Trump is 'not happy' with Fox News over Poll results

Since Disney bought FOX there is noticeable slide Left.

They bought FOX Entertainment, not FOX News.

The problem is that Murdoch's boys, who now run things, are Progressives. Most of the day shift is one step above CNN. The night crew brings in all the ratings.

That's bullshit. Trump and his supporters have accused Fox of moving left now and again any time there is a single iota of criticism from them. Then the moment they start kissing his ass all is forgotten. Remember when Trump and his supporters would praise Megyn Kelly? My how a single debate question changed things.

Megyn was a NeverTrumper. She screwed her career over it. :auiqs.jpg:

Yet she was a darling of the right up until she started criticizing Trump. Trump supporters trash CNN and MSNBC, but the truth is they want Fox to be exactly what CNN is for the right. Their desire for that has been displayed numerous times right in this very thread, and many times over again on this message board over the years.

She did her job, then she stopped doing her job.

What was her job? To look pretty, and praise Trump? Stop pretending Fox fans have any desire for actual journalism. They wanted Megyn Kelly to be a female Hannity, and when she didn't comply they wanted her gone. All the right wants is a conservative CNN. Can you admit that?
They bought FOX Entertainment, not FOX News.

The problem is that Murdoch's boys, who now run things, are Progressives. Most of the day shift is one step above CNN. The night crew brings in all the ratings.

That's bullshit. Trump and his supporters have accused Fox of moving left now and again any time there is a single iota of criticism from them. Then the moment they start kissing his ass all is forgotten. Remember when Trump and his supporters would praise Megyn Kelly? My how a single debate question changed things.

Megyn was a NeverTrumper. She screwed her career over it. :auiqs.jpg:

Yet she was a darling of the right up until she started criticizing Trump. Trump supporters trash CNN and MSNBC, but the truth is they want Fox to be exactly what CNN is for the right. Their desire for that has been displayed numerous times right in this very thread, and many times over again on this message board over the years.

She did her job, then she stopped doing her job.

What was her job? To look pretty, and praise Trump? Stop pretending Fox fans have any desire for actual journalism. They wanted Megyn Kelly to be a female Hannity, and when she didn't comply they wanted her gone. All the right wants is a conservative CNN. Can you admit that?

How interesting. So why did NBC dump her?
That's bullshit. Trump and his supporters have accused Fox of moving left now and again any time there is a single iota of criticism from them. Then the moment they start kissing his ass all is forgotten. Remember when Trump and his supporters would praise Megyn Kelly? My how a single debate question changed things.

Megyn was a NeverTrumper. She screwed her career over it. :auiqs.jpg:

Yet she was a darling of the right up until she started criticizing Trump. Trump supporters trash CNN and MSNBC, but the truth is they want Fox to be exactly what CNN is for the right. Their desire for that has been displayed numerous times right in this very thread, and many times over again on this message board over the years.

She did her job, then she stopped doing her job.

What was her job? To look pretty, and praise Trump? Stop pretending Fox fans have any desire for actual journalism. They wanted Megyn Kelly to be a female Hannity, and when she didn't comply they wanted her gone. All the right wants is a conservative CNN. Can you admit that?

How interesting. So why did NBC dump her?

Because her ratings sucked? What does that have to do with Fox News?
Trump doesn't like real news.
If it's not positive for him, it's "Fake."
Even Fox/TrumpTV now is on the verge of being one of His conspiracy theories.
"Something is going on ."
Maybe Fox called "millions of illegals" for the poll!

Trump is 'not happy' with Fox News over poll results
Christopher Wilson - Senior Writer
Yahoo News•August 19, 2019

After a series of unfavorable polls from Fox News’ polling unit, President Trump has stepped up his complaints about the network, which he no longer considers a reliable ally.

“There’s something going on at Fox, I’ll tell you right now. And I’m not happy with it,” Trump told reporters Sunday, adding, “Fox has changed. My worst polls have always been from Fox.”

Trump was complaining about a recent Fox News poll that showed him down 12 points to former Vice President Joe Biden in a hypothetical 2020 matchup. The poll also showed him down 9 points to Sen. Bernie Sanders, 7 to Sen. Elizabeth Warren and 6 to Sen. Kamala Harris.

It wasn’t the first time he was annoyed by the network’s polling arm, which is considered a respected and relatively nonpartisan part of the generally conservative and pro-Trump network.


Good. I love it whenever the Orange Virus is unhappy. That means Cult45 is unhappy. Suffer, fuckers. It's only going to get worse from here on out.
So speaketh Bluelegends. Mind if I get another opinion first?

Your opinion doesn't matter, obviously since we defeated the left and elected Trump POTUS.
You don’t get to define who’s opinion matters and from what I have seen so far you don’t add much more than name calling and blustering. Post something meaningful next. I dare you.

Go ahead vote Dem in some blue state for all the good it will do you. :auiqs.jpg:
I’m in a swing state, NC. My vote matters. ;). You aren’t winning me over.

You ll vote for Liz Warren? Yuck!!!!!!!!!!!
You voted a moron tv personality into the White House. You have not earned the right to look down on any candidate. Sorry. It’s true.
Your opinion doesn't matter, obviously since we defeated the left and elected Trump POTUS.
You don’t get to define who’s opinion matters and from what I have seen so far you don’t add much more than name calling and blustering. Post something meaningful next. I dare you.

Go ahead vote Dem in some blue state for all the good it will do you. :auiqs.jpg:
I’m in a swing state, NC. My vote matters. ;). You aren’t winning me over.

You ll vote for Liz Warren? Yuck!!!!!!!!!!!
You voted a moron tv personality into the White House. You have not earned the right to look down on any candidate. Sorry. It’s true.

So, do something about it go win an election if you can :auiqs.jpg: Run Warren or Bernie or one of your crazy nut job candidates. :auiqs.jpg:
Your opinion doesn't matter, obviously since we defeated the left and elected Trump POTUS.
You don’t get to define who’s opinion matters and from what I have seen so far you don’t add much more than name calling and blustering. Post something meaningful next. I dare you.

Go ahead vote Dem in some blue state for all the good it will do you. :auiqs.jpg:
I’m in a swing state, NC. My vote matters. ;). You aren’t winning me over.

You ll vote for Liz Warren? Yuck!!!!!!!!!!!
You voted a moron tv personality into the White House. You have not earned the right to look down on any candidate. Sorry. It’s true.

I did not as I live in MA and my vote does not count. Unfortunately Liz Warren is one of my reps. It is quite embarrassing. Trump did earn my vote. I am an Independent and undecided. I thought he debated the best and was most pro military and coming from a family of many military personnel I believed I owed them my vote.
Murdoch smells the shift in the wind..he's a weather-vane. He is just positioning himself to move with the demographic shift.
These polls are made for Democrats. They make the poll then write stories based on it. It is done to keep their spirits high and get Democrats to watch.

What should worry Democrats is the amount of Americans that didn't vote for trump, but plan to this time around.
What should worry Democrats is that they don't have a good candidate. Octogenarians and angry young women of color--about sums it up.
Trump is damaged goods..and quite toxic to a lot of Americans. But no one of substance and actual skill---has a chance.

Trump flew in under the radar last time...lessee how he does now.
This is why Democrats will lose...

Raise your hand if you are for open borders and want Americans to pay for healthcare and welfare for any foreign national that manages to get into America...


Democrats hate Americans so much they literally step over tent cities full of needy homeless Americans to help needy homeless foreign nationals at the expense of the needy homeless Americans.

Democrats force needy homeless Americans to compete with needy homeless foreign nationals for resources meant for needy homeless Americans.
That was not the question they are raising their hands to..stooge.
Tell us what it was. Maybe I miss heard it like Camila Harris.

If a Democrat tells you they want a secure border and are against illegal immigration, they are either totally ignorant or lying to your face.

when Rightards say we have an open border they're full of shit.
I love having a president who isn’t shy about saying what he thinks. A president who is honest and doesn’t keep us guessing about what he’s thinking.

One of the things I love most about Trump is his openness. I also love how willing he is to talk with the press in an unprecedented way.

It’s a nice change from the scripted BS we got from obama.
Megyn was a NeverTrumper. She screwed her career over it. :auiqs.jpg:

Yet she was a darling of the right up until she started criticizing Trump. Trump supporters trash CNN and MSNBC, but the truth is they want Fox to be exactly what CNN is for the right. Their desire for that has been displayed numerous times right in this very thread, and many times over again on this message board over the years.

She did her job, then she stopped doing her job.

What was her job? To look pretty, and praise Trump? Stop pretending Fox fans have any desire for actual journalism. They wanted Megyn Kelly to be a female Hannity, and when she didn't comply they wanted her gone. All the right wants is a conservative CNN. Can you admit that?

How interesting. So why did NBC dump her?

Because her ratings sucked? What does that have to do with Fox News?

Why did her ratings suck?
These polls are made for Democrats. They make the poll then write stories based on it. It is done to keep their spirits high and get Democrats to watch.

What should worry Democrats is the amount of Americans that didn't vote for trump, but plan to this time around.
What should worry Democrats is that they don't have a good candidate. Octogenarians and angry young women of color--about sums it up.
Trump is damaged goods..and quite toxic to a lot of Americans. But no one of substance and actual skill---has a chance.

Trump flew in under the radar last time...lessee how he does now.
This is why Democrats will lose...

Raise your hand if you are for open borders and want Americans to pay for healthcare and welfare for any foreign national that manages to get into America...


Democrats hate Americans so much they literally step over tent cities full of needy homeless Americans to help needy homeless foreign nationals at the expense of the needy homeless Americans.

Democrats force needy homeless Americans to compete with needy homeless foreign nationals for resources meant for needy homeless Americans.
That was not the question they are raising their hands to..stooge.
Tell us what it was. Maybe I miss heard it like Camila Harris.

If a Democrat tells you they want a secure border and are against illegal immigration, they are either totally ignorant or lying to your face.

when Rightards say we have an open border they're full of shit.
If Democrats weren't for open borders they wouldn't aid, abet, and provide sanctuary to foreign nationals who come and go unchecked and unregulated at will.

Democrats step over tent cities full of needy homeless Americans to help needy homeless foreign nationals at the expense of the needy homeless Americans.

Don't let a Democrat tell you they aren't for open borders. They are globalist that don't respect borders like joe Biden says.
Yet she was a darling of the right up until she started criticizing Trump. Trump supporters trash CNN and MSNBC, but the truth is they want Fox to be exactly what CNN is for the right. Their desire for that has been displayed numerous times right in this very thread, and many times over again on this message board over the years.

She did her job, then she stopped doing her job.

What was her job? To look pretty, and praise Trump? Stop pretending Fox fans have any desire for actual journalism. They wanted Megyn Kelly to be a female Hannity, and when she didn't comply they wanted her gone. All the right wants is a conservative CNN. Can you admit that?

How interesting. So why did NBC dump her?

Because her ratings sucked? What does that have to do with Fox News?

Why did her ratings suck?

Good question. Why were her ratings amazing up until Trump supporters turned on her? Why after many years of praising her did the right ditch her for simply criticizing one man?

This entire thread is about how our thin-skinned president can't take a single iota of negative feedback, and his supporters prove time and time again that they're just as bad.

Just admit that Trump supporters only want to hear what they want to hear. It's transparent on this board every day, but none of them will actually come out and say it.
She did her job, then she stopped doing her job.

What was her job? To look pretty, and praise Trump? Stop pretending Fox fans have any desire for actual journalism. They wanted Megyn Kelly to be a female Hannity, and when she didn't comply they wanted her gone. All the right wants is a conservative CNN. Can you admit that?

How interesting. So why did NBC dump her?

Because her ratings sucked? What does that have to do with Fox News?

Why did her ratings suck?

Good question. Why were her ratings amazing up until Trump supporters turned on her? Why after many years of praising her did the right ditch her for simply criticizing one man?

She came out of the closet.
Disney is a far left organization, so no surprise.
Remains to be seen how long they will allow Tucker Carlson to broadcast the truth.
Tucker is one of the few commentators on TV with common sense.
Tucker is Sophomoric.
Reminds of the Fraternity President in Animal House.
But he was all they had after the molesters were purged.

What was her job? To look pretty, and praise Trump? Stop pretending Fox fans have any desire for actual journalism. They wanted Megyn Kelly to be a female Hannity, and when she didn't comply they wanted her gone. All the right wants is a conservative CNN. Can you admit that?

How interesting. So why did NBC dump her?

Because her ratings sucked? What does that have to do with Fox News?

Why did her ratings suck?

Good question. Why were her ratings amazing up until Trump supporters turned on her? Why after many years of praising her did the right ditch her for simply criticizing one man?

She came out of the closet.

So you admit that Republicans want Fox to be exactly what CNN is, but for the right.
How interesting. So why did NBC dump her?

Because her ratings sucked? What does that have to do with Fox News?

Why did her ratings suck?

Good question. Why were her ratings amazing up until Trump supporters turned on her? Why after many years of praising her did the right ditch her for simply criticizing one man?

She came out of the closet.

So you admit that Republicans want Fox to be exactly what CNN is, but for the right.

I don't give a rat's ass. I watch them all.
Trump doesn't like real news.
If it's not positive for him, it's "Fake."
Even Fox/TrumpTV now is on the verge of being one of His conspiracy theories.
"Something is going on ."
Maybe Fox called "millions of illegals" for the poll!

Trump is 'not happy' with Fox News over poll results
Christopher Wilson - Senior Writer
Yahoo News•August 19, 2019

After a series of unfavorable polls from Fox News’ polling unit, President Trump has stepped up his complaints about the network, which he no longer considers a reliable ally.

“There’s something going on at Fox, I’ll tell you right now. And I’m not happy with it,” Trump told reporters Sunday, adding, “Fox has changed. My worst polls have always been from Fox.”

Trump was complaining about a recent Fox News poll that showed him down 12 points to former Vice President Joe Biden in a hypothetical 2020 matchup. The poll also showed him down 9 points to Sen. Bernie Sanders, 7 to Sen. Elizabeth Warren and 6 to Sen. Kamala Harris.

It wasn’t the first time he was annoyed by the network’s polling arm, which is considered a respected and relatively nonpartisan part of the generally conservative and pro-Trump network.

All polls are conducted by democrats look it up
David Shaw is supposed to be a republican pollster .. all quotes from him are anti trump .. don’t believe polls

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