Trump Is Now Suggesting Ron DeSantis Is a Pedophile

you are an idiot with no understanding for abstraction, the great traitor, dj trump, more than suggested that desantis is a pedophile, which he probably is, although being said by a cofessed sexual offender and pedophile himself...
desantis? You cannot capitalize his name?

cofessed? Did you mean confessed? When did he confess?
Trump need to fuck off and ride off into the sunset. He was in favor of continued debasement of the currency and let the Deep State run his Administration. No thanks!

DeSantis need a few Seal Teams to take down the Deep State during his Presidency. We're way past niceties, sound bites and talking points
You are such a fucking immature brat! How old are you and when will you finish that GED you have been striving for?
Trump shouldn't be calling anyone a pedophile. He's the one who was best friends with Jeffrey Epstein And used to hang out with him at parties where underage girls were raped, And more than a few of those girls who were right I've stated that trump was among those who raped them.

In fact more than one underage girl was recruited by Epstein's pedophile ring as prostitutes while working for trump at Mar a lago.
You lie. Welcome to ignore. You have no redeeming value. I would also suggest a username change.
Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, you’re a DiSantis fan
I look forward to future DeSantis followers making posts pretending they were never a DeSantis follower......

They are easy to spot....they were the same folks who were Bush followers and then started pretending they always hated Bush..

That is the problem with many base Republican voters.....they usually end up turning against every guy they once worshipped because that guy wasn't willing to be depraved enough

I saw one photo where then teacher DeSantis was with some females (allegedly then students) and one young woman was holding what looked like a bottle of beer.

It could have been O’Doules. Non alcoholic.

Doens't matter. Still illegal for anyone under 21 to have that. Try to go to Wal Mart and let a teen buy NA beer. It won't happen.
OK? So, it makes it ok for Trump to be a pedophile and rapist because a democrat was one? How about you condemn them both instead of going out of your way to defend Trump.
Trump is neither and nothing even remotely like this has ever been proven Dimwit. Nor did Trump say anything about DeSantis even remotely like this. Bye moron.
Doens't matter. Still illegal for anyone under 21 to have that. Try to go to Wal Mart and let a teen buy NA beer. It won't happen.
I don’t care. The fact remains that there is zero evidence of the age of the females OR that it was a beer OR that it was provided to that female by DeSantis.

It’s a big nothing burger.

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