Trump is now the blame for the 'border crisis'

I thought it was Abbott and the Ron D. that were giving them a 'ride' :auiqs.jpg:
Oh, are you referring to the greatest move in the history of politics? That single handedly changed the perception of the people of the United States on immigration. Until then, you idiots were saying "there isnt a crisis at the border". NO ONE says that anymore.
Oh, are you referring to the greatest move in the history of politics? That single handedly changed the perception of the people of the United States on immigration. Until then, you idiots were saying "there isnt a crisis at the border". NO ONE says that anymore.
Democrats and Republicans were working together in the Senate to improve the situation on the border and Trump wants to stop that so that he has a campaign issue. That is the point of this post/thread. You're right that the border states should not have to bear all the burden. What Ron did was just a political stunt because Florida isn't a border state and the immigrants that he bused out were actually from Texas.
Democrats and Republicans were working together in the Senate to improve the situation on the border and Trump wants to stop that so that he has a campaign issue. That is the point of this post/thread. You're right that the border states should not have to bear all the burden. What Ron did was just a political stunt because Florida isn't a border state and the immigrants that he bused out were actually from Texas.
Allowing in 5,000 illegals per day isnt "working together in the Senate to improve the situation". :cuckoo:
The why is that Orange Piece of Shit P01135809 telling Republicans NOT to vote on the border deal.
No deal.

Veto the fucking thing.

Send the critters back to the drawing board.

With clear instructions this time.
Allowing in 5,000 illegals per day isnt "working together in the Senate to improve the situation". :cuckoo:
There are several provisions in the deal that can help improve the situation at the border. At 4,000 and 5000 crossings per day, additional powers would given to DHS to deal with the situation. All of new remedies don't currently exist and didn't exist under the Trump administration either. They are additional powers to help remedy issues at the border.... And nothing would stop future legislation from adding tougher provisions.

Trump obviously doesn't care about the border just himself.
You claimed he made some kinda border fix and that Dems undermined it.

Joe Biden to pause border wall construction, issue protections for DACA recipients and roll back other Trump immigration policies​

Biden Expands Trump-era Border Restrictions Once Again​

New Policy Will Further Limit Access to Life-saving Asylum

You lied… again
Show me an asylum seeker who genuinely needs asylum.

ONE will do.

Can you do it?
I don’t need to. Not my call to make that determination. But for whatever it’s worth, my girl volunteered with a group that does refugee relocation and many that she helped while she was involved were middle eastern informants who helped our military and who would be put to death if found by their governments or terrorist groups.

Joe Biden to pause border wall construction, issue protections for DACA recipients and roll back other Trump immigration policies​

Biden Expands Trump-era Border Restrictions Once Again​

New Policy Will Further Limit Access to Life-saving Asylum

Sorry jackass.. the claim was that Reagan did some kind of border fix and Dems undermined it

Keep up
In actuality, through congress and Fauci.

Just sayin'
I'm pretty sure that the president signs those bills. That would be Trump. Fauci worked for Trump, was given additional responsibility by Trump and was recognized with an award from Trump. Nuff said

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