Trump is now the blame for the 'border crisis'

The Trump administration did fund that Wuhan lab for 3 years before the pandemic. Just sayin'
No, it was the brown turd's Obammy that was funding the lab, and Tony should be charged with crimes against humanity for all those murdered by him...
Yeah well there’s way too much commerce happening to justify closing the border so that’s never going to happen. So while you’re off doing nothing on your soapbox you can own responsibility for passing on the ability to do something d
You just aren't getting that TX and several other states' national guard have sealed the border from illegal crossers.

Its done. Its sealed, at least in TX. Now we need Biden to let the CBP do their job all along the border.

Mike Johnson just said the senate deal is DOA in the house.
You're basically repeating what Trump said.... What that actually means is do nothing and hope the border gets worse so you can blame Biden in the fall election.
Wrong. Trump said no half measures/deals. Mike Johnson said the senate deal is DOA in th House.

25 governors are sending NG troops to the border to help TX keep illegals out until Trump gets back in and deports them all.
Hey dumb ass, that definition, just like the one I thought you'd crib from wikipedia, is pure 100% BS! Fascism IS socialism you idiot, its socialism for the serfs and whatever the fuck we want for the elite aristocracy! Fascism is one party totalitarian rule over every aspect of a given society, with no tolerance for any dissent! Fascism is woke, fascism is tech industry censorship, fascism is an illegitimate president giving national speeches cloaked with ominous red lighting whilst flanked by soldiers, whilst naming his primary political rival and all of his support terrorists and a threat to mob rule!

Fascism is industrial scale baby slaughtering numbering in the tens of millions! Fascism is the fascists accusing their primary political opposition of engaging in exactly the corruption that the fascists themselves are engaged in! Fascism is fraudulent justice for us, none for you! Fascism is flooding your nation with tens of million of illegal aliens with expressed intention of using those illegal aliens to replace and kill the specific population the fascists want done away with! Fascism is rigging elections and or stealing them, or both! Fascism is perpetrating a worldwide pandemic as mechanism of ushering in totalitarian fascist rule, killing tens of millions in the process! Fascism dumb ass is a ruling elite lording it over the serfs, expressed through a lone figurehead dictator, or a dictating committee!

Fascism is you dumb ass, does Trump and freedom loving maga even remotely sound like fascism to you, or does the totalitarian dictatorship democrats attempt to erect on the ashes of the United States start to strike a chord within your dumb ass??? :wink:

Look up the Fascists of the 20th century.

Although fascist parties and movements differed significantly from one another, they had many characteristics in common, including extreme militaristic nationalism, contempt for electoral democracy and political and cultural liberalism, a belief in natural social hierarchy and the rule of elites, and the desire to create a Volksgemeinschaft (German: “people’s community”), in which individual interests would be subordinated to the good of the nation.

At the end of World War II, the major European fascist parties were broken up, and in some countries (such as Italy and West Germany) they were officially banned. Beginning in the late 1940s, however, many fascist-oriented parties and movements were founded in Europe as well as in Latin America and South Africa. Although some European “neofascist” groups attracted large followings, especially in Italy and France, none were as influential as the major fascist parties of the interwar period.
You just aren't getting that TX and several other states' national guard have sealed the border from illegal crossers.

Its done. Its sealed, at least in TX. Now we need Biden to let the CBP do their job all along the border.

Mike Johnson just said the senate deal is DOA in the house.
That’s because Mike Johnson and McConnell and Trump are playing politics… and you’re supporting that gameplay. By choosing to do nothing about the border it makes it your responsibility. Even if you didn’t get the perfect bill. Take the step and then keep going… it’s better than nothing.
That’s because Mike Johnson and McConnell and Trump are playing politics… and you’re supporting that gameplay. By choosing to do nothing about the border it makes it your responsibility. Even if you didn’t get the perfect bill. Take the step and then keep going… it’s better than nothing.
You can keep saying "do nothing" all you want.

Its sealed. The migrant flow is stopped. No thanks to Biden.
Um, define "apprehended" then. Are you saying they go to "illegal immigrant prison" and they are never let out into the US, or are you just saying that they pick them up and give them a ride to where they want to go inside the US? Define "apprehended" for us. :laugh:

Talk about "retarded rhetoric". If you have to lie in order to defend your position, then why even take your position in the first place? Thats some real idiotic shit right there. :dunno:
I thought it was Abbott and the Ron D. that were giving them a 'ride' :auiqs.jpg:
His not solving it and the awful Afghanistan treaties were deliberate moves to hurt the Biden administration.

The payback across the board on the GOP will be so Democratic sweet.
Here is another bit of information that totally contradicts your argument.

Just goes to show you that there are unfortunate people even in a good economy. GDP and unemployment are better metrics to look at the economy as a whole. I'm glad you care about the homeless though.
:auiqs.jpg: You are a fascist because you are! And for those observing above cretin and its silly ice cold two digit IQ fueled attacks, consider, the cretin above and all like it within the fascist party, are the creatures who began this game by imbecilically naming Trump, and the 85-million who support him, fascists!

To this very day, they persist, and above cretin persists even after I took the time to educate it on origins of the fascist party whose feet it sucks, and how they literally formed up a mutual admiration society with the Nazi's (a socialist fascist sect), and greatly inspired those Nazis to embrace the very fascist democrat concept of eugenics!

Yet above cretin persists in projecting its evil fascist intolerance upon its primary political opposition, a ludicrous assertation as Trump and his base are "freedom worshiping Americans" who fully and totally embrace, and adhere to the most anti-fascist document every authored by mankind, the Constitution of the United States of America, a document above cretin has been intellectually aborted into hating!

It literally does not know what it is, it posted a totally dishonest definition of fascism from some fascist penned dictionary as though it was authoritative, which it was not. Such creatures are the fruits of the grotesque public school system, and the nakedly fascist collegiate education system, the very fascist liars who penned the silly ass definition above cretin stupidly tried to fend me off with!

They literally do not know what the fuck they are.....o_O
Agreed to disagree
Look up the Fascists of the 20th century.

Although fascist parties and movements differed significantly from one another, they had many characteristics in common, including extreme militaristic nationalism, contempt for electoral democracy and political and cultural liberalism, a belief in natural social hierarchy and the rule of elites, and the desire to create a Volksgemeinschaft (German: “people’s community”), in which individual interests would be subordinated to the good of the nation.

At the end of World War II, the major European fascist parties were broken up, and in some countries (such as Italy and West Germany) they were officially banned. Beginning in the late 1940s, however, many fascist-oriented parties and movements were founded in Europe as well as in Latin America and South Africa. Although some European “neofascist” groups attracted large followings, especially in Italy and France, none were as influential as the major fascist parties of the interwar period.

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LOL. You can try to <<<<<<spin>>>>>> the Biden disasters all you want.

Voters and the polls know better.
It's easy to pin the blame on the Orange Turd. Plus abortion. Plus an improving economy. Plus E. Jean Carroll. Plus 91 indictments. Plus being an Orange Turd.

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