that both parties have been losing "members" for years, as "must-obey-and-join-club" robots figure out that there's no point in it and that we Indies outnumber both of you. And that isn't new. Check your own link, it's all there."

^this does not seem to be true considering that hard partisanship and the "must-obey-and-join-club" in the only expression that matters, voting, seems to be alive and well.

In this thread the only expression that matters is actually party "identification". That's the actual topic.

"Voting patterns" would be a whole 'nother topic. The two are not related. Again, nobody needs to change their "party identification" to vote for anybody. In practical terms such "identification" serves no purpose. That's why I don't do it.

Indeed. I don't vote for Republicans because I am a Republican, because I am not.

I vote for Republicans not because they are so wonderful and trustworthy, but because Democrats are anti-American shit and offer absolutely nothing that interests me, as opposed to the Republicans who at least make an attempt to forward policies with which I approve.

Indeed, I don't vote for blanket statements because they're inherently mindless.

Here's the thing that's apparently a big-ass secret: Any conglomeration of any group, political or otherwise, is going to be comprised of individuals. And individuals vary. That's an aspect of being what we call "human".

For those in the robot world though, YMMV.

I'll just toss this out here yet again, since it never gets answered. The sheriff in my town (for just one example) has run for his office as a Democrat, and as a Republican. It's the same guy doing the same job in the same way. You actually believe that his whole (lack of) personality underwent massive shifts depending on whether he put a D or an R after his name. That's so cute.

See also Strom Thurmond. Arlen Specter. Whatzisname in Michigan recently. Frank Rizzo. Ray Nagin. Richard Shelby. Jesse Helms. David Duke. Charlie Crist. Sonny Perdue. Trent Lott. Ronald Reagan. Hillary Rodham. Etc etc etc. Whole lotta personality changes goin' on.
Last edited:
I wish this were true but I no longer think this is the case. While people are beginning to refuse to pigeon hole themselves in a single party openly, they are doing so in the voting booth MORE.

Party membership sinking seems to be utterly unconnected with reality. The only reason I can attribute to this is that Americans seem more interested in appearing to not be a robot more than they actually want to think. I think it is a pretty far reach to think that straight party tickets represent 'independents' very often .

I would posit that this is actually harming the political process even further by leaving the nut jobs in the parties but the more moderate people dropping affiliation. In places where the primaries are closed this will cause some very unfortunate circumstances IMHO.

You can't pigeonhole yourself in a voting booth. Granted one can do all kinds of things to oneself in private, but the guy who draws the curtain, waits a moment and yells "HEY! THERE'S NO TOILET PAPER IN HERE" is making an appropriate comment on the system, nothing more.

Being a "member" of a party is an abstract, something of which you advise either your registration board (in some states) or a pollster. Unless you're actually employed by that party, it has no meaning. Nobody needs to be a registered "member" of a party to vote for or against that party with the exception of some primary elections (again in some states), which are a meaningless farce anyway. You can "identify" as a "member" of party X today, a "member" of party Y tomorrow, and not a member of anything the next day. It means nothing heavier than "four out of five doctors".

This entire "X is a Republican, Y is a Democrat" charade is meaningless rhetorical tripe that serves no purpose beyond fomenting dichotomy disease and division. Right up down there with the bullshitious "red states" and "blue states".
That does not change what I stated as it relates to your statement.

"that both parties have been losing "members" for years, as "must-obey-and-join-club" robots figure out that there's no point in it and that we Indies outnumber both of you. And that isn't new. Check your own link, it's all there."

^this does not seem to be true considering that hard partisanship and the "must-obey-and-join-club" in the only expression that matters, voting, seems to be alive and well.

In this thread the only expression that matters is actually party "identification". That's the actual topic.

"Voting patterns" would be a whole 'nother topic. The two are not related. Again, nobody needs to change their "party identification" to vote for anybody. In practical terms such "identification" serves no purpose. That's why I don't do it.

Indeed. I don't vote for Republicans because I am a Republican, because I am not.

I vote for Republicans not because they are so wonderful and trustworthy, but because Democrats are anti-American shit and offer absolutely nothing that interests me, as opposed to the Republicans who at least make an attempt to forward policies with which I approve.
Exactly! Most Republicans are Democrat lite, but you wont find ANY Constitutionalist among the Democrats. There are a few gems among the Republicans.

Stop lying and stop pretending your know anything about Democrats. Republicans aren't "Democrats lite" at all. And there are plenty of constitutionists among Democrats, including President Obama.

The current interation of the Republican Party is really the Trumpian Party, because everything they said they believe in, they've tossed aside in favour of anything Trump wants. The party which decried Obama's deficits, hasn't uttered a single word as Trump balloons the deficit to pay for yet more "trickle down" tax cuts. So much for fiscal responsibility.

The party of fiscal responsibility now spends like a drunken sailor, picks fights with your friends, and cosies up to its enemies, while screwing over the American middle class. Trump is reviving the Democrats, but Republicans will be hard pressed to survive the racism, divisiveness and incompetenmce of the Trump Presidency.

Party over country, every single time. That's what Republicans have come to. So desperate to cling to white power that they will literally accept a lying, cheating, incompetent who is in the thrall of Putin and Kim as President, just to keep power.
You can't pigeonhole yourself in a voting booth. Granted one can do all kinds of things to oneself in private, but the guy who draws the curtain, waits a moment and yells "HEY! THERE'S NO TOILET PAPER IN HERE" is making an appropriate comment on the system, nothing more.

Being a "member" of a party is an abstract, something of which you advise either your registration board (in some states) or a pollster. Unless you're actually employed by that party, it has no meaning. Nobody needs to be a registered "member" of a party to vote for or against that party with the exception of some primary elections (again in some states), which are a meaningless farce anyway. You can "identify" as a "member" of party X today, a "member" of party Y tomorrow, and not a member of anything the next day. It means nothing heavier than "four out of five doctors".

This entire "X is a Republican, Y is a Democrat" charade is meaningless rhetorical tripe that serves no purpose beyond fomenting dichotomy disease and division. Right up down there with the bullshitious "red states" and "blue states".
That does not change what I stated as it relates to your statement.

"that both parties have been losing "members" for years, as "must-obey-and-join-club" robots figure out that there's no point in it and that we Indies outnumber both of you. And that isn't new. Check your own link, it's all there."

^this does not seem to be true considering that hard partisanship and the "must-obey-and-join-club" in the only expression that matters, voting, seems to be alive and well.

In this thread the only expression that matters is actually party "identification". That's the actual topic.

"Voting patterns" would be a whole 'nother topic. The two are not related. Again, nobody needs to change their "party identification" to vote for anybody. In practical terms such "identification" serves no purpose. That's why I don't do it.

Indeed. I don't vote for Republicans because I am a Republican, because I am not.

I vote for Republicans not because they are so wonderful and trustworthy, but because Democrats are anti-American shit and offer absolutely nothing that interests me, as opposed to the Republicans who at least make an attempt to forward policies with which I approve.
Exactly! Most Republicans are Democrat lite, but you wont find ANY Constitutionalist among the Democrats. There are a few gems among the Republicans.

Stop lying and stop pretending your know anything about Democrats. Republicans aren't "Democrats lite" at all. And there are plenty of constitutionists among Democrats, including President Obama.

The current interation of the Republican Party is really the Trumpian Party, because everything they said they believe in, they've tossed aside in favour of anything Trump wants. The party which decried Obama's deficits, hasn't uttered a single word as Trump balloons the deficit to pay for yet more "trickle down" tax cuts. So much for fiscal responsibility.

The party of fiscal responsibility now spends like a drunken sailor, picks fights with your friends, and cosies up to its enemies, while screwing over the American middle class. Trump is reviving the Democrats, but Republicans will be hard pressed to survive the racism, divisiveness and incompetenmce of the Trump Presidency.

Party over country, every single time. That's what Republicans have come to. So desperate to cling to white power that they will literally accept a lying, cheating, incompetent who is in the thrall of Putin and Kim as President, just to keep power.
/——/ For the 7,456 time, no president can balloon or reduce the budget. That is the responsibility of Congress.
That does not change what I stated as it relates to your statement.

"that both parties have been losing "members" for years, as "must-obey-and-join-club" robots figure out that there's no point in it and that we Indies outnumber both of you. And that isn't new. Check your own link, it's all there."

^this does not seem to be true considering that hard partisanship and the "must-obey-and-join-club" in the only expression that matters, voting, seems to be alive and well.

In this thread the only expression that matters is actually party "identification". That's the actual topic.

"Voting patterns" would be a whole 'nother topic. The two are not related. Again, nobody needs to change their "party identification" to vote for anybody. In practical terms such "identification" serves no purpose. That's why I don't do it.

Indeed. I don't vote for Republicans because I am a Republican, because I am not.

I vote for Republicans not because they are so wonderful and trustworthy, but because Democrats are anti-American shit and offer absolutely nothing that interests me, as opposed to the Republicans who at least make an attempt to forward policies with which I approve.
Exactly! Most Republicans are Democrat lite, but you wont find ANY Constitutionalist among the Democrats. There are a few gems among the Republicans.

Stop lying and stop pretending your know anything about Democrats. Republicans aren't "Democrats lite" at all. And there are plenty of constitutionists among Democrats, including President Obama.

The current interation of the Republican Party is really the Trumpian Party, because everything they said they believe in, they've tossed aside in favour of anything Trump wants. The party which decried Obama's deficits, hasn't uttered a single word as Trump balloons the deficit to pay for yet more "trickle down" tax cuts. So much for fiscal responsibility.

The party of fiscal responsibility now spends like a drunken sailor, picks fights with your friends, and cosies up to its enemies, while screwing over the American middle class. Trump is reviving the Democrats, but Republicans will be hard pressed to survive the racism, divisiveness and incompetenmce of the Trump Presidency.

Party over country, every single time. That's what Republicans have come to. So desperate to cling to white power that they will literally accept a lying, cheating, incompetent who is in the thrall of Putin and Kim as President, just to keep power.
/——/ For the 7,456 time, no president can balloon or reduce the budget. That is the responsibility of Congress.

The filthy, retarded fucks will only remind us that congress controls the “purse strings” when our president wants to protect us from wetbacks.
I wish this were true but I no longer think this is the case. While people are beginning to refuse to pigeon hole themselves in a single party openly, they are doing so in the voting booth MORE.

Party membership sinking seems to be utterly unconnected with reality. The only reason I can attribute to this is that Americans seem more interested in appearing to not be a robot more than they actually want to think. I think it is a pretty far reach to think that straight party tickets represent 'independents' very often .

I would posit that this is actually harming the political process even further by leaving the nut jobs in the parties but the more moderate people dropping affiliation. In places where the primaries are closed this will cause some very unfortunate circumstances IMHO.

You can't pigeonhole yourself in a voting booth. Granted one can do all kinds of things to oneself in private, but the guy who draws the curtain, waits a moment and yells "HEY! THERE'S NO TOILET PAPER IN HERE" is making an appropriate comment on the system, nothing more.

Being a "member" of a party is an abstract, something of which you advise either your registration board (in some states) or a pollster. Unless you're actually employed by that party, it has no meaning. Nobody needs to be a registered "member" of a party to vote for or against that party with the exception of some primary elections (again in some states), which are a meaningless farce anyway. You can "identify" as a "member" of party X today, a "member" of party Y tomorrow, and not a member of anything the next day. It means nothing heavier than "four out of five doctors".

This entire "X is a Republican, Y is a Democrat" charade is meaningless rhetorical tripe that serves no purpose beyond fomenting dichotomy disease and division. Right up down there with the bullshitious "red states" and "blue states".
That does not change what I stated as it relates to your statement.

"that both parties have been losing "members" for years, as "must-obey-and-join-club" robots figure out that there's no point in it and that we Indies outnumber both of you. And that isn't new. Check your own link, it's all there."

^this does not seem to be true considering that hard partisanship and the "must-obey-and-join-club" in the only expression that matters, voting, seems to be alive and well.

In this thread the only expression that matters is actually party "identification". That's the actual topic.

"Voting patterns" would be a whole 'nother topic. The two are not related. Again, nobody needs to change their "party identification" to vote for anybody. In practical terms such "identification" serves no purpose. That's why I don't do it.

Indeed. I don't vote for Republicans because I am a Republican, because I am not.

I vote for Republicans not because they are so wonderful and trustworthy, but because Democrats are anti-American shit and offer absolutely nothing that interests me, as opposed to the Republicans who at least make an attempt to forward policies with which I approve.

Indeed, I don't vote for blanket statements because they're inherently mindless.

Here's the thing that's apparently a big-ass secret: Any conglomeration of any group, political or otherwise, is going to be comprised of individuals. And individuals vary. That's an aspect of being what we call "human".

Thank you for your support of Citizens United.

For those in the robot world though, YMMV.

I'll just toss this out here yet again, since it never gets answered. The sheriff in my town (for just one example) has run for his office as a Democrat, and as a Republican. It's the same guy doing the same job in the same way. You actually believe that his whole (lack of) personality underwent massive shifts depending on whether he put a D or an R after his name. That's so cute.

See also Strom Thurmond. Arlen Specter. Whatzisname in Michigan recently. Frank Rizzo. Ray Nagin. Richard Shelby. Jesse Helms. David Duke. Charlie Crist. Sonny Perdue. Trent Lott. Ronald Reagan. Hillary Rodham. Etc etc etc. Whole lotta personality changes goin' on.

It is the nature of humans to support that which gives best advantage to their subjective opinions. When that once supported no longer serves, a change is in order.

It's a very simple fact. Confusing for you, eh?

The current difference between the two most popular parties is that the Democrats have abandoned all pretense of supporting the Constitution as the foundational law of the United States, and that difference becomes more clear with each passing day.
Actually, Democrats are doing this to themselves. I expect the trend to continue.

October 2016: 32% identified as Democrat

July 2019: 27% identify as Democrats

Party Affiliation

Funny how you have "both" parties in the 20s and you can only see one of them. Your own link proves yet again what I've been telling you sheep for years --- that both parties have been losing "members" for years, as "must-obey-and-join-club" robots figure out that there's no point in it and that we Indies outnumber both of you. And that isn't new. Check your own link, it's all there.

So rotsa ruck keeping that juvenile treehouse fantasy alive, take some extra hallucinogens and click your heels together. Bwahahhaha..........
I wish this were true but I no longer think this is the case. While people are beginning to refuse to pigeon hole themselves in a single party openly, they are doing so in the voting booth MORE.

Party membership sinking seems to be utterly unconnected with reality. The only reason I can attribute to this is that Americans seem more interested in appearing to not be a robot more than they actually want to think. I think it is a pretty far reach to think that straight party tickets represent 'independents' very often .

I would posit that this is actually harming the political process even further by leaving the nut jobs in the parties but the more moderate people dropping affiliation. In places where the primaries are closed this will cause some very unfortunate circumstances IMHO.

You can't pigeonhole yourself in a voting booth. Granted one can do all kinds of things to oneself in private, but the guy who draws the curtain, waits a moment and yells "HEY! THERE'S NO TOILET PAPER IN HERE" is making an appropriate comment on the system, nothing more.

Being a "member" of a party is an abstract, something of which you advise either your registration board (in some states) or a pollster. Unless you're actually employed by that party, it has no meaning. Nobody needs to be a registered "member" of a party to vote for or against that party with the exception of some primary elections (again in some states), which are a meaningless farce anyway. You can "identify" as a "member" of party X today, a "member" of party Y tomorrow, and not a member of anything the next day. It means nothing heavier than "four out of five doctors".

This entire "X is a Republican, Y is a Democrat" charade is meaningless rhetorical tripe that serves no purpose beyond fomenting dichotomy disease and division. Right up down there with the bullshitious "red states" and "blue states".
That does not change what I stated as it relates to your statement.

"that both parties have been losing "members" for years, as "must-obey-and-join-club" robots figure out that there's no point in it and that we Indies outnumber both of you. And that isn't new. Check your own link, it's all there."

^this does not seem to be true considering that hard partisanship and the "must-obey-and-join-club" in the only expression that matters, voting, seems to be alive and well.

In this thread the only expression that matters is actually party "identification". That's the actual topic.

"Voting patterns" would be a whole 'nother topic. The two are not related. Again, nobody needs to change their "party identification" to vote for anybody. In practical terms such "identification" serves no purpose. That's why I don't do it.
Of course they are related. Intamately.

You contended that:
"Your own link proves yet again what I've been telling you sheep for years --- that both parties have been losing "members" for years, as "must-obey-and-join-club" robots figure out that there's no point in it and that we Indies outnumber both of you. And that isn't new. Check your own link, it's all there."

I contend that only looks to be true on the surface. While those people are not identifying with the party anymore, they are not becoming 'indies.' The voting patters show that they essentially are members. Why people are choosing to not identify or identify as independent but still vote like party robots is somewhat mystifying to me BUT the evidence seems to show that with fewer 'members,' hard line party ticket voting is increasing.

Further, the "must-obey-and-join-club robots" as you put it are certainly not going to see "there's no point" in party when the voting patters are showing that people are being more 'loyal' to the party no matter what affiliation they are claiming.

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